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The notice sh�ll provide�periocl nf nut <br /> icss than 30 days froro dio datc thc naticc is Qclivcrcd iir anailr.d wiQ�ln wlilch Borrowcr must pay all sun3s secu��ed by this <br /> Security tiutrwnent.If Roi7ower f:iils tu pay Ihese Sums pruir to the expirutian of this perioci,f_eicder may invoka nny remeciics <br /> perniittcd by this Sccurity insinini�nt witiiaut furthr.r nolicc ur dcmand on Bo�7ower. <br /> 18, Borrower's RIKht to [tef�tate. If tiorrower meets certain ca�ditians, Borrower shall havc the right to havc <br /> enfoecemcnt af this Securitg Instrumcnt Jiscmitinucd at any time prior ta the earlier uf: (a)5 days(or such other perioc� ;�s <br /> uppllrul�lc: luw may spc..,ify fa: rcinstatc�nent) befose sale �f the Fropcny puna�ant to any power of salc containecl in Qiis __ __ <br /> Securiry Instrume��t;or(b)�ntry of'n juJgnunt enforcing this Se�urity Instrument.'IY�osc canditi�ns are that Borrower:(:►)pays <br /> l.cnder nll sums which then w�oidd t►e duc undcr ihis Security lnstrumcnt and the Noto as if no ncceleratiuu had oecurrai; (b) <br /> cures nny default of uny other covenants ar ngrecments; (c) pays nll expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instnmxnt, _ <br /> induding. but nnt limited to,rensonable attorneys' fecs: and (d) takes such action as L.ender may reasona4ly re�u�rG to assure <br /> that the lieiz of this Security Instrumcnt, I.endcr's dghts in the Yropeny and Bormwer's obligation ta pay the sums scc�rcd by <br /> this Securiry Instrument shall continue uncDungai. U�n rcinstatcment by Horrowcr. this Security Inswment and the <br /> obligatians sccured hereby shall remain fully effcctive as if no ncceleratian had occurred. Hawever. this right to reinstatc shall <br /> not app!y in tt�c casc of accelcration undcr parugc,pli 17. <br /> 19. SaEe of Note; Change af I.oan Servtcer. The Note or u paninl intcr�st in the Notc (tugcthcr rvith this Sccurity <br /> instn�mcnt)mry be sold onc or more times withoat psior notice to Borrower. A ssile may result in a chan�e in the entity(known <br /> ns the"Loan Setvicer")that collects monthly payments due under the No�e atnd this Sccunty Instrumen�.Tiiere ulaU u�ay b�u,�e — <br /> or�uore chaugcs ot thc L.oan Serviccr unrclated to a sale of the Note. If thcre is a change of the I..oun Scrviccr,Borrawer will be _ <br /> given wcitten notic�e of the change in accardance with pamgrnph 1�3 above and applicable Inw.The notice�vil! state the name and <br /> addres�of the new l.oan Servicer and the address to wl�ich payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other <br /> infonnation rcyuired by applicablc luw. <br /> 20. Ifez�rdnu.q Substunces. Burrower sliall not cause �r pe�mit fhe prescnce, use, disposuE. storage, or rcleuse of any <br /> H�ardnus Substancc�s on or in tt�c Propeny. Borrower shall not do, nor allaw anyane eise ta do, anythmg uitc:c:�ing thc ` <br /> Properry thnt is in violation af uny Environmental La�v. The precec�ing two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or <br /> storngc un the Property of small quantities of Haz:►rdous Substunces that arc gPnerally recagnized to be apprapriate to normal <br /> residential uses and to maintcnance of the Property. <br /> Borrower sltatl promptly givc Lendcr writan noiice oi auy iuvraiibdtivii.C{uiri, u�iii8ii3. �w::SL':Z D:Dl��!8:tlL`R h�3.R� <br /> governmental or regulutnry agency or private pany involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law <br /> of which Borro�ver has actual knowlcdge. If Borrower leams,ur is notified by any gavernmc�tal or regulatory authority,that <br /> any removal or other rernediation of any[-iazarduus Substancc affecting thc Property is nccessary.Borrower sliall promptly tlke <br /> all necessary remedial actions in accurciance�vith Environmental Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph Z0, 'I�a•ra.rdous Substances" are thnse substances defined as toxic or ha7ardous substances by <br /> Environmental Law and the following substances: ga5oline, kerosene, other tlammable or toxic petroleum praducts, toxir . <br /> pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents. materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive mxterials. As used in �: <br /> this par�graph 20. "Environmental Law" mcans federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where thc Property is locnted that ,— <br /> rclatc to hcalth,saf�ty or envimnmcntal prote�:eion. _.. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.cnder further covenant and agree as follows: ,�:_-. <br /> 21. Accelerntton; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to AcccleratEon follo�ving Borrawer's breach r;:== <br /> of a�y s�venant or agreement in thfs Security Instrument (but not prtor t4 accelernt[on under paragrapi� 17 unless �+'��_ <br /> applicable law provides othenvise).The nottce shall specify: (u) the defnult; �b)the action requimd to cure the defuulh. �.,:; <br /> (c)u date.not lesa tliun 30 days from the dute the notice is given to D3orrower,by�vhich the default must be cured;und F:=.:: <br /> (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date spes3tfued in the notice may result in acceleratton of the sum�s f�:_;: <br /> secured by thls Sccurity I�LCtn+ment and sule ot the Property. The notice shull further inforin Borrower of the rifihR to <br /> reinstute after ncceleration end the right t� bring n court uction ta nssert the non-exlstence of n defuult or any uther �� <br /> defense of BorroKer tu nccclerntton mid sale.If the default is not cured on ur before the date specifled in the notice, �=::. <br /> I.ender, at its ontton, mny requEm immedtate p�yment in Pull uf all sums secured by this Security Instrument wlthout ;_' • <br /> further demand nnd may invoke the power of snle ond any othcr remedtes pecmittecl by�ppl[cable law.I.ender shnl�be � <br /> ' entitled to collect all expenscs incurred in purSUln�G tlie remedies provided in thls purn�rnph 21, including, but not limited <br /> to,reasonable nttorneys'fccs and costs of tltte evidenrc. . <br /> It the powcr of s�le ts invoked. Trustee shall record n nntfce of defuult in eact�county i�� which uny part of the <br /> Property Is locstted and shall mafl coples nf such notice in the manner prescribed by t�ppiicuule IAw to Borrower and to <br /> tlte uther ne�sons prescribed by�pplicable IA�v.After tlie time required by nppltcuble law,Trustce shall�Ive public not[ce <br /> ' of sale to the�c�sons and In the manner Nrc.scribed by i�pplicaQ�le ln�r. Trustcc, svithout�i4emund on Borrowcr,slt�ll sell <br /> thc Nmperty at public uuctla�to the hi�hest btddei•nt the tlme sind place nnd under the eerms desi�nuted in the notice of <br /> sale in one or mom pm�cels�nd in nnv order Trustee deterrreines.Trustee may postpone sule of r�ll or nny pnrcel of the <br /> Prnperty by public anttouncement at 4he time und plxce of �ny previously scyeduled sale. Lender or tts designeP muy <br /> pnrchase the Property nt nny sale. . <br /> Fo►m 3028 9/90 <br /> Pape 5 0l 0 <br /> i I_ •�. <br />- �__.__. <br />_ � , _ <br />..�aa�pir�-�y��rr..^^'---�,^-^;--;�r..,�_�..._.._�_......V_.--.-'--'---'�._;..�—.� T�ff�4. . . 4� ."lP:�� ..,....�_.-....-'-"'•- . --•. , . <br /> _ .. . �.. . ' .. � . N,�. .`:Y . <br /> . ., .r . . , � .` i � . .. - <br /> .� .• •, • .. . . •• ' %' , ' • . - <br /> . ' .... � 11..v � � <br /> ' .i• .�.. ., "`� , U � � ,� <br />__'. .... -� . � .. , . �� " .. �. . •` .. <br /> � vl •� 11 . .. .. � i} (r� �'�.�j.+lV..� . - �� .. <br /> IJ . . . . . ,. " L��...�:i� �1.� � . , . <br /> �'.. .. " ! . � .. <br /> � - ... • ' ' , . . r " - . .. <br /> .. .. <br /> � <br />