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<br /> .,' ° ' "'',:_. � OB-Ot-t� DEE�D�F THUST �t�.,�►1•+�,�`�'�`�"� Pa�� ----
<br /> _ . . � �.
<br /> � l��en �40 (Conti�nrd) ,,,, -_ :•
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<br /> �_'.' '._.-- .._._.`._-•^--.•--_.._.._- —'.__'_'.-"'_.__"_'�._—'_—_.' _�._.._......._'_.'_'_.._.__..`..-._.. '___._.'. ..- . � - :4. .
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<br /> C'=:,1:=::..:�J�71i.S:i�.:::�. Yru.t�r[h_'I�fQf;LtD COd 6t^.!(i'':n pe:!c:��r,f C;7 I��L�:QRC7 C:�{l L!^itd;ft1 C:L;;tt�i�tl t�`:�S��J GRGc:�::�;���;;n;l(1
<br /> • ��kr�mant b�sM f�r li�(u�i in3uraLk vwtu2 cavai��fi Imprnvar��er�i�on i��a F:et FrGy�fy 1�an amcunt c�tt�n!tn a��c'.d e��!!c�!�ar+�1 enY ��=�=-==__ - ��
<br /> �r:.'a�_;li�
<br />_ : . ,, . "� ° car�unnc.aaus�,�nd with�sLtndud mortppw ct�stso h�Mvor ol L�ndn.top�IhK wilh euch other h�nrd�nd N�bNity Insuranc���L�ndtr �.:dr_��.��_-_-=__
<br /> -£•� , may rMSOn�by r�quk�. Poiic�ar�N b�w�tl�n tn tam,nmaunte,ccv�r�f nd 4ash rNSOr+�bry scc�pt�bw to I.�n�tw�nd Iw.wd by a =-°-_-__
<br /> `""' � � � comp�ny a sampan�s rwsnnxbty�cceplable ro l.�nd�r. Y�usla. uaon r�qwsl of L�nd�►,wiN dMiver to landir kom tlm�lo tln�th�paYCba
<br /> �- ' d�L �lt..'+wriuk
<br /> or certlNcatN ol�nsur�na in form a�uctaciay to l.andar�Includrnp t4pulrutir►�Iha1 covK�pK wW no9 b�canc�d or dminkPwa wlthout al •�-�`�'• •-.�-_
<br /> :=,�f�'�.�., ;��-�v� N+tdl Nn(10)d�y�'pla wrNMn notla to Undar. E�ch Insur�no�poNcv�co thW Ir�elud��n�n�ois�rtNnl prowdiop ttr�t cnv�rope b I�vor of = --
<br /> . ; lsnder wiM rtot b�Imp�lrtd in nny wiy by any act,omissian mr dshuN af f3r�n!or a any olhet panon. Shnusd ttw R�al Rropwiy d�ny tlrn� � r_�r���F.
<br /> . .: , brCarw kxxt�d In an��ciwslQno t x l 6y IP�Dk3cta o f li�F�r�l Cr,�-�ar�Gy C."an:g:;r��I a y a r s sy c:.a�p:,�.:1 Cc��i t�:�,:t d u;.7�Tt u-_'.ar r _.
<br /> ., _. __ _ -
<br /> • :. d•:'i£��' �pnw to obt�ln�nd m�in�eln F�d�rd Fbod Insurona ta Ih��xMnl tuch Irtsur�nae if r�uk�d by LenrMr tnd b or h�carMS av�IMhM,fCr tM
<br /> .�..�.-y- � tKm of th�loan�nd far fh�tull unpald Pnnclpal bWna of Iha lan,a tta muAmum Nmif ol cowr�th�t h�vWibf��wtYCh�v�r b NIe. ��.�..,.-..-_—,
<br /> ,�N.r'e'v.p 'T'''[R"�n:4Y�i�v.�`�.-.
<br /> . .�.;-.::,��,�.. W ProoMW.Tru►ta sMN promptly notly Londer of any losa a dunap0 to fh�Proparty. Lgnd�r m�y m�ko proof W laa M Trusta ' ,:�,7, „
<br /> f�eNs I�o�wHN�I�M»n(16)doyrs oI1M e[swlty. WMther or nat Londere a�curily h Imp�k�d,L�nder miy.N ks aMclbn,r�lve end rMpin }.:"��•.w.'���
<br /> ` th�procMds of�ny In�unnco anif tppty Ihe proeMds to th�rtductlon of th�Ind�bt�dr�eu,paym�nt of any H�n afbcHiw IM Prop�rty,a ih� ;yr��`�"��`�'�'Y-
<br /> •��' "" ',:
<br /> '•. �� : ^3^x�'; ',%F
<br /> rastonUon ond rop�ir of the Pro{raly. 11 Lender ulocts to appty tho procwds to rasto�aflon and r�pak,Tru�tor etwll r�{uk tx rspt�p Ih� ,�t�;,�,,�,�;s t��'�•
<br /> damiged a destrayed Improvemenb In e mannar satls/actory to Lender. Lendor sh�R, upon Sqihi�ctory praof of euch�xpandlturA,p�y or . :s�'�`�;��
<br /> �. •• �elm0urse Trusta tran the proce�de lor tAe reeson�bin cost af reptlr a restaorion N Trusta Is not in detautt under this Dsad ot 7rusL Any ��;� ��;� ��� '�y°�
<br /> . proceede whfch have not been disbursed xithin 180 days efter Ihek receipt end wl�ich Lander has not comrnFtaW to 1M repak or rl�etaitlon ol ` ,���:'
<br /> e
<br /> " . tt�e Prop�rty eh�l be used Arst to pay any amount owirp to Londer under thls Dead ot Trust,then to pay�ccrued Inkrest,snd th�rem�InsMr,ll ,�-, ' ti� ' i �-
<br /> �� . nny,6Aaq be�qpYed to tM p�inGpai be4ance of lhe Indebtednes�. If Londer hdds any proceods aRer paymenl In tull of the Indobtednes�.6uch �:?��+:• ti.• ' `�� ' ,-
<br /> proceads shaN be f�ld to Trusta as Trusta's Interesb maY aAPe�- •�':' >;�h k��a�
<br /> •� U M x h l t r d t n i u r r r�c l r i 8 W. A n y u�a x p l r e d I n s u m n c e s h a N t n u re I o t h e b e n e6t o f,an d p ass t o,l h v purchasar of lla Pr o p a A y cruKetl b y Ihis �'�•;�°. �r�'�°`'
<br /> .. f_,�� _-
<br /> � Deed of 7rust at ony 6ustea's sate or other sale held under the provislorts of thts Deed of Tnnt,or et nny faectosure safe ol such Propaty. ,.'.�;��,.;�T�z -
<br /> ;%� T�K 1lR�IMt?l.4�!ldCF ii��RVEB. SubycY to eny Hmit�tbns sat by appNCab►e 4tw,Lander mny require Tnntor tn maintaln with l.emdu ns�rvss '.t;�'' �'�:�---��_�.
<br /> for paymenl ot annuai taxes,assessmenb,and Insurar�premiums,wh�h raserves shai be created by advance(saymant or monthly payments ot� �:�''�-�=
<br /> ,, sum esUmated by Lendar to be sufNCbnt to produce,at le�st fiReen(16)days batore due,amounb at feast eqwl to!he laxa,�ssvssm�nb,�nd ;��niry�z'
<br /> " Insurance pramiurrs to bo pald. If firta�en(15)days bafa:o payr�M Is due ths rev:nro funds ere tns�IRCle�t,Trustor sh�N upan dvmtnd pay�ny � � '�c��-�-
<br /> deRctency to Lencler. The roserva funds shsll bo hc�d by Lcndrr e�a Q9reyrrrJ dspos3l horn Trustur,wh!ch Lender m!�y sat!sry by paymant ol lha ., ... `• °w. --
<br /> texes,assessments,ansl Insurance premiums requked to be pald by Yrustor as they become due. Lander shail hava Ihs riphl to draW upon ths ?�?�""�"=
<br /> ' �� resarve tunds to pay such items,and Lendw slwll not be reqWred to detormine the valtd�ty or axureay o}any item batore payin0 it. NotMr�In lha � : �;�R�
<br /> Doed ot Trust shall6e construed as requldng Lender to advance othar monles(or such purposes,and Lender shall not Incur any NablHty far anythinp �--_—
<br /> " �:.: it may do or amit to do v+ith respect to the resarve account. All amouMs in the re�.,orve accounl are hereby pledae6 to tixth�r securo lhe .'?��'�'''a
<br /> Inda'�tedne.ss,Rnd Lender fs hereby aulhaized to withdraw and ap�ty such amounts on the Indebtedness upon the occurtence of an Event of �
<br /> ., .°''� Co auM. l.sr�ar sria�l r Wt Ga r�uf od te pc�un7 ir.:;,r�t cr esm!no°ort th�r!K?r�e lunds unie�5 reqtired by IPw ar agreed to by l.ender In writlna. -. '�%:-�
<br /> Lender does not hold tha ressrve funds In trust for Trustor,and Lender Is not Trustors epent ta puyment of the fexes end assessmenb requlred fo ,; °4�' �}
<br /> be petd by TNStor. ,
<br /> :,•,_. EXPQWITUHES BY LQiDER. If Trustorlails lo camply wfth eny provislon of this Dead of Trust,or if eny action or proceeding Is commenCed that l5
<br /> woWd matedaAy atlsel Lander's Interest�In tha Property,Len�er on Trusta�s behalf may,but shell not be requlred fo,tako any nctlon that Lendsr _
<br /> -- — deems appropriate. Any amount that Lender e�ends in so doing win bear interest at the rote chprged under the Note trom the date Incurted a patd
<br /> by Lender to the date of repaymont by Trustor. All such expenses,at Lender's opUOn,Mrill {a)be peyable on demnnd, (b)be added to the baknce �
<br /> r. ot the Note and be eppoNoned among end be poyable with eny Insteillment payments to become due du�iny either (f)the term of eny applkabte _ ��� � .
<br /> InsuranCe poticy or (N)the remalninp iQrm of the Noto,or (c)bo healed as a belioon payment wh�h will be due and payabte at ttw Nute'9 matudty. • ,.a; �• E,
<br /> Ttifs Deed of Trust eiso wW secure paymeN of th�se amounts. Tha rlghts proNded ta in this paregreph shall be In additlon to any other dghis or any .
<br /> remedies to whbh LenCer may be entiUed on eccount cf the deteult. Any such actton by Leno'er shall not be canstruad as curing tlie default so as to "�'�,`::
<br /> bar L�nder f►am eny remedy lhat it othervASe would have had.
<br /> ,. WARRAItTY;1�FEiiS�OF 71TLE. The tdlowing provislons rela4ing to ownershlp o!the Propsriy are a part of thfs Deed of TNSt. , , ?��"
<br /> 77tk. TrUStor warT8n15 thah (a)Truslpr hpld9 good and marketUbl9 title of r6Cad to the Property In feg slmple,tree and clear o}ali Ibns and •
<br />- " enCUmbrenCes olher ihBn those set(rxth in the Rg31 Property dsscriptlon or In any tilb Insumnce po!�y,ttle repor!,or 8nal tiBe opinlon luued in 1 'Y '
<br /> � fava of,end accapted by,Lender in connectlon with this Deed of Trust,end (b)Trustor hes the fu�l right,power,and authortty to executs snd ` � '`
<br /> ,�;: deuvor thf�Deed of Trust lo Lmnder. . , '•°,.;�:'
<br /> '•�,;,,.
<br /> , Defen�e of Title. SubJect io the exceptfon in the paragraph above,Trusta wertunb and v+ill foraver detend the utle to the Properly ngelnst the 1�`����� ' ' '
<br /> , �•- lawlui ctalms of atl persans. In the event any acrion or proceeding is commaiced that questions Trustw's Htte o�the Interest of Trustee or ir t,�.,� ^
<br /> ��-��� Lender under thfs Deed of Trust,TrustO►shall tlefend the flction at TrustoPs expense. Trusta may be the nominal pndy In such proceeding,but �t"��..;;.
<br />- " ' Lender shall be en6tled to rPicl ele In the roceedin and lo be re resented in the roceedin b counse�of Lender's own cho�e,and #"� `�"
<br />- Rg P P 9 P P 9 Y P P P i .. .. 4t}i,'��
<br /> . T►ustor wNl deliwr.a cause to be cHYVered,to Lender such Inshuments as Lender may request hom time to time to ermit suCh articl ation.
<br /> Complt�nCe Wlth I.�wa. Truslor warrents thet tho Proptxty end Trustor's use of the Property complbs with all e�dsting applicable�lgws, , -�
<br /> ', �„`, ordinanc0s,end regula8ons ot governmental authorities. j :,�:. „ ;
<br /> CONDEMMATION. The follovAng provlslons relaHng to condemnatlon proCeadings are a part of this Oeed ot Trust. �� ` .,� •
<br /> I • ,�.�,;�.
<br /> ; AppWC�Ston of He1 Piroceeda. if a�or any part of the Propaty Is condemned by eminent domaln proceedings or by any proceeding ar �
<br /> purchase In I�eu of condemnation,lander may at fts dacrion requlre that all or 8ny portlon of the net procoeds of the flwErd be applled to tho � � .
<br /> Indfibtedness or the repair or restoratlon of the Property. Tho net proceeds of Ihe award shall mean the award after payment of all reasonahle � �
<br /> . '�' costs,e�enses,and aftorneys'lees Incurted by Trustoe ar Lender In connecUon wilh the cvndemnalion.
<br /> :;t; • , Proceedinpa If any procoeding in condemnetion Is filed,Trustor shall prompfty�otlry Lender In writing,and Trustor shall promptty take such
<br /> stvps as may bo necessary to detend the aarion and obfaln the awerd. Trustor may bo the namfnal party In such procc�eding,but Lender shaii ! '
<br />-.. �� �,� be entitled to parttcipate In tho praceeding and to be represeNed In the proceoding by counsei of Its owo aholce,and Trustor will deliver ar ���
<br /> cause to be doiNered ta l.9nder such Inshuments as may bo requested by It from tia�e to rime to permft sucA parucipafton. ! ��
<br /> .. �% "<<' I
<br /> IMPOSITION OF TAXE9,FEE9 AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AIffNOfiITIES. The following provislons retaflng to yovernmental taxes, '
<br />- •: , tees and charaes ere a pert ol lhls beed ol Trosl:
<br /> ' Curtent Texe�,Fea and Chsrpe�.Upon request by Londer,Truslor shall oxeCUio such documonts in addftion to this Dood of Trust nnd take i
<br /> wlutever other ection is reauasted by Lendtx to perfoci and continue Lender's uen on tho Real Property. Trustor shall reimburse Lendar tar all
<br />- , taxgs,as describod beiow, togelher with 411 expen58s Inourted in rpCOrdlrtg,pedocting a conHnuin�this Daed of Trust, Including wilhout
<br /> Iimitntlon all taxes.(ses,documentary st�mps,qnd olher charges(or recordtng or replstering thls Dead of Trusl.
<br /> � Ttuces. The idlowing shell consfltute taxes to which this section applles: (fl)e specHia teu upon thls type oi Deed of Trust or upon all or any
<br /> ,; .' pert ot the Indebtedness socured by this Uead ot Trust; (b)a specillc tex on Trustor which Trustor Is authori:esf or reqWred to deduct lrom
<br />- � paymants on the indebtedness cecurod by thts lype ot Deed of Trust; (a)a tex oa thls typo of Qeed of Trust chargoablo ngamst Iho Londer or
<br />- • tlw hoider ot the Nota;end (d)a spE+clAc tox on eli or uny porHOn of tho IndobtAdness or on poyments of principal and Irterest mude by
<br />- . , Trustor. �
<br />— '-------.-_:- ,-� .�.,Uhl�OliBlt T�fLi It anv tax In vrNch 1hLs secUnn annllas Ls ansctsd su6saaunnt fn the dnlw n�thie�mrf n17'rud }We nvnnf ahn0 hnve thn _ , _
<br /> . .. . - - - ---- - --- . __ -'- -.._..�._..._
<br />- ,` seme A�fect es en Event ot Defautt(as defined below),and lender may exerdso any or ell ot Its avalinble remedfes tor an EvoM of Daft�ult us
<br />- provided betuw uniess Trustor eiiher(t�3 p9ys lhe tux baforo It becomos delinquant,or (b)contesis the tex as provfded flbove In the Ttixes and
<br />_ - Llens seCtlon flnd doposits witfi Le�der cash or a sufNclent corporato surebj bond or other securfty sutistactory to lender.
<br /> ' SECIJRITY AGREEMENT;FikANCiNG18TATEMEtiTS. The tollowing provisto�rolaring to this Daed of Trust as a security agroemont are 4 part of
<br /> thfs I?eed Ot 7rus�
<br />_ � � 3ecut9ty Ayrleatanl. TAIS InStrument shafl constilute a Security agroemQnt lo ihe extont any ot tho Properly conshtutes lixtures or other
<br />-�'� per5onal properly�nnd Londer 6had hr3vo all of tho dghts of a S9CUreJ p&Ry under the Umtorm CommerC181 Codo cts amended from timp to
<br /> HtT10.
<br /> ��., to p�orfect andeconfinue lendat's seCU�iry�lntcxestt nrthe Rents nnd Personal�Properry. an a d Uon to reCOrdinglhls�Deed O}Trus�t nythe re81
<br /> = prOpbAy reCOrds,Lender may,at any Ume and wlthout turther autharizatlon from Trustor,file executed countorFarts,coples or tt3praductlons of
<br />- thFS Qeed ot Tnrs4 ae a Bnancing slalement. Trustor shali r�tmburse Lender tor NI exRenses!ncurred in pertecting or continuing thls security
<br /> . intaresf. Upon default,7rustor shell essembie Iha Personal Praporry In e mnnner and ut e place rensonably conveplont tqTrustor and Lander
<br /> .`
<br />;� •. •
<br />-_ �
<br />