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<br /> � S�ND TAX NOYIC�S TO: �=-"
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<br /> ''':';�„: D�ED OF THUST
<br /> _ -.--_ _ ,.,,�e ne,�nc�i��r!c ne�n _wa��;1�,.+mona Pstricie L. Beeder and Temr M. Beeder,/1S HU58AND �:-;_�
<br /> AND WIFE, whase eddreas ts 216 � Sycamore, Grend lalen�, NE 68t01 (reteRed to bel�w es "Tru�toir"); �. _
<br /> �' •. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MARQUEI'PE, whose e�idrcs� Is 402 Marquis, P O Box �9, A�tRe, �IE __
<br /> ' � 6885�-0039 (refemed to bNow som�tNnes sa "Londer" and sometime� s� "Beneflclary°')� end LELAND B. -_�
<br />. JpNES,wAo�e address is P O BOX 167.AURnRA k�68818(rcfened to beiAw as"7rustee"}. — .
<br /> CpNYEYAtB(;E AMD GRAIt1'. Foc valu�Ie con�IderMla�.Tru�tor conveya to TrumSee In Wst,WiTM POWEFi OF SAI.E,tor tM b�nNlt of
<br /> Leed�r e� EenellGi�ry. eN o1 Tn�stor's rfght, titfe, and Interest in end to the foNOwing described re�l property, topell�er wHh ell exlstlr� or �_,
<br /> � ' subsequentty erecte�or affnced buildings,fmprovemenis and fa[ures;af easements,rights of way,nnd eppurtenances:eA wate►.water riyhts and .�.-__
<br /> .. ditch rigMs(induding stock in utiGUes with ditch or Irtigatlon rqhts);and all otharr�hts,ro aHies and rofds relaBnp to the rell o�r�Indudl �>
<br /> w�ma,t Mmw�on ex m�nereis.ai. oas, peotbermel and sfmdu mQt�e. locateal in I�dl Goun�jh State �f N�br�c� (t[�e "Ree� �.,�.
<br /> . Property"):
<br /> Tf�e Narth Forty-Five (45) feet of Lot One (1►� Bto�ic Ona (1), Heyde Additbn to the City of Grend
<br /> , Isl�nd,Hdl CouMy.Nebreaks
<br /> � The Real Prop�rty or ite addreaa [a commonly known aa 216 S Sycamore,Grend lal�nd,NE 68e01.
<br /> '� � Trustor presentry asslgr�s to Londer(etsa known ns Benefidary In this Desd of Trusti o�l of Trustors rlght,6Ye,end Interest In flnd to all present any
<br /> �~= tuture teases of tho Property and all Re�ts hom the Praperty. In edditlon,Trustor grants Lender a UNtorm Commerclal Code security Interest in the
<br /> �� Rents and the PetcorW Piroperly doflned below.
<br /> ,._
<br /> DEFiNIT101tS. The lollowing wortls sT�ail have the following meanings when used in fhis Dead of Trust. Terms not otherwlse deflned In this Desd of „
<br /> " :f�.:, Trust shaN iuve 1hB maBNngs atiri�utad to such ferms in ihe UnMorm Commercial Code. All referencos to doliar amounls shall mean nmounts In ,
<br /> '>'�„ lawlul money o}tha United StBtes of America.
<br /> , B�Mflcl�ry. Ti�word'88rwNClery'means FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MAR�UEfTE,its Successors and esslgns. FIRST RtATIONAL BANK �
<br /> OF MARQUETTE also Is referted to as'7.onder'In this Deed of Trust. I
<br /> Oaed of T�uat. The wads'ID�sd of Trust"mean this Deed of Trust amonp Trustor,Lendar,and Trustee,and Inciudes without umltaHon all ,
<br /> asslpnmant and 5ecudiy Inlers�sV proNSions retaBng ta the Personal Proparty and Rents. �• �'.�
<br /> . Gwr�ftor. The wad "Guarantor means and fndudes wllhout Ifmitation any and ell guarantors, suroties,nnd aCCOmmodntlon perties In �
<br /> cnnnection with the Indebtedness. j
<br /> " " � ImproYM�Ents. The wad "improvemen�"msans and Indudes without Ilmttption all wcistinp nnd fufore improvements, fixturas,buildinps, I
<br /> structures,mot�ib homc�s atfixed on the Real Properly,(adlit�es,addfflons,replACemenb nnd ather constructiun on the Real Property. �
<br /> •• tnd�bl�dneaf. The xrord'Intiebindness'moans all principal ond Interust payable under the Note end any amounts e�ended or advnnced by I
<br /> � Lender to dischsr�e obligxtions of Trustor or expenses incuned by Trustee or Lsnder to eniorco obligations of Trustor undor thls Dc�ed of Trust, �
<br /> .. , togettser wtth interesl an such emounts as provided In this Deed at Trust. Spec��Acelly,without Ilmftation,this Deed ot Trust,e¢ures,In addiHon � '
<br /> to lhe nmounfs speciNed In the Note,ail tuture amounts Lender In Its discretinn may loan to Truetor,togethar vdth ali Int�re3t Iheroon;howovpr, �
<br /> � In no ovent shal!such future aWances(exClud�ng Intorest)caxCOed m tho nggregate 328,000.00. �
<br /> ' � LerWa1. Tho wMd'Ler�der"means FIRST NATIQNAL BANK OF MAR�UETiE,Its suCCessors and flsstyns. �
<br /> , � _ �de. rne wara ^hote"mans the NoM dated June t.�s�s,in the �rinclpel emount of S28,OOO.QO from Trustor to Lendar, .
<br /> _ - tnaethar urun nu re�xats cudotistans mo�firauons.refi�nns.and sutrstituUons tar tha Note. The maluritv date of this Deed of Trust Is June '
<br /> °--°- - -- -
<br /> __ -- - --- - - •-
<br />_. 1.2A00
<br /> " Peroqtsl Proplrty. Tho words Rersanal Property'mean flil equtpmont,lixtures,and other artiCltttts of personal propertyr now a herentler
<br /> owr�!by Trustor,and now or hareatter etteChed or atfixod to the Roel Prnpsrty;togethcsr with ell accc�sstons,paRs,nnd odd�lians to,ell
<br /> repflCemenk of.and aN subsiitutlor�s ta, eny ot such Rroperty; end together wlth a!I proCeeds(indu�llng without I�mltetlon nIi InsuranCe
<br /> procaeds and rstunds ot promlams)from eny sate or otha�fispositlon of the Prq�eriy.
<br />- � R+tOplrty. Ttie word'Property'means coNecUveiy Ihe Real properly end the Rorsonat Rreporry. �
<br /> , Rtrl Properfy.T1w wards'Real Property'mean the propci+ly,fnteresb and riphls descnhed abovo In the"Conveyance and Grant"seclion.
<br /> RtiN�d DOCWn1lnts. Tn0 wads'Reluted Documents'rneen flnd Irtclude withaut Ilmltntlon all prom.ssory notes, credit ngreaments, loun
<br /> " agreements,enNronmHntol flgreemnnts,�uarenties,sacurity flpreementS,mortpepe9,dE�eds ot hust,tind all othor InshVments,agroemertts and �
<br /> dxuments,whe'.her now ar hereatter dxlSBng,executeq In eonnecllan with Ihe Indebtadness.
<br /> it�Ma. The wad 4tenb'means all present and tuture renM,revenues,Income,fssuos,roy�alUes,profits,and other benefits derived trom the
<br />