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<br /> THIS TRUST UEED,mado tMs���dsy of .Tune _,,,,_.1�95,by and�non9 the 7runtor,„_,�
<br /> Stephen W. Smith uad karla I.. Smith, husbancl and wif�.
<br /> -- -- --- -
<br /> ____, (heeein'&or�ovrer"►,
<br />� whoseme�ungeddresa�a �lJ. E. 18th, Gr�nd Island, NE 68801 __ __
<br /> endFinTior �a�nk Nat�nval A9;iS1C�8L.1M�..QmS�1Sa I�ehr�aka ,(hereln"7tuste0°t,�tndthe
<br /> . -';i� . � • �
<br /> �.. _i1
<br /> - �:_-±�;6� Honeficlacy,FiroTier Ran]� Nat�on '�,,:��yaciat+on. Omah��_.v�hosp meilinpeddreasis,�,,,,j,ZQQ Farnam StYeBC;_,,,_,_
<br /> 7�kt3TEtslta
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<br /> ' - - °' ' t)m a_ Npbrar.lcw 10 {`rroin'Lon�er"I.
<br /> �.__ _��h., .fi8�_ � ,-
<br /> � 80RAUWER,in consideratfon oi ths Indebted:�est hereln teoeived and the trust herein orsated,irrev000Uly grento,trentfete,eonvey�end a�yipn�to _
<br /> - Tasi�e,In TRUST,WITH POVlER OF 9Al.E,the fol�ow(ng deecribsd prop�►ty,looet�d in,�ja,�,�_ Ccunty,Nehra�ka:
<br /> I.oC 3� Block 4� Morri.s Second Addition. City of Grand Yeland, Mall County.
<br /> � Nebrastca. -
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<br /> �.�� TOGETHER with ell buildings,fixturea,improvomante ond eppurtensnaea now or hareaftnr erootad thoroon end all righte-of-way,oasemonte,ronta,
<br /> ._.i,y,;,:;.
<br /> - `�.',.�t,,.;.,,•• isauos,profite,incorne,tonomento,hareditqmente,privilegos,oppurtenences,royeltfes,end mineral,oil,gat�end water dghte thereunto belonAfng,u�ed .
<br /> �,:�:�s;��!cr_>�,;:;:.: or enjoyed wlih sald lend or any part thereof, sll of whioh,Inoluding replaoomante nnd edditions thoroto shall bo doemed to be and romain a part of �
<br /> ,�,;,•,,,jy;�y:;�,S� the property covered by thfe Ttust Dead;end alI of the foregoing topether with eoid property nro haroin rofotrod to se tho"Property."
<br /> "�'��-�+��� � 'f0 SECURE to Lander tho roeayment oi indobtedneas ovidenoed by Borrower'e Home Equity Une Loan Agrooment end Home Equfty Note dntcd '
<br /> ���`'' '+'���� June 2 ,19 9S ,together with eny and eU ronewels,modifioattons,and oxtonsions thoroof nnd subsUtutions or exchengea thnrefor
<br />���.:r�i;,•.�.,.��.: ..
<br />- :•-;,r,,::,i� (herein the"Notdl in the moximum principal sum outetending et any one time of 8�p, on�nn ,together with Interoat et the ratu
<br /> provided thereln,with e final meturlty,if not soonar pald,of u; nnd ne eeourity for any future edvanees thut may
<br /> �• . • be mede by the Londor to tho Oorrower irom timo to timo and a aLrf y fnr the pa�1h5{ it an •ond all othar Indebtednose of the 8urrowor to the
<br /> Lender whloh may a�ise, ali of aaid sums not to ax000d In the c�ggregate a aum equol to threo timee the orfginal principal omount of thA Noto. For
<br /> purpoae�of the Home Equity Line Loen Agreement,paragrapha 2,3,4,6 and 11 below ehal!be deemed covenants relating to the Property.
<br /> .A„ :�;,��
<br /> .. 3�`ti ,••� ' BORROWEF!oovonante that tha Borrowor la Iowtuity eafzod of the Property horeby oonveyod and hne tho riyht to grent end convoy the Proporty,that
<br /> '':�'� tha Proparty lo unencumberod by ony mortgago,truat dood,oantrao4 to purohase or otherwiae,oxo�pt Sor A mn rt�&g,na
<br /> " �'•'° infavorof Nome ederal Savin�s and Loan
<br /> =y �'L: �"t• on whtah tho unpoid baianoe on thie dato dooe not ouoead 9 . Tho Borrowor aovanants to oomply with all tho tarms nnd
<br /> � � �' ��% provisfone of env p►�or mortpnge, truat doed or aontreot to pura �o, upon tho Proporcy and to moko all peymonte theroon boforo thoy bocamo
<br /> ..�.... . .
<br /> " '` �'" dolinquent. If no nomo or amount ia ineorted in thie paragraph,then the Borrower oovonante that thoro uro no pdor Ilone or oncumbrancoe of nny kind
<br /> upon tho Property. The Borrower furthor oovenants to worrent end defend tho titlo to tha Proporty against all ciuims and domande.
<br /> , ' , �'� Tho Borro�vor ond tho Lendur furcher uovonant nnd egroo os followe:
<br /> ,,,( � 1. Tho Barrowor sholl promptly poy whon due tho prinaipnl and tntorost on tho indobtodnoes ovfdonood by tho Noto.
<br /> I
<br /> 2. At least ton daye bePoro thoy baaomo dolinquont, Borrowor ahall paY oll taxoo nnd spocinf esaesamants lavfod or assesacd ngainst tho � �
<br /> ��'. Proporty, or uny pnrt thoreof,ond uli tuxo�,I�vies�nd esaosarmente levled upon this Truat Doed or tho dobt whfoh it eoouros.
<br /> � . 3. The Borrowor e�holl keep the im�rovomonte und bufldinfls,if nny,upon the Proporty inaurod,with n oompany or compa��ios opprovod by tho �
<br /> ' � Londnr,for an emount not losa thnn tho unpaid'onlanoe on the fndebtedneee soaurod by thie 1'rust Dond with n etnndnrd mortgago clnuso �
<br /> ' :,;� with(ooe payeble to cho Lundea Tho Borrowor ehall delivor eafd polioy or poltalea to tho Londor. I
<br />•_ �__�,��k�fi�,d! . . . . . .. _._.._�..' "'__'_'.,_.'_'�._a__"__�'�..�..t�.�..d��.���..d�.e...1(:In n nrnnf nf Incc I}thn An..nw>r io nnr
<br /> ` .`�i.`.Sr'�""�--_�� In tf7o oVant ot o�wLa.trio v�itivrici anm�yjno p�vnrya..vu�v.....rv•vw•o..�...�...�.�..�""��..�_. _.._ ...'_f.""' _' '__" _ .-_ '_""".._ .._. --___
<br /> �: . otharwlso In dofault,the Borrower may elect to npply tho Inautenoe proaeads to ropufr or ropinao tho dnmagod Proporty,if oconomioolly foasiblo,unA �
<br />-' ' tho eocurity ot thle Truet Deed would not be Impnlrod. If tho Borrower Ie in dofault ot eloote not to rupnir or roplaaa tho damngod Pr000rty or ropair
<br /> � � or roplacement would not oconomlcelly foasiblo or the socutfty of thls Trust Doed would bo Impatrod thon tho Insurnnco pr0000de ehall bo nppllnd to
<br /> � - tho loet mntuting paymente due on the Note. If thn Insuronoo proaoode nro In oxaosa of tho total umount duo on enid Noto,tho oxooso ehall bo pafd
<br /> to the Borrower. Inaurai�co ptooeeds for ropnir or raplaeamont shall bo pinoed In osaro�+with tho Londor and diebursod by tho Londor during or upun
<br /> complotfon af auoh ropqir or ropinoomont. If tho Londut aoquires titlo to tho Proporty by oxorcieing ite powor ol eulo, loroclosuro or othmwiso,m i
<br /> {, entie}ootion�f tho Indebtednose eeaured horoby,in wholo or In port,thon nll right,tltlo and Intoroet o1 tho Borrowor In nnd to auoh inaurnnae polloy !
<br /> ur pollclos ohall pass tn tho Londor. j
<br /> i
<br /> 4. Thu Bonowor nhnll kaep tho P►oparty in good rapair and ehall not oommit wnnto or pormit Impnirmont or dutorioration ot tho Propony. �
<br /> .c �.a
<br /> . r �
<br /> i
<br />` ,
<br />