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�X` " �i•�� .-_. <br /> . .__.� . . . _ ._ . .. � .. •• •. �� <br /> �!�Z C411,1 S�"A'^i.l�!"' <br /> E� .�s• �:r�n P�'s.lf,. :�� <br /> ����y r <br /> 1. N�yment�►t Pii+�clprl,istter�t xrad i.A[C� inierxr. I��,s�a,.cr�,h�itt s t�_�s�ln,��i��� ;���u�ii�,�i ni.u��..i�ii.,�.t F�;3, _ <br /> thc�lclx evidenccd by tt►c Note and!a�c char�;es due undrr the Nutc. <br /> 2. Monthiy p�;Yment+�>l 1'nxn+,An�►ur�n�'�s Nnd fn�r G��'R�• �nrrnwer�tndl iucludr in c;r,:h�nonthly ps�ymrnt, <br /> together with c�r�ncipal and i��terc4t as set f��rth in �he N tc nnd Emy I.ite chargrs,�u� instnNmenr of uny (u) tnz�s umi <br /> S�CjpI pSSCSS�ts levicd or to be 1cV�c1 ugninst thc Propert (b)�casc'ha1J payn�enrs or grolmd reiits on►.he Nropeity,und <br />:`;. (a)nremiams fo�ansurance rcyufreJ by�,arugraph 4. tih e!o d nne-twclfth�thc nnnuul i���unts, nti rea+onably _ <br />.r i A�HED k.'ach man in�talUttcnt for ue tu), (b) u+�d (c) : f � <br />":151UN �Su�tcd b,y L.en ,plus un amount su ient to mnintaln a��n 'tional bnlunce af n� rnn�e than one-. th�f the escimutcii <br /> mnounts. 'The full mial amount for cac 'tem shall bc nccumul by L.cnder withir� period ending �}�hcfore they <br /> item would beco elinyuent. Lender s 'l hotd ihe nmounts c ected in uvst to p. items (n), (b). <br /> bcx:ome elinquent. <br /> If uny time < <o1��blc t LPenydcr pr h to�'the d e dmes of su n�ite�m��excceds y ��e�than one�six ��the c.nut►A ed <br /> paymenc ar such ite aY ti���h ,� �vhen due, und payments an the ote nre curccn� th�n Lendcr <br /> tUriOURt paymcnGS uired to pay : <br /> sh:ill eithc efund the e ss ovcr onGSUCd�o �����/a+of Borro r c If thehotnl•of th v�ayments made �Bot�rower <br /> payments t subse:quent ments by Bor�•ower, <br /> �� <br /> for itcm(a), b),or(c) is i uEFicient to puy the i when due.thcn Bo wer shall�ny ta Lc cr any amaunt ctisary to <br /> makz up the ficiency on before tlte date the ite becomes due. <br /> As us' n this Sccurit Instreiment,"Sccrctar means the Sec:retary Housing and Urba evclopmcnt or �:on c�r <br /> de:;ignee. In y ye:ar in wh thc Lcnder must pn a mortga�c insurunce cmium to tite Sccrc y(or any ycar which <br /> such premium auld havc required i:the Len stip held the Securit nsuumcnt),each m thly payment s 1l also <br /> include either: ') an instal�uiz of thc annual mottg ,inturance premium t bc paid by Lcnder �he Sccrctar,y. (1�)u <br /> monthly churge :ctead of a mo age fnsurance premi if this Security Inscr ient�s fietd by the. etury. Fxrc1�rn �thty <br /> installment of di mortguge ins ance premium shall in nn umount �ufCici t m p�un�°r�nce� f miumn sA due�It che <br /> insarance preiniu with I.endcr ne month prior ta th dnte the full annual ortgt� __ <br /> Secreuuy, or if 9 Security lns ment is held by Q�e ccrctarY. euch month ch�rge shail be m n wuuuut eyuat.�ta <br /> one•twelfdi of ane- nlf percent of out�tonding princip alunce due an the Not� <br /> If Borrower t pders to Lendc e full payment of sums sccured by this ecurity In�tnimcnt, Borrower's lccount <br /> shitll 6e credited with thc balance maining for all insta nents far items (u), ( ) nnd (c) and any mortg�ge insurance <br /> pramium instullment[hat Lcndcr has ot becomc�bligated � pay la the Secrctnry, �nd Lender shall promptly reFund any <br /> exress funds to tiorrowcr. Im�r��iat.,�y priar tn a forecla:: �,salc�f thc Propeny or its ncquisition by L.cnder,Bnn'awer s <br /> account shnll be credited with any balance rernaining for all installmenGs for items(a),(b)and(c). <br /> 3, Appllcution of Payments. All puyments undcr ParaSr�Phs 1 and Z shaU bc applicd by Lendcr as follows: <br /> I S , to the mortgage in5urance pramium to be paid by Lender tu the Secret�uy or to the monthly chorge by <br /> me&r,c;�cw�y issi�,d of th�+nnnthly moitengc insuru�cc prcmium; <br /> ES COND, to any taxes, %Pecial assessmen�ti, lcaschold paymen�s or ground nui,, ur�.: t'u;., f3r,o.: «:sd �»h�r <br />- hazard insurnncc prcmiums,ati mquired: <br /> interest due under the Note: <br />_ OU T ,to amortizuuon of thc principal of the Natc: <br /> IFPH,to lute churges due under the Note. <br /> 4. Flrr_,Flood und Other Hezurd Insurunce. Borrowcr shuil insure ull improvemen�s on thc Property,whcthcr now <br /> in existence or subscyuendy crected, ugain+t any hazurds,casaalties, and contingcncies, including fire, for �vhich Lender <br /> requires insurnnce. This intiuranca sV�all be mainu�ined in�he amouncs and for the periods thut Lender r�quires. Bonower <br /> shall nitio insurc nll improvcm�nts on thc Property. whcthcr no�v in cxistcncc or subscyuently crcctcd,ngnimt loss by tloods <br />' to the�xtent required by the Secretury. All insurunce shall be carried with companies upproved by L.�:nder. The insurance <br />= policfes►tnd uny rencwals shall bc hcld by l.cndcr:►nd shall includc loss puynblc cl�uscs in fnvor of,i►nd in ii tin•m uccegtablc <br />� eo,Lendcr. <br /> In thc cvcnt of loss,Borro�vcr shnll givc l.cndcr i►nmcdiutc noticc by mail. Lcndcr muy makc proof of losz if not mndc <br /> i promptly by Barrowcr. Euch insurancc compuny canccrncd is hcreby uuthorizcd nnd Jircctcd to mnkc piiymcnt fcrr tiuch loss <br />_3 directly to Lender,instu+d of to Borrower und tu Lander jointly. All ur uny part ot the in+urance procceds nu�y be applied by <br /> ,� Lender,nt its option,cithcr(a) to thc rcductinn of thc indcbtednes�undcr thc Now and this Sccurity Insawnent,tirst to uny <br /> ;, delinqucnt amounts upplicci in the order in Pnrngn►ph 3,und then to prcpaymcnt of principaL or(b)to thc restoration or repair <br />'� of the dam:�gul property. Any applicu►ion oP the prucceds ta thc principal +hall nat cxtcnd or pustponc thc duc dnte of thc <br /> monthly paymcie�ti which arc rcferrcd to in P�uugruph 2.or chungc thc a►nount of+uch puymcncti. Any cxccss insurnncc <br /> � procecds ovcr un amount requircd to puy all outsuinding indebtcdness under thc Notc and thiti Securiry Intitrument shnll bc <br />'=� paid to the entity legally entided thereto. <br /> In the evcnt of foreclosurc of this 5ccuri[y Instrumcnt or other transfcr uf tiQc to thc Property that cxtinguitihes dic <br /> indebtedness,all right,title and interest ot'Borrowcr in and to imurance policies in 1'orce shall puss ro the purchatier. _ <br /> S. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintemince and Prutectlon of the Property: Borrower's I.oan ApplicaUon; <br /> Leasehulds. Borrower shall occupy.cs[ttblish,and use the Property as Borrower s principal rexiden�e within sixry days after , <br /> the execuuon of this Securiry Instrument and shull continuc to occupy the Property a+Borro�ver s principal residence for nt <br /> - least one year after the date of occupuncy, unless the Secret.vy detennincs this r.:yuircment �vill cuusc undue luvdship for <br /> g�rrower,or unless extenuuting circumstunces exist which ure hcyond Aorrower's wnvol. Borrowcr tihull nutify L.enders of <br /> �_,� any cxtcnunting circumstances. Borrowcr shull not commit wa�tc or dcstroy,damagc or substantially changc thc Properry or <br /> aUow the Property to dctcrioratc, rcnsonablc weur und [enr cxccptcd. Lendcr may mspcct thc Property if thc Propcny is <br />•'� vncant or abandoned or the loan ir in default. Lender may takc reasonable action to protect and prescrve such vacant ur <br /> abundoncd Property. Borrowcr�haU nlso be in dcfuult if Borro�vcr,during thc loan applicution proccss.�nvc mutcrially false <br /> or ini►ccurate infonnation or titatements to Li:nder(or failed to provide I.ender�vith any tnuterial infornudion)in connection <br />''�` with the loan cvidenced by thc Note,including,but not limited to,repn:senuuions concerning Borcuwer s occupancy of thc <br /> � helc�tic.�If Borrower zcqu res f'ce titic�to the Property thc lca�hold!md f�I�titlAc sh II not bc'm�ged'unlch�Lcnd�rV:y cc� o <br /> ,- <br /> tlic�ncrgcr in writin�. <br /> 6. Char�;cs fo Borrower nnd Patitectton of Lender's Riqhts I�i the PropeHy. Borrower,hnll pay nll govcrnmcnta <br /> " or municipal chlrges,fines und impositiunx that ure not included in PiUagrnph 2. Borrower�hall pay the�e obligntions on <br /> timc dircctly to thc entity �vhicl�is owcd.�h��pYyn��iv e,ish�to Lendcr rec�pt cv d�cing hesc p y nents�����r�tit in Uic <br /> Property,upon icndcr',�c.j<i�,••,�••�••�•.•••—.r._...�--• . <br /> If Bo►n�wcr Fails to makc thcsc paymen4s or tho payments reyttircd by P.vngraph Z.or taiis co perForm atny �i6�� <br /> covenantti and a�rcements contained in this Security Instrument,or there ix u legal procecding that may signiticandy uffect <br /> Lender's right5 m the Property(such us u proce rytng '��n bankruptcy, for condem����r to cnt'orcc luws or regulations). <br /> thcn Ixndcr may do and pay whutevcr is ncccssa ro rotect thc vuluc of thc Pru rt �nd Lender's rights in thc Propeny. <br />• „� including p.►yment of tvccs,haxurd intiurnncc and othcr itcros mcntioncd in Pariigrnph Z. <br />'��:•� Any wnounts disbuncd by Lcndcr undcr this Pivagraph�hall becomc an aJdiuonal debt of Bi�rruwcr und hc�ccurcd b�r <br /> this Sccurity Insu�umcnt. Thcsc umoun�,shall bcar intcrcst trom thc dute uf disbur+emcnt, at the Notc ratc,and at thc option <br /> of Lendcr.shall bc immediatcly due und payable. <br />� 7. Condetnnation. The proceeds of any uward or claim for damages,ciirect ur cunnection with any <br /> condemnation or othcr taking uf nny part of thc Property, or for conveyancc in placc of condemnution,arr hercby uti.igned <br /> und shall bc paid to Lcndcr to thc cxtcnt of thc full a►rount of thc indcbtcdncss that remains unpaid undcr thc Note und thi� <br /> 1';' Sccuriry [nstrument. Lendcr shull apply such procecds to�hc reduction of the inJchtcdness undcr the Notc and this 5ccuriry <br /> r- instrument, tirst to any dclinyucnt umounts i►pplicd in thc ordcr prc�vidcd in Paragraph ?. and thcn to prcpaymcnt uf <br /> �... <br /> _ fPugr�10/�1 p��ge.�l <br />