`:4,` ..,._�;;,�a;' �,�4i�.aw-. i�Yc,,�t'%'r,�! r ' � , '�r y'.Ii'�'��
<br /> ip �
<br /> . •' '^�n'n^H�,'''IQ�!' ' ,��1,Ib�d+iW�►a- • '1 t fa t1_; . - ��� y, - �r
<br /> , �w,�.rwr ��.ro�w�,�..,}.�tiw ��..��`�.. � -
<br /> ' . . �9�,�"�j -.Y -�^I.f�M/1� - _ +'Fti'.il:c=_.T-s.�_
<br /> "! __"_._-_
<br /> -�GT�R'�7°Y�0 ,
<br /> --...'.'_^'�.w� � � �a.'.-
<br />___°-_.dE:�ACLYi1 • r ,f1
<br /> ...-- �':.x.r�� � �-i.-.. ��<<���• � �-� r��__..
<br /> • Rf I
<br /> 6, ,�,r�,�,�,,� Tha L��t�ee �h�iZ have aec�r�r� from tY�e leaeed
<br /> -- premise�r� canto Che Z,e��c���� road� anc� alza7.l ra:Lr�o have tlse riglnt to
<br /> uee the 1�k0 tox• boa�t�.n�, aw�.mml.ng, e►nd f ishing. Tho4e accese
<br /> , ri�htn are i aa �?�mrnhn �i.r.t� t�hA ��r.rter ��?,eehoZc���r a� KuegtPr
<br /> Lake.
<br /> ���� 6a, P,�io� I,oaa�e. Th�.� Loe�pe replace�'and r�uperaedec� any
<br /> priar I�eaee gor eaic: p�em�.ee� whi.ch the Le�se� ox h1s
<br /> prede�ceseorg in title m�y hav� held.
<br /> -- - -=-�
<br /> - �, �Arm�nat+on n�, �ndar�ae. Th� Le�sor ahala have tYa� _
<br /> - -= right, on a reaeonabie baeie, Co determine the ba�ndar3ea be�ween
<br /> --�~�� the Leasee and his neighbore i� Che Le��oe and hie neighbors _
<br /> --�° cannot aqree Co euch bounc�ax�► line. The lako front boundary of }<;,_
<br /> -- the leased premiee� ghali be to tho watar line ae the �am� may �"�-
<br /> � ---- exiet from time Ca tlme with changaa �.n the water level of the
<br /> __�= lake, The 1�aur��laL-� lin6 �P �he �eased premiee6 abutting th� _
<br /> - �""�'��' Leseor'e common roade sY�all be reAeonably deCermined by the �-
<br /> _ ,
<br /> -:;.�:�_;" Le ssor. `�°=-
<br />---.,,w c!.i';n•: F�..�
<br />:�.;.��ain..�,.o�,�; c.__-_�
<br />' �`;'�'��Ff a, g,��g,ul �oseeeeion• As long ae Lea�ee conforms w�.th
<br />_:;,,u+��..��,nri
<br />=°�`t-�� the reguirementa binding upon him in th�e L�aee Agreem�nt, the --
<br />,==�?=�';�� Leeeee ehall enjoy peaceful poeeeesion of the leaeed prernisea. �>:_
<br />,.,�.�r�--�- — --
<br />•�����. 9. �nxovc�mgnte. The Lesese ehall keep the leaeed premisee
<br /> r.��:.`�:'� -
<br />. �:f,�+r in a neat and clean condition a� all timoe and shall keep all
<br />-•:;�..�... , improvemente on the lea9od premisee in a a�ood condition of -
<br /> � -� _-
<br />_-:y;.�t��;_ sGNa�.i. _
<br /> ' •�;.�';f1� .
<br />...�.�����ix•,�.'1r" '. -
<br />- ��-: ..,,;:�. 10. an �nm�nt_._ The �,oesee agraee not Co abandon the =
<br /> . .�.., ,. -
<br /> " � leased prem7.ses. -
<br /> . .:;�� .Y?;
<br /> '� ' ���. r� :� 11. �cces� for In@�a�g Uti ��y L,ines. TY�P Loseor ��
<br /> .'::S'':":.- •�. . _
<br />,,_;�,. g reservee the right to come upon the leaeed prAmieee �or -;,y,
<br />,.r.:v.. "�.�fr^'lJ� �.'--:
<br /> ,�:.�;;,; ._., ,4, inetallation of undergzound or above-gxound uti.li�y ].ines and the ;`�`
<br /> _- _..-:...,;,.;•, making of neceseary repaire or improvemente to or abutti.ng the
<br />='-+�•°����� � leaeed premises. The Leseor agrees to r�etoro the premises to .
<br /> � �''�'�'� ��� oubetantially the eame condition ae they warc� before any such
<br /> •� �' ���� .� inetallation and at the Leesor�e expenoo. �-
<br /> �:u��;,•.�-
<br /> -,'__�>�:;.,,�,i .,
<br /> �r� • 1 �2. Ru es and RequlationsL The Leesae a�ro�e Co comply with
<br />����'`'�'`'�'�"� the rules and regulations ae prepaxed and furniehed by the Lessor �
<br /> =..('.:.`t.°'r1:b:. . u
<br /> � ' �''� to the Leseee, from time to time. Such rulea and regulations �
<br /> �, � .'��� shall contain restricti�ne and limitatione, Por �h� mutual
<br /> -� benefit of all Lessees at Kuester Lako, �ertaining �o the uee by
<br /> r ' the several LeeBees at Kuester Lake of eho laka iCeelf, common
<br /> �� � z�oads, and the leaeed premis�e. It ie underetnod that Che basic
<br /> .. �` I,�`'�� use of the leased premises shall be Por residential purpoees, but
<br /> -��::.,,' .. ��: the Leseor may permit, from time to time, comntercial activities
<br /> .���:� -•. ' ' �� on the leased premises. Any euch rulee, rogulatione and �ormitg
<br /> �� � '~ ;�� are subject to change by tihe Lessor, excopting thut Cho bASic
<br /> '��:' puxpose of the leased premiaea ae residonti.al �ha].1 noC be
<br /> � ��. ,�"' � abridged. Any changes in the rules and ragulaCion� mu�t be
<br />=• � „ approved by a majority of the leaeeholdere present And vo�ing at
<br /> � a meeting called for �uch purpoee o£ which written notica hae I •
<br /> � �`'�• ���' be�n given to all leaeeholder� (one vote per Loado) . (
<br /> � ,;.' �;;. k
<br /> ' 13. Term.�.nation of_ Lease by Default o��,�cae. IP the
<br /> �� Lessee fails, after ninety (90� days griur wriCCen noe:lcc f°rom �'. �. .
<br />�, :.. .� the Leosor, to remedy any de�ault in hie or }ier complianco with f '
<br /> ,� any of the obligationa binding upon him �r hor ur�dor ehi� LrACp � � �
<br /> -'- -' '-��'.'- •_�__�_.... ...,. .....ae.,. ..1.� n..�se e.,a oe....�v..�.....a o......,i�L,da w�.,,. ,... • "
<br /> - •T'^-'- {"l�L�rC1{l�illli� VL 4��V�� V��v t\M�G� M��v �\V�Y�N�r.�V��O �V4��iCJ��CS�.f •���tt VL -.� .
<br /> '-�"� her by the Leesor, the T�eesor may, at its option, t€�r.ma.naCQ chio
<br />� � Lease and rntake �ios�eegion o£ the 1ea�ed pre�ni�oti buC nnly aftier i �
<br /> � the followi.ng procedure hae been compliod wieh:
<br /> �`�' � (a) A special me�tiing oE a11 stoc}:holdoro �f
<br /> ' Lessor ehall be called by Che Soard oP I
<br /> � . Directors of Lessor, and writt�n notico oX '
<br /> � such meeting and its purposee be giv�n ull �
<br /> � ��� � auch stockYinldEre. Such meeting ohall bo �
<br /> � :�__ - � c�lled for the purpoec� of detiermining by '
<br /> . �
<br /> � ! � •
<br />