, �, - -_ ..__.
<br /> - -- „:_��:
<br /> _ - - - — . . ,, .
<br /> -- .. _
<br /> _ "" � _____ _ ____ _____ ' --.__ _ .'..'.' '_ . .rr-- . . .. .. _" - .' ^ . _ � ti �� „ ,
<br /> • � t%� ') _
<br /> a >� a� � ■ \ S' r 1I.•r�fr� I+�r1i��•��nt�r:.��it+lf'�:]n�R:i'.��1�OIItiN������ .. �� �
<br /> ,Ji)., t:.,.fOR.,7(:t)/hPvA.N'1�.. f3•�rr�•wai::.�t..
<br /> l7. Fota'ckeairr t'r+x�wre. 1!'t c�t�lcr�•ryuirt� iinmr.diutr payr,��n1 in l��i! i7ndcr ��raer��b y, l.c�d�r may inwdct uie
<br /> . , � � - �� . • _,� � . ; � • !�� �.� �t� I� � ,n . ... .. :.�, .r,,..�,�� _
<br /> � it � • - , i ..,i�' �I��f' . � .. .�� ., ' ' � ' .�r.� � � 1 . . � , i� . . . � . . i _ , ,. ,' ., .
<br /> 4U� . •t�n�. .�. . .�.._ �' r�.. . , . .
<br /> r.V it1Ct.lyCr.
<br /> Y �!pllMRr Q�11�Q��ll���T!'IA�1!'��IR�7a11(d ■110�{0�1�t�Ylik �tY�!OOIqlt,�lli N�CjI Yllr PY�"l Ol�
<br /> �fQ�'�y��Ol�l��dl�M� CO�0�1111l�M!�!(R IYI!i1t��Rl�If�l�Cf�����i71'141�O!'M1�'R��a�O
<br /> tYe ntl�r p�r�ww prneeribed fYy wpplirabk I�w. i.11'er tlre time roqufnedl b��pytic�Dk hw�Trynvtec,�rU t�F��'
<br /> .Nic.d�M a elib pee�o���a tYr sNw�r pr��M�d b��NMe�bis dw.. 7r�e�.,vr�i�y�t dii��l a� , +
<br /> rh�cll odl t!a iR+e�trtY at publk Nuctl�aa co t6e�t bfd�lrr s�f tbw tla�e�ad p!�ru►d under tM lernna da�idod��
<br /> 1�aolio�u�s�it 1n awe�rnorti pan+��nd in rry�ord� i eu�e�t aeumniaeG. '�nuri«�w�!�..�we s.:u.,:..y. ..v .,
<br /> p�rcd o�the Pn�pe�t7 b9 I►nbik�raeoairouaa� �t tbe Hs�e iud pi�ec of�y �vbwbr�s�M. I.e�'�'Ms ..
<br /> cksk�ee nup[wrcL�c uue Property�c.ar nde. ,
<br /> Upoic reoeipt n[P�yaxat of tbe pria i:W, 7'Yiistee sl�sll deNver to the �urc�wer Tn�etee'e deed ca�reyias the
<br /> Prop�ty� 7'�t�eciWk in the Truatee'�dad abx➢i be p�fmy fi�de evidemce at!Le truth ot the M�te,n+eahs q+sde ti�enl�.
<br /> TnMtee s1u�U aPP�� tht p►�+�r�, ut the sAk In the idluw4�ordcr: (a)W HU cx�ps �nd trcpe+feer ot�exercidu� t1�
<br /> pK►wer of xak,�d the�includin�t!he p��natnE�ei tlie Trust�'s�ees xctwlly inc��rred,not to rxoeaf f i v� `�'
<br /> o[ tLe p�i»d�l amwt�t o[ t!u �wk �t thc titne ut the deci�t*tlon ot tle[�Wt, u�d rr.�uon�bie Auocrrya` fue��a
<br /> pen�itted bp l�w; (b)ta�11 sums secured by thb Security I►utrumenR;�1 (c)any¢a►oese to the{�e�^�an or+,persons
<br /> kgslly entitkd ta it.
<br /> 18. RtOQiIYr)'A11Cl. Upon p�yrrxnt of all sums sccureri by this Security�nstnimenr, Lender shall r�q�cst'Cructee tn
<br /> reconvey tbe Pr�perty and shall su[x�nder ehis Security Jnstrument und all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> Inswmeat to'Ltustee. 1'rustee shall reeonvey the I'ropcity without warcanty and without charge to tht person oc persons
<br /> legally entitied to it. 5uch person or persons shall pay any�ecardadon cosc5.
<br /> i9. Su`oauiufe 9'rwiee. T..er��cr,ut:t;aption.m�y fro:n tin.c ta::me eemo r�Tt'etstC�ELFtcl tlp��ln[R s�!crrcenr tr��cRee tn
<br /> F►t►y Trust�sppointcd hereunder. Nithout conveynnce of thc Property,Qi�successor trustee yball succeecl to ull the title,
<br /> power and dudes cnnferrcci u�on Trustec hecain and by��licablc la�v. .
<br /> 20. RequeFt tos l�iotices. flormu•er request; tt�3t copies of the notices of defnuit.;7r1 t�alc be yenY to Borro�vcr's nddress
<br /> wh.ich is thc Pcuperty Addr�ss.
<br /> •'Ritters to�thlg Security�nstrument, [Y.onc nr�are itiders are�xecuted Uy Borrower and r�sorded together with this �
<br /> Sr.curity tnstn�ment. [he covcnan�s of each'such �YCler shull bc inccrp�rntcd into and sha!1 am�nd and supple�mnt the .
<br /> covonantg�ni! ngreemenGs of;his 5e.:uriry Insuvment as it'the ridcr(s)were in a part oi ii�is SCI:UTll3' II1SIlUlIlCt�l. t�-I1C(:�C ,
<br /> applicnble bnx(es)). .
<br /> �Condominium itider �Grnduutccl Paymcnt Ridcr �Growiiig Equity Ridcr _
<br /> �E'lanned Unit Dcvclopment Itidcr �Uthcr(Specify� �.q�TpAGE qC�)lJM
<br /> DX SIGNING BELOW. Borrowcr iucepis c►nd �grccs to thc tcrmx contninccl in pi►Sc� I through 4 of tl�is Sccurily
<br /> Insvuincnt nnd in any ridcr(s)cxccut�d by�orrowcr wid recurdcd with it.
<br /> Witncsscs:
<br /> �^ . � �tn�. (Senp
<br /> BRE P STOLTE —_��orrowcr
<br /> ,r(Swll
<br /> — Borrowcr
<br /> KELL J NI3F_RG -
<br /> (Scap
<br /> Burrowcr
<br /> (Se�11)
<br /> Borrowcr
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, ��L County ss:
<br /> n�t��9 h day of Ju e� 1995 ,before me,the undcrsigncd,a Notlry
<br /> Pubtic duly commissioncd7an"d qu;►lificd for stid counry.persona�ly rame
<br /> BRET P STOLYENBERO 3� KELLY J STOL7ENBERa MUSBAND AND W I FE ,to mc known to bc the
<br /> identical person(s)whose n;une(s) are subscribcd to the foregoing instrument and acknowlcdgul the execution thcrcaf to be
<br /> �h9ir vo(untary�ct und dced.
<br /> imess my hand und noturial seal at �� �S�� in saiJ cuunty,thc
<br /> datc aforesaid.
<br /> r <�
<br /> My Commission cxpirc:s: 9 e� • Notary Pubiic
<br /> . �cca�aatnor�r�u�or�e�,s�
<br /> '�'O TRU3TEE. �h�.E�0.Sepl.1,199A
<br /> Thc undcrsigncd iti tiie holder of the nute or notes securcd by this Dced of Ti�st. S�id nnte or notcs,togethcr with all
<br /> othcr indcbtednoss securcd by this Dccd of Trust,f►uve bcen puid in fuU. You;u�c hcreby dircctc.�i to cancel said notc ar notcs
<br /> und this Dced of Tn�s�which urc dclivcrcd herr.by,ond to reconvcy,without�varranty,ull thc eytate now hcld by you undcr •
<br /> this beed oF Trust to thc rierson or persons Ie��illy cntitled thercto.
<br /> Datc:
<br /> (P�R�'4 oj4 yngrs)
<br />