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<br /> _ Upon rardpt nP pNyn�t af tbe prMx bid, 'i'ru�ta pb�l! deiiver to tbe purciw��er Tru�ta'� da�d aowweyla� tl�. _..
<br /> I'mp�ty. 'yfie rrcitaly ic�tt�e Trustee's dte�i�atl ba Ewlrc�K Parlc evicicnce u[the tirudh wf lihc stwtcment�m�dn�hRreln.
<br /> Trwtee elwll epply the pra�ot!he�+RUe i�►the talbwir�o�nkr:(a)to all coots and rxpe��es oE exe�rW�tic power o[
<br /> �9e,pnd t!x s�le,lncludia�lhe p�yment ot the Tru�tee'�[eea pctwtlly it�cur.�+ed,nut to exau�t 9b
<br /> af tbs�rl�xip�l Amouut ot the nate at the time of tF�declaratlon of de[auit,an�re�gonable Attorn�eys' (e�.w�x p�mfttecl
<br /> by law;(b)to�ll surns secured by this Sceurity Insftummt=pnQ(c)nny exceam to the person or persons leg�lly c�otiHtd ta
<br /> It.
<br /> 23. Reconveqnnce. Upon payment of ali sums secural by this Sexurity Instn�nxnt, Lendsr shall rcc�uost Trustee to
<br /> rec:unvr.y thc Pruperty arxl sliall surrender this Security �nstniment and ull notes evidencing debt sec:ar�xi by tl�'ts Secui�ity -
<br /> Instrumen!to Trustee.7'rustee shall reconvcy the Praperty without warranty and withaut ch�rge to the person nr peeso►is legully
<br /> ent{tled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any i�ecordation wsts.
<br /> 23. SuMtitute Trustee. l.eixier. ut Its optian, may from time to time remove Trustce und appoint a sur.cessor tnista to
<br /> any Trustec appointed herGUrider by an instniment recorded in tlic coanty in which this Security Instrument Is rccorded.Without
<br /> convcyan�e of the Property,the suscesso�trustee shall succeed to all the title, power nr�d duties conferral upon T�ustee hercin
<br /> snd by appliceble law.
<br /> 24.Reyuest tor NotttYS. Borrowcr requcsts that copies of thc naticc9 of dcfault und sale ix sent to Borrower's xddress
<br /> whicli is tho Pro�erty Address.
<br />; 25.Riderk to th!�5ecurlty Iostn+menY.If one or more riders are executal by Bonower and recorded together with this �
<br />, 3ecurity Instivment, the cavenants and a�rr,ements of cuch.uch ddcr shall bc incorp�rated ineo and sh:ill:nnend nncl sappleinent
<br /> the covenants and agreements of thi,�r.,curiry Instsumznt ns if the rider(s)were n part of this Sccucity Instrument.
<br /> (Check applicablc bax(cs)J
<br /> �Adjustable Rate Rider C]Condominium Rider ❑ l-4 Fnmily Iiider
<br /> Giauuuicat Fuym�nc�;dcr �P1a;sncd Elntt�ce:lapmcnt.:id�r �5:�.�e��.:p:'wym�r.t P.ider
<br />� Balloon Ridcr �Ratc Improvement Rider �Second Home Ridcr
<br /> �V.A.Rfder 0 Other(s)[specifyj
<br /> DY SIGNING BELOW, Horrawer accepts and agrees to tlie terms and covenants cuntained in this Security Instrument and
<br /> in any rider(s)executed by Bonower and recorded with it.
<br /> Witnes�es: �9'
<br /> (Seal)
<br /> ,� ...-. ^�— _Borrawcr
<br /> ..d
<br /> _�-�a��est/71. ,�P� (Scal)
<br /> +�iA�`:-K r,Ii8 Ei� -Borrowe►
<br /> _ (Scal) _ (Seal)
<br /> -Borrowcr -Bortuwcr
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL Couniv ss:
<br /> The foregoing instn�ment was acknowledged before me this STH day of JUN� • 199 S � =
<br /> by qI(,LIAN H HE 0 A U StIARON I� NE!D 9U38AHD ANU 1IFE t0 EACR OtHEP. • -
<br /> Wuness my�an�and notanal se.�nt aRAND I SLAN• , NEBRASKA ��said County, the date aforesaid. -
<br /> My Commission Expires: L . ' �`
<br /> �NERAtIl0I1{II1•Sbk�tlkbttsAt �_
<br /> MI�RRE.KERSTEM Nutary Wblic
<br /> IyC�.E�R�ti�it0i �.
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