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<br /> .r i�rt�rYMMIlY��/�11W10at�^'"' '� . � . - . __-
<br /> •..:w.rir—v.�.�rn�+h�.a+Mw=+n�'�.. . . , . __�_
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<br /> � ' �.:��.�.. - . ----
<br /> . : .�:7 ,�1 , ��?;,�.., . . - -
<br /> .. ,ch-�=_.�—.-�_
<br /> . ._ �:_.._.,,�.��._._��__��_------- ---
<br /> — ------- Y��r..._— -- — --
<br />. ._.,"R"r�.—..l�.r—
<br /> -� �_ �::e��:� n. e P� [ �' � ��lP�i�!Fr� �__
<br /> ,. W . . . N��:�,� ���� �rd�a����c����°�����J�uc�c ����c�c���:� ,s���a•- � r—=_
<br />,�'_::.-,.-'�=_� ��; __,�A 95 ny�nA e�rrx�ng I_ ..�,
<br /> •-+��x YFiIS DEEO OF 7RU5't',Is made na of tbe � day of..�.�?n.3_ , --.-
<br /> �__-,��,
<br /> theTru:tor, ��� B. liaylaurn, t� eft�eg3�_,�_,_eraon _ .�-.---�
<br />._—.,.,..-- --a
<br /> � whow rvudlin��ddrea�ie�. p O Bdx �459, 3h83tt+nr NE 68876 (h�r�ln"4ru�Wr;'whsthrr one or moro),
<br /> ---_-_-__:.,�
<br /> - - -��- r�ti�� sr�n�g r-,aY1;�..�_
<br /> _:.:-_„ �_--
<br /> -- ------�-- tha 7ru�teo,
<br /> _ --_-- --- whose melllr�9 addra�e le P A Box 639, She3tqn,� NE 68876 .� (heroln"7rutts�'7.�nd —
<br /> _,m,�=�� . �-
<br /> __.w the Beneticlary, Eiret StetiA Bank �
<br /> ,.,��,�.;'-�1�'��` whe�emaliinyaddreaels P O Box 639� SDleltorl� NE 68876 (herein"l,sn�der"). _
<br /> _ ��.
<br />--:."Grit9.�rL'1�3�R'.� .TA1f10A A_ Rwvh�rn .
<br />__'==;�b'—,,,;�';�,; FAR VALUAU4E CON ai[16(iATIf�;V,.lnoluding�enAaPa oxtenalon of credi!Idontlfled hereln to -�-�
<br /> '�.,�;f.
<br /> _--.�1�r��
<br />..:,;_��L,, '� � (hprc::i"::rr�o°:er",�:hathar ono or more)and ihatruot heroln ereated, _ _ ..
<br /> {�.. �y,..,,._
<br />�';�1.+�;••�f:�i+' r.� tha racelAt at whiet�le heraby acknowled�ad,Trua'Qr�1nfAby IfrBVOCA51y erailtf�tf�llafo►8,conveye and nael�ne ta Truatee,IN .._
<br />-:::��{lr'.�•�.:'!,':i:(.� �� _
<br />:..;;,u�y,,r ;a,r r -.�; TRUST.WIT.PI P(1WER OF SALE,tor tha benefit and security�of Lendar,undar and eubJect to ihe terma and conditlona herelna er aet —
<br /> �•�; 9orth,the ref�1 property,deecribed ea followa:
<br /> �'3'.n b �5. ..
<br /> _ ` `, z '„ , s Lat 2, ;3hase'a 5ut�ivis3.an. City of Granfl I�larzc7, Hall Cozanty, t��r�sk,� �
<br /> %p�a: i�''': .--
<br /> — -,.. .�._
<br /> ' .t�t: -
<br />_.'�. ''.,��::_,.,. i,::
<br /> •:�.r t���,t•;. �' To�ether with all bulldings,improvaments,fixtures, streets,eileys,pasesgewaya,easementa,rl�hts,prfv116gea and cgpurt:�-
<br />_ ' '{ ' "1•;.;y? ��, nancea located thereon or In anywlse pertaining thereto.a�d(he rents,Issues and proflts,reveralons and remal�dere theteof,and _
<br /> • � auch peraonal praparty that Is attsched to the improvemente eo ae to conetltute a 4lxture,Including,but not Ilmited to,heatlnp and __
<br />`"' � ' �""�?"�: coolinp equfpmenfi end t�gether with the homestead or marltal interesb,I}any,which Intere�ts are hereby released and waived;all ---
<br /> � ": of which,includlny renlacements and additlons thereto,la hereby declared!o be a part of thd real estate ao�ured by the Ilan of thfa _-
<br /> - �-�- D�;�:.i Tru�t art�atl at tha'oregolrt�beln�.wierrnd to hereln as the"Property". __
<br /> Yu=-
<br /> � ''�� This De�sd ot Truat ahall secure(a)the payment of the princlpal eum end interest evidenced by a promisaory note or credlt ---
<br /> • ,. � �'' ,
<br /> ' Ao�a�,q,,,nt d�,t,u1 June 7, 1995 .havinp a maturlty date ot •T+�ne 8. i q_�. , _
<br /> r I in the original principal amount at S
<br /> 54,f)00.00 ,and any and all modiflcations,oxtenefona and renewals �,.__
<br /> ; • ,: � therc�ol o�thereto and any und all future advanoes and readvances to Borrower(or any oi them If more than orte)herounder �_
<br /> o �
<br /> i purouant to one ot mote promtesory notos or credit agree�nents(horeln called"Note"�;(b)the peyment o}other sums edvanced by ____
<br /> Lender to pro2ect the securtty af the Note;(c)the performance of all covenants and agreementa of Truator eet fnrth herein;and(d)a!I ��
<br /> . � i present and tuture Indebtednesa and obltyatione of Borrower(or eny of them it moro than one)to Lendar whether dlreat,indtrect, ---
<br /> nb�olute ur contingont and whother arlaing by note,guaranty,overdrait or otherwlue.The Note,thie Deed of Trust and any end atl '�
<br /> • � other docuente that secu►e the Note or otherwisa executed in connectfon therewith,fnciuding wfthout Iimitatlon puaranteos,aeaur(ty •:
<br /> _ �� aflreements and es�lgnments of leases and rents,shall be referred to herein es the"Loan Documents". ��.
<br /> � Truator covdnants and agrees with Lender es foliowo:
<br /> 1. Paym�nt d Ind�bt�dn�u.All indebtedness aecured hereby shall be pald when due. �",'���
<br /> � 2. TIUs. Trusto►is tha owner of the Properiy,has the right and authority to convey the Propertyr,and warrents that the I(en - ,
<br /> � �� created hereby is a firet and prlor Ilen on the Proporly,except for Ilene end encumbrancea set forth by Trustor In writing and
<br /> ' delivered to Lender baforn exocutlon of this Deed of Trust,and the executlon and detivery ot thls Deed of Truat does not vlolate any
<br /> .�� , contract or other obllgaUon to which Trustor is eubJect
<br /> , ��'� � 3. Ttuc��,A�s�umonb.To pay betore delinquoncy alI taxes,speclal asseosments end all other charges sgainst the Property
<br /> ,���'.'�f ,, now�r hereafter ldvled. '
<br /> � 4. imuranc�.Yo keep the Property Insured agal�st damage by fire,hazards Included withln the term"extended coverage",end
<br /> • ,� such other harsrds as Lender may requlre,In amounte and with companfes acceptable to LRnder,naming Lender es en addltional
<br /> "" �+ named in9ured,with loss payable to the Lender.In c�se of loas un�ier such policiss,the Lender is authorized to adJusL collect and
<br /> �� compromise,ali cleims thereunder and sheil have the optlon oi applying ail or part of the Insurance proceods(I)to any Indebtedness
<br /> �:y secured hereby aod In auch order as Lender may determine,(II)to the Trustor to be usad for the repair or restoration of the Property
<br /> ' or(III)tor eny other purpose or object eatistactory to Lender without affecting the Iien of thla Deed of Trust tor the futl amount secured I
<br /> ' hereby before euch payment ever took place.Any applicatlon of procesds to indebtednesa ahall not extend or postpone the due
<br /> date of any payments under the Note,or cure any default thoreunder or herounder.
<br /> 5. E�crow.Upon written demand by Lendor,Trustor shell pay to Lender,In such menner as Lender may deslgnato,suHiclent i
<br /> , suma to eneble Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the following:(I)all taxes,essessmente end othnr charges agalns4
<br /> • � th�Praporty.(II)the premlums on the property Ineu�ence requfred hereunder,end(III)th�premtums on any mortgage Insurence .
<br /> � requlred by Lender. �
<br /> 8. M�Int�n�nc�,R�pefn and �:ompttanc�w(th Law�.Truetor shati keep the Property In good conditfon and ropalr;shuil
<br /> .. promptty repalr, or replace any Improvement which mey be damaged or destroyed; ahall nat commit or permit any waete or
<br /> deterloratlon o1 the Property;ahall not remove,demallsh or substantlolly alt�r any ot tho Improvaments on the Property;ehall not �
<br /> commit,auffet or permit nny act to be done In or upon the Property In vlolatlon of any law,ordinance,or regulatlon;and shall pay and �
<br /> promptly dtschargo at Trustor's cost and expense all Ilens,encumbrances and chargos levfod,Imposed or easeased aguingt tho �
<br /> P�operty or any part thereof. �
<br /> � 7. Emintnt Qomaln.Lender la hereby essfgned all compensation,awards,demagea and other payments or reliet(hereinafter
<br /> , "Proceeda")In connection with condemnatlon orothertaking of the Proporty or part thereof,or for conveyance In Ileu of condemn�- �
<br /> tton.Lendor shall�e enUtted at Ita optlon to commence,appear In and prosecuto fn Its own name any actlon or proceedinps,end ,
<br /> shall also be enttUed to mako ctny compromlae or sattlement In connection wfth such taking or damngo.In the event eny portion of
<br /> the Proporty Is so taken or demaged,Lender shell have the optfon,In Its eole and absolute discretfon,to apply e!I auch Proceeda, �
<br /> ' - - -- sae..�d..�►i..���.n.ot,mm�u�nem nnA oYmmm�inrurrcuf hv It In cnnnnctlnn w►th such Prn^eeda.unon anv Indebt8dnesy BeCUf@d
<br /> ° --- - --
<br /> _-- -- - ......����-..e_._._.._..._..------ ----�- --- -- -- -�
<br /> hereby and fn such order as I.endor may determino.or to apply all auch Proceeda,atter such deductlone,to the restoration oi the ,
<br /> � PropeRy upon auch condfUona as l.ender may determine.Any epplication of procoodsto Indebtedness ahall not extend or postpone
<br /> ' the due date ot aoy payments under the Noto,or cu�e any default thereundor or heraunder.Any uneppilod funda shall be pald to
<br /> '`� TrusLor. ,
<br /> " A. Padarmanc�by L�nd�r.Upon the occurrence df an Event of Doteult heroundor,or ft eny pct la taken or legal proceeding
<br /> commoncod whlch materielly eifeoto Lender's Intere�tln the Property,Lender rnay In Its own dlacretlon,but without oblipatlon to do
<br /> so,and wltt�out noUce to or demand upon Trustor and wlthout releaeing Trustor trom any obllgutlon,do any act which Truator has
<br /> agreed but falis to do and mey also do nny othor act It doema necosasry to protect the security hereot.Truetor shall,immedlately
<br /> upon domend therefor by Lander,pay to Londer ell costs ond expenaos Incurrod ond sume expendod by Lender In connectlon with
<br /> . tlie exerclse by Lender ot the forogoing righta,togothsr wfth Interoet thereon at the default rate prdvided In the Note,whlch ehall be
<br /> added to the Indobtednesa secured horeby. Lortder ahali not Incur eny Ilabllity �,acauae ot nnything It may do or omft to do
<br /> hdreunder.
<br /> t
<br />._ � ,_
<br />