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I I� �1 j w CN � --.__- <br /> i 1 � (l <br /> � ,., �� � .�' na <br /> � <br /> ,,.�, N .......� <br /> �n � <br /> rs � OLti � -� <br /> --� <br /> o=rn �,a �us� . ---- <br /> f�•� i1ay� aP !.l N�' . I� ' <br /> • T�l�� DSTsD OF `TFiUJSx io m�ac�a ae o� t�e y��� :�9�5,.�Y,S' .a�nd ��;?� <br /> ��unnng NYLLARD D. TI�fr89T�R an�1 EtA"3t�33xT�y C• TROES'I;s�t, Y.uebtsnd and wa�e �ae jain� � <br /> t�onante, jointiy an�l, ("7l:'QSTORS"), whae� mailing addr�a� fo: 2.a�5 � G <br /> ����'•.� xIe�ilnnd Drive, Cirand ielnn8, NebrAdka �SQ803 j <br /> ,..r,s;.,� <br /> . _;_ ^s.�. • _ <br /> '=-;,�,� t►nd DUANS A. BURNS� Attorney, ("TRUSTSB"), whose mai.ling aridreee ig: P. U. Dox <br /> ;,,�, 2300, f3rand Teland, Nebrneka 68�02r — <br />� �-.:s�v+uc�l.a ��..._ <br /> and ROaSRT J. aARTNBR, a aingle person, ("BBti�BICIAAY"), �hoea� ma�ling addreaa <br /> ---- ie: �17 N. 9hady eend itoad, f�r�snd Ieland, Nebrattka 6A�01 . �- <br /> FOR V'ALVA�7L8 �ONSxD$RATYON, Truat4re irrevoeably tranefer, convey, and <br /> aeeign to Truete�, IN TRq3T, WYTH HOiJ6R OH 8AL8, !or the benetit a�n4 eaaurl.ty ox <br /> -- = Benesiciery, uudvr and euiyja�e t� �tl6 i.t7i7�ly diit�i va i.iii'`v flvvu u� LIr�i1YV� �_---- <br /> Lhe xeal property located in the City o� arand IelanQ, Cou�nty of Hsll, 9tata o! _ <br /> INebra.ekn, end legally 8eecribe8 ae folloxe: (the "property��) : <br /> A tracr. oP land comprieing e part of Prac�tionai =At Three f3) , ali <br /> oE Fractionai t,o� Four tai and �rractionaZ I+oL Pive i�i, ail 'vaing an <br /> � Frac�ionel Dlook Nineteen (19) in Sonnia Hrao Addition to the City <br /> w----.� oE C3rand island, HaZl County, Nebrnska, an8 n part oP Frac�ianni Lot - <br /> -'�'W°��� �o (2) , ali oE Fractional Lo� 7,`hree (3) an8 Fxactionnl Lat Four ° <br />��°- (9� , all being in 8xactional Siock Two (2), Kernotisn and Decker�s • <br /> _�`"__`_�'� Add�tion to the City of Cirand Ialand, Hall County, Nabrneka, said ' <br /> -_-_-�`�' tract more particularly described ae fo].lowe: :- <br /> _�,;`ae� �`_ <br /> �:,.. <br /> =_¢'-'�`� Fleginnin,q at u point on the norCh line of said Bractional 81ock .-f+.,,R <br />- ?! Nineteen (19) . gaid point being One Hundrerd Twenty-two and Forty- �;.:__.- <br />-���:��•�•T J., three Hundredthe (122.43) �eet west of the northeaet cornAr of eaid �,; <br /> '�=_��-�����"'� Fractional Block Ninoteen (19) , and aleo being a point on the ��-. <br />_^='1�9i�.51 � prolongation of. the west faco of ari ex�.eting building; thence E3_-Y <br />'�"�•°a� running rveeterly, along and upon the north line of eaid 8raational �' "` <br /> ����:3 Block Ninoteen (19) , a 8ietance of One Hundrad Forty-one and Forty- `�'' <br />-.•:T:���`� seven Hundredthe (191.47) f.eet to the northwesC corner of eaid ''_ <br /> �'� Fractional Block NineCeen (19) thence running eoutherly, along and '"` <br /> -�;„�-�� <br /> °"' - upon thv weet line oE eaid Fractioaai Block Nineteen (19) and the <br /> ;�_.,.,.,��"� weet line of aaid Fractional Block Two (2) , a dietance of One � ' <br />-:"' � , Hutxc9red Thirty-two (132.0) feet to the eouthwest corner of � <br /> .•=j Fr actional Lot Four f4) , o£ eaid Fractional Slock�o (2), and also � <br />`�--��' being a point on the norCh lix�e of a Sixteen (16.0) foot wide alley; <br />-�-°�'�= thence rwnning easterly, alan� and upon tho north l ine of e�id <br /> =:.='�� <br /> ;rr,,,, alley, a distance o£ One Huzidred Forty-one and Thirty-two Hunci�:edthe <br /> -•� • (1A1.32) feot to a point, esid point being One Hundred �centy-three <br />'�.��4"-���� '� and Fifty-three Iiundra�the (123.53) faet west o£ the southeaet <br />`�,�;:.�.� corner of Lo� One (i), in said Fractional Slock NiueCeen (19) , eaid <br /> ±.':`:�;,,-,,, point aleo being nn xhe �rolongation of the aeet face of an exieting <br /> - ""'''" buiiding; thence running northerly, along and upon the prolongation <br /> -, ,'� ;• of the weet fAae of an exieting building and aleo nic�ng r�nd upon the <br /> :�;;k _,,, west face of e�id exiatfng building, a dietance of Ono Hundred �tvo <br /> „ _ .� �� and B�.ghty-eevon Hundredths (102.87) feet to the south face of an <br /> .•. �.... . <br /> .� ::�' , concreCe etoop and �tops; thence running waaterly, along <br /> -;,,:, . and upon the south face oE eaid oxiQting concrete stoop and stepe, <br /> „� �� a dietance o£ rour and Three Hundroc3the (4.03) feet to the weat face <br /> '�'�"'°��• of oai.fl exinting concrato stoop and etepe; thenco running northerly, I <br /> �::�.�. ,. � ' a�ong and upon tlie weet face of said exieting c:oncrote etoop and <br /> � otepe, a dietance of Elevon and 'i�renCy-eix Hundredths (11.26) foeC � � <br />��'" ��` to the north face of eaid exieting concrete etoop and stepe; thonco � <br /> �.������;:� runniag eaaterly, along and upon the north face o:f eaid existing I <br /> � conarete etoov and etoge, a dietance of Four and Three Hundredthe I <br /> - ' °° (4.03) feet to Che west gace o2 oaid oxiating building; thence f <br /> .:..,�+� running norCherly, along and upon �he woat fac.o of aaid exiating � <br /> _ ' building and its prolongation, a dietance of Sevantoen and Sighty- � <br />.. : ,;,^,;;.' seven HundrodL•hB (17.87) Eeet tc� the point of begiruiing. I <br /> - � � ----------_..__ TOC�BTHFRWiTH ctil rents, easemonts, appurtenances, hosaditamento, intozeAte � <br /> . in adjoining rouda, otroota and alleyo, improvemente and buildinge of any lcind � <br /> eituated thereon and a11 pexsonal prop�rty that may ba or hereafter bacomo an � <br /> , intoyral part of auch buildinge and i.mprovementg. ' <br /> , i <br /> , • The proporty and the ontire eatate and intarogt conv�yed to the Truetee are <br /> �:� " roferred to colloetiv�ly as tho "Trust Setaee". � <br /> :t�d`E'. 1 <br /> . I <br /> j <br /> �. <br />