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<br /> theraof ta,�onefi,�aary. Beneficiexy ehall be entitled to t�17. compe�nnation and
<br /> �ondeama�tion eMar�ip:arad other pn�+mants or relie� tharefor,.a��sci ,�hnll ba entitleel
<br /> to meke ai.y can�rams�� or set�lemene in conn�ectirnn with �ur.h �Aking or de�magn.
<br /> R].l �uch coa�penea�ion end canden�atirnn, eMSrdis, de�caegae, rig��e df ackic�n and
<br /> �rocae�� avarded to Trustors (tho "I�rac�ada") aro hcreby aoai�ned ta S�ncPiciazy; -------
<br /> r�nd Tsuata�x ngree to. exacute sucsh further. aosigi�mentu of Che Proceede e��
<br /> Bene�ic3azy or Tnxstoe may require.
<br /> 6. �PO_=T�'�,NP OF SUCCg330't2 TRU�T1tii. HqneEslaiary may, £rom tfine to time,
<br /> by a xritten in�trwn�erat exeauCed end acknoxledgad by �enef.iaiery, mailed xo
<br /> Tru�tor� anal recflr�ad in the Caunty in Mhioh th� Tru�t S�tste ie locdl:ad a�d by
<br /> oth�swi�� aa�pl.yiag N�th the pravii3o�s of the applicable la�w o� th� 8tat� og
<br /> al�u�car�ka �u��ef�:u�e a euacaa6ar ar atiu:aecorr to th� Trua�c� r�an�� ts�rn3n or
<br /> wct•ing hsz�undar. --
<br /> �, a�,x,c,��$,�,�g9 s�+� �ssic�NS_ rt�fo neea of� Truet appLiee rco, :nuree to the - -
<br /> loeasf�e of mnd bfnde ali partiee hereto, their hei�a, legatees, deviseea,
<br /> }per�onal repxeeentetivee, succeoaors and eeeigne. The term "HenePiciary" ehall
<br /> enean the or+raer and holdc+r o£ tlhe tYote, wheCher or not namQd ae Beneffciary -
<br /> �erein.
<br /> 8. ��9P8Ci'ION3. Seneficiary, or its agonte, repzesencativeB or worjs,ix�n, -
<br /> are auXhori..ed to enter at nny rensonebla time upon or in eny part of the TrueC
<br /> Eetate fox the purpoee of inspecting the oame snd for the purpoae of performin�
<br /> any of the acte it ie authorized to perform under the terme of any of the Loan
<br /> Tnatn+n_.gfta_
<br /> 9. E�IaNT3 Q!F O8D T. Any of Che following even�a ehall be deemed an
<br /> et�ent of default hereuncYor:
<br /> (a) Trustore ehall have failed to meke payment o£ any installment of
<br /> intexeet, psincipal, or principal and interest or any othor sum secured hereby
<br /> aY�en due; or, _—
<br /> (b? There hae occurred a br�sach or default under any term, covenant, F�"-
<br /> agreemen�, condizion, proviaion, represonta�ion, or warranty contained in any of I.-
<br />_ +Che Loan inetrumente. �`q-'
<br /> 10. ACCB�,BR1�►T2p�i QN_pBFAtTIlP. ADDIT=ONAL RI3t�DI,�S�. Should an event of
<br /> default occur, Sene�iciaxy may deciare all indebtedness eecured heroby to be due
<br /> ° and payAble, anc9 the eame aha11 thexeupon beavme due and payabie witliout any � T"�
<br />- presantment, demand, protoet, or notice of any kind. Thereafter the HeneEiaiary ��_="-"
<br /> _�-_
<br /> = may: -
<br />.- (a) Bither in pereon or by agent, with or wlthouC bringing any action qr ��L
<br />' pr�ceediag, or by a receiver appainted by a Court and rnithout regard to the
<br /> - adequacy of its securfty, enter upon and take poaseasion o£ the Truet Setnte, or -
<br /> any part therAOf, in its oxn neme or in tY�e name of Truetee, and do any acte -_
<br />- which it deeme neceesary or desirable to preserve the value, mar.ka�tability or
<br /> rentability of tho Truot 8etate, or parC thoreof or intereet therein, increase
<br />= the income thero�rom or protect the security hereof, and wi�h oz without takiag .,
<br />- poaseesion oP the Truet Batate, sue for or otherwise collar.t the rente, iseuos .'
<br />- and proEite ther�of, including thoae paet due and unpaid, and apply the eame,
<br />-_= lese coste and expenaeo of opexation and callection, including attorney's fees,
<br />,;.; upon any iridebtednose secured horeby, all in euch ordor as HenePiciary may
<br /> - deCermine. The dntering upon and taking poeseseiora oE the Truet I3ataCe, the
<br /> a collection �£ such rante, iseuoa and proPit� and the applir.ation thereo� ae
<br />_= pforeeaid, ehall not cure or v�aive sny de£ault or notice of default heroundar or
<br />-y invalidate any act done in raeponse to euch de�fault or pureuant to euch notico
<br /> �-� of default and, notwithrttanding the continuance in poeseoeion of tho Truet �etate
<br />-" or Che collection, recefpL• and applic�tion oE renee, iosuoe or profite, Truetee
<br /> -; or Seneficiary ehRll be entitled to exercise every right provided for in any of
<br /> .� the Lnan Inetrumento or by la�v upon occurrence of any event of default, including
<br />•,�i
<br /> the right to exerciee tho power of eale;
<br />;� (b) Conunence an action to faracloaH thio Deed of Truet t►e u mortgage,
<br /> 1��. �t Gi w�7 7.. wCw�.w� � wC �.t�� L�..��1. �
<br />:--_� ot.t...�..�. o .vw�oa� v� oN`ov��rvur�� v..rv...v w:� v� ....v .'�.v vuv:�o ..a.ova� ��`
<br />� (c) Deliver to Truatee a written dealarAtion of default and demand for
<br /> = eale, an8 a writton notice o£ dsfnult �8 elocticm to cauae Truetore' intoreet �
<br />�.� in ttie TrueC IIetate to be eoid, which notico Truntee �hall causo to be duly filed I
<br />� lfor record in the appropziaee Offiaial ReCOrds of thA County in which tho T�uet I
<br /> � t3otate id locatad.
<br /> _ �
<br />�
<br />�ar
<br /> _� 3
<br /> ��
<br /> ` I
<br />