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„..N. ___.�..,,..,. .�..., . , . _ <br /> ,. �. ;+..�.r y.u�� . .._ -=._ <br /> ,, - . ,, : <br /> ._.�r:n..:��,..��..�.,,.r:;.:: : ,., ---- --- <br /> ” ....:n:-,�•:.�..., ...,.:. . . _ _ <br /> • n��yr}+♦q.Y,..t� ,. . -_' _°=itr}..a�B.Fa.n.:1T'f£d.P"'.0 _ :�. _. _�,:-...;._-_---- ----- — . <br /> -"� l'KA671Y�`.�+.t.;� Pta�-��?:�j=�_� —-- ._ - ..__ _ . _ -- — <br /> ��._ W.s" -- — <br /> .- � i'T'_'r'ma�9_.. �a. s� -- <br /> _�,�.��3Ml6'k�v,..� ` � f���' iw:at--- <br /> : <br />......., .._. ,_ :'.� � ���M ,IR�.��7 till�.. <br /> • F.'��/�'E1���� ��.��- . <br />- . .�.,..,� 1. P:.;:-::ta. Bnttoe:cr c�,ree� to raofce e{l f�sy��;r.�t+ an tii� ceeuec�J d°bt t:Stcri d�ss. lin:-r:� Cc;ror:��r.:iJ lr..��:r r:;;rc.� at�t_rc�:�7. e���y �,-` <br /> � paymon[e l�nGar ncalve�irom Borrovr•sr ov ior Borrower'v aenofit wlil bi applled tlr�t to �ny�mount� Gorrowrr owec�ao f�a r...ut�J :tcb3 <br /> ���_^_•�`.'.�;� sxclualw of Intsr��t a p�lrk►p+�f,a�cand m Int�nat,�rsd th�n ta princip� partl�l pr�p�yment ot th�soc�ured debt occurs tor any reuon,It wiu .�._.. <br /> .�',"LL"'°=;, not riduc�w�xa�ee�ny�oMduNd p�ymant un:il thu ocw�d d�b1 f+�p�M In fuA.. . . <br /> ;;_.���s4�;r� �r� <br /> � �� to t�opkw�t�,v�r�l�vwi�rhiihV�wouid Impak tli�Ilen of i�l,d�i1iA�d tr�uK l��t�r�Borr�owK toii�lpn�nyrlphto ol�lmsko�i� <br /> - -� datrnso wt�c� roww m�y h�w�pNnat p�rtN�who yuQpty Ivbor a m�twl�M to Unprow-0►m� 4M praD�Y- ^ <br /> n�_�� - <br /> = -.=>nt;•, 3.wn�enrxa.Barow�r wdl k�p t:�p�o;%:iiV lr,=urcd urdcr tcrm�cr,�nnteMe tn Lertder�t Barrowir'��xpsnte�nd(ar Lend�P�t»rroflt.All <br /> Iruuranc�poNaiR��h+�q Inc[ud�a�fandWd mottpap�ciws�in 4�vor of L�nd�r.Undtr will W n�m�d��b�a peyol a n tha Insw�d on eny svcn <br /> Iruunnc�paHc�.Any In��x�nc�pou�d�m�y w• withln L�nd�r'�disu�tian,to�tther ct�nttontian or rpair o}tM d�tn�p�d qop�rcy <br /> :_�:���,.� or to tFH��cur�+d d� lN►d�►nquku mortpep� murana,Rorrowe�N�to m�intaln such Intur�nc�for a�lonp n L�ndsr reqe,iros. _ <br /> _ 4,/rop�rty.Barrawer wili kNp tM prop�rtY in pood conditlon�nd m�k��ti topaks rinan�bly n�a:ury. _, <br /> °�-�f 6.ExpMUH.Bertow�►�yne�to p� UI LanQer'��xpmse�,inciudinp ra��ombt��ttarnaY�'fees,If Borrower txe�ks �ny co•r�nant�in thb d��d v <br /> y �. <br />';°y�_.h*:,.xc�:�� of vust or in�ny obilpation wcund by thf�dwd nf tru�t.BoROwer will p�y thu�amounU to Lander a�provEde�l In Covemnt B o1 this ds�d of =�_. <br /> - ' Vuet. ---— <br /> ,.�,>.'_..�::,f�s . _ <br />� ' �•?rs;��:,w. • e,yrior s�awtty k���t�.Un1��1 8orrowsr fk�t obtdns Lend�P�writtan connrti,6orrowor wltl�ot make or permit�ny cMnpet to�ny prla ___ <br />;:,_a;,_, <br />:�� �'t��' � � ` � inchidil�ip�8orrowir'i coven nri�t miki p�ymm��when du�b����tlana undar�ny prlor mortpap�, deed of tru�t or oth�r tecuriry��ument, <br />�� K.v�l�.'•h♦ *- <br /> ���'','r��"f''�': � � 7.As t ot R�nt��nd Protiti.Borrow�r sttlpna to Lersder ths ronri�nd protit�of tha propeny.Unlea�Borrovia end Lender h�w�gre�d _ <br /> - _ .s;rr �'s othenrrse in writin9, Borrow�r may collect�nd retain th�ronri a lonp��Borrowu is not in defsuit.If Borrower da}eulta, Lendw, LendsPs __ <br />"=�:�r';�r..,;r�` epmt,or o court�ppoint�d nc�iv�r may t�k�twtanslon�rtd mmt�e th�prop�rty srd cullect ths rent�.Any nnt�Lender colleata th�11 W+ <br /> - � ��t; � epptied itnt to th� cott�of manayinp the pro{�rty. Inciudi�p court cast�ond�ttansyi fees, commfasions to r�M�l apmt�, �nd iny ntMr <br /> - �=�'�` ,, nec�sa�ry related expen�s�.The remalning�mount of rsnt�will ttwn apply to p�ym�nt�on the secursd debt�s provided in Covan�nt 1. <br /> : �:�i•� A,����,C����p��V�p��q.Bortowar�!�roet to compty vuith the provisions of any Iea�e ff fi�la daed of Eru�t i:an �__ <br /> � �,i;:'•.,. :� , a leasehotd.1{thl�dfed ot trust Is on� unit In�candomin[um or e plmnad unit development,�orrower wftl pedorm sll of 8orrowor'e duties �,;: <br /> under ths covanenta,by-laws,ar repul�Uons of the condominlum or plsnr»d untt devebpmeni. <br /> � r-.r� <br />^ . g,puthortty of L�n�r to Perfam toc Bartow�c• If Borrower tafie to pe�form eny of Borrower'e dutlea under this dead of uuat, l.ender may �..Y--�;_; <br /> �! ' •!;, pe�torm the dutlai or oau��them to bs performed. lenda mey ilpn Sortowar'� nemo ar ay any emount if necee�ery for pertorm�nce.if eny G-__ <br /> construction on thspropsrty Is dTliti�msy Inctude comple�tinp the con�uctonm��r���er m�y do whKever t�necaatary to proteFt Lender's �- <br /> '„;''� �� socurity intereat In the property. <br /> •,:�.iY�::fJ�. � <br /> . .._: <br /> : �'•__ <br /> Lendera failure to partorm wiil not prectude Lender from exercisinp�ny of Its other rlphu under the law or thls dead of trust. .,� <br /> ...._ ........,�.�:�. n �•w:�f <br /> and wm bear int��dre tYfrom the�d��e of the payment unt(I pe djin full et�the�fntereat�ate In effect on the aocurod de6t���«Wtll he due on demend �ti- <br /> ., �� ' .x,.: <br /> 10. D�fwft�nd Acal�rNlon. II Borrower fail� to make any peyment when due or break� eny co�enants under this deed of Vust or eny <br /> ' dem�and immediete peym�ent iendd m y Invoke the po�war of enie snd any ather reemedlas permitted by applicabls law���of tho aecured debt end <br /> hereto et the addrooss of e�h�h�person,�isyset fort ehere n,coples of the not(cea of defeult snd cele be sont to each person wno i�s parcy `;��_: <br /> .. , �:�� <br /> 12,f"ow�r of SY�.If the Lender invokes the powar of enfe,the Truatee shail flrst record In the office af tha repis4er of deeda oP each county <br /> wherein the t►utt property or some pert or percel thereof It situated e notice of defeult conteininfl the Informadon required by law.7he Truatee �;� <br /> �� shell elso m�ll copfei of the notice of detauit to the Borrower, to each person who ia e party heroto,end to other pereone aa prescribed by � <br /> ,�f:;,;, epptic�bls liw. Not Ists than one month after the Trustee recordi the notine of dof�ult,or two montha if the truat property la not In my .�� <br /> Incorporatad city or villape�nd U ucad In farminy operetions carried on by the vustor,the Truatee�ho1i plve pubtio notice ot sele to the percons <br /> snd in tfie manner preRCribed bY sppplicab[e law.7rustee,without demand on Borrower,ahall cetl tho property et public eucUon to the highest , <br /> bidder.lf raqutrad by the Farm Homeetead Protectlon Act,Truatee thall oHer tha proporty In rivo separate sale�es required by eppitceble law. <br /> , Lende rot�fte desgnee may purch se the p ope►t1r at eny eelee by pubitc ennouncement at the time end ptace o}�ny prevlously schedulod sale. . <br /> Upon receipt of paYment of the price bid,Truatoo ehall daliver to the purchaser Trustee'e deed co�veying the property.The roeitlats canteined in � <br /> Trustee's tlaod�hsll be prfma facle evldiencn of tho uuth of the statomente conteinad therein.Trustee sheil apply the proceeds of the aele fn the <br /> einstetement foe���(b)to�ell s�s secu ed by thls�deeduof�trustb,uand(cl�thet beienco,ifaeny b�o the persons/egally entitlad to recelva�L,fees end <br /> '� � 93. Fonciaturo.At Lender'e optlon,this deed of nust may bo foreclosed In the menrter provido by appliaable law!or forectosure of mortgages �� <br /> ` ' " � on reai prope►ty. <br /> � . <br /> `1 14. Intp�ction.Lender may enter the praperty to inapoat It If Lender givos Borrower notice beforehend. The notice must steta tha reasonabSe <br /> � cauae for lender's Inspeotion. <br /> .� - 16.Cond�mn�llon.Bortower antlena to Lender the proceeds of eny eward or claim for damagea connented with e condemnatton or othor taking <br /> � of alY or any part of the property, Such proceeds wfil be oppilod ns provided in Covononi 1.This asslpnment oe aubjeot to tho torms of any prlor <br /> cecurity apreoment. <br /> " ' eny iamedy upon Borrowe re Ydolaulttl Lende�rd�oes�not weivo any riBht to Iete9consPder�ihe event e�defautt ff it happens aga,nv� BY not exe�cisinq <br /> a <br /> • 17. Jolnt and S�v�rd U�bf�;Co•tign�n; Socces�on �nd A�etpns Bound. All dutles undor this deod of Vust are Jofnt and sovorat. Any <br /> �� Borrower who co•signa this dcod of truat but doee not �o•sipn the underlyf�g debt Instrument{s1 doee �o only to grnnt nnd convoy that I <br /> Bonower's intorest In the property to the Trustee under the tarme of thla doed of trust.In eddidon,such e Borrowar eflroea that the Londer and <br /> eny other Bor�ower undar thie dceed of trust mey oxtend,modi4y or meke eny nther chenqes in the torms of tNa dood of t�ust or the secured <br /> � �� debt without thet Borrower'e consent end without relonolnp thnt Borrower from the terma of this deod of trust, i <br /> The dutios end henefite of thia daed of uust shall bind end bonetit the succossors end assigns ot Lendor nnd Borrower. � <br /> � 1B.Notic�.Unlesa otherwise reGulrod by law,eny notico to Bortower shali ba gfvon by dolivoring It or by rnaiting rt by cortitiod mail eddrossod to I <br /> Borrower at rche property edd�oss or eny othor eddress that Borrowor hae piven to Lender.Borrower will give eny notico to Londer by cartftiod <br /> mafl to Londor'e eddress on pape 1 of thSe deed of truat,or to any othor addroae whfch Lender hae dosigneted.Any other notico to Lender shali <br /> " bo sunt to Londer'e addrese ae�tatod on page 1 of this deed of trust. <br /> • ., Any notice 6hall be deemed to hsvo baen gtven to Borrower or lender when given In tho manner stetad abovo. <br /> tB. Transt�r of th�prop�rty or�B�t1ct�Int�nst In th�Bonowar.If,�II or eny part ot the property or eny Interost In ft fs sold or transiorrod I <br /> " w(thout Lender'e pricr wrftten consent, Lender mey demand Immediato payment of the socurod debt. Lender mey also domand fmmodioto <br /> . " poyment It the Dorrowar te �iot e naturelpe rcon end e heneticfel fntoraat In the Borrower fe sold or trensforrod. However, Lendor mny not j <br /> damand ptymant in the ebovo dtuationa It It Ie prohi4ited by federal lew na of the dato of thia duod ot trust, � <br /> ZQ. R�conwyanc�.When the obilpatlan socured by thla deed of truet hae been patd end Lendor haa na fvrthor oGligetion to meke advences i <br /> " undar the Instrumente or e re6mente aeeured by thle dead of trust, the Truatoa ahalf upon written raquost by tha Londor,roconv�sy tho trust <br /> - _�__._-._,--�----.-- _ . . .._..Q_.�.__�.i_c�......... .�.�n[1.vm�unr'n aur.r.nctn�tn Intorast.tho trust doad end tho noto or other ovidoncd of tha <br /> � obtigetlon e eeUsfiod�garrowo Bhall pay eny rocordation coate, <br /> I <br /> ( 1 <br /> 21. 8ucc�tsor Tru�to�. Londer, et Lender'e o�tlon, may romovo Trustao und eppolnt o succossor truatao by first, mafling e copy of tho <br /> cubstltutlon of truatee ea roquired by appliceble aw,end then, by filinp the eubatitutlon of truetoo for rocord in tho offico of tho ropistor of doude ; <br /> „ o <br /> eucCO d tauell tho power tdut e�6 euthorit�y and tltte of the 7ru t e nemod In ho deod of truit end of 8�y�suCC09SOrvt uete0.of tho proporty,shall <br /> � <br /> - . . IOape�o/?I <br /> � � BANKEAS 6Y9TEM0.�NC..ST.CLOUD.YN 6��01 It-0OR38�•t3N1 FOAM OCP-MT6NF 8l10ID1 ___ <br />