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<br />�,<'•�•�a- '�-:"�='^ 1. Raynwn4r. Oasroeve� ayreoa to ra:�ca atl pcy:acnta on 2ho cecured debt wben dua. Unless Dorrov:cr and Lcndcr r.6TC� U�frar,l-�, r.�i� �w��`=�_-___.___._. -�-
<br /> "�'"="-"'��'""�''-''�-?�� payrn�nt�Lendor roc�lva�fram eurrow�r or for Ekxr�wor's be�atlt will (ue appllail(�rat to eny amounts tlorrower ouvee on th,�saLUr�d�ie�t _
<br /> � not��duci ornixcusi��nV icipt►�duls�piyminttixNit�litw�i ihu�rsd d,bt Ir�piid in f�ull��MeQtYm�nt of tho cscured dabt mccure tar�ny reea�n,it wiif _
<br />�___,-•.a�:i�uin:s�_� �'.
<br /> 7,�Cl�hw AqNn�t'�Tttls.8orrow�r wiN pry�II teKS�,rsa�Finaata, �nd othAr chuq�l ottdbut�bS�to the propaftV when due snd vetil Qe� t t•
<br /> _--,_ to tM propsrty�psfn�t rny clNm�whkb wouW Imp�k th�Ii�n o}tM��d of truat.L�nd�r m�y requke 8orrowu to aislpn uny rlpfiU,ct�im�or
<br /> ,���..��.;� defenFes which 8orro�ver m�►y havs ey�imt psrt.lea wha nupply I�bor or mat�rial�to Improw a m�tntain th�proy�rtY.
<br /> ___ __ _
<br /> 9,inw��. Barroww Mrill kNp tM prop�rty Inaurad und�r t�rm��ccspt�bN to lender rt Eioirowor'e ezF:.n.a cnd 4or Lcnder'a h�n� t. �.-.-- -
<br /> -- insunns�poHclas�t�ll includ���tu�da►d mataap�clMU�In fevw of Lsr�r.Urxla v�ill b�n�m�d a�IoR�payN or��tM inwr�d on any Ruch
<br />---s==_��� Inaunnce polir,y.Any Insurann praca�d�m�y f�•p�Ii�d,witMn Ler�deYO di�crottan,�a either the restorotion or rop�k of the dam�p�d prop�rq►
<br /> or t�qhe tv.tusd d�ut. If Len�sr rea�uk�a mortpepe Inturan_e,Borrownr aprees to m�In4Nn�uch In�uranco tor�r lor�p e�s Lec�der requlree.
<br /> =�,��. 4.Ropwry.Barrowar will keop ths proRerry In pood conditlon�nd m�ke e11 rep�in ro�sona61y necets�ry.
<br /> - -""-'-"��'� 6.Exp�s.8orrowsr nproee to pay dl LendaPs expenta. including reasoneble etromeyr'fees,ii 8orrowar break�eny covenante in thla dcad
<br /> ,.
<br /> _ --
<br /> �_��:�, ; �'. ot truct or in any oblipation aecured by thl�doed of uust.Borrowor wlll pey theae emount�to Lender as provided in Covenant 8 uf thfs ee o
<br /> `"'"c`�N.�xt�'dt;;_. trust.
<br /> -+��� 6.iria 6�eurity Irrt�nst�.Unte�s Borrower finsi obteins Lender's vuritten content,Borrower wiil not make or permlt any chanqas to any prior '
<br /> x�y; sacurity interest�. Borrower wiil perform ell of Borrower'e obllpationa under any prinr mongape, deed of truat mr other securitY egreement, _
<br /> -•• ���� �;h;,, inctuding Borrower'e cavenanU to m�ke paymonts when due. _____ _
<br />��::lv3r.d;c.�.,:'� " -- -
<br /> `'`"`°'"tr 7.A�i�r�n t of R�nta�nd Froflta.Bonower esslyns to Lendor the rentc end profitt of ths property.Unless Borrower�rtd Lender hava epreed
<br />-__..��;:�:�.
<br /> - ;� , otMrwfie In writU�y, Borrowar may co0ect end �etalo the�ent��a lonp ea 6ar�wer la not In defeutt.It 8orrawer detaulta.Lender, Londer's
<br /> -�zar�. ayent, or a eaurt eppolnted reaeiv�r may take poswssbn a�nd manefle the prop�rty an4 collect the renu.Any rents Lendsr coilects�hAil be __
<br /> "�`"`���� epplied first to the coste of manapinp the property, indudin9 court coat�snd ettor�eYS' fees, commfulona to ►ental ege�nt�, and eny other
<br /> -'=�"�`y neces�ry releted e x p ensao.The romaininfl emount of renta WIII then�ppiy to paymmte on the sacured debt s�provld�d In Covanant 1. ^_
<br /> :�.�;;:�,►3i• :; --===-==-_--�__-
<br /> -- y '=•� .:- 8.LMa�lioids•Corxlornk�N+mr.Pl�rwwd UNt DwMopm�r►b.Borrower aRreeA to comply with the provisioM ot eny leaQe if thie deed of truit fo on
<br /> �.'�'�s�'f,�,.�� e leuehald.I�thla deed of truat ia on a unit In a eondaminium or a planned unit development,Bo�rower w1U periorm ell of Borrower's dutias �?�'�°�--
<br /> ai� `",�t�,. r�. .,.�
<br /> � .•; , " u�ider tita covenants,�y-t�r.�,or ragulations of the condomirtlum a�p►anned unit d�vetopmerrt. � y ,_
<br /> i t ��RKSL
<br /> ".;A''�;�� . � 9.Author3iy of L�lw to P�rfam fa�arrowtr. If Borrower faiia to parform eny of [lorcowcr'a dutioa under thls dead of trunt,Le�der mey -��^___ __ :____ _
<br /> -�'�+�. pertorm the duties or ceuse them to b�perforrnea.Lender mey nipn 9urrower'e neme or pay any amount if nacesseuy tor performence. if eny
<br /> ., . construction on the proporty le discontinued or not carrfed on In a reasonable manner, Lender may do whetever is�ecessary to protect Lender's � �?�,��'�Y
<br />.�...•,,�, �_., .� secudty interest In the Froperty.Thia mey Include comptotlng the construction. � t;i�_
<br /> • �f� , I.vndar'e failure to perform wilf noi preclude Lender irom oxarclsing eny of Its other rights under tha law or tfiie deed of trust. u ,
<br />°-.•r:..'.`_ . ����;�5��
<br /> Arty emounte paid by Lender to pratect Lentier's oocunry�nterest witi bo socureu by ths d'co��f trust.SuCh c:r.ou�ta:vi!!be due on demend �.�
<br />� � t antl wiil beer intereat from the date of the payment until paid in tull at the interest rate in effect on tha secured debt. ; �`.�;c: �+
<br /> ., �.,y�� 10.Detautt�tid AccM�ndon• If Borrower falls to mako a�Y payment when due or breake any covonants under thls daed of trust or any � �y� ���
<br /> • �, obligation sesured by thii deed of tmst or eny pNor mortgage or deed of trost, Lender may accetera��cable,ewudty of the secured debt end ��r,�o{ •`�
<br /> �, �m�lmsne�!l±r.�nyment and may invoke the powor af seie and any other remedles permitted by app ,
<br /> 71.R�qwst 4a Notic�of Q�hutt. It is hereby requested that coplos of tho noticea of dofauit and ealo be sent to 9ech person who is e party +,'`., V
<br /> ' � hereto,et the eddrese of each such porsan,as set(orth herein. R���
<br /> .t;;'�;�
<br /> ' �� 12.Paww ot S�N.It the Lender invokea the power uf sete,the Trusteo shall first record In the offico of the regfster of deeds of each county �•�^.,�,• r
<br /> wheretn the truat property or some part or parcel thereof la situeted a notico of defautt conteining the iniormetion requlrad by law.The Truatee , „
<br /> oreto, end to other ersons as�rescrihed by ��'
<br /> " shall e16o mail coptes of the notica of detault to the Borrower, to each pereon who is e perty h P , �:•• :,
<br /> � epplicabte law. {�!at loss than ona munth nfter tho Trustee records the notice of dofault or two months If tha tra9t property s not in any ,. .k � ,
<br /> � ` incorporated ctty or vitlage and la used in farming oporetlans carried on by tha truator,the frustee shall pive Pubflc notice of aele to the persons �,.�_
<br /> end in the manner proscribed by eppplicable law.Y►ustea,without demnnd on Borrower, shell soll the p�operty at publlo auctio�to the hlghest , � ,
<br /> bfdder.If requirad by the Farm Homeatead Protoction Act Trustee shell oNer the property In two separate seles as required by applicablo law. � _;;, t
<br /> � Truatee ma�poatpone aale ot ell or eny parcel uf the p�operry by pubila annou�coment at tho time and p�ace of any previousiy scheduled aale. � �
<br /> - Lender or its dosipneo mey purchasa tho pruperty at any aete. T- �
<br /> . . ti}.. i.
<br /> , Upon receipt ot peym ont of the prlce bia,Trustee ehall delive�to the purchaser T►usteo'a dood convoying the proparty. Tho rocitfals containod In ;
<br /> � Trustee's deed shall be prima faclo evidtence of tho truth of the stetemente contained therain.7rustoo ehail app1Y Eho proCeode ot tho sele in the .j•' � .,
<br /> �' fallowirtg order: (a) to eil oxpansea of tho ea�e, Including, but not Iimited to, reasonabla Trustea's feea, reasonohlo attornoy's fees and �•.��;- �' `
<br /> � reinatetemrant fena;(b)to ell suma securad by this dood of t�ust,nnd(c}tha balence,if any,to tho persons logally entRled to receive it. .r=.�•
<br /> , -.a, ..,�;!?'�'
<br /> .. r •
<br /> " K 13.Wracioatue.At Londer'e option,thia dood of trust mey be foreclosed In tho manner provldo by npp�lcablo law for foreclosure ot mortgeges ��'M�.•j=
<br /> on real properry. . ~ y'�� ,,.. y
<br /> � . 14.Ins n�c don.Londor may enter the property to Inspoct it if Lendor givea Borrower notico botorehend,Tho notice must etate the reasonable
<br /> cause for Londer'e Inspectlon. � . ::.�
<br /> .; r
<br /> ;,;' 16.Condemmtlon.Borrower essigns to Londer the rocaods of any awurd or clafrn for dama{�es connected with a condemnation or othor tokinfl j
<br /> of all or any part of tho propeKy.Such proceeds wiP be applied as provided in Covonc�nt 1.'fhis ossignmont ia subJect to the terma of eny prior
<br /> ° �����'.t„� soCUrityegreemenL �
<br /> �tt� . 10.Walwr. B oxarciain nn remedY evallable to Lender, Londor dons not ivo up an rl hts to later uso any other►emody.By not exercising �'�� -
<br /> ' ony remedy upon Borrower'nYdofauit.Londer doee not weive any right to IatoBconsidor tha ovont o dofnult if ft heppons egein. �` ':_�
<br /> 17.Jdnt �nd S���r�l Llability: Co•alpmrs: Successon and Aetipns Baund. Atl dutiea undor thfe dood of truet ero joint and sovornl. A�y
<br /> ! ..
<br /> Borrower who co•sig�s thia dood of truat but daos not co•sign tho undorlyIng debt I�svumentlel doos so only to grant and convey that E
<br /> � '� Borrower'e Interest In the property to tha Truatoo undor tho torms ot thfa deod of trust.In odditlon,such a Borrowor agroes that the Lendar and
<br /> • �� any other Borrownr undar this deed of trust m�y oMOnd, modifY�or make eny othor chungoe in tho terma of thfs doed of trust or the secured i
<br /> dobt without that Borrower'e consont and without releasing that Borrower from thn terms of this daad of trust. �
<br /> • Tho duties ond benofits of ihis dood of trust ahall bind end bonofit tho succossors end osslgns of Le�dnr und Borrower. I
<br /> � 18.NoUc�.Unlaes otherwise requlrad by law,nny notico to Borrowor ehull 6o flivon by dolivuring ft or by mailing It by cortifiod mail addrossad to �.
<br /> Boreower at tho proporty add�ess or nny other addross that Borrower has givon to Lender.Borrower will gfve any notico to Lender by certified �
<br /> . mall to Lendor's eddresa on pago 1 of thle deed of truet,or to any othor addrosc which Landor has dosignatod.Any othor notice to Lander shail i
<br /> bo sonR to Lendor's uddross as stofod on pngo 1 of thia deed of truet. ,
<br /> � Any noticu shall bo deomad to havo boon pivon Eo Dorrowor or Londor whon Qivon In the munnor statod nbovo. � .
<br /> 19.4anater of th�Proparty or e t3eosflcla)(ntareit in N� Borrower.If all or ony part of the propertv or any Interost In it is sold or transforrad ! �
<br /> without Londar'e prlor written consent, Londor rnay domond Immodiate paymont of the securad dobt. Londor may also demand immadinto �
<br /> � domandtQaymenB/n tho obova eituations�lf lils prohibtod by fodorul Inw ns of tho d torof this deed�of tru�nsforcod. Howovor, Londor may not
<br /> 1' : .
<br />,;, „ • 20.Rotonveyanct.When tfv� obllpation cocurad by this doed of truat hns boon paid,ond Londor hua no furthar obtigntion to mako edvancos •
<br /> -- - ,, _.---..- ----_ .�.,�.,tno tnarrumams or naraomonte sacured by this deed of trust,tho Trustoo shall,upon writton requost b tho Londor,roconvoy tho trust
<br /> - -- - -_--- -�•--� -- -- '--' --
<br /> ��_ .,.�_....:ae ..�.�
<br /> proporty.Tha Londnr shall dotivor to tho Borrowar,O►LO BOROW8Y8 6UCCa880�in incervaa�i��o i�ue�voou o.�.......•«:L:.' ....•-• -••--••°-° -•»•- -" --"-'--
<br /> • obligatton so oatlstiod.k3orrowar sNell pay eny roeordatlon costo. ,
<br /> 21. Succ��sor Trutt��. Londor, ot Lendur's option, maV romove Trustoo and appolnt n succossor truetee by tirst mailing a copy of tho
<br /> ' , aubstitutlon of truatoo as roquirod by uppllcablo low,and than,bV fillng tho substitution of trustee for rocord In tho offico of tho regiator of doode
<br /> ' . ��
<br /> �uccoc d to nll lho powor tdutloseauthorityyond tito oft0he Trustao namod fn�ho dood af truet end ot�yf6UCC0II Of trust o,of tho proporty,ehnll
<br /> • ! rpage?oI 21
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