. ;�. ' ' . . .. � .. . ,.-yw�Mtjy1 xyn.ii . ...
<br /> . � �� � . r� . ' _ _ _ '_ ._ .. ._
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<br /> .. . _••...•. .. ..��w.4-��..;.T`.. _ "_... .
<br /> • . ' , . - �� .ntrnWit.Mw1r.w�..� ' __ _ ' � a,.� . -�'.-_-_
<br /> . . .- ,
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<br /> .. ��y ��y y� t,� ... '
<br />- , -� � . ..�,ai�YlII�I�E'!��1}"sYifl�'•. . rv tt� - . , ,� �'-; _ — — . • '
<br /> �T! �xss7�_ `�,-y_� .-"1,:
<br /> -.p�.. '. ...�Ti`.'J .M1i�alenwm a...�.�-�--�,��_ —.�_�.-�_�
<br /> -�J�"'2R't� .
<br />� ---� •, • �8. 5o�rou�er'� 69lpht 4� Ft�tn�4eY�. ►f F�orro�var rnabio cartsln ccndxIane� Boraa•ar aA�nT�s¢�ns��o"ha•re a����a� .._..�-.�S:..r,�..r,�a.�.,
<br /> . '.,in�.�_-�.a;"''.-
<br /> ihH�scs+�'� Innt�umFnt d1s+:o.�C+:ugd et�y 6i�prlar to li�a�zrt�*�t: (a)G c�ye (ai auch cihsr QeriaD¢� rp��C�hb t�w miy spicfiy far M�=�i=:P�7�r.:Lt�-�y.
<br /> ' 6.;�1:C:.:=S:::iID G�"ui"J C��� G7 Iit� Fi0;3�uy �iL'fi,`S"_:Il 10 C.71y RD1:�7 07 C���C4,-�i,���� Ll I7�J :.�i.L�� 18CLLfi:�:�1J Ql(!)�C1:iji ft}q j'.it��;::�1 . •„r' -
<br /> Gi1�ui�:i1Q Il{�i �lifiiy Ii7GGiiut:J14. Thtl:� CO(!/"t::!`�i97 CN Gt�,1 L9;i0::�1: (oS paya �Fn[�r e'.1 Ci�;n9 t7i;�h (1�'d CGilli� b7 fitiS7 URL"Y lii:7 --_._- `
<br /> _�'e?�:.'�?Jl'S,'�!,c�.'�k�±
<br /> �curity IntOrunia►t �nd ttN Plou�ao � no�c:+bratbn had occunnd; ib1 cura Any�&ot�u� oP u�y oth�r covenant or ap�a�n�r,h; (a)ay� :���
<br /> . �q��M1Ne tntum�d in tmforohp lhM &CUrky M�1tunM�lf,Wcb01Rp�but not ilmiMd to�rw�en�bb�K�rtNY�' Ma:�nd (d)Wcw weh �ctbn __-- -°--
<br /> " ��L�nd�may nasanabry ruwra to qwee th�tt tf�Wn oP thY&�curAy 6nahum�rtb Underm rl�ht�b tM Propwty vs�d BieROww�obtlptbn �� ��,��;r_
<br /> � , io PiY tM tunK s�cuerd by Ihis S�c�+dY M11rum�M thaN contNw unclwp�d. Upon rNnaWMrMnt by BorrowK� thN ti�curifY MslninNnt �''�"r.;y----
<br /> " � and th� ot�tmr� tscured h�bp QMII aa�win tuy�ot��u q no aceei�ntbn �heQ oecurnd. Howwer. MM ripht to nfrtsl�t� �ftaN not --��;_,�,,�
<br /> . �_-__ - - _
<br /> _ .,.._.
<br /> . .,.— ----
<br /> . .. sppy m Uw caa a1�ccwntton undK pu�pnph t�. �:�y:�==-== -
<br /> . °�:,•tx " 1i. S�i�af Notsi Ch�n�� of L.o�re SNVicer. m. Noa a . o•rwi hMnn � �n. Hoa (�op�i+�r w�s+ mk s.ourRr ;,r,�..,7--==.-= s
<br /> �• `,:+� InswmK►q rrwy b�rold on� a mora thws wkhout prior nottoo ta eorroww. A uN rr�y ntuR h a ch�np�In th��nNry(knowr+af d� r•K����t,�-- .�
<br /> ... • ,l..�: .(��U, .
<br /> „ ' "LOYf SMVk�'LJf')th�t CCN�Ct� t110fltfilY MYR�Ii fltA Ur�l�f tM NOl�Yfd thl{ S�CU(Ry MibUrtlNlt. ThM��I60 fBly b� OM OI IT�Of�Chaltpl� :�tia`A'%rai�v�'-"_":.
<br /> of the Lan S�vica ur+nMNd lo a aN of tM Nol�. H th�n k�ch�r►p�of�Loan SMVicK.Borrovwr�vlll b�pN�n wrkt�n notla o11h� , i:..:.�,�C..:}i; .�,.'�.
<br /> �� cAu�po h�c�ad�ttc� wRh panprtph 14�bov�end�pnYc�bb itw. Tt�notice w1A�tab tM mune�nd ad�c�ot ttn n�w laan �wvlc�r � ..f,::,•• .� "'�.,' ,:
<br /> ..,-achhj,.,.-,.
<br /> and the�ddr�a ta xfi�fi payrtNn2�ehouSd t»mad+. T�s no,2M.a wik ot�o cant�ii�ny oth�r In�a�atlan�:quli'sd by�tllcsblo t�a. • .•..- - „t�{ �.:
<br /> Z0. N�i'dous Sub�tanCla. earow�r �hell not c�us� a parmlt th� pnwncs� uss. dt�Do�a�. storra� or nlwts ot my ,�?r�,;;�;�:;�Y,;:;'.�.
<br />_ , Fi�nrdouf&u6�tins�a on a In tl»Propwty. �arower sha1 not do,na�Aow u�Y��� to do,onythhp �R�Ctrip tM PropNty that N h ..4•,:o•„..,,.. ' ;�:.
<br /> • vbytion ol�y Envtonm�ntal l�aw. TTw pncWinp two s�nhnca ehal not�QDh to th�pnuM►c�,usa. a otoqp�on th� PropMty of �N : . ..
<br /> , , qu�ntRla of 1i�udqu• SLbst�ncas that an pen�nly recupnf�d tC Ea cppraprtal9 to norm�l r�slde�ti�l usa �nd to mak�hmnc� ot Ih� � '� .
<br /> ,. �I►MlY• *' �+�s�+r,'^.�i-"-
<br /> ,,, � .. �f ,...1�.�.f:v..:��-?j
<br /> Barow�r shaN prompty pAw Lenda wrkton notic� ot mq hwttlpation, cWm, d�rtwnd. kwsuk ot oth�r �ctfon by�ny porwnmenW or i> . . •- -_-�
<br /> � .. ' �eWW�Y W�aY a P►N�h P�+h hvoMnp th� Prop�rty and �ny Hawdous Substanc� a�nvlronm�nttl t�w of whlch Borrow�r h�a �cfual •,'.�==�f: >
<br /> ,�,y_
<br /> . knowM�. If Borrowar p�m�� a Is notMi�d by �nY pov�mm�ntal or npuf�tory ruthon'tY� that eny nmoval or oth�r rwn�di�tion of NY �,�; .�
<br />° Hmrdoo�&ubatance atlectinp th� PropMty la nocessary, BortowK shaA prompty Wce aY necbssary remsdW sctbr+a in ac�:ordanc�wLh " ,� ,.
<br /> ' Envlronrtwntal Law. • +�
<br /> .:,,T.,. ;.{,,.
<br /> Af ua�d h thta p�r�ynph 20. 'Huudous Subst�nc�s' u� thoaa subatancss dsfln�d Qe toxb a hanrdous aubstanc�s by • °•'��_
<br /> • Envlronm�ntal Law a�a Ihe folbwY�p aubstancsa: patolh�, korosw►�, oth�r Il�mmabM or toxb pNrolwim produots. tor.bo p�at�idos �nd '� °��_
<br />. heibfcldh, va�tfM eoWAnb, rtyt�ts conuhlny atb�stos or fom�ld�hyd�, �nd ndfoaatlw matwWa. As wad In thts pufpnph 20. . ����l
<br /> „ i.,e._,�:
<br /> . . =emlranm�nial Law' mw�s i�ti�ral iaws and i�ws oi fiw jurlsdiaiion wiwn ER�► Fr[�re�fy i: i�7�::4:G t��.i r.:'� to h::;h, G:,�i G� `' .,��+'�.,,�-
<br /> �nvtc�nrtM111a1 prOtOCtbn. F�;;;�
<br /> NOrWNtFOAM COVENAlJYS. Bortow�r�nd L�ndM(urth�r cov�xwit and�prw a toMows: ..
<br /> •� . 21. AccelenUon; Remedles. Lender shall qlve notice to Bo►rower prlor to eccslentlon tal[owlnp
<br /> ---- --- -- e ���.��..�. � ..�.�..� t a1.1� e�....•h. In�n. �n1 /io� n�� nrtn��n ann�lwraf n ,
<br /> ____:-_—._� fi�l�V�tVt�Y���1rt� Vt �U; ���iwitZ vi a�taivo�vo• �i2 Mo�wv�.. � . r•.�. ,,..
<br /> i. s„ . ��! �._
<br /> under pra�nph 17 unlew appllc�blo I�w provlde� otherwlsr). Tho notlae sfmll speclty: (�) tl�e detault; ,.�
<br />- (b) th� �ctDon requ(red to c�e�e 4he defeult; (c) � date, not leas than 30 dey� trom the d�te tho noUce Is � ��. � �r� .
<br /> ,,<< ,
<br />� ytvan to Borrower. by whlch the dehult must be cured; end (d) that tellure to cure the default on or � ,;�4� : ��
<br />: befor� ths dsta apeclfled In tPoe notice may �eiult In �ecetevatlon of tha sum� aecured by thl� Securlty ° +�� �
<br /> inN�urr�ent md �ele of the Property. The no4lae sF�ll further Inform �orrower of the ripht to retns4ata after � � � �"'�
<br /> : accoler�tlon end the rl�ht to brUQ � court scUon to essert the non-extatence ot � deisult or eny other ' .,;�r
<br /> „ '��.��1 tDetense ot Bonower to accelersUo�r �nd sala. If the default ta not cured on or betore the date �peetfled
<br />- � In the nuUse� Lender ot Ite opUan may requlre �mmedlete payment In full of all sums sacured by thts i
<br /> Secarfty Intb�ument wiUw�t further dem�nd and may Invoke the power of sale and eny other remedlee °�'
<br />- � perm(tted by �ppticabte I�w. Lender �hall be entlUed to collect atl e�en�e� Ucurred In purwlnp the . ,�, ���"
<br />_ _ �emedle� provlded In thla per��reph 21� Includlna, but not Ilmlted to, raasoneble attorneya'tea end cott� :
<br /> � af�itl� evtd�nc�. � '
<br /> If the powe� of eale t� Invoked� Trunee shall record a noUce of detautt In each county In whlch eny �
<br /> . p�t ot the Property Is located �nd sliat!matl coples of such nottce In ths manner prescrtbed by �ppllcable .
<br /> law to BorroMrer �nd W the other perwns prescrlbed by eppllcable law. ARer the tlme rcqulred by ,
<br /> appllc�ble I�w. Trustee shall pive publlc nottce of sale to the persons and (n the manner preacrlbed by � •
<br />= appllcable law. 7Yustee. w111hout demend on Borrower, shall aell the Proptrty at publtc euctlon to the I ,
<br />° hlphest bldder �t ths tlme �nd pl�ce and under the te�ms deslgnsted In 4he noUce of iale In one or more � �`•
<br /> parcels �nd En any order Trwtae dettrmtnes. Trustee mAy poetpone aale of elt or r�ny percel ot the � "
<br />- • Property by publlc mnounccment et the ttme end place ot nny prevtousty sche�uled sale. Lender or Its
<br /> deslqnae mty purchsse the IProperty at en�r aate.
<br />� Upon ►ecelpt of payment of the prlce bld, Trustee ahall dellver to the purchaser T�uatee's deed � .
<br />= conveyln{� tha Property. The rec(tsls tn the Truatoe's deed ahall be prlma facle evtdence of the Vuth of �
<br /> � the �teternents mede theretn. Trunee shell epply the proceads o4 the sa9e In the tollowtnp order. (�)to ell , .
<br /> , co�t+t and e�ensea ot exerel�np the power oi sale, snd the aate, Includlnq the payment of the Trustee'a
<br />; tees�ctu�lly Incurred. n�t to exceed 3 94 of the princfpal emount oi the note et the tlme ot the
<br /> dacl�ratlon nf default, end resamble �ttorney'o fees es permiried by lew; (b) to nll sums Eecured by thls
<br /> � Securlty Inttrume�t; and (c) any exce�to the per�on or peraona leyslly entlUed ta It
<br />- �2. Reconvey�nce. Upan �yment of aN a;ims eacur�d by this Securlty InsWment,LenAsr shaA request Trustee to roconwey the
<br /> � � Prop�Ay �nd shaN aurtender thb Securky In�trument md aM noi�s evldonchp debt oecursd by thls Sscurity MecrumM►t to Truetee. TNBTlO
<br />' ' � shtN nconu�sy th�PropKty wkAout wumty�nd wkhout chirq�to ths p�non or percons Npaltj antkMd to k. Such psrson or pKSans ahtll
<br /> a PaY any ncondttfan coste. .
<br /> i �3. St�biUtNtO �fUft��. Lender, at ks optbn, may Srom thw to tlme remove Trustee end eppotnt a successor truatee to eny
<br /> - -- ----�—�
<br /> Trustw �ppofntrd hwounder by an Inawment rocorded in ths county In whbh thfs Securlty Instrument fs recorded. WRhout conveyance of
<br /> ? �1 the Prop�Ay. euccsssar truate�ehaA ouccead to aN the tkb,power snd dutlea contsrred upon Trustoe horeb and by appl�able Inw.
<br /> I �4. Request for Notices. Borrower requests that coplea of the not�es o}delauk ctnd sale be sent to Borrowers eddress whlCh
<br /> # Ia tha PropeAy Addr�rss.
<br /> r� Z�. Rlder� to thls Secul'��/�RiVU111e111. (f One 0� r1�Ore ride►8 9re exeCUted by Borrower and reCOrded topeth6r with Ihls
<br />�;g. 3ecurAy Instrumant, th� Covemnto �nd nsra�menb of aaoh such rldor shaN bo hCOrpornted hto and shaN omand and aupploment Ino
<br />'.1` COYMNtb Utd�QfMfMllt{0}fhf3 SiCllfity If16WR1!(It t8 M►hE fid0f(6)W6N a part of thla Security InsWment.
<br /> Y
<br /> i
<br /> 'a P�p��ot 6 Form�OYE 0/W
<br /> . F102D.LM0 (t/C6)
<br /> � � ,�, �
<br />•� • • � _
<br /> .. _.
<br />