nn.p ::m ' . �r�ur.• _l .a!1n��p•�!^�T . . . i�' _ .
<br /> .�/ , ., „ .� -- , ..;Yly."r�i�, 1 wsr..rek �rnFfp�G .'- ..-
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<br />'_.. .�t�ra ." ".. .............: �.e_�._....._..._.__. .,.]'._�.=.�'__hi:r�i�-�Yc�u-ma��.v�—=1==�_=....__�a�.a�.�a.—
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<br /> .�..��..���i / � _..__-_
<br /> '«rarvav . .. .. y7�/~ ��MV•'�F�
<br /> Y:.Sis�C19]ih6�tl��1{� C
<br /> __,� _ � '' . �c�-';•�::r/�:'n..�.��'_•_- ,_
<br /> • ��. Yi'�11$I3P M tI18 PP0�8P� C3P � ��itBS�CIfiY (iitilY��� Li� �t3�i'15id1G7. f? C�:1 01 C;��1 (::�'1 01 Ih3 PIOj:�:'hj CT � ,..�.�� .•,� _.__
<br /> c;�y Isd�,c�t l,i Il!�c�'d or t�rn�t�ncd(nt E4 a bcste".c�sf lrt�r�st fn [3aiim:rc�r Ia oaid c�t;�;r'crT,:� cncl Benc:vc-r 1s nut e ns°�!;pl �• �'�'�'�"A:.._ .
<br /> u V • f3��:,Ol�l:.iitU1�LG.ti=1�B ni�fFP liir?�il CS8_�711��..l.:D Ki.'f(i::�l�Gt �i7 11�7:AI1�fCl;u!i�7�n�id::t',',::t'�[.'=•�ill'l9�il hi:) (,j f.��CL',-�i:1 C::L:Si:.I�{i�! � � ��-�
<br /> lhle Seemiiy tnstrumont. Huwtvte, thi�optbn ehall not be exareiaed 6y Lenda fi oxe+�clee Is prai��G�iaz1 by fcc:crzl ts�:J a�a�1�:� �,,�;�tir:r�"^ _.�—
<br />-�=^,.i,t_.��,��. dato of lhM 3oquity In�ttumeet. ��,���`5•-�ser»>..--
<br /> „� � —
<br /> �nr�,;���-a�.�,.� H Und�r exerda�s thb optfon� LmdK oh�N�iv�Eiarowet notice of�cc:alw�tlon. T1ea noUce shaN peovkN�pN1od ot nut
<br /> �: �F ~;• y � �G eum� necur�d thM '�"°�`
<br /> —_'_`,y�;s,�:�.; leso th�n 30 d� �han Itu date ths notica Is dellvaed oe m�Aed wNhin wh�h Hotrawor muc! pay bN ��._,��.�.r.��4��:._._
<br /> �� - °��,s: 9�cu�ty(n�1nm��t M Bar�ww h�la to pr,/thw�aums pM1ar to th�expintfon o1 lhb p�rlod� l�der may hvok��ny ranedle4 --
<br /> ;_;
<br /> ' :.:���;� . ponnitted by thle SecurPty ln3Uumer�t wlthoui tur�her notice or dern�nd on Bafrow�• ��'+�^ - --�
<br /> i,.x.'1,�.'.;x'' � ;� ;��� __
<br /> .. +� 18. Bormvn�'s ROpt�! to Rolnat�t�. �t eartawer meete c�n cond�tlan•, B«ro�re� ei�1 E�:v:� si�� �tir,i co i�cvo � __ _-
<br /> '":�i�`'�:, co tn.o�rN�r or (�) 0 Wys cw wch othK pwfod t� �
<br /> �'°-`• ftt �nforc�rtMC►t of thb 3«wrtly Instrument dl�cont(nuad�! �ny th� pdo► � .--- _----
<br /> '- �`,'�'��' ! �A�'��^�Y 4P�Y tor reksst�txnent)bMoro s�l�o}tha ProPerty Daroutnl to�ny powar o7�aN canWnsd in ihN S�cudty [ ,,r=�y.�,�,�^�._
<br /> Inetrum�nt; or(b)entry oi� wdpmea►t entorcinp thfe Secvrky IntUumanl.Thoae condidonf w that Bortow�r: (�)PwYs l.�nd��N t :y---- -
<br /> ' ';�"��� sume whlch thMt wauid be due under th�a Seaudty InaVument�nd the Note�� N na acceleroUon had accucrad; (b) a�rss any �*:�� : _..
<br /> - 'r.s,� � � ��'i'�',3:y:,y!}�1,���r-,:.-.::-
<br /> :T.t�. defauR o1 any otha colenant ar epreements� (01 P�Ya oA n�enaes Incurted In e�forchp thi� Sscurity Irea.n�rnen4. Indu�np�bu9 .�n Y,`,,;:>:y�?,.�.:_•�_:
<br /> � �, .. � " not finsited to,reasonshia Attomayra'tc�a;e.na(�t�lces eucN ectian as I.ender may reaeonably requke to�asurs that the flen a) �?*�;��=�•�`��""'=-�::
<br /> ,•. ..L '�;'�".�• _
<br /> •. � thls Sacur[ty Instrumenl. Le�der'e riphta h ihe Proputy�nd Borrower'a obNpation to pay the euma aacurod b thls S�airity '°�'`�
<br /> Y j��..�..i;..`�
<br /> ' •F' '' InsWment ehs: conUnue unchenged. Upon reinatatetnetd by Borrower, thia .,°eutsfty Instrument and the obYpQtlons eec,und �++��.;�,4�`?,'�{t�'�'���x
<br /> , *�7��,
<br /> - - � .. he�eby ahat rom�Yi fuly efte�We aa H no acceienUon had nccusred. Hnwevc+,thia dgM to roinatate ahaN nat epply In the aae � A ���-?,,,, .,
<br /> • ot acceloraUan under proipraph 17. -���;�;�"' �_
<br /> � r..-.
<br /> � �. �i 19. Sn1� of Not�� Change of Lwm Seae-lcer.The Note or e a paRfel Interest In the Nots (topMher wi�th this �,, { ��a�"_
<br /> ! r� .,�ir�:_.
<br />-_x�' • ,, Sea�rfry InahumeM)may be sold or.e or moro tirtiea wfthout pilw noUce to Borra+rar.A sala may rosult fn a chmpe in the entky • �`'�,�---.�---
<br />� .. �,�aw�c�tha'Lan���lca')th"x co!!ecte m�nthly P+rymense due urtder the Note end thie Sacurity (nairuma�Y. There�isa rt►ty . : �:;:---
<br /> �j:..,v �-�,—
<br /> - ' be one or more chenges o1 the Loan Servicc+ unret�ted to n sale of the Note. H thoro ts • change of the Loari Savlcer. ; ;:,,,�:�w-
<br />-__ � ....... BaTCr.Yx��?!tro gbeR w�t!!M noi�e ot the chan�M eccar�na�with psrsgyph 14�bove end oppAcable Inw. The naGcs vr� �i`�. ,°•i,i��r„�c�:`:—
<br /> otste the nsme and addness o7 ttva now Loan�e�vlca end the eddrrss to which peymente ehould be msde. Th0 nO11CB Wip E�tdO ' ,.,,.Y..;rr '
<br /> �• cmtaln�ny other IntameUon requlrod bY oPPO�abie faw. I a•` . .- • • _
<br /> ,;�,;r.,•.:�;:
<br />' $0. Wa�zaPdous Sufbatanssa. Borrower shall not causn or pertdt the presence� use, disposel, storage, or refanse of • � c"1W,��""�
<br /> ° , � xny Hazvdoua Substances on rn 1n the Pi�e�ty. 9orrower shaN not do, nor Nbw anyone else to do,enything efte�ng the .. ' "=��
<br /> _..�--, �P�Y��at {s In v�a��a�s .71:1S}/CIl`J�.•CR!R!!I�C! le:�. ThP F�M.�w�Q hvo RPJ11lfICB� shsY not aP1�N to the p��eaence, use. or :.. :::..;��:_,.+r:�
<br /> "''� storage o�ihe 6Roperty oi smaY quentitles ot Hererdous Substences that ero genen�N rceot�nizod to ba eppropri4te to nomvl " . �,,i
<br /> rcsldenUel us�s�nd to enek�tenance of the Propetty. �
<br /> � ��-' Barowa ahs11 prompUy dve Lender w►itten noUce of any InvesUgaUon, cl�)m, derriat�d, Inwsuk or otha actlon by nny �.�;� �
<br /> flor�emma�td or reguktory agency or p�lvate party Invoking the Prope+ty end eny HeLrdous Substance or EnvkonmenUil law o1 �
<br /> .� - ' w���:;� �a.�:.a haa adua! �c::".� tf �e�c��pr ic,oma, or Is noUHad by any 9avemmentel or reguiatory authorfly� thet any
<br /> .. . ' �emovat or ather remediaUon oi any Hezardoua Substetice aStectiny Roperty is nscessary. Borrower shall prompty teke a� +�
<br /> ° � necessuy remedl�l acUons In sccordance wRh EnvkonmenW Law. �• � .,;
<br /> Ae use�fn thb p�graph 20, 'Ha¢ardous Substar�ces' are those substences defined es tox� or hezeirdous subaWces by �: • :��.:
<br /> Environmental Law a�d the toflowing substances: gesoAne, kerosene, other Psmmable or toxlc pehokum producta, toxk ��,�` �� •� '�: :
<br /> pes�cldes snd habicides,vointile solventa, m+Re�tals contelning aabe.gtoa or tom►eldehyde,and rackoacttva materlala. Aa used tn ir}.�.,�
<br /> � paragrapfi 20, 'Envkonma�tel Law' means tederal laws end laws of the wrisd6cttan where the Property Is loca�ted thet reWte to T �,
<br /> " hedth.a�tdy or envkonrnattai pmtectlon. � �i
<br /> ' t�tON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower end Lender further covenent snd agrea as foYowa: ;,. •.
<br /> 21. Accol�ratton: Rereedles. Lender ahait givs notics to Borrowsr prfor to �ccd�ra4lon �°w�'v .
<br /> ,. toltowle�g Ba�owar's br�ach of any covomnt or �gn�m�nt in this S�curity InstrumeM (but not � -�.�
<br /> . .. prior to acc�Iorallon und�r paragraph 17 unt�ss applicaW� law providas oth�rwis�). Th� a�o[ic� �.x .
<br /> ;�,� .,; .'�.
<br /> shail sp�cHy: (�) th� defaut� (b) th� �ctton requlrod to cur� th� dohult; (c� � d�to, not Is�s than , .,.,�,� � �
<br /> •� ° ' 30 days frore� th� dats th� notics le gtv�n to Bonaw�r� by whleh th� d�fauft muat b� cur�d; and •-
<br /> � � (d) that fuluvs to cun ths d�fauk an or b�fors thv data sp�ciflsd In thr notica may r�aul4 1� „
<br /> , -. acc�(�ration of tl»aurtis soaurqd by this Sac�rSijt Inatraammt and �al� of tho PropeRy.Th0 �ottca .••.
<br /> shall tur6h�r inMrm Boru+�w�r of tha right to �einst�t� aR�r acceleretAon and th� �ight to bring o ,,:'.;��r>{,:
<br /> -%,• court action to a��t thA non-axlstoncs of a dehult or �ny other defonse of Borrower to • �''�;`,�
<br /> � ' °�. accslsraUon �nd sal�. If ths d�tault !s not curad on or b�fore the dato spoc6fisd In th� notics� •:,�
<br /> . • Lond�r a! Its optloa may roqulro Immsdlat� payment In �ull of all aums �eaurad by thls Security
<br /> ° Instrum�nt wtthout fu�thor domand and may Invofc� tha powor ot sala and any athor renea�los
<br /> pora�itt�d lsy a�ptic�bla law. Londar shal.l be entitlod to collect all exponses Incurrad in pursutng �
<br /> ; , th� rom�dloa providod In this paragraph 21. Including, but not Ilmited to. reaaonabte attomey�' I ..
<br /> � fs�s�nd coa4s of tKl� ovidonco. i
<br /> , H tP�� pow�r o! sal� Is Invokad, Trustea sh�ll ro�ord a na'tice of dehutt In each cou�4y Ire � �
<br /> .. �vhich �ny part of tha Property is located and shall mail coplea of such notic� In tha manner I
<br /> � preacrib�d isy applla�bls law to Borrowar �nd!� tho other por�ons prascrlbed by applicablo Inw.
<br /> � Aftor tha timo �oqulr�d by �pplica4�le law�Trusteo shall glve publlc aotics af salo to the persons � .
<br /> , �nd Ire tha mannor prosc►ibad by appflcablo law. T►ustse.�nrithout demand on Bofruw�r� sha11 a411
<br /> th� Proparty at public auCtlon to the higfiost blddor at 4ho time end place and unclor tho tarms �
<br /> • dsstgns�tad tn the notice ot safe In ona or more parceis and In any ardor Truata� determines. ,
<br /> T►ustoe may postpano salo of all or any parael of the Proparty by publlc �nnuuncoment at tho
<br /> �, tlnno snd pisc� of any pr�vioualy schsdulsd sale. Lsndar or (ts dasign�� may purchas� tha
<br /> PropMy at �ny s�le. '�
<br /> . ' --- _- .�...... .a...t,.s .� n�.rn»r�! a} thr nrtao did. Truate� si�ll d�liver to tho purchasar Trustaa's
<br />��-------rt=—__.-------- ..�.. .��.�- -' �-.--•--'- , .
<br /> , doed cmnvaying th� Prop�rty.Tha recilals In the Trust�'a doad shal! tr� prima hc6s evidonce of �
<br /> th� truth a�f tho statorttants mado tharain. Trusteo shall appty ths proGepds of th� salo In tha
<br /> • � folloaring ordor. i�I to all costis �nd oxpeases of oxorctaing the pow�� ot eilo, and the sale�
<br />= � " Includtng the psyrmm�t of tha TruatQa's fea� �ctuatty incurrod, not to exaaed ti�ro�
<br /> '� % of th� prdncipal amount of tho
<br />° � noto at 4h� tlm� o!tha d4clarallon oi de�faatt.end reasonabl�attornoy'e to�a �a psrm6tted by law;
<br /> ,j� .. (b) to all sums ececurad by thls Securfiy/ Inat�ume� and (c) tny �xcass to th� p�rson or peraans
<br />_ � • legal{y antid�d to it.
<br /> . , F1316.UA0 lt0/9o) Da�o 4 0l S ..r_ ..�.�.._ .
<br /> - �
<br /> = 550i6
<br /> n�
<br /> _..:
<br /> m _ _ ._. .. -"-'u.r .� . .
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