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<br /> - � DEE�U��'RUSI" IRE•RECORCr� �.
<br /> b 9 5_ �.a�
<br /> __ -- � 27th April , �p 95
<br /> TH19 D�E�QF TRUST,made 1hb d�y of
<br /> d� bywdwrweq Sharon K. Knep� and J'errv M Knepp husband and wi�e as j oint zenants �
<br /> (pwrNn�7n,aor•);w,d Dennis J. Green. Attornev -- _____ �
<br /> -- .wf�oss m�wnp�dd�t N 116�� l�t�bor &i.k�e� \� .°
<br /> Unahe. N�__fi8144 \
<br /> � •••�-,.�r�d (h�r�in•Tru�t�s•):ar.d AssnciaL•es F11ltllil:.Ldt SCL VLtl'.:J ComPFilly of Neoraska Inc. � .r=
<br /> ---___ _-= vrt+e..meN�n�wddrNrw i� 12103 W. Center Road _ _
<br /> _ _ Omaha, NE 68144 ._ __
<br /> �_--� .�cn.r�•e.�.r�►r�y
<br />�:V�t•".C� FOFi YpLUi►Clt C�iVSII�t�ATIC�L iruNor xnvocabiy yrwti�►� tieris�.�o.cwi•r��s��,,.�`.ar.��Tr-_':'�,f!!�',:'_'-T.�:':!T" -
<br /> -� POWER OF SAIE,to�Ih�bxNTit�nd Mcuriry of B�nsfie�ry,und�rand subJrctto Ma tsrm��nd conditions althf�D��d ot ltus�tho
<br />----�,",�,,,�,� toNowtnp d��aib�d nal pro�ty.toc�t�d in Hall County�M�bruk�:
<br /> .�
<br /> -°..�,;��a
<br />._._sr�p�"—�'-g—O Lot 2� Block 16, West Park Add3tion to Grand Island. Hall County. Nelrraska. •
<br /> _ `'. °t
<br /> m`s�."x � '�.
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<br /> �-`r;'�"?•" TOC�ETHER YYITH,all nnl�. profib,royalti�s,tncom�nnd oth�r b�n�fih dulwd irom th�nnl proMrty:W Mams a suENuN �`='�
<br />--`.-==•i�!�s�i; -
<br /> - wvsrfny the real proporty or nny portbn th�rwL naw or h�naft�r sxist3np or snt�nd I�to,end all right,tRN and'mlontt of Truttor
<br />_'"��=�-:,-; thonund�r,nU fnt�r�sts,ssGt�or other ctalms,both in law nnd In squiry,whkh Trustor now has or muy h�netbr�equin in th�nad �`:;
<br />;';�';..;�(r���• ' praperiy;nil aas�m�nte,righteot+xay,ten�m�nte,henditemante nnd appurtennnces thereof nnd thoroto;ail oil and��rFghta anc!
<br /> ����y`��;';��; profita,weter riphts and wnt�r stock;nil right,tip�and intenst of Trustor,now owned or hsnatter acquind, in and to any le�nd ty;ng `�
<br />- � withtn th� rigM-ot-way of eny strNt ar highway ad]oininq the renl propeAy;any nni tll buildinga. Tatura9. Improvem�nb, end `
<br /> • appurt�nnnas now or hsr�Ear oncted thQnon or b�bnging thento,(horein ruMrred ta aa'Improvom�nt°or'Impro�ymsnb');nnd
<br /> nny and nIi ewards mndo for th�taking by eminent domatn,or by nny procaedinp or purehase in Ueu therwt,oi th�whol�or eny part
<br /> " r�=._ of th� real prop�rty.All af Ih� torepaing estnte.property and Interest canveyed to 7ruatee heroin colNcthrsty uhrted to n�ths
<br />_ ,�
<br /> • 'Property'.
<br /> � �;�`�"�`x FOR THE PURPOSE aF SECURIN(3:
<br /> � • {a Tho ay nt f Ind I�d sp o n d by tpr'e not�o herawilh In th� pdnci e f i hteen-
<br /> • � �Thou�an"cr, �ro-�unc�red.'��i°rtv I�o��.ars an���'�8�---------t)o�tnro(f��.�8• ^E�
<br /> 4 '1�. roa•m�r with Int�n�t at th�rnt�or mts�provtd�d therein, or Ihs prtnclpnl and fetenst on nny tuturo edvancen �videne�d by
<br /> c'�+;,' . : promissory notes etnU�p th�y nr�aeeurod hereby,(hera(n'Nob'or•Notas')and any and nll ronowals,modificaUone and sxtenalons
<br /> ";t,�,�:t�•Y of such Nob,both principal end intararst on the Nob beinp payabN In eccordance with th�Usrma sat fort�i therein,rolerence to whfch
<br /> ' � is h�r�6y mnda. �
<br /> *.
<br /> y (b)Ths�rfotmanc�of o�ch egre�m�nt and covsnan4 ot Tru�tor horoin eonin!n�d;end
<br /> � .,�•,. (c)The paymant of any eum or sums of mon�y wlth interost theroon whkh mey ba heret¢tter paid or edvanced u ndor the tatma of th!s i
<br /> ''{;:_'r: Dood ot TrucL
<br /> 1. PAYMENT OF RRINCIPAL ANO INTEREST. Trustor shNl promptly pny whtn due the pnnCpal of and Interest on the '
<br /> _' f��., fndebtedn�sa evidanced 6y tho Note,nrtd ell othmr charpea end fera es provkled in ths Noto,end Ne prfnclpal of end tntor�st an nny i
<br /> ---,T •--= runire itdvancea necured'oymia uweu ai�rusi.
<br /> �
<br /> ' •� 2. WARRANTY OF TiiLE. 7ruator y IawtLiy e�ized and poss�teed ot good and Ind�l�asibb titis end astat�to Ihs Proparty �
<br /> • hsreby convay�d and has Ihe riyht to prnnt and wnvsy tho Prop�rty;ths Prop�rty Is fn��d cknr of all litna nnd encumbrenc�a
<br /> ., oxcwpt liene now ot record:nnd Truslor will werrent nnd defand the titir to th�properry neelnat nil clelms nnd dernnnds.
<br /> ". 3. MAINTENANC�AND CqMPLtANCE WITki LAWS.Trustor shcll k�ep th�Rrop�rty in good repNr and aondAion end thall not
<br /> commit waste or pormft fmpelrmsnl or dobrbsatlon of thA Prope�ty nnd ehall oompy with the provJslom of eny kass if thim D��d of
<br /> •• Trust is on e bas�hol�.No Improwmant now or henaR�r encted upon l�e property shall be e8ered,romoved or d�molah�d wdhout
<br /> tha pNOr ucrittm conaQnt of Bemfic!ary. Truator nhell campy wiih NI lawo, ordinanc�a ngulations, covartenU, canditions end
<br /> roalrictione efFading tha P�op�rty nnd not cammit,suN�r or permd nny nct to bo don�fn or upon tho Prop�rty in vblaLOn of nny law,
<br /> • ordinanca,ngulatron,covsnen�condRian or naVistion.Truttor shnll campl�t�or natorw pramoUy nnd In good wo�kmenhk�manner
<br /> . cny Improvem�nt on th� Property whlch may b�damagrd or desUoyed end pey, wh�n dus, eil clNmo tor labor p�dormed end
<br /> mat�riab feimieh�d th�tr�fon end tor any nRuetbn�th�noL
<br /> ORIGIHAL(t) '
<br /> co�an nEV.�-0s N.c:au. BOAR�YI�R t�PY(t) oo�s�n.o�
<br /> a�rmeN caPV p?
<br />