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<br /> 1'C?(i�TK�R V4J17'E�aU the imrrovs nxnts�W°��°��ucitmen��al�,edcllions Ftud alssebc,�ov�ral�y�hfi�Se�urs�Y
<br /> fixturt:+ iww r+r hereafter A part of thc prnpc Y• p
<br /> ln.�trumrnt. All of ihc furegoing is rcferrzd to i�i�I�is S�:uriry Instrument;�s the"Pro�crtY•"
<br /> DUFtROWrR COVENANTS ti�m F3or i u�r.,ne`m►�^fec�,e`xc�cptf foreencumbreaices of r cord. i3orrower v�ahrrant and wi�
<br /> convey th� Pn��xrty urtid thac tiiC�;o�:• _ r
<br /> defeixi gene�atly tha title to the Pmperty against all clai�and demands,subjcec ta any encurobranccs a'r rcYU�u.
<br /> THIS SECiJR[TY iN5TRUM�NT combincs uniforn?cov�nunt�for r�ational uss arxl non-uniform covens�nts with limita!
<br /> variations by jurisdiction to c:onstitute a unifarm secairi►Y�nstrument cavering rcai property.
<br /> IJNI�O1tM COVENANTS.9orrower nnd L.en�lermml and d..s�terCtu►rBts�Bo�rower shnl{ pro►nptly pay when due the
<br /> l. p�yment a[F�inc5pwl �nd Interest; Pnc1�Y
<br /> principal af and interest an the debt evidcnced by t11e�date nnd any prePayment and late charges due under th�Note. -
<br /> �,F'�:nds ior Twx�wnd Insunnse. Sub�ec<<a�►PP��cable luw or to u written waiver by L.endGT. &n►'°w�r sh�lip�y��
<br /> I.ender on the day monttdy payments are duc undcr the Note, until U►e Nato is p�id in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)y y
<br /> and assessnxnts which may attain priority ovcr this S�curity Instrument as a lien on the Pr f�yy:(�)Y�s�Y��hold payctxnts
<br /> or ground mnts on die Yroperty.���nY� ���YG1Y�Y h�d or peaperty insurnnce Qremiums; earl flood insurnnce prett�iwns,
<br /> it'any:(e)Y�dy mortgag
<br /> e insuranee premiums, if any;and (�a�►y sums pay�bie by gorrower to Lender, in accor�innce wich
<br />_ �}te��flvicimis of pataf;caPh S�in lieu of the payn�ent of mortgage insuranc�prcmiums.'fhese ite�rs are callat"Escrow.items.'
<br /> Lender tr►ay. at any time. �Il�re forhBorrowers escrow accou t�under ihefedernl Real1Escat�e SettlenenldProcedurc�s��\�lof
<br /> telated mortgaqe loan may e9 Rp�pp"). untess nnothcr luw tha►applies to ztrc;Funds
<br /> , 1974 ns amcndrd froiii[ime tu cli�.�,12 U.S�. S�?'���n 2�1�'t seq.(" ` _
<br /> - s�is a�es�� amount, If so, Lender m�y. at any time, coQeet and hold Funds in un a�nount not co excr.rd thc l�,ser �r.nr�e• -
<br /> Lender�ay estimate the�maunt of Funds due on thc b:uis of current�aw and reasonsble estimates of expenditures of future
<br /> Escrow ltcros or othenvi�c in nccordancc witl�app�icablc Law.
<br /> Thc Funds shall �Ir id c TM�nninn`f�°,�`°n� r°�anY��de�l Home��azyBz���de�r shall apply he Fu�ds to pay the
<br /> - (incA4ding i.ruJi:�.if L..r
<br /> Escrow Items�l-e�d�Itcros nu�lesstl.endcr pays Botro�'vCrn�tcrec�°nl�e Funds:uidsnppl cable law permits�I..ender`Yo make su i�
<br /> verifyin�the service
<br /> �charee.However,Lender may require 13orcower to pay a one-:ime charge for an independent real estate tax reportt�g.
<br /> osed by L�:ndcr in.connection with this ioan, ui�ie�s :,p�l;::hle !aw nrovides othenvise. Unless an agrecment is made or
<br /> applicable law require��tea �`��µP�I�'�ho vever.'tliatt ntcrest shalltbe paid on the Funds.tLenderl sh�ll�gv e t Bor�ow r,
<br /> - Borrowcr and Lendcr y 8
<br /> without char�e. ��?s�ma�ec The Funds are pFedfied as add i onalsecur ty for all sums secured by�ihis Secumriy Instrument.�c
<br /> debit to thc Fund
<br /> if the hunds held by I.ender excced the amour�ts permitted eo be heid by applicable[a�v Lender shall account to orrower
<br /> _ for the exces ffic ent to aay the E crow Items�vhen due,t LenderPmay�so n tify¢Borrower in writ n�,andS inl uch case Borcawc� —
<br /> time is not su P
<br /> sliall pay to Lender the amount necessary to malcc up the dePiciency. Borrn�ver shull make up the deficiency in no more an
<br /> � twelvc mot►thly payments,at i.cnder's sole discretion.
<br /> - Upon payment in full of all sums securecl by this Security Instrument, l.ender shall p*�n�P�or to ti edacq u�t ora or sale
<br />_� Funds held by l.endcr.[f,undcr paragraph 21•l.ender shall acquirc or sell the Property.Leitder,p �
<br /> ...� of the Property, shall apply:��Y Funds held by Lender.0 the time of acquisition ar sale us a credit against the sums secured by
<br />=-� this Security Instrument. -
<br /> - _ 3.Ap�pllcudon of Paymcnts.U nlefc�P��c tbchar�es�duc undcr thc Notc'!econd nto mo�uns payablc undcr paragraPh 2; �-
<br /> - 1 and 2 shall bc applicd: first,to any p p Y b —
<br /> third,to intcrest duc: fourth, to principal duc;and last, tu any late charges due undcr the Note. _�
<br /> 4.Charges;I.tens• Dono�ver shall pay all taxes. :�sessnrents.chargcs, tines and impositions altributable to the Property s
<br /> Y`+� ahich may attain prior�ty over this Security [�trume?t.�r if nu pudan th•sclmanner�Borrowernsh:dl �y ch m un i me directly ��
<br /> these abligations in the mam�er provided m pa � P �_
<br /> ,, � to the person o�ved paymcnt. 9orrowcr shxll promptly furnish to Lendcr all riotices of amounts to be paid undcr this paragr�►p�. �:
<br /> � If Borrower make�,IheIU'n�►�°1disch:uge:uryB en wti ch ha's prrorpty ovc dii tSccurty[nstrumcnt nlcss Botrov crrnla)agrees i� `-_
<br /> Borro�vcr,h p P Y •
<br /> : writing ro du payrtzent of tlie oblig't��f theulin binli��b3lnp occeci ngsr hi ti a nl the C.e der'sbapinnon�opers c�of prev nt'ti e ;=
<br /> by, or dcfcnds against cnfonemc
<br /> enforcement oF the lien:or(c) saures i'rorei the`h t�n�ot'`rt of he P okpeny istsubjectcto a I en vl�ch m y�c ain�p u ity over ''"
<br /> t his Securi ty ]ns t r u m e n t. I f I.c n d e r d c t e r m m e Y P
<br /> "°``f� this Security Instrument, L.ender may givc Bon•o�ver a notice identifying the lien Borro�ver s lia l l s a t i s f y t h e l i e n o r t a k e o n c o r
<br />,��•
<br /> mm�a of thc actions sct forth nbovc within 10 days of thc giving of noticc. porm 3028 9�90
<br /> -�;.;, ;
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