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<br /> ��. ca�nx�rxc�w .�ss=r�m*r os �ss.�rx� �►s �►vnx�=o�uw ssca�=rr �
<br /> /�.� j�,c.�[vr�� L. ST[JSUBN ancY SHBRi2Y L. S'�U�3vBN. eaCh ir� hie and he�
<br /> / �`,y.ca �
<br /> own righC and as apau�e af ea�h Qther, ASSIGNORS, do hereby
<br /> ISLRND. NSARA�KA, a Fed�ral �av:tngs bank, ASSIQNBB. a�e ddditi�n.al
<br /> . eecurity for payment of a loan made t� Aesigrrora b� Aesignee i.n
<br /> the amoun� of 5��,000.00 �he Leaee dated Jun� 9., 1995, wherein
<br /> Kuester Lake, Inc. is tk�� Lessor and Aosignore axe tik�8 Les�e�s, _
<br /> per�alni�g to trie foilowing-desc�:���d prennises: _
<br /> Loz Fiv� (5) , having a lake front foorage of 50 fset, _
<br /> �ltuate:d an the West eir1� of the Westerly partiion of -
<br /> Kusster Y,ake axic:� u�yug ��t a�art oE t::e East ua�� of r..h� -_
<br /> Sauthwest Quarter (E�4SW'�) in Section Thirteen (13) ,
<br /> Township Eleven (1l) Noxth, Range Nine (9) Weet of th�
<br /> 6th P.M., Hal1 Goun�y, It7ebraska, bounded on �he
<br /> ivortherZy tiicia �'y �re �:.�mon r�a�; g»nh lots are ae
<br /> shown on the plat in th� possessi�n of the LesROr.
<br /> It is understood that if th� Assignore pay said indebtednesa of _
<br /> � $65,OOO.QO, with interest and according to the provisione of the
<br /> Finnncing SGatement given by them to the Aesignee, �nar thia
<br /> Conditional As�i.gnment. of said L�ase will thereafter be null and
<br /> void and of no �urther £orce :�or ef fect.
<br /> DATED: l.�•-�- , 1995. �;:
<br /> �� �
<br /> � „,��i� �.u.fz�v-e.�-'�
<br /> _.�.�.
<br /> ' CH1�RD I,. STUEVEN e
<br /> �:.
<br /> E
<br /> SHE L. V N ��-
<br /> ��
<br />- ) 8 6. !,;';
<br /> C4UNT� OF HALL ) ''°
<br />= He�oze me, a Notary Public qualiEied in aaid Gounty,
<br /> �ersoz�ally came RICHARD L. STUE�'�N and SHBRRY L. S`PU�VL�N, each in
<br /> his a�d lier o•am rigYzL- anc� as spouse oE each other, as As�ig�ore,
<br /> � and who ars known to me t� ioe the identical persons whose namee �
<br /> ar� sn aEfixed to the �oregaing Conditional Asaignment oE 'Lease, �
<br /> and they a�kn�wledged ttYeir execution thereof �o be their
<br /> �__� r,.. �.we ...,,r.,..ane, nc�ra�n �t3tc3d.
<br />- voluxitary a�G aiiu ucc�.� L..,,. V��o r..-c.---- ,
<br /> �
<br /> WITN]3SS my hand ax�d Natarial Sea�. the date last above
<br /> written.
<br /> iE�EA�I Iq1MiI�5tt11 d Nilt� ��� �p,�
<br /> DEBQFW�L KlM81.� .�, .yyL.(J`�-�
<br />_ ,�. �O,,,M,Fxu.Nov.23,t995 Notar�► 1 c
<br />� i
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