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<br /> (c) �arb�Zi�nas�•�by:?�eMd�'b�rt�'�alv�r.Any forbrtarance by LenQee Ir��x,9r�l9i��p�Iny rlgf�9 a��:+�wwy iao+w.sc+�a.,w -
<br /> acfi�rwl�affof'ii�9{t i�+j:tipppGAb10 1A�i;ahail nut hA a waiver of or pr�ci�do ths rcwrci�a W any eucY� �lp1iP w,r r , Tho
<br /> psocur�r►ent a(i'{isa�ran#�e:oi ths pay:ndnt oi tax�e ar edt�r Ilan�or ctur�a by l�nd�r�h+�ll�o!b�o w�iwr a4 L��cMr'a iC
<br /> acc�lsra6n Ihe nia{�titj'�a��!i»Inde�tednose eocured by th!a D��w�yd�o1�7YuN.
<br /> I� �j�:, j�ll{�q1r(Iwi JOwI��fl{��YMM www�y'o���1A CGVA11�fltfl Rf1d�I�Mf11M1�11MWfV SS�111•
<br /> tKtn�d�hsll Ql�si},und� _�dpM�herAUntt�r th�lt Inurb to.th�n�p�ctlw wcc�on�nd aalpno d L�idrr and TruMa.AM
<br /> c_;�;��n��!(��4(�j'Qp���4�T1RlAYvY 9N�JI{��OIfl��nd eevsral.7hs cap�one�nd h�wding�u!the}wrsgnpho af tfile[:Nd W - __
<br /> 7rurt w�y tor cdii�aoA��nca:aht�r t1�ii!�ar�nat to bs uwd to Inorrpnt or d�n�11�provl�lons h�of.
<br /> (�) p��R'far�4�GU�'ri:ti�1+'.�arif�hentsyr�rqw�tlMtacopyefanyndi�ad�NNuHMr�und�rar+d�oe�p�rolre�rnoMa
<br /> ot�als bereundAr:berhitij{arl`1a�SUr�hr partY to fihla Dsecl ot Truet at tt►s�ddy��1 forth�bov�In ths en�nrnr prwa�lb�d by
<br /> �ppt�cabls Isw::�:soaAt l�r ah y.�thrin mdt;cr nqulrsd und�r iipplEcabt�taw to b�piwn In�nother m�nnw,�ny�ptariawf
<br /> tar In diil Deqd A�"��g�:�hb11 b�QJvo�n�b,y maillnp euch notics by certiBed mail tddr�Na�d to th�oM�►p�rtiw,d d��ksw MM
<br /> ferth sbove.Ar�y naqCa;pro,y���4or insthfa Reed of Trust�hell l�e eflootive upon mwlllnp!n th�nzMnn�s dMlpnoMd P.�M.N
<br /> YruaWr ti moro�ihnn ana^�aerloh,ndtfoio�ant ta the address s�t torth abovs�h�ll b�noties to all sueh p�non�.
<br /> (A ��oarc 1:�Q(�bar•(natY markr�:�r 48use te bs rt�ada rsewnabte�ntHa upon and Inspwclion�ot tM Fropnl��Pmrislwi ---
<br /> Phet Lsreder shaN�iveTYuet4r notlu8��ior'o mny sorxh Impecdon speaifylnp rMIOINbI��AUN M1�fIK0►rM�Md to L�r�dM'�
<br /> Intantt in tho P�operiy.
<br /> (p� Naoonr��rw�Gr;Upon pA�tt�ptit.dl:s�llaums r�cured by this Dxed oi Truat,i.en4�r�hall r�queN Tru��oo noanwy Ih�
<br /> Prop�rty and shall�utre�'rcler thle�ie'��3 c�►,:,�va!aneJ,ef!nutee evldenctnp IndsbO�dnaa McurMi by!l�I�DNd ol'fru�i b Tn�,
<br /> Tru�ah�il recorl�tey°t�a.P.t rly'!���1:aut waicaa2y and without charps fo the penon or psrwm tepally�ntitl�d tl�rNo,
<br /> Tru�tar�M�!pay�f1 coFls•.�I•r�rdatton,if any.
<br /> (fi= �»:..�!p�p;y)�=$�t��I��aL As additio�si security tor tho peyment ol Ma NW�.Tru�for hN�by ptrlrtb ___
<br /> Lender under the Nehrssl�ilraNa►m Commerctal Code a ascu�ity b:�lersbt In eu tixtures,squlpment,�nd ott►K q�nart�l propsry
<br /> owd in connectlon with the rant ets4tr�'fe or improvements tacated4fa�»on,and not othar�clw decl�rsd or d�rad tb be�(o�et ol
<br /> th�rt�'es?*.te�C��red hereby.Thla Instrument ehall be aonetr4�t�a.n 3ecu�Ity A9e�xir��eni under�Id Codi,oi�u G1ii loiiG� ° �
<br /> ehall havs all th�elghta and remodlas a?a aeaured parry under aaid�ads In addltlan to ths�t�hh and rem�dlee CrMdrd under _
<br /> �nd�caerdsd the Lender�purAUant tp thla Deeel oP 7r�nt provlded that Lendes'a v'ephts end rertfodlN ur�thl�p�raprsph N�11
<br /> be cumulative wlth,antl In no way a IlmltaUon�n,Londer'o rlpht�and remedie�undsr eny other sscurliy a�rMmant�Ipnad by
<br /> lbrrowor or Trusbr.
<br /> (I) LIs�N�nd En�wnMrnc�.Tr�+stor hereby wenas�te and represenb thtt ther�la no dc4ault undsr the provlslorn of�ny
<br /> mortpa�,dess of truat,leea9 or purnhsse contreat tlescrlbing a1I or eny psrt ot the wropsrry,ar otfier conu�ct,fn�tnumMi or
<br /> aprNm�nt constttutlnfl a(ian or enaumbrence sgainat atl or eny part ot the Prnperty(cn�lectiveiy."Llen�"1,oxi�ano a•a a�e
<br /> d�te of thls Dseaf ot Trust,and that any and all extotlnc�tlena remefn unmodlfted except aa dlaclsesed A41.enMr In Traslor'�
<br /> wrlfhn dlsclosure of Ilens and oncumbranoes provldad tor hereln.Trusto►shall ttmely pertorm a�l o?T�uaWr'e ob1lp�Non�,
<br /> cownants,reproaenlaUona and warrantles undar sny and all exlafting and future Uens,ehali promptlytorwerd to Lend�r copla
<br /> of ell noNces of default eent In oonneoUon wlth eny and sli ex�ating or tuture uens,ana�t►aii not without i.end��priw wriiwn
<br /> con�enr In any manner modly the provtstons at or allow any future advencea under any sxlsdn�or luture Llens.
<br /> Q) /I�pNeNlon o1 P��ri»mb.Unlesa otherwiaa requlred by law,auma pald to Lender hereunder,inctudln�wlthout Ilmlhtlon
<br /> paymenit o!princlpal ei�d Intxreat,Insuranca procoede,condemnation proceede and renta and proftb,eh�t!b��ppil�cl by
<br /> LsnclK to th��mounte due ertd owing from Truator and Horrower In such order ay Lender In!ta eole dbcrMlon dNm��Inbl�.
<br /> (k) i�wnbNky. N eny pr�vlslon of thle paed of 7ruat aontHcte wlth appllcable law or fa declasd Invalld ar otlkrwlw
<br /> un�nlo�aablM,such conftict ar Invalldinr ahnll not aNeat the other provlaona ot thle Deed a}Truet or the Note wh�h c8n b�
<br /> plwn NIrc1 wlthout the confllctlnp provlafon,and to thla end the provlafona of thfa Deed of Trust end Me Note�re declarad to bo —
<br /> {OVNYW�.
<br /> (I) TMn�.The terms Truator"bnd"Borrower' shell tnclude both slnflular and plural,end when the Ttuaior end Qorrowar ,,._
<br /> �� � ._
<br /> are tho wms p+snon(a),those terms ab u�ed in thla Deed of Trust shall be Interchengeabte. �..
<br /> (m) OowrtNnp Law.Thls Deed o1 Trust ahall be flovorned by th9 lews oi the Stste ot Nobraske. �,_-
<br /> L;__
<br /> Truttor hu exaauted thla Oeed ot Trust as oi tho dato wrlttan a ue. �
<br /> t: ,..
<br /> J � B. Raybu Trustor �__-
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