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<br /> -- ° • S.H�xard or�roperty inwr�sa. Ba�rowrr stwtl k�oep Ux:imprvvemtau n�w exi�ting crx,bod or�the
<br /> i�urod�ans�loss by fire.hwrd�inc:luded wid�a the ktm"�lended oovdr�e"�ad aty od�r h�nu�cls,L�rd�(bot4 a�
<br />- -- - - -'�`�' EM�+!�r.�>�'es r,h�h L*!±�s rzre�r�i�!�,�n!�rm.'YThis i�s�u�ce sfu3�bn ra�int�inod in�be smount��nd for tt�e prrbil9 th�1 t.aidar --
<br /> roquiref.'11�ia�suraoco c�rrier providing d�a inw�x d�l!ba cJs�oesa by Aorrmver eubjea a t�ador's�ava1 whicb ah�ll nAR
<br /> -- be ucaea�o�ab�y wi�hheW. If Barowa� faiis oo m�int�n cavaa�e dorceibed�ve� 1.�x1a may� as L�cix{a'e aptloe,ol��iu
<br /> ""-°°,�r.i� aovc�go w prole�ct I�a�da�'s righw in the Pnngaty in�ocadwco witi�p�rph'Y.
<br /> AU insur�nce potici;a and ra�v�ahel!be accqx�bie 1m�.endee and ehrU inckido��andrd mo�Lo cLw�.i�a�der iNl!
<br /> ---_�w have�tae roght w hafd tNe polici�nnd re�walt.If L+a�du ra�uitrs.B�nrawer eluil promWly Ytve lo I.�nddr aU ceoe�ot'p�i�i
<br /> --=-�!s"e'�9 psr�nms and re.newtl ncxiccs.In the event of bsx,Barower stul!give pmmpt no�ioe oo the ins�uanoe c�ier anA L�.Gender `— -.
<br /> --��^= may mate proaF of loss if not m�de P�P�Y bY B��.
<br />_d-�-�t°�� ilNess L�aKkt and Bcxrowa othawlx a�e in wtl�ing,IflSVTA[1CG QPOCOOd.7�11Y�I b0�(1S10d b Q�CSt0t�011 OY[C�I[Af flf0
<br /> --"°��� �t5'd�wB�d.if the rc�otadon or�+epair is ccawmic�Uy[easibk�nd La�der'a axurity is not ttsyaiod.If'Ihe rstior�tion or _
<br /> _- -� .a
<br /> _____=':�.a,.;� re�air is n�ewt�amically feasible o�I.etxkx's seccuity wouid be{essa�od�tt�c insurnrKx pcofloed�abal!be�pplied W the su�
<br /> __--.--�:;; atcnrod by this Se�curiry Insnumd�t,wt�a�nat tha�d�e. �vith any exass pdd w�ormwer. If Borcowar�tdau the
<br /> _�-.I^.�v.,� Propa�tY.ar cioes,not aaswez within 30 da�s a notice 8an Lender th�t djo ins�uuke s.a�ria has affs=ad W a�nlCS�clwim.lhen
<br /> v.�, Lxnticr may sulieei f�e GisiLai��iialcw�3.{.CIi�.7 Ti3s"j►tiSv iSif.�W lC�1T Q!t�'L L.�3�!y G�(O��S!!mV�QCUtCtI - --
<br /> _.��:. by thi.g Soc�uity Instrument,whe�her ar nat thai due.The 30�day paiod w�l�wbea tha notk�is given.
<br /> ,.,�...�.,, . �..
<br /> t� �,i
<br /> ;,�?�_� �i,*• iJnkss Le�u�r�and Eosrower oftxawis�ag�e��wretin8�s�►Y aPPl�iot�of procoals w princl�nl sit�ll not ext�a,�ar pc�atpooe
<br /> •`�_��;,�:�rs.�;_;�_ the duo date of tl�e uwnai�Y P�3�ts refe��ed to In pa�rsphs 1 a�3d 2 ar chauge the arr.a;�nt of d:�paym�:�s.If u��F's�..'�r� ---
<br /> °-`'� ,�;, 21 �he Pcoptlty ls ecqulrad by I.a�det. Borrower's right w any insuetu�ce pollcies Qr►d procceds raultiuug ft�o�m dant�ge�o the
<br /> " <",�: . PropatY prior to the acyuisitia�shall pass to I�des to t�he exteat of the sums securcd by this fiecurity InsuumGat immodia�ely
<br /> .�`���;��`'.'���' to the ussition.
<br /> �:::__.�s�_` I� �9 —
<br /> `.:+��:. ,.:, b.Orcay�t7.Preaervatbn�R9n�atc�ame and l�rotection of tae�roperty� y;a.�r�'� � r',►kr:;;ri�,►i.E::�"�+w»« � _
<br /> � � Barower shall accupy.esmblish.end use the Pmp�ty as Borrowu's principal residence within suty days a�r iGe executicxi of _
<br /> � :•`"�,: '':'� �his Secudty Insnuroeat and shall conrinve to oacupy the Property as Burrower's prinG�at resida�ce for at kau one y�xr�fta the
<br /> �� ;;�
<br /> ' .''�. u,, '• date of�ccupancy,anless I.eada otherwise agrees in writ�ng, which consent�ell not be unrra9onahly wiihfuld, or unles� --
<br /> •: cxeaaiinw,�Gui.ul'�u"1'w"jwa w.:�Y r.t�.,"�o:.,�j'Cr.��Y.'83'� '�^St2�.�JISL'`war cha11�u►t tlrstmY;�IamB�e Or'tnG,D�iI t6G Pli1I1ERV. --
<br /> ~ '' _'�;;.'1�f;�'. alluw the Property to desrriorate.or com�rnit waste on the Prope�ty. Bonowe� shall be in dcfault if any fa#ciwre acdon or
<br /> ` , " �`' procceding,whc^.thcr civil or crim�nal,is be�n that in L.ender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiwre of ihe Pmperty ar _
<br /> �` otherwis�mat�xxially impair the lien cceaud by this Socurity Iasuume�it or L�enBer's socurilry inte,rest.Barnwer may cun suc6 a _
<br /> ����` ' � deSault and ninstate. as provided in paragraph 18,by cnusing the xdon or proceeding w bo dismis,se�with�ruling that,�in _-
<br /> '��,'��' . � �` Lender's good feith deurtniaadon.Prec�ude.g forfeiture of the Bomnwer's interest in the PROperty or athu maze�ial impai�t of --
<br /> ,�. ,�,.,. the lien creauxl by this 5ecprity Inswment or L.ender's security un�Borre�wer stiall aLso be in default if Boirowu.during the �
<br /> ' loan application process,gave materially false or ineccurat�e infor�nation or st�tements to Lender(or Sailsd to prnvida Lendu with �_
<br /> �� . „ , auy mauiial infoumaiion) in conneciion with the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, rcpres��do�s �-•�;
<br /> • concuning Barower's oceupancy of the Propetty as a principal residence.If this Security Instnunent is on a leaSe]wld.Bo�rcwcr ::;•
<br /> • .� shall�omply with all the provisions of the lcase.If Bormwei ecquires fee dde w the P'ropc�ty,the lease!►old and tl�e fee atte shall
<br /> �: not m�.rge unkss Lender agroes to the mergcr in writing. '�;:,.
<br /> `� 7.Protectbn otl.ender's Rights In t�he Property. If Borrower fails to pe�Fonn the covenants and agreeme�ts containod in � ••v
<br /> ,.�,. .Y
<br /> ;�': this Securiry Inslrumen�or thae is a legal procee�ling that may significandy affect Lender's rlghts in the Property(such as a �
<br />� ,,' .' � pmceeding in banknapccy.probatc,for coademnation or forfeiture or w enforce laws or reguladons),then Lender rnay do and pay "-=�;�''-
<br /> � " '�' " fmr whatever is nocessary w pmuxt the value of the Paopeny and Lender's rights in the Pcoperty.Leader's acqana may include '=-
<br />�`.',;r i�::
<br />�,,!���,•
<br /> payin� any sums secured by a lien whiah has pdority over thls Seeurity Instrument,appearing in court. paYing reaconable �=�
<br /> ' � '; �''��,'�, aUnn►eys'fees and entering on tho Ih�perty to make m.p.tirs.Although Lender may takc acdon under t�is paregraph 7,L.ender ��
<br /> t;. ,
<br /> '��' does not I�avc to do so.
<br /> �'���`^ '� Any amounts disbucsed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become addIdonal debt of Borrower secured by tt►is Security �
<br /> � Inst�uumenG Unless Botrower and L.cnder agroe to other terms of payment, th;,se emounts shall bear intc�est 5rom tho date of 'f;��,`,�
<br /> ��'{'''� ;;�`:• disb�u�sement at the Note ratn nnd shall be�ayable.with interest,upon notice from I.ender to Bom�wer requesting payment
<br />. ' . 8.Mortgage Inseirana. If Lender required mortgstge insurance as a condidon of making tha loan secwed 6y this Seciuity
<br /> Insmimen� Bormwe.a shall pay thu premiums required to maintain the mortgege insurance in effec�. If,for any cen�on,the
<br />;:',��., moRgagc i�surance coveraga requjred by Lender inpses or ceases to be in effcct,Borrower shall pay the pc�emiums required to
<br /> �,'�r� . o6tain coverage substantially eqaivalent to the mortgaga insurance pceviously in ePfec�at a cost substantially eq�ivalent to the ;
<br /> 311
<br /> " . cost to Boerowu of tha mongnge insurence p�viously in effect, from an alternata mortgage insnmr approved by Lender. If
<br /> substantialty cquivalent mortg�e insurancc coverage is not avuilablo,Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum es�ual to �
<br /> � � ono-twelith of tho ye$r1y mortgaga insnrnace pnmium being paid by Bflrrower when the insuianoa coverage lapsed or ceased to �
<br /> • 6a in cffecL Lendcr will accep4 �sa ai►d re►ain dtese PaYment�as a Ioss rese.rvo in licu of mortgage insivancc.Loss reserve
<br /> i
<br /> , Form 9028 OI90 �
<br /> � ' f�•ER�HB){D2t21 Pa��3 of 0 im�iais: -._-..,_.. I
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