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<br /> i7.T�a�u��'er nf�Ise t'ro1xHy c�r��cneficiwl Intcrest in Hrurrowcr.If all or any part of thc Wrapeny ur uny intcrsnsc in it
<br /> is sc�id or transferred(or if a beneticlal interess iu I3orrower is sold or eransferred a+xl�orrower is not c�nuturel penu�q)u+illxxit
<br /> l.c►xlcr'r; priQr writtc�i consent, L.cncicr nwy, at its option, rcquirc immcdiltc paymcnt in fu11 �f all sums sccuretl by this _
<br /> Security fnstrument.However,this option shaH not be�xercisc�dby I.crcicr if excrcise is prahibited by Rxler�l luw as of thc d�+te
<br /> _ _ _ __-__, uf tl�is Sccurity Instrumcn¢.
<br /> __ - - - -
<br /> If Lender exercises this aptio»,Lencier shait give}iorrower iwaice�f uca:lc•,•atiaa.Tiac nmti:,c :.hall providc a p�rioJ o not r--
<br /> Idss than 30 days from the date the notica is delivered nr maflal witliln whlch Ha�rawer must pay ail sums secured by this
<br /> � 5ccutity Instrumer�t.If Borrowcr fail,to pay thesc sums prior to thc expiration of this�x:r+ad, Lencicr may invoice�r►y remeclies
<br /> --'!� permitte�by this 5cc:urity Instrumcni without funhcr noticc or dcrr�and on liorrowcr.
<br /> 18, Bormwer's Rtght to itetnstate, if E3orrawer mee�s ceRnin conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have
<br /> enforc�ment of this Sccuriry [nstrumer.t discontinued at�ny time prior to the earlier of: (nD 5 d�ys (or sucti uther period as
<br /> ____ _ ,.._ _. �
<br /> applicable law muy specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Pruperty pursuant. to any powet of sale contuinal i» this
<br /> Security Instrument:oc (b)entry of n Judsment enforcing this Security Instj�ument.Those conditions arc tl�at Borror:er: a pays ----
<br /> Lender nif sums wl�ich tlien would be due under this Security Ins'rument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurrecl;(b)
<br /> cures any default of any other co+ienunts ar agreeme�ts; (c)pays ull expenses incurred in enfarcing this Security Instrument.
<br /> including, but not limited to,r�asona�le attorneys' fecs; and (d)tlices such acti�n as Lender may reasonably require to assure
<br /> diat thc lien of this Sccurity Instrumcnt, Y..ender's rights i�i the Property and Borrower's obligation to p�3y the sums scc:ural by
<br /> Y this Secarity Instrument shall corrtinuc michanged. Upon reinst;�tement by Borrower, this Securit� Instrument and the
<br /> obligations secnred hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However,this right to reinstate shall
<br /> _______ _ __� not s�pply in the case of accclerutian under paragraph l7. ____
<br /> �1�. Sale of NQIe; Chnnge cef Loan Servicer. The Natc ar n partial inicrest in the Notc (tosethcr with tiais Srxwity
<br /> - Instn�ment)may be sold one or more times wichout prior notice to Borrawer.A sale may result in a change in the cntity(known
<br /> -� ---_— as tlie "Loan Servicer")thut collects ntonthly payments due under tne ivote and this Secuiity Instni��rnt.'Ct:�re at�o m:sy be ont =-_
<br /> ----�--- --^^------� or mare changes of the I,oan Servicer unrelatesl to u sale ot the Note.If there is u change of the[.oan Seivicer,Borrower wiil be
<br /> givcn written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicuble law.TO�e notice will seate the narne snd
<br /> __-=��==; addre�s of the new Losn Sen�icer and the address to which payments should be made. 'The notice�vill also contain any other
<br /> — informalion required by upplicable law. --
<br /> � �'� 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shatl not cause or permit the presence, use. disposal, storage, or release of nny
<br /> - ��_,���j Hazardous Substnnces on or m the k�ropeny. tsorrower shull not do, nor a�I�w unyo:�c clsc tu dG. unything affccti.g th� •
<br /> =--_----�_ property that is in violation of any knvironmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply ro the presence, use,or
<br /> ""'��°�'� storage on the Propeny of sm�ll quantities of Hazardous 5ulnstances that arc generally rc:cogniied to be appropriate to normal
<br />—_��;:�.�� residential uses and to maintenance��f the Property.
<br /> -='""��R''� Rnrrower shall Qromptly give Lender written notice of any investigation, cl�irr►,demand, lawsuit or ather actaon by any
<br /> ==;�,,-:�,�_�
<br />,�.,;����;.•� --— govcmmental or regulatory agenry or private party involving the Property and any Nazurdous Substance or�nviromnentai Law
<br /> :..,a 7�,+.F;
<br />-��_sr_."��*�� �x; of which Borra�vcr hns actual knowlcdge.If Borrower leams,or is notitied by any govcrnmental or regulatory authority, that
<br />:��,� _�� ,,,�d � any remov:tl or other remediation of'any Hazardous Substauce affecting the Propeny is necessary, Borrawer shall prom�tly take
<br /> -�`"`R'°;'.�'�i.' .: all necessary remediul action�in urcordancewith Environmental Law.
<br /> =�; :� Y;° As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substv►ces" are those substances defined as toxic or hazurdous substances by
<br /> =_:-��_.���. Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum proctucts, toxic
<br /> '��a►��„�J� pesticides and herbicides,�votatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioaetive materials. As used in
<br />__����,�..,�;_y ;'. this paragraph 20, "Environmental I.aw"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction whcre the Property is located that
<br /> � �.��::� rclate to he:ilth,ti.►fcty or cnvironmental protcction. , ___
<br /> fYON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr und Lcnder further covcnant und agrce as follo�vs:
<br /> � ~�'•-�•''+�''�^�'�••`• 21. Acceleratim�;Remedies. I.ender shall�ive noitce to Barro�ver prior to acceleration follo�sin;Borrower's breuch
<br /> u��`�� �'-�•:�+�•� ':� of uny covenzmt or a�recment in this Security Instrument (but not prtor to ucceterutlon under paragraph 17 unless
<br />,':��.�.yu;:.�:;... upplicable luw provides othe►�vise). The not(ce shall specifj: (ra)the defnult; (b) the uction required to cure fhe defuult; __
<br /> --°:- `-�x�4�' T (c) a date. not less than 30 dnys trom tlie date the notice es�iven to Borrower, by�Nhtch the default must be cured;und
<br />--"'"'�*.-�'.�%''`}'•• (d) thut failure to curc thc default nn or before the dnte sp�rifled in the uotice may result in acceleration of the sums �-
<br />=;;.���"'�.����� secured by this Secur[ty Instrument and sale of the Praperty. The notice sltall further li�form Borro�ser of the right to "°�=-
<br />. � =�r• : re instate A fter accc lera t ion an d t he r ig h t to brfn�; u couri action to acsert the non-existence of A defnult or uny other __-
<br /> " .� , defense of Borro�r�er to accelerution�nd s�ile. IF the def�ult I.s not cured on or hi�'nre the date speciFed in IIhe notice,
<br />