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<br /> - 1?.'Prwi�Ccr uf the Property ar u Aenel7cls�11�3teeest In liorcower.EF nll or nny nart of thc Praperty ur nny:�terc�t in i:
<br /> is sold or transferrcd(ur if n bcnctir,ial i��tcrest in Bnrrowcr is sold or trunsfcrrai und Horrawcr is nut a►natural persnn)wltbout
<br /> l,endcr's prior vn•ittcn consent, l�;nrlcr may, nt its opti�n, requirc immedinte payment in fuU af ull swns sccured by thib
<br /> = Sccurity Ins�runxnt.tiawever,thf.s optlon shall nut bc ex�rci�ed by Lender if er.erci�is praleiblted by fodetal luw as of the c�uta
<br /> _____ _ uf Ihis Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> —__.
<br /> - If�ndcr cxcrci,ev tl�is up�io>>,I.c:udcf•���all �ivc fi�»��uwir u�itic,, uf acc�lc�•ation.Thc noticc sh:a,ll�rmvi��a per�n R ilni
<br /> — Iess ttiun 3�days fram the date tlie notice is delivered or mnileil within wbich 8c�rrower must pay ull sums secunxl by tl�is
<br /> Sccurity Instn►mcnt.If 8orrower fuils tu pay these sums prior so the cxpirntion of thic perial, I.ender may invnlcc a�iy ren�ies
<br /> _��y� permiucd by this Security Instrumcnt withaut furthcr uoticc nr dcmaixl�n f3ottower.
<br /> 18. 13r�rrower'� Riqht to Rtinstatc. If Borrowcr mcets ccnain conditions. Borrowcr shali have thc rlght to have
<br /> = cnforcement of this 5ect�ri.y instrume�it discontinued at nny time pdor to thc c;arlicr of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as
<br /> applicable law ma3� npccify for rcinstatement) betore sale of tlic Property pursuant to arry power of sale contained in this
<br />- "`` °^—-= Secarity Instrument;or(b)entry af n judbment enforcing this Sccuriry Inst�atment Those camiitions are that Horrower: (�i)payc
<br /> — Lend�er all sums which then would be duc under this Security L�strument and the No�e as if no accelemtion had occurreel; (b) c
<br /> �-� cures any defnult af nny other cuvenunts or agreements; (c)puys all expenses incuned in enforcing this 5ecurity [nstrument.
<br /> ���"� including, but nat limitcd to, reasonable attomcys' fcGC; and(d)takcs such action As I.cnder may reasonably rcyuire to nssure
<br /> that d�e lien of tliis Security Instrument, Lcnder's rights in the Property aud Horrowcr's obligation to pa.y the sums secutcd by
<br /> this Security Instcument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Horrower. this 5ecutity tnstrwnent �md the
<br /> ___ obligations secured hereby shull remuin fully effective as if no acceleration had occurr,d. However,this nght to reinstate shall
<br /> nat apply in the case af acceleration under paragraph 17. .
<br /> - --- � 19. Snlc of P:ote; Chnnge of l.oan Scrvlcer. The Note or a pactial interest in thc Nute (tubether wlth tt�i� Security °
<br /> — Instrument)may be sold one or more times�vidiout prior notice to Borra�var.A sale may result in a changc in the entity(known
<br /> --_ �^=� as the"Loan Servicer") that collects mon[iify payments due under[ha IJote anJ[iils Secu�ity 1ii�uuincr,t.Thcr::al;a ma,y 6c on:. ___
<br /> ._.-.•_-_ - _ ar more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelmed to a snle of the Note.If therc is a chinge of the I.oan Servicer, Ronnwer wiU be _
<br /> -�N� given written nodce of the change in accordance �vith paragraph 1'1 above 1nd applicable lativ. The notice will state the name und
<br /> __.;T;����� add4�:�s of the new I.oan Sesviccr and the address to which pAyments should be mnde. Thc notice wiii nlsa cantnin nny othcr ___-..,
<br /> - in�o.rmation required by applicable law. ___
<br /> —__-_ �0. Hnzardous Substances. Borrower shall not causE ar permi[ the presence, use, dispusal, storage, or rele�se of any °°___
<br />__=;;;.;.,,r�°;� clnzurduus substances un or in tier P�opc�iy. �,�,�uwc, ,LaU nat da, ncr alla�;� anyone else to do, anythen� effectina the �-
<br /> -�:,a�; Property that is in violation of any Cnvironmentul Luw. Thc prece�ing twu sentences shall not apply ro thc presence, use. or
<br />.,:'�ar��tua��ti starage an the Frap�.rty of smull yuantities of Harardous Substances that are gencrally recognized to be appropriate to normal _
<br />__;,.�W,,;i residenti�l uses and to maintenance of the Praperty.
<br />--�t�•?�- . Borrower shall promptly give [xnder written notice of any invcstigntion, daim, demaad, lawsuit or other action by any
<br />__:�_����.� govcrnmental or regulatory agency or private pany involv:ng Uie t'roperty anu any i�azartious�ubs[ancc��r Envirocunrcitai i..uw
<br /> _�r���� ^- of�vhich Borrower hus nctual knowlcd c If Borrowcr Icarns, or is notificd b an ovcrnmcntal or rc uluto authorit thut
<br /> �.`r„r 8 • Y Y 8 S rY Y�
<br />-:�:•'•'` , : any removal or other remeciiation of any Htuardous Substunce affectin�;the Prnpeny is necessary, Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> � ���•�n�. all necessury rcmedial nctions in necordance with Gnviromnentul I.uw.
<br />':����� ` � Az uscd in this p<iragraph 20, "Haznrdou, Substsmres" arc thuse substnnces defincd ns u�xic ar hnx;►rdous substanccs by
<br />=�r�:�rt7�;y�j Eiivironmcutal l.:iw und thc iollmving tiuhsnmccs: gnsalinc, kcrascnc, othcr Iln►nrnablc or tuxic petr�►lcwn prcxtuct�, t��xic
<br />_����j pcsticidcs and hcrbicfdes,vulutilc zolvcnts, niatcrinls containin�;nsbcstos or formuldchydc, und r+idivactivc matcrials.As uscd in �
<br /> this puragrapl� 2�, "F.nvirnnmentttl l.;►w" mcans fcdcr,�l lu�vs and law, of thc juriadictfuu whcrc th� Nroperty is locatal ti�ut
<br />-=-°4V".'•`�".t:�_ � rclutc to hcalth,si�fcry ur cnvirunmcntul protcctiun. =�-
<br />�'��'•-=����: NON-UPlIfORM CUV�nANTS. Hnrr�iwc�•und I.cndcr furthcr cuucnitnt��nd agrcc i�ti ti,lluw�. <<-_-
<br />""`-�"������ 21. Aeceleratlon; Reme�lles. l.ender shull �Ive notlec ti�Rorro�ser prlor tu �icceleruttun fnllotvin{,liorrnwer's breueh
<br /> � �,:-_-
<br /> :;-��i�:"•;?i�,' �",�•
<br /> ,;.,... �, � �►f nny covcnant or aprecme��t in t!:!a 4s�curity Instrument (b�it not prior to uccclrrntla� under p�rrn�;rnph Y7 unies9 �_
<br />""��'��kti;+, �ppltc�ble la�v provtdcs otherwfsQ).The nnttce sl�ull speciPy: (a)tl�e defa�dt;(b) the ueNon rcqulred tu curc the defnult; =__
<br /> "`��-1-•� � (c)�dute�nut less tl�un 30 duys from the dute thc nntfce fc�iven to I3m•rowcr, by whlch thc default must be cured; and �-.���
<br />,_ _ . ar:••.� —
<br /> =' -'���'" (d) that failu��e to cure tl�e dePault on or befbre the rlate specif�ed in the nottce muy result in uceelerution of the sums ��'_`.
<br />-�."`�• secured by this 3ecurity Irostrument und sale of the Property. Tl�e notice shull tLrti�er infnrm Borrower uf the riqht to ���''
<br />�'�"'`��� rett�s4ate after neccleratian und thc rlght to brtn� u court uction to u.uert the non-existence uf a default ar any other , __
<br />;r.;:�y:��`
<br /> �.F��:p defense of Borrow•er to uccelerntlon and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in tlie notice, '.�_`4;.
<br /> [.ender, at Its optlon. muy require Immedipte p�yment in full of a!! sums sccurcd by thtti Securlty Instrument without • ":"
<br />" . . ,,. . further demand aud may invoke thc power of sale und uny other remedies perm[tted by nppltcable law. [xnder shall be ".,
<br /> entitled to collcct all expenses incurred(n pursulnF the remedies provided In this para�rnnh Z1,includin�,buf not lim�ted •
<br /> . _'� `' �: to.reasonable attorncys'fees nnd wsts of title evidcnce.
<br /> , ��r, �;�� If the power uf r�ele is invoked. Trustee shall record u notice of dcfault ln cucl� caunty in�tihtch any p�art of the
<br /> • PrapeMy is locuted nnd shall mail copies of such nntice In the munner prcwcribed by nppl[cnble law to Rorro�ver nnd to
<br /> � ' �`���• the other persons prescrlbPd bv uppl[cable I►»v.After the time required by nppl[cubl�law,Trustee shull give publ[c notice
<br />``-; �?�;,,.,':.'`=� � of sale to tl�e persons as�d�n tlie mnnner presc�ibed by applicxble IA�Y. Tr�stce, without demand on Borrower, sh�q sell
<br /> • -��'�„ "' ..•. I the 1'roperty s►t public uuction to the hiqhest bidder at the time nnd pls�ce nnd under the tcrms desi�nated in the nottce of
<br /> . � . sAte In one or more parcels nnd in any nrder Trustec determin�. Trustee may �x�stpone sule of ull or any purcel of the
<br /> . Property by publlc unnouncement at the time And pince of any previously scheduled snle. I.eizder or its desi�nec mny
<br /> ." _ '�' pm+chnse the Propertv at any siile.
<br /> .'iy.
<br /> . • • '�
<br />-_ .. . I
<br /> -__ _ _ 9y� � Form 3028 9/90
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