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<br />'aN�r:;,;�'.�_:� ' 16.Borrmrer`e Capy. IIntrowcr shs]I lx�giee�n one ronfarrned copy af the Nute tuuf oP Ihl�Saur�ry Insue�rnen� _V-_____--
<br /> .W.�_�_
<br /> _ , or my inta�est in it is -.;.,"'"'
<br /> ----___'--� 17.Tnafrr ol tfoe Propert or�Beaellcf�l Interest is Bw�ra�rer. If all ar�ny p�rt af!ho Propa'tY
<br /> °�°"�N "'�. sold os uran�fcmd(or if a bern�i�W iRt�reat in Borrower Lv sotd or uansfenod�nd Bortower is nat a natural ) witbout
<br /> _ ,�, ..-.
<br />_,rte��_-�:Ir:�• �.EiitiE�'B�i6T Wliiii��COii:.:,il��.G11iY:.P iil:ljl�LY 119 OjI�DA�IC�LS��Sillit�in►9� ttt!!!!�II 6!!11 Of All 541II13 SCCUIEt� �1I1L9 SOCi1T�l}I �'n�rrio• --°-- --
<br />-.s�r�� In�uuma���ioweva�thls optlon ahal!not bo exercuod by I.dnder if exa�cLse prchibitod by feder�l law�of the datc of�is
<br /> ----- -- -
<br /> :°�'�~:.�.. Securlry Ittstrumait =-
<br />- � ' I:�Lu�cler oaercises Ihisoptton,Lcnder shall give Barnwer notica of accckxatlon.'ihe no4lca sh�tl provide a peri9d of na¢kss �#;�- �
<br /> .}{'��. than 3p day�from the d�ce tho notkxi i�deiivered a mailod within whkh Borrowa must pay all sums socured by this Se+ciulty _-"'="`= _-_
<br /> ;.,�s,,......�r� Iasuwnent If Bomowcr faiL�to pey thex sums prfac w tho ex�sira8on of this period,Lencka msy invake any remedies I�amiaed i�.���_--.r-___.
<br />....�.:'r.:. ,. by this Secucity IRStrurm�t withcwt furtber notice ar demar►d on Borrawu. ���''-';�'r"_
<br /> ^ ���+�- -
<br /> IS.Darra�¢r's Ri�6Q to Refastste. If II�mwa meeR.9 catain condIdons. Borrower shall have the dght eo have ,:.�;,.�.,;�;-��=
<br /> , . ; entoc+ctrt�ent of this Securiry Inst�etenait dL�oondnued ai any drrre prlor to the eatlkr of: (a)S days(or such oU►u period as
<br /> , . ..�� . epplica6k taw may spaiFy fa ninstaument)bafoc�safe of tt�e Proputy Pursuant tci any power of sale cor►tr.Ined tn tlils Security ��_-
<br /> ' Instruax,nt;or(b)entry of e judg�ment enforcing this Security Ins�umu�t'Yl�ose condltiony are that Homuwer:(a)pays I�der all '�:-
<br /> .. sums which then would be duc under this Security Inswment and ttye Not�as i�no acceleration l�ad o�umd; (b)cures any �t:,.:=
<br /> }��.;-���
<br /> � ., .i�� default of any other afvmants or e�ttnents�(c)PaYs all eapu�ses incwred in enforcIng thl�Securlty Instruma��inclu.ding,but ��y�z__,�,..m.��.°.
<br /> �s. not ltmited to�reasontbk ettomeys'fees;
<br /> and(d)takcs such ecdon es Lendu may reasonably requira to assure that the lien af this �:,"-w`"±�`��`
<br />_ � � 3ocu�ity Insuument, Lendu's dghts in tho Propaty and Boremwer's obllga8on to pay the sums secucod by thiv Security :$�._z�_-_----
<br /> - Inst�ne.�t aGall cantiz�ut unc.�:nged. U� reinssa�.crosnt by Bomnwer� thia Socuriry Instrument and the obUgations secured '•T�A;�`+'+:�---_ __
<br />-= . .; 6ereby stuill remain fWly effective as if ao eceeleratien had occurred.Hflwevu.this rig ht to minstate shall not app ly in t he casc of ;��^.�`.�;�==-==--
<br /> stu ll
<br /> acceleranon undu p�vagc�ph I7. ```Y''�"`�•��W"-•= _
<br /> A9.Sal�utNote;Chaage�l Loan Servicer. 'I7�e PTate or a partial interest in the Note (togcthu with this Security � 6+4!'�i'�R*';`�'�.
<br /> .�r-f...�
<br /> . Insu�uu�aii)may be sold one or more 6mes without pdor nodce to Horrower.A sale may resnit in a chango in the endry(icnown � ,�:_
<br /> as the"T.oan Serv�cer")Ihat coUects monthly payments due nndu the Not�and this SecurIry Inswmeat'There also may be one oz ��.�;s,-;_r��:
<br /> ' more changes of the Loan Selvlcer unrelated to a sule of the Note.If ther�is a ctiange of the Loan Seivicer.Borrower will be .
<br /> •'�4'. giveA wriuen nodce of the change in nccordance with paragragh 14 ubove and plicable Iaw.'Ihe notice wW stete the name snd z�_•_ _•;'�:
<br /> _:-�y„ ��a,i�i it�e new L.-,� �tt-�iH,-r�d thc�ctdre;�ta whlct;psa .��a�s�o;ild�c m.�e.The notice:��iD �Js��onLn A�y 4Lhe�a , a.-9,mr�_�
<br /> , � inforraation requimd by applicable law. ;�•`,�'�`��?
<br /> '� Z0.HAUrdow Substanoes. Sorrower sha11 not cavse or pe,�nit �he presence. nsc, dis7asal. staragc, or release of any ,.F�, ,_.�-
<br /> Hazardous Substenoes on or in the Property.Bocrower shall not do,nor altow anyone else to do,anything effecUn�the Propeity
<br /> � that is in violation of any Environmental Law.The preceding tv+o ssntences s h a ll not apply to the presence.use.or swrage on the �� .: � �
<br /> p����„m�n ���anri�w�f Ha�arAnnc Sul�stxnces that are generally reco�nnized to be approprlate w normal residential use.4 .
<br /> and to maintenancc of the Property. .�i�,`
<br /> �om�wer shall prompdy givc Le►ider wriuen nodce of any inves�gadon. cleim. demand, lawsuit or other acdon by uny � ,
<br /> �s- govemmental or regulawry ency or private party involving the Prop�rty end any Ha•rardous Substance or Environrnental Law _'�• , ,-�,
<br /> of which Bomnwer has ac�irnowledge.If Borrower leams.or is nolified by any govemmeatal or regulatocy authority.that any ,,,
<br /> remuval or otha remediation of eny Hnzardous Substance affecting the Property�s necessary,Boirower shall prompdy take all ;,
<br /> �� necessuy rcmcdia!ac6ons in accordance with Environmental Y.aw. �.:
<br /> As used in this patagraph Z0, "Hau�cdous Sabstences" are those substances defined as toxic or hazerdous substances by � �s� p s
<br /> �• Environmental Law and the following substances: gasotinne, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum �roducts, wxic , �, l
<br /> pesticid�s and herbicides,volatile solvents,materiaLs containing asbestos or form a l de hy de,a�i d r a d ioac av e m a z e n a l s.A s u s e d i n .. '.ti4'
<br /> • .; th�s p�aph Z0,"Ee►vironmental Law" mcans fcderal laws and laws of the jurisdicdon wherc the Property is located that relate � ••
<br /> to health,safety or environmental protection. ' .�,��►
<br /> . ' �.�..;�,�•,�„�
<br /> . � NON-UNIFORM COVBNAN'I'S.Borrower and Lertder f'�uther covenant and agr�e a9 follo�vs: � ,
<br /> 2Il.Acakrntion; Remedles.Lender sh�ll give notke to Borrower prtor to acceleration foUowing Barrower's bresch ot �i,;�''1,
<br /> . , any oovenant or Agreement in thb 3ecurity Instrumen4 (but not prbr to accekration un�er par�grxph 17 unless • ; _.. . ,
<br /> • - applkabk I��rr provkles ot6erwise).'Che notice shall spectf'y:(a)the delault;(b)the actian required to cure We default;(c) : . •
<br /> " � � a date,not less than 30 days from the date t6e notice ts given to Borr�wer�by whk6 the defAUlt must be cured;ond(d) •
<br /> �, '' ., that failur+e to care the detault on or before t6e date specil7ed in the notice may result fn oscekratbn oi the sums�cured • „
<br /> �� by i�Security Iastrument and sstk ot the Propercy.The notioe s6a11 further infarm Borrower ot the right to retasAtte „
<br /> ' ' aiter acoekr�ttnn and the right to bring� court nctian to assert We noa-existence of a default or any other detense of • :��•�,, �
<br /> Borrowu to acceieratbn and sak.If the detault ia not cured on or before the date specttied in the notke,Lender,at 6ts �
<br /> ' op3ion,may require immedtate payment in ft�ll of al➢sums secured by this Security Instrument without fY�rther demansl
<br />- and may invoke t6e power of sAk and any other remedies permitted by applicable law.Lender shRll be entitled ta collect � �
<br /> ,,. stp expeaKS incurred[n purae�ing the remedies provicleti in thiv parugrap6 21,incladfng,but not llmi�ed to,reasonute{e '
<br /> attorneys'fees and costs�t title evidence. � �.'
<br />- It the power of sak iv invoked�Trustee aBall record a uotice of defaWt in each couaty in whkh any part of the � ,
<br /> ProQerty i�located and shali mail capies of such natke in tue manner prescribed by applicaUk�aw to Borrower and co the I
<br /> , o2her persons prescribed by�epplicable law.Aner the time required by applicab{e Law,Trustee shall give publlc notice ot
<br /> s�ie to the persoa9 und In the manner prescribed by s�ppllcable law.Trastee,witp►out demond on Borwwe�,shaU sell the I
<br />-' �� Praperty�t public ouction to the highest bialder at the eime And place ond under the terme de.signated in the notice ot sale I
<br /> I
<br /> Form 3C�28 8l90 I ,
<br /> Pe �6 of 0 Initlt4:
<br /> , , �•BR(NE)coz�z) u �
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