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""•:... <br /> --_=_--�- t�a dc�mcd to amend and supplement t}�o M�xtgrgs,Decd af 7tust or Sec�ty C�eed(tha"5ecurity Inswxnen�t")of�hc�rno c[xte�Iven by <br /> ���=-���-'��-'r'�_,� Q101E11(ICT3�g�7CtI(!}iC°t3ortowcc")tosccurc f3c►rruwte's AdJusubloRRtc Note(tlie"Notc")tn �.�_ <br /> -'= OCIIi�.UI� F1�1L 1�i�lN�C OORFORl1TICN v <br /> -=��1��s:�� (cha"l.cnd��')af Q�c�me date andcovcdng the praperty descdtscd fn�he Secutiry Instnunehtnn�loextcdat: -- <br /> ��;-:-- <br /> --�.,���. 16�0 fi Q�, � �+�s 2� 68801 <br /> — = I�+«h�edv�+�1 <br /> :YiW��_�..`T.M1� �m. ..� <br /> THE N�TE C�NTAINS PROVI�IONS AUl.4WING FOR CHANaES Ify THE IIVTEREST FiATE A(dD THE k;=� <br /> .��;:.♦�;.°��.. MONYHLY PAYMENT, THE NOTE UMI'C�TH��1MOUNT YHE BORROWER'S INTEREST RA`TE CAN =�;v___ <br /> �,,;�� CHANGE AT ANY ONF.TIME A(YD THE lIAAXIPIAUM RATE TH�BnRROWER MUST PAY. '� - <br /> n.°.�'::i'�`'7►.�,,p <br />. -.- a[X.�YR�'r, � _.� <br /> :.� � �� e�.�-__... <br /> �=-~-�'� �F ADDITIONAL COVENANTS.In addition tu the cavenanta uad agrecments mada�n t6e Secutity Instrument,Butrowet and Lendcr -.�_ <br /> "'������ " furthcrcavcnant iucd aErec as fallows: - <br /> 1� <br /> ��-- <br /> 1„�.( •'y.n� tij . <br /> �"-.::.;}';}- •,'� y A. IIJTERP.aT TtATE AN�MOMT�„Y PAYMENT CHAMGFS �_ <br /> -=`�:��,,-��.'-�,-"�= i��� The note provides for an init�alintense rate of 6.375 %a.'R�e Note pmvtdea fot ch�ngcs in thc fatsrest _-__ <br /> „ ..: �`��'• rate and thc monthly paym�nta,es follows: �-- <br /> r:Y�,�ysj�_ -; �- <br /> � -.,����: 4. IIJ'TEd3EST RA�TE AND MONTHI.Y PAYR�lENT CHANOES ,�„�•- <br />:.�.:=�•.•,;.. �' (A) Changc Datcs <<--Y_ <br /> Y . :.-�- .� Thc inter�t ratc Y«ill pay may chsnoe on tbe first day of �TANWhHY ,19 96 ,ar.�on th�tday evety 6th�onth 'u�� <br /> -+:-�ti.:�',;;�y.r:�, ,. thereafccr.Fach dato on which my intenst ratc could change Is callcd n"Chuige DAte." -` _ <br />. , � (B) Tbe Ittdex <br /> .,'� �'.' 4 Acginnit:g with the tiist chaage Date�my interest ratc will t►a bascd on an Indos.'Ihe"Index"is the wceWy aucflon average �.:55�� <br /> ` ��''- ('invraiuieuij�n 6-.uoutu��es.�ry bills,as r•s�de av�ilsble b;t�e�ede2�l Reserve Bo3id.Zl1P,most Yeoeril IIIdex ligule 0.v8{Ia61C 29 of die € -:._ <br /> � d�.te 45 days before ench Change Date is calicd ihe°Curccnt Index" �"`S'=�• <br /> _''� '�,; '�,';_% ; If the Index is no longer avsilable,thc Note Holder wlll choose a new indea which is ba.�d upon comp�rable infotmadon.'Ihe Note � <br /> � ° k j� '' Holdcr will give me uodce of this choice. ` °- <br /> . �' fC1 Calculadonof Changcs 'IiriD AI�D Tfff2FE �1R'1�9 � <br /> � � � ''�'�'� � Beforc cach Changc Date,tlie Nou fioldcr will calculatc my aew interest rate by adding perantage poinr�( a.iat� �'i'uj _'.� <br /> .�„ ,.._, <br /> � � to the Curnat Index.'Ibe Noto EIolder wlll then muad the result of this nddidon w the nearest onc-clghth of one percentage polat ;,,,,,- <br /> ._ , 's=`.� (0.1259b).SubJect to thc limits statcd in Secdon 4(D)bclow.this rounded amount wiil be my new faterest rate until the next Change Dau. �3-:--. <br /> .. � �•±�_- <br /> : �,• s ,�. <br /> �� � "` ��: ' 'Ihe Note Holder wW tlaca detetmine the smount of the monitily payment thnt would be sufftcient to repay the unpa�id principul that I e:a_ <br /> ; T,, .. . �s_ . L��:.-. <br />.'� '`•:�• --�' R' . em expected w owe at thc Change Aate in full on the mnWrity date at my ncw Intcrest cate in substantially equal paymtnts.'17�e rc,stilt of <br /> -�"-?•:�`•".j'.: "�►'••=: tlils calculadonwill ba the new amount of my monthly paymen� �, <br /> .-�.°'.�,� -"" '�' N) Limits on Intemst Rnte Changes �� <br /> ;�.�.�}.:.<fA"�,.)►(, e L::�t_. <br />�..:!`�M�r.4'.w�.�A.nS <br /> .�' n 'Rie interest rnte Y em requlrcd to pay at the first Change Date will not bc grcatcr tbw 7.125 %or less than 5.625�.There- ° >> <br /> =!",�,,,:;_., '� ufter�my intenst tatc wUl never be iacteased or decttiased on any single Change Date by morc than 3/4 petcentage points�0.750°b) <br /> �='�-�;"�`^'- �� from the tate of intecest I have beca paying for the ptec�ding s1�c months.My intemat rate wlll nevet be gteater tl�aan 10.8�'3b. : <br /> _,.,.�..;..;,�..;,�., . .._ <br />, (� Effective Date of C�Ganges <br /> ��``-�"=� •"`�`-�:�� My ncw lntcrest rate will become effective on each Change Data I will pay the amount of my new monihly payment beginning on the ., <br /> .�`•-��• fust montlily payment date aftcr the Change Date until the amount of my montlily payment chenges agaln. <br /> �;•. <br /> (�Nottce of Changcs <br /> '[he Noue Holder wlll deliver or m4i1 to mc a nodcc nf any changes ln my intcrost rnte and t�e emount of my monthly payment before <br /> _:�:,;. • ;'� the effecdvc datc of nny change.'It�e nodcc wlll Include infotmadon tcquircd by law to be given me nrad also the tide nnd telepbone <br /> - numher of n petson who will answer any quesdon I tnay huve regnrding the uotice. <br /> . .� • B. TRANSFER OF TE�PROPPdt1'Y Olt A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN BORROWER <br /> � � � ` �'c Uniform Covcnant 17 of the Sccudty Insttumcnt is emended to read as follows: <br /> � • "�a•. Transfer of thc pi�operty or n bencfici�l intemst In bomowcr.If ull or any putt of the pmpetty or eny fatctest in it is sold or trensfctred <br /> . � • (or if a beneficinl Interest in Bortower is sold or transfecred and Borrower is not a naturnl petson)wlthout L.ender's pdor written consent, I <br /> �+ Lendcr tnay,at i�g option,require Immedlnte payment in full of all sums sccurecl by this 3ecurlry Insttument Lender olso shall not exercise <br /> • • . ��'� " this option if:(a)Borrotiver causes to bc submitted to L.cndcr ing'otmadon rcquircd by Lcnder eo evaluate the intcnded ttaasFecce ns if n nc�v <br /> " � .' �r. loan wer�bcing madc to thc trunsferee;end(b)Lender masonably determincs tbnt Lettder's securiry will not ba impaitcd by the loan <br /> essumption and that thc dsk of a b�e�ch of nny covennnc or ngrecment in th3s Scciufty Instru.ment is ncccptable to Lendcr. <br /> � �;{ To the extent permitted by applicablc law,Lendcr may charge u reasonable fee as a conclidon to Lendcr's consent to tl�c loan i <br /> . - assumpaon.Lcndcr may nlso requlre the trcwsferec to slgn nn assumpdon ngrccmcnt thnt is acceptnble ro Leader and that obli�ates die � <br /> �+:° trnnsfercc to kecp nll thc proutlses und agreements mad�in thc Note nnd in this Security InsnumenG Borrowes will continue to be ! <br /> � � obligatedundcr the lVotc and this Security lnstrumcnt unless Lender releases Boatc�wer in writing. I <br /> � , If Lender excrciscs tlzc optiou to require immcdiate payment in tldl,Lender shnll give Sorrower notice of acccleration.'lhc noticc <br /> , :,�-.��• shnll provide u pertod of not less��n.n 30 days from tk►e dntc the notice is delivcrcd or mailed within which Borrower mast pay all suws <br /> __..r.,a...�.,o Ce..u.:�v is�atn�mant rf s:„m„��:faila m nav�hese sums nrtor to tlic cxoi�t�on of this ncrfiod,Lcnder may invoke nny � <br /> -----___ <br />