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. . , - . _. ....-�i`)�::rr..� .a- .� . ;s.+�w� 1,;, , . . .. . ���'��1-1= _ <br /> r-.n. ��'��� �(Yf <br /> �. , � . . ._. . y4j : �+ti* . _.__-.. —_ W <br /> ' .. - �.��11p(,�fjff�-�F:illt��..��.'✓, . . . . .. . `Y-ufi( fM�a�F/I�IY.► . ____� _-- -_ <br /> " � ��:L~!J.. . . ' iY/�iYff011�SII - �. ♦ �. <br /> _ ._r.^-'.�'"T1�7."-��.n.v .aciR�l1!'�...^L.k .�3 i"?ri^:<4`�{r -- . . .._ _ - ___ . <br />. . • - - .`t FC r��.�rm:`'_vP.-iat:��"ctaF!ZFJlac'�J1rn .,.-.,R�..—_-'-. <br />_- _- iMie��tii"� <br />_,�`S.'t'P°..°::._:1P��F7'�`�°!1. .,-._.�W:.'�i.i:.:,�...r7.TN''�'*Sni• "_ _,—--�'.'__'�'.. <br /> _.. .=...s..__�m-_�-._. ��,y,:� rc, —r-- - --.- ..,'. _ - . -- Z [�.�v.,L�w�r_ �- - <br /> .--�.w,.,..-,ro,t.v:r"'Yy,�w'?!'� 1�,_ . . .'T;�;4����. .. .. . __ .i--. ....._.�4._ , . , _..._!. .�r:..r+�'��'�,-..'J�L.*'ti�_�M - ..-.. .,..� - � _-_ - - - <br /> , . . .. <br /> , • " . ._ <br /> „ A <br /> , , <br /> .i . . . , . �. , . ' • -- .�' `.�. <br />.. . • � . , , . .. . ��rij,.�+`����f��,� <br /> .. " �� ' ��) .. ...—.. .. .._ . ��: <br /> i. <br /> , <br /> ' . . _ ... ..� .� ' " . I <br />-=.i..�be•_r4:lt�„� 'J .... ..__._ . � `• Ya•x�..= <br /> _��,a��] �1 5 <br />---�:�;;�';�',�"�� if �S �����1�� _ <br /> - __i� ��aynic.hts n�ay no lnnger be tequired,nt the aption af Lc.nder. ntiortgago insuciqnce�ver o(in the r��r <br /> -- thst�r raquire�)provkbd by on insuru eQprc�veG by La►der a�in bocomes avwilabl��qd is obtained.Borruwcr st4aq{�ry ti� <br />- "���a������ prertiiums required tn maintair� mortgage insurance in cffe�t,or to provitle�loss re3ervo,undl If�e requ�tement for rtw�tgaBe <br />_____----`SL77yt2t,r'� }1� .-j C-:f.��.. <br /> — ==-v insw�nce e,nds in accordAnc� enY written agroetnej�t beiwea�Sornowa and I.ei��ee oe sy.�lic..a�,.L.�. ���8tve =_ <br /> - :���:�= 9.Inspecibn. Lcndcr or iE�agent rtu�y rnalce reasonabk cnuie.�upcm ond inspoctbny o4'the PropatY• _ <br />.�-:�� Borrower noti�c at the dme of ar prior to an inspxtion specity�ng rc,a�nabk cause for tho insPccteon. �_: <br /> ���_ <br /> _-_:,�.;,; 10.C�demnatiun. 'tl�a procads of r�ny award or eWm for dama�es� diroct os connxtion with any - <br />-- conc3emnatlan or othu taldng�f eny part of tho Pmpeny�a for co�nveyance in Iku of wndemnadom�are hr,reby assignad and E��-�-.- <br />--=`��' :;,r��':�:" shall be p�id t�o I.endu. �'�- <br /> •;L :y..,.. <br /> - ,r.. � In�he event af e tota�taking of�he Property.the praaxds sha(1 6o appliod w t�suns securd by this Se.�urity Insm�mecit, �:`?'--- <br />_"`-�'"�;'►�;. : `-'-- <br />--.-�;t,L£;.��., m which dk feir marica _. <br /> --�_� ,�� whether or not then due,wiSh any excess paid to Boirowtr.In thc event of a{�aetial taking uf the Propaty� <br />�t"Y':�`.,� ,�� � velue of thc Pmperty immodL•i3ely before ihe talcing is cqual co or greater than she simount of tha sums sccured by this Sccurity �, <br />'-'�'r�';,�•'�.�' Insuument immaliately before ihe takiui8, ur.less Borrower tu�d Lender othuv+ise c�gnxs in wridng,�he sums secured by this � <br /> Q�_:= <br />.- "��` ' Sacurity Insuumcnt shaU be reduced by the wnount of the pcnceecls mWdplied tsy the fallawing fracd�n:(a)the total a�wunt of �-��.�, <br /> ...�;,�i,w',''' <" the sums sxuctd immaliately before�he taking.divided bY(b) th:,fair madcet value of�he Psaperty immedlately befoco tho n�-.-,. <br /> '. •.'i" '_ ta'�,�g.As-�y��sha!!ltr p�{d to Bosrowe� Ihc event af a paitlal taicinA of the PtoPatY In whieh tha fait madcet valtte of the �.__ <br /> ''y'�"`'1.' � ' F'aop�xty Lumedlatcly beforc thc taking is less than the omaunt of the sums secured immcciiately before the taking�unless ���:.» <br /> p x�y <br /> °�>��r,�"�;��, Bonowrr and Lender othe�wise egrce in wrlting or unless epplicable law othetwise Provides.the procecds shall be appli�Q to the � <br /> �r•: �� <br />•---. . w.. e sums are U�en due. ��'- � <br /> . .�, ... ,.,., suns sr,tc:nd by thls Scxiuity Insmsment�rhetttcx or not th <br />'-��;�;F%�:::;�. If the Property is abandoned by Bonower.or if,after notice by I.endu to Borrower that the conde�unor offers W mzlce an � �:__ <br />' ��'` �' nward or seuie a claim f�r damages.Borrowei fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after tha date the nodce is givEn.I.endu <br /> �:�; <br />"`+.-'����'; is authorized ta collect and apply the proceeds,ut its opdon,either to restoradon or repair of thc Pcoperty or ta the suirs secured - <br /> , �_',�:. <br />-_ ..• .-��+,�-'..;. by thas Se�:nrity Tnsm�meitt,whether or not 1het�due. ��»`;• <br /> � ��� Uakss I+ender and Borrowci othetwise agree�n writin8.�Y aPPllcadon of proceeds to principal shall not eatend or postp�na .:;,; <br /> �.� <br /> the due date of the monthly payments refeaed to�►paragraphs 1 nnd 2 or chnnge the amount of such payments. :;;�_ <br /> - 11.Bormwer Not ReleaSed;Forbearsnce By Lend(er Not st Wa(ver. Extension af tha time for payment or modification ,,.4.,_ <br /> ' �` af��;,,,ai��f thr_.cnmc secwrd by this SeCUritY I�ts�ttme�lt greniCCl by I.endc,�to euy sucee.�,so[iit'itsic�est of Bo[ruwl't shall � <br /> . . �; - <br /> ° not aper�le ta rclease 1he Liabtlity of the original Borrower or Honower's successots ia int,eres�Len�er shait�noi be c�yu+rcu i� � ""'- <br /> �.,��_ <br /> • . s'r. commence proceedings afi�inst eny success�r in interest or refuse to eatend time for payment or otherwise modifY amoni7ation of �,,,� <br /> : the sams secured by thi.q��curity Ins�ument bY reason of a��y demand made by ih�original BoTrower or Borrower's saccessors �_�'� <br /> i�- <br /> - `� in enterest My forbr�unnce by Lende�in exercising any riBht or manedy shall nnt�Se a waiver of or precluc}�the exercise of any r.;;--_ <br /> "���;...:';i:., .� right ot rcmedy. <br />'y a,a�': •:•,-,,' '� 12.Suocessors And Assigas Bound;Joint and Severnl Lda6ility;Co•si�nera. The caver�unts �+nd ugteementa of thfs ,,�` <br />'��`'�'`''"'" � � ' Securily Inswment shall b[nd end be�nefit the successoi's and assigns of Ler�der and Borrowet� subject t�the provislons of 1 <br /> �q,�,,,.,,r,:i„�., para�uph 17. Bocrower's covenants and a�reements shall be joint and severu9. My Borrower who en-signs this Security -t= <br /> u <br /> Instrument but does not eaecute the Nou;: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage�,gr�1 and wnvey t2�at ..,,, <br />..]l.:h.., .....� :.\..4 .. <br /> �onower's inuxesc in the Pmpucy under the terms of this Security Instcuument;(b)is not personally obIIgated w pay thr, sums , <br /> � � secured 3�iy this Sccurity Instiuumen�and(c)agrces that Lender and any other Borrower may agrce to cxtend,marlify,forbeur or <br /> - :... .. m <br /> �'-°K���'' �'� mate any accommada8ons wid�regard to the terms of this Security[nstrument or the AIote without t}�at Bocrower's consenG ; <br />-�",;:.._' ,`.• �" 13,�.oan Charge�. I�f the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets mauimum loan chacges. . <br />=.y�il1V k 1�M��' .. . <br /> :T..: .� and that law is finally i�Ta�r�prcted so t1►at the interest or othcr loau ctwrges collected or to bc collected in conns�cdan with the loan ., <br />.:-;�:.:-�.;,.-�',� ' eaceed t�e Qermiued limits,then:(a)any snch loan charge shall 6e reduced by the amount nxessary�to reduce the charge to the . <br />� �. ' pecmiaed limit;and(b)aay sums alre�ldy collected from Borrower which eacceeded permittecl Girnits will be refunded to Bomower. <br />� - Lender may choose to maka this refLnd by reducing the principal owed undee ihe Note or�y making a du II��Pc�mcharge �� <br /> _. Borcower.If a refund r�duces prnncipal,the reducaon will bc ueated as a pa:tial pcepayment without anY P�P Y�r� . <br /> . �s �y, , under ttne Notc. <br /> :;.� . �; 14.Notices. My notice to�anoweic provided for in this 5ecuriry Instcument shall be given by dclivering ic or by mailing{t <br /> - „ °... . :: by�irst class mail unless applicable I�w requires u:�:of another mest►od.The nodce shnll be ciirected to the Properly Addnss or <br /> ` � �� , any othes eddress Bonmwer dP,signutes by nodce to Lender.Aery nodce to Lender shall be gie+.r.n by first class mail to Lender's <br /> �•• • address stated herein a�any other address i.�ender d�signates by netice to Boirower. Any notice provided for in this Security <br /> � a Instrument shall t�e deemcd w have boen givcn to Barrowec or Lender whea given ax provided in this parag�aph• <br /> :? . 15.Govern[ng Law�Severabi�ty. 'Iliis Secmrfty Instmment shall be govcmetl by federal luw and the law of the � <br /> „ � � •ri� juri,;dicdqn in which the Propeny is located.In the event that any provision or clause af thi.g Security lnsuument or the Note <br /> .. ` conflicts with applicable law,such conilict shall not affect othec pnc�visions of this Security Insuument or the Noto which cac�be i� <br /> ,,�; „:� . given effect without lhe cnntlictinng provision.To this end the provisions of lhis Security Insuument aad the Note are declamd to � <br /> I <br /> . i�e scvesable. <br /> - .,�.� .,. <br /> , . ::,� �, Form 3J28 81A0 � <br /> Pap��01 e Inniau: _ I <br /> �,..� �•aA(NE)loz�a� --- I <br /> !.�At., _•� . .. l I ' <br /> � �. <br /> _'"._-.._. ..-.__-_� .._ . .�. .�.__..- _"—�_ .. . ..._... . .. _ <br /> .,. � � , .. ' . . .. . . .� ,i . - <br /> , • . . � . , . . , . . <br /> . . . _ ' , • .. .. ' - . <br /> , � ,� . ., � . .r .� . .� .. � � .. .. .. , .. . '� .. <br />,-L " , .. � . .. .. .. .. <br /> ..� . � � � �� . � . � � .� <br /> r_ .. . 11 . .. .. ._.... .__ �31 .. __.. <br />