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<br /> :t".Botrow�l"). TM W�1N
<br /> "' k 1�I1�kU K��RAS�4�FlA�IK GR�N_D !�„�N�70Q N WEB@ A4����9�--�..N� `�►� �_�:==
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<br />';� ^,and who�addras t� ,��.�+ .�8 RO�D GPIAND ISI�L
<br /> �'L�tC�"'.9orrvwr oww L.�ridK th�P�a�MI�um of - -
<br /> ' NE 8d G3 �
<br /> n F r Flve� n r
<br /> oowrs NS.i 74.600.Q� �. Thk dlbt f� widmC�d by Borrow�r's nob dead tn. sxr+. d.a ss n�� s.cu�h► —
<br /> whbh provfdec fur montl�h MY�a� wkh th� full d�bl. IP not p�id eutfet� du� �nd pry�bM oe� _
<br />— In�Wm�nt ("Nots'?� ._._.,. . ..�.. � �.nd.r: fa1 tl» nD�Y�� ot th� d�bt
<br /> _ ��l�f '1����6 . inN &�i i��M�„�.. .�..� L -._
<br />�-'-- evidmced bY ths Nou, wkt� htwst. �nd rM nnhvak� �ocbntAxu ond modNfoatiom� (b) th�Wry�� o! �M othK �'�s
<br />"' ht�n�4,�dvsncK!und�r PW�pnPh 8 to prot�ct th�acurllY of Mk 6�►�Y Ms�'"'�"1; �nd(oI th� paf�rtr�'�
<br />= cown�nq �nd �pr�n�nb undK thls S�curkY Insbum�nt a d NNo�a Iotlowin0 o�d�rb�d oWKY ��,
<br /> °i �nl Nd Com►W to TruftN wkh Po�
<br />-- H� Counry:
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<br />."'.� GRAND ISiAND. =--�
<br /> wh�ch hu th��c�isas o}1 8 P�.EASANT VIEW DRNE �«,r�, �
<br /> _; �asr.n� �_�•property Addrsn'). 4`•;'y
<br /> NE 68801�, � '"r:
<br /> �. (8tau] (ZIP Cod�j �`�'='.
<br /> TO(iETHER WRH aN tha fmprovements now or hayafte►Kectsd on the Property
<br /> , end tY easeme�ts� rphte,apPu►tenences� ;�.
<br /> . rents. royrkih� mine�6 tsl'endda dRio�hth N tito ba cw�owrod byh M Socurity Instrum�nt�AN o�the(orspo�9�`f elerted to in '
<br /> PropMty. AN npkCMnM
<br /> ; this SecurRy Instrummt af tha'Propecty'. •
<br />`r BORFiOYYE(i COVENA[JTS that BoROw�r b kwlul�l s� of 1� ��t� h�iby convYyed and has the �lyht to mortyaye,
<br /> � pnnt entl conwy th� PropKty �nd lhu th� Prop�rty k un�cumb�ced. �wc�Pt tor�ncumbrances of reaord. Borrowar wartents .
<br /> pnd wftl dNMtd pon�r�.11y the tki�to ltu P�opYtty�pt„st��I C I t Ms an d d Y rt�n d�,�u b j�Ct to�r►y enCUmbtanCas o}reCOrd.
<br /> �:
<br /> 1.Paymen4 of Princlp�l� Interest�ndl L.�te�har�e. BOrtnwar shall pty when d�te ths P�hClpfli oi,and hterest •
<br /> �*�•� pn,the d�bt s�Admcrd by th�Not��nd kt� ahtrpw duo und�r ths Note.
<br /> -F..
<br /> . �. yi�ntfriy Payment� ot Texes� Ineuranco and Other Criar�es. eorroywr ohaN include In e4oh mont
<br />- ;_ p�d�t�MI u�tm�nt� frvied or'to be l�viMtWains the Pro tPQ+'tYN(�)Ma o oid Pt�Y►�ri or pround I�t on ttt� PropsRy� I
<br /> ,., an aa.o �
<br />- end(o)Dnm{ums tor hsurance nqulrod by PuWnph�• . •M�
<br /> � E�ch monthry h�ta�h�ant for kwns(a),(b)ond(oj ehaN oqutl on�tw�iRh of thu annun�emoun�s,as►easv��d.:i�:=�p�---•
<br /> Lender,pk�t on amount suNfalent to mainmh an 4ddkbnRi hatance of not mon thtn nnssbcth ot iha ostimated amounts.The tuil
<br />- ennutl smouni for s�ch kem shaH Cs ecaumulatad by Untler wRhh� PM'bd and„fl one month beforo an Rem would beaome
<br /> delhquen�Lendor ehall hoM the emounte colNOt�d t�Wst to pay kNns(�),(b)and(a)befors th6Y beca�de���Quent.
<br />- , ,and(o),topether wkh tho Nt�re monthy payments
<br /> - If et eny tfmo the total of the piymenri hold by Lon�tor kem�(a) N)
<br /> ' for suoh k«na prydbk to Lend�r prlor to th�dw det�s of tuoh k«ns��wcs�ds hY more then onsabcth the oatlrrutled emount ot
<br /> paymmt� requtrod to pey such Neme when due, ond N ptym�nts on th� Nots � curcent,then Lond�r ohaA eRher rotund the
<br /> exce�a mMr on�abth ot th�eattnated p�ym�nte or cndk the�xcaes owr on♦abdh of the astYneted peymonts to subsequent
<br />�`�,f�, F6et�.lM�(�1�) PtD., ol♦
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