, ,,. :; . .. ;,,.
<br /> �;•.:
<br /> i�f i'vrie.,.�,lirk!�M. m�-• - ._ ...v_�,-—-
<br /> � f. .��;6��. , • . ..�_. _ -. '--��._.
<br /> .. u�.y.,__ .�.� - - -
<br /> _...___.—T_.— ----- -�------__ -- ---_. . ._._. .., — � � •�
<br /> —�.�--�-urs . �
<br /> .—..w;r»iea�irti•.j
<br />._---�..:-___ .' -- ...� �`CRtc,•• <<-_�.
<br /> -- . ._ .---� c��... s�,l!Yt•rsc.�f�r_) r+�;-
<br /> .�� fl, H�x�r�tous M�fMi�.TruNar shKl!k�p th+Propkly i�oqmPltance with eti kpplkebNi I�w�.s�rdtnancr4�r�d rpui�lk�ns
<br /> -- r�l�tlnp b InduWrinl hypl�ns or smironm+tr�t�i prat�r.tlon(��u�y r�f�rr�d tio horoln es"F.e�vironm�nl�I Lawi"p:7ruc�a�t►iN! •
<br /> � ksap th�Prap�rfg Ir�from all wbit�tzw�d�emad to bs he�zardou�or tc�Kia under�ny�nviranment�l l..�wp(call�cCvWy rN�rrnd kr
<br /> h�ratn u"Narudou�MaMrial�'�.T��NOr h�r�by w�rr�ntr uW npr�e�nb eo l�ncN►H►rt tl�n�r�no fiarardow I�AMw1�M vn or
<br /> under th�Prop�rty.7'ruator h�r�by cprsa�td Ind�mnly�nd hotc0 ha�rmlM��.�Inrkr,lb direat��ca,ofHr,en,emplayres And��,u►c!
<br /> _ - _ , �ny sucts�ors to L�ruirr'r�nbr�,ira��i Keul c,�j�b�i.i iuiy:��n:w{I al.l��c�:,c:d�a:{h.w l�.:.::::.;:d 11:::,;l�w::c::l::�.r!�i r::��.-.:.:::::.::::."� •
<br /> th�Pr�nc�, uH.dl�c�l c�r tnn�pnrt c1�ny Flwrdou�MiMbrbii�l 4n, under.hom or about tha Propsrty.THE.FpFi�GC�MrQ
<br /> 10. Aa{ye�nt ol R�nb�.Truttor hersby ae�lyn�W L�nd�r th�r�r,te,lu+les and profib�of tht Rra��xty;pro+rfc9�d 1h�/7vusfor
<br /> �h�l l,until the occurs�nc�01�n Evmt�t Aei�ult hereundar,h*v�th�riprt to co(loct�nd rtteln wch r�nW,liaues and proMe�s tMy
<br /> i�como due arrJ pay�ble.Upon the ocaurrsnce of�n Hv�nt of Detault,Lsndor m�y,sither In psrwn or by�p�n�wlth�r witha+t
<br /> - � bringlnp�any acQan ar p�acaxllrt�,or Gy a rectiver e�Qolnted hy e court�nd without►eQard to the�deq�.x!cy M N3 ew:t�ri�,e�n�x
<br /> u�and tak�poseettlan of Me Propsrty,or eny paR thersof,In Ib own name or In ttro name nl ths Truate«,and do any�cU�wh�h It
<br /> cleema nrcetsary or desirebts to preserve thevatue,marke4ablUry or ren4abliltyr ot the Propsrty.or�ny pe►f tlHrsnf or InisrMtthenin.
<br /> ; Increusa the IncOme theretrom or protect the aecurity hereof end,with or withaut tskinp po�xastlon of the Prop�rty,�w for or
<br /> othsnvi�e colloct tha rr,nt�,I�auen er�d proflis thereoi,Includinp thaae past dre and unpald,end npply tha sams,lees casb a�d
<br /> -• expente�ot operation and collecUon inctuding ettorneye'feea,upnn any Indebtednees eeCUred hereby,nll in such order ea l.endler
<br /> —! may determine.7he enteriny upo�5 and teklnD posai+aslon ot ths Properly,ths collacUon of such rents,Issues anci proH9s�nd the
<br /> �RF���tlon thereof ea aforosald,ehall not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or Invalldate any e.t done In
<br /> - ,; resp:.rsw to�uch d�iaulS or pur.uantta such noti�e of�etault end,not�lthet?n�ing the ronNn�!rnce In n��,se3ai�n�t thn Pmnsrty or
<br /> _ —i the�ollectlon,recelpt and appllcatlon of renis,isaues ar profita,and Trush+e and Lender ehAU be er,:ttle 't0 OXEt �Je 9VBq ►IDht r
<br /> ___��y_� prrnridadtoNnanyoftheLo�nDocumentsurbplewupona:curronceofanyEvantofDoYauit,includinQwfthoutli�rffigLanthed�htt� _
<br /> - ____,___� exercise the p�wsr ot eate.Further,Lender's rights and remadies under thie pare�reph shap 6o curti��tativo rvith,e�nd tn no wny e
<br />- - ---•-�--3 Iimitarionon,Lendr�r'a►Ighleend�emedtesunderenyassignmentofles.s�landrentarerordeda��a���lthe�Propertyr.!_enc��r,Tr�iet6o
<br /> and the recelver shsll be Ileble t�account onry thwe rents actunlly received.
<br /> �_�� 11. Ev�nta of D�uN.The tottowUfl shall�onetitute en Edent at�etault under thi�Deed of Trus� ,
<br /> :--� (a) Fallure to pay eny Inatallmen4 at princlpml or Intereat af any oLher sum eecur�d hereby when due; ,
<br /> �`"�'°=-�� lb) A breach of ordelault undarany provlsion contafned in the Note,thla Deed otTn�st,sny of the Loen Documente,orany —
<br />_�`�-„R„�,��:�; other fien qr encumbrenca upon the Property;
<br /> --�_:_� (c) A writ of executlon or ettachment or any simllar process ehall bo entered agafnst Trustor whlch shall became e Ilen on
<br /> �_��"� the Property or any portion thereof or Interest theroin;
<br /> � (d) 1'here ehatl be filed by nr aga(nst Truator or Borrower nn aatlon under any prosent or tuture 1'ederel,atete or otheP
<br /> statute.law or rapulaUon relatin(1 to bankruptclr,Insolvency or other rellei for dabtorA;or there shall be appointed any truatee,
<br /> - •` recefver or Ilquidatar oi Trustor or Borrower or o!all o►any paR ot the Propa►ty,or the rente,issues or proftts thereol,or Trustor
<br /> --.-_.n.4�"'"� �, or Borrower shall mako any general esslgnment fqr the benefit oi creditore;
<br />-`_-- _ •• , (e) The,sale,transfer,lease,aeslgnment,conveyance or turther encumbrence of all cr any part of or sny intosest In the
<br /> ,_��,_��;�� `i Propsrty, efthar volunterily or Involunttarlly, without the express wrltten consent of Londer,provided thet Trustor ehs�ll me
<br /> _____ permitted to execute a lease of the PropeRy that does not contain an aptlon to purchase and the term of which dooe not excedd
<br /> _--.a.-=_�;, • � one year;
<br />----_-�-�g•� . ! (Q Abandonme�t ot the Praperly;or
<br /> --��� (q) H Trustor is nat an Individual,the Isouance,salo,trctnster,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a total
<br /> -=�ir 3i�,=:��
<br />-r�a�•�•L���"�I of,�, percant of(If a corporatlon)Ite Issued end outstandiny stock or(It e pnrtnership)a total of percent of
<br />=�° +�-"_,�_"'��, I pArtnership interos4s ddring the perlod thls Deed o}Trust remains a Ilen on the Property. --
<br />- _°=-���c:rr};"'��; � 12. R�rtt�dNs;AccNtratlan Upo»DNauiL In the event oi any Event of Default Lender mey,without no!!ce except es requlred tty
<br /> '�=• law, declare ell Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable end the samo shali theroupon become due And payable --
<br /> -:.��'Z•
<br /> :-E,�s�Y:��g:_.. wfthout any presentmont,demand,protest or notice oi any kind.Thereatter Lender may.
<br />'"�?'?'�%'.�''` (a) Demand that Truatee exercise the POWER OF SALE grant�d hereln,and Trustee ahall thoreatter cause Trustor'R r._.-
<br /> r"':u,s,:,�Lu�.�, interest In the Property to be sold end the proceeds to be dlstributed,all fn the manner provided in th�Nebraskfl Trust Deeds o:�-��-
<br /> -.3�c� ' ; A� �"=Y
<br /> ��''���.• (b) Exercfseanyandellrightspro�ridedforinanyoftheLoanDocumentsorbylawuponoccurrenceofanyEventofDetault; -
<br />���s,"��'� ancl
<br /> ��'=
<br />' ' (c) Commence an ection to forecloso thls Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appolnt a recelver,or specfficaily enforce eny of the F �'
<br /> _ ;i.�s
<br /> `"':.�;; ,- covenants hereot. E�r,;l"
<br />: "'="�t�A� No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is Intended to be excluaive of any other remedy hereln,fn the •�
<br />� " '��' � " Loan Documenta or by law provDded or permitted,but each shall be cum�lative,shall be In additfon to every other remedy given '-��"
<br />� : '��_ '"'�,�1' hereunder,fn tho lopn Documents or now or hereatter existing et law Qr in oqulty or by statute,and may be exercissd concurrentiy, "
<br /> ,. -z independently or succassively.
<br /> ' : ;� 13. Trustee.The Truatee may resign at eny time without cause,and londer may et any time and wiihout cause appofnt a "
<br /> ' "�' ° succossor or substitute Tru�tee.Trustee shall not be Iiable to any party.Including without Ilmitation Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any ,
<br /> . � �� purchaser oi the Property,for eny loss or damage unlese due to reckless or wlllful misconduct,end�hall not be required to teke any „
<br /> .� � actlon In connectlon with the enforcement of this Deed of Trust unless IndomniNed, In w�iting,for all costa,compensatlon or
<br />: : • � ' :-� expenses which may be asaoclated therewith.In additlon,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Properry Qudiclal or
<br /> �• s under the powor of sale granted hereint; poatpone the sale of ali or any portlon of the Property,es pravtded by lew;or sell the
<br /> � ^` ' Property as a whole,ar fn sopxrato parcels or lots at 7rustee's dlscretfon.
<br /> � ��•�; ' 14. Faat and ExpQnset.in the event Truatae solls tho Property by exercise of power of sale,Trustee ahall be entitied to apply
<br /> , , eny sale procesds first to paymontof atl costs and expenses oi oxerctsing power of sele,including all Trustee's fees,and Lender's
<br /> end Truafeo's attorney's fees,actually inc�rred to extent pe�mltted by appllaable;aw.In tho event Borrower or Trustor exercises any
<br /> right provided by law to cure an Event of Detouit,l.ender ahall be entitled to recover irom Truetor nll coots and expenses actually
<br /> .. � Incurred as a resuit of 7rueto►'s defeult, including without Ilmitatlon$11 Trustee's and attorney's fees,to the extent permitted by
<br /> � applfcable law.
<br /> � 16. Future Advancei.Upon requost of Borrower,Lender mey,at Its optlon, make additlonal nnd tuture advances and re-
<br /> � � adv�nces to Borrower.Such advances anci readvances,with Interest thereon,shall be secured by thls Daed of Trust At no time shali
<br /> the nrincfnal emount of the Indebtedness secured bv thla daed ol7rust not Includino sums advanced to arotect the socurftv of thls
<br /> = --=,- _
<br />, -- _- .,- _ .
<br /> Deed ot Trus�exceed the orfglnai princlpal amount stated herein,or�u whichever is greater. {
<br />• 16. MltcNlansoa�Provblons. I
<br /> (a) Bor�ower Not Relersed.Extenslon of the tfine tor payment or modlfication of amortizatlon oi the sums secured by this i
<br /> � Oeed of Trust granted by Lender to eny successor in Intereat of Borrawer sholl nat operete to release,In any manner,the Ilabfliry �
<br /> . of tho oritilnal E�orrowor and 8orrower's eucce�sors in fnterest Lender shall not be requlred to commence proceedings agafnst
<br /> •• such successo�or refuse to extend ttmo tor payment or othArwlse modlfy amort(tatfon o1 the sums secured by thla Deed oi Truat �
<br /> by reason of any demanda made by the orlglnai Borrower and Bnrrower's succnssors in interest ,
<br /> " I (b) Lendsr'�Powsn.Wtthout aftecUng the Ilebllity of eny other peraon Ifable for the payment of any ob�igatlon herefn i
<br /> mentlonod,end without affecting the Ilen or cherge of thls Oeed oi Truet upori eny portlon ol the Froperty not then or theretofore �
<br /> � �etoasod as seauriry for the full amount of ell unpald obllgatlons,Londer mey,irom time to tlme and wfthout notice(i)releaao nny
<br /> I person so Ifabl9,(II)extend tho maturity oralter any of the terma of any such obligation�,(f if)grant other indulgencas,(iv)retease �
<br /> or�econvey,or cause to be reloasod or reconveyed at any time at Lender's optlon any parcel,portion or all of the Proporty, �
<br /> ' (v)take or releasa any other or additional security tor any obligat:on hereln mentloned,or (vl) meke compositiona or other �
<br /> arrangements with debtore In relatton thereto. ;
<br /> i
<br /> `
<br /> I
<br /> �__
<br />