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<br /> -_. •- . "�_._�`_;� T.l?RV7��'� a. -wj-�f.1�,1.a.n�n � F - .,�..;-.s
<br />__ •-._ r ^-.hr:*:..J ... .,.. ia �.ar7�M�s� �...�.�.i.G_==
<br />__ � .. . ��j �� ������aw� �..•�.,�..;.._,
<br /> CUtfi::JAC�'i 0
<br /> - =:Lkt�4i..,...k.. ____ _. ..
<br /> --,•,� , �}? iti-:—._
<br />�..-__u..�l:i��7 1�d�• Cg.F�:=oC--�
<br />�_.�_ - 1, p�y�t�• Horrc�wer �Qn�� ta m�ke atl pryn��nts an the s�cu+od tleb� whnn due. Un!ees k7arrownr end lenAar apres otheiw:�, Gfl'Q --
<br /> _ p�ym�n1�����u ncNve�lrom L1tKrowEr or fot Harrovwi'����«W���h���'p�I�� `�nt to �ny nmounts Borrowtr awes an tho eocurad debt ___
<br /> ���°��i;,;,;;'����� ' oxctutiv�nt Intero�t o►Pr�nclpN,un9rxf to Int�r�.tt,�nd lhan to princlpd,lf p�ri�sl pnpeYni�nt of lhe eecurod dabt nccur�tor eny reeoon,It wlll
<br /> _ --`''� not reduca or�xcw��ny�cheduHJ p�Ym�nb unt� tF»tstund dnCt Is peld In tull,
<br /> :zn,rs�y,._��* 2.Clldnn�A�p�lnn�c{ind��t.�BY�lil ni w Ich would Imptlr the Ilen�af�thli drid oi truit�lendi�miy iquln 8otrowir toi,ilfln iny rl�hti�cl�lmi4a p LL^-"+.
<br /> �.,� toth�prop� Y �';�`��`;;�'.
<br /> ��� d�ten�u whleM Oorrov►�r m�y hw��N�►���P�«����'�10 cuFplY Ir1;�r or mRterla!�to Improvn or melntolo the property.
<br /> --`—l-�`� 3,�rour�no�, Borrower wlll kaep the property fnsund und�r termi �ncnpiabt�ta Lend�r st Borrow�r's ezps+ne�and tor lender'e benetit. AIt `�_
<br />—"-'-'�� Inaurenca pollclu�ahdl Inc�unce roceeda maV«6e applted wlthln Lin�eeiddiicrt t�nQ�tya�6�uc7�hni rencetfnr•ea I np i L ada r yul�ea ro{iiny _-_
<br /> "-` �`°- Infur�nce poNaY•Any Innuti p
<br /> ..Yr�E''`° ar to the secured debt.It Lendet requlree mortflege Ineunnce,Borrower��reei '"
<br /> -��"��' q,prop�rty,Borrower wlll keep the property In pood condltlon and malco etl repalro raaeana�Iy neceesnrY•
<br /> !s�t��
<br /> �`�� " 9'� o}t�8 oi�jn eny o611gatlon eecuredyby thla deed o ttuet S�orrower�wlll PaV�thene emouiite to Lends QeR provlded(n tavenant B�of thls deed of ���� `-
<br /> -.-{i��a.Wi�� �S�rYJ�ii
<br /> ,J�yz. , v�st. ;��'r'�
<br /> .,,�::� , 6,pda g�curity Int�rat�.Unles�Borrower flr6t obtaina Londer'e wrltten consent, Borrower w1I1 not make ar permlt eny changos to eny prlor �A�
<br /> ���•��-:�,.�y;,`,, �,� s e c u r i ry interosts. Borrower wfll pe�farm ell of Borrower'e obllgetlons under eny prter mortgage, deed o} trust or other securlty agroement, ,�Y_�
<br /> T, Inc tu dm g B o r r o w a r'o c o v e n e n t e t o m eke pa ymen t s w h e n d u e.
<br /> ,��
<br /> .'��a�-� ,. , �.._-
<br /> ,,uc�}?y s�;, 7,pat t of R�nts�nd Proflt�•Botrower osalgna to Lender the renta and proflts ot the property.Un leos B o r r o w e r a n d L e n d e t h a v e e g r e e
<br /> __:_:.;�•,«;q��„ ...� ot herw s e i n w r f t l n p, B o r r awer ma y collect end retatn the rente ea long as Borrower Is not in de4ault. I4 Borrower defaults,Londer, Lendar's W.,.,.
<br /> ond colleat the rents. Any rente Lender collects shalt be
<br /> _ _. " ;`:�:: �' agant,or e court eppo ln t e d rocelver ma y teke possess lon a n d m a n a 8 s t h e p ro pe r t y .,,,m,,
<br /> ° ��;. epplled tlrst tu the coste ol man.:gln t he property, includlnp court coste an d a ttome ya' feea, comrtdes tona to r e n t a l a B e n t s, e n d en y o t her �;,.
<br /> . r.� necessary related oxpenses.The remeQnlnp emount oi rente wfil thon apply t�paymentc on ths secvmd deht as provided in Covanan t 1. � ;.'+
<br />' ::;•tr,.r�.v� .
<br /> ment,Borrower wlll perform all of BortoweYs duties A�•,-�
<br /> �•��:' .� � � � � 8.4�aeahdda•Cardomin!um�;Plnnned U�t D�v�lopmMU..Borrower agrees to comply wlth tho provlslona of eny leuae if thts doed of trunt is on
<br /> -" _ &. a leasohold. I{thfs deed of trust la on a unit In a condominium or a plsnnod unft devalnp
<br /> ' undet the covenante,by-lews,or repulatlons of tho condominlum or pinnnod unit develapment. ,
<br />;�'�,,' . • '� �tlos�or�ceuso�om to�be per�formedf BendeWmoyelsBgn�Borrowar's�nem Borrp Y e�Y emou t if neao�sory}o Perfarmancoelf any =�;'�'
<br /> � y. 9. Auffiorlty
<br />�`��J=. . , pertorm the dut
<br /> - ���'� R.1� constructlon on the property�B dThls�may include completing tho construationmenner,Lender maV do whetevor Is e�acessery to protect Lender's
<br /> _�j: socurlty intorest in the property �
<br /> _ ' Lender's fellure to perfotm wfll not proclude lnndar fa uw�a�cctsing any of Its other rlQhts under the law or this doed of trust. �;:�,
<br />=:�1:•.�'�. '�' . ._
<br /> z.� , , , y�c. ,.:� Any emo ear I terest homt he daPo of the payment u t�peldtin fu�l et'Ithe fnte e 4a ete In'eHect n the sec ved debt unts wtll bo due on domend
<br /> `-I_ , and will b "z
<br /> }• ,� ,:.
<br /> � �n_ n•tault�nd AccdoraUon. If 8orrower falls to mm�e naa�Vepor deed ofhtrustulenderrmay eccolerote thegmat�iirityhof tho socu tred debt end �
<br /> r ct...-`�- Y�FPl::sBla io.�...
<br /> � / �;t�'�' obtlpation secured by th�s aaed oi i�ua���a��i F� .
<br /> domend immedlate peyme�t and may Invoke tho powor of sato and eny other rameaios per�niii�.+�
<br />--... �..;;,`i , E ,uj�•
<br />�;� , 11.ReWest tor NoUco of Dsfwtt.It�s horoby requeated that copies of the noticos of dofeult and sale be sent to each person who Is a party r r,.
<br /> � hereto,et ifie addross ot each such person,as snt tonh herefn. •�!�t
<br /> � 12.Pow�r of 6�1�.If the Lendor Invokea the powor of sale, tho Trustoe shall firet recard In tho9�'eLO�a Q to8otherrpersons es peescribed by ��
<br />- " whorofn the trus4 property or some pert or parcal thereot Is situeted a notice o4 dofault conteinln the Informadon raqulred by law.The Trustee -
<br /> chell elso maH coplea of tho notice of default to the Boriower,to each p�rson who Ie e party h '�
<br /> ,�. �:t , eppllcuble law. Not lese than one month efter the Truatae recordo the notice of dotault or two months If the ublle auctlon to the hfghest " 1_,
<br /> , . +• � Incorporetod clty or v,Ilage�nd le used�cablef maw�T�ueteie,�wltehou tdemend ontBorrowere sh�alltsell he�proparty,et�tice of sele�'cable law. :
<br /> _ , e n d I n t h e mannar prascrlbod b Y eppp In two separata seles ee requlred by epp
<br /> btdder.If requfred by the Farm Homea t e e e cel tof the property by publlt ennouncemrent a t t he t l m e u n d p l a c e o f e n y p r a v[o usl y scheduled oale. �,�
<br />— ' " ' ` 'F Truatee mey poatpone selo of elI or ony p
<br /> ' ' � Lender or ke deatgnae may purcheso the propertV ut eny sele. � `
<br /> � Upon recef�t°}�a 11 be t rlma f clo evldlenco ot the trutheo�f¢he stetomuant acont Ined thore�naTrustee�shalhepn y the proceeds�of�the selq Intho �
<br /> • � • Trustee's deed sha p
<br /> � following order: le) to all exponsos of cho sale, including, but not Iimlted ta, raesoneble Trusteo's tues, ruesonaule ettomey's fees end
<br /> �.,� �;-. . . :,�_ relnstatement foes:Ib)to nll sums securod by thla deed of�tr be�fo oclos d�In tho mannvr�p�ovldo by0eppl cab eefaw for'foreclosuro oftmortfla8os
<br /> �'-�' "°'"�•"••' •'�� 13.Fonelo�ur�.At Lendor's optfo�,thle doed of trust m Y
<br /> �, - �: ...
<br /> _ .• •• on reel property.
<br /> -�-f:. .ti�
<br /> 14.Intp�cUon.Lender may enter tho proporty to i�spoct it ff Lendor gives Borrower notice beforehand. The notioe must stete the reasonablo
<br />— � cause for Lender e Inspection. g
<br /> t II or en part of ihe property.Such proceeds wi I bo appliad as prowded in Covenant 1.This assignment�s sublect to tho terms ot any prlor
<br /> 16.CondNnmtion•Borrawer assi ns 10 Lender the Ixocaeds of eny eward or claim far dama es connactod with a condemnation or other tnkiny
<br /> - � ' y
<br /> , , socurity egroemont.
<br /> ; , ,M�': ;...;� ns egoin.
<br /> '. 16.Ws�ver.BY exercicing any remedy availabla to Londer, Lande�ht to latngconsPde the eve t aldotault if a'heppe�romedy.By not exercising
<br /> eny romedy upon Borrowor's defeult,landor doos not v+aivo eny 8
<br /> � ,'° ' ��rrower who caYSl�ns h�i tlo d�of�t�ust but doos o�co•sign�he u nderdlyin gI' dnht instrumentlslddoes so only to g�ent ae d econvoy th t
<br /> . . r ,..r; eo �..
<br /> . �,,.� 9orrowor's 1nitower�underthis dood i tr st maY mxtendhmod'T9or mnko e y otherBChnngas�ln�tho tohms oil8hh deed ot tru�t orethe�sec r d
<br /> ,;� n nY o t h e r B o I
<br /> -- do bt�vhhnut that�o;rowoYs co n s o n t o n d w i t h o u t r e l o a s i n g t h a t orrowor trom tho torms of this deed of trust.
<br /> ,�, .
<br /> `� Tho duties end hanoTitc of this deed ot trust shmll bind ond benefit tho succossore and esslgns of Londor end 9aarowcr. i
<br /> 18.NoUc�.U�loss otherwlso roquirod by law,ony notico to Borrowor shall be glvon by delivori�g n or b�!mai;ir.g il by certified mail nddressed to .
<br /> ` Borrowor at tho proporty addrosa or any other nddress that Borrowar hae given to Lendor.Bor�awor w�ll give 8ny �otiCO to Londar 6y certifiod j •�
<br /> -= mailent to lend�rc odd oss as steted on�p Aoc��`-'thfa d ed of trusi.h6r paar��Whlch Londor�ae doslgnotezl. MY other notico to Londor shall i
<br /> . be s I
<br /> Any notice shall bo deumod to hava beon plvan t�Borrowor or Lender when givon in the menner ntated ebove. I
<br /> .:, �� 19.Tnn+t�r ot tM Propwtl►or e B�flcl�l tntv��t[n ths BorroWtt.If ell or any part of tho propertY or ony intarest In It is sold or transferred
<br /> without Lender's prlor wrltton consont, Lendor may domand Immedfate paymont ot tho cocured dobt. Lendcr rnay nlso domand immodiate
<br /> domand �aymenRln tha abova sftuationsr f Ipis prahibted by fodoral Inw as of tho da a ot hls dund�of trusLnsforrod. Howeoer, Lendor may not i
<br /> --�-�^=-- - p __� �..u. a�..�r.��at hns been pald,ond Lender has no fuvthor obligaGon to moke odvancas
<br /> - --.-_-.:- .. . .. ._.."' �...w��e..�lu racnnvuv th0 LfUSi •.
<br /> --- _•- --- - 20.Riconv�yYfc�.Whon t�o om�ganov aoav�o.. �. •..- ---- - .__..__.. . . :- ,
<br /> und¢r tho fnsVUmonts or agvoamunte sacurod by this daed ot trust,tho Trusteo sha11,upon wrrtcvn�oy..o�. ..
<br /> � " propertV•Tho londer shall delivor to the Borrowar,or to Borrowor's succossor In Intorost,tho trust daod and t note ar othor ovidonco of tha I
<br /> o6ligatlon to setisfiod.Borrowor ehell qaY ony raeordatio�costs. o��t a cuccossor trustao by first, mAilinfl a,capy of tho
<br /> � 21. Succ�ata TrustH• Londor, ot Londar's o tion. may romovo Trustuo and upp
<br /> 01 oachtcouniy inSwhlcA thn trua p�opartYO or�somo partLtAor of,f is s tuat d bThousuccessorst ustao rwithout Canv Yancu of tho propor Yashall
<br /> - � s�ccaod to all tho pov+or,dutios.uuthorltY and titlo ot tho Trustoo namad{n tho daed of trust and of any guccessor trustoo.
<br /> __.}
<br /> .. � .. � �pa4e Z ol 21
<br /> .. ., �• � �� �• OAt11tER5 SVSTEA75.INC..ST ClOU.�.�IN BB�OI 11-600397-77M171 iORM OCP�1Tl1NE 6119�91 '
<br /> -��-��-�._ ... . . . . .._
<br />