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<br /> � F IiALL , �s• � � 9�- �,���j �
<br /> -- - COIjNTY O ) ��
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<br /> COHES NAW Eugene i�. J��fres and be,reby depo�es and �tates that �
<br /> �'
<br /> - he �� �I24 ow�xer oE tho fo3lowing aiescr�.b�d praperty: , �
<br /> �► �raat o� J.and cnmprisfnq a part e�f the Soutfin Italf of
<br /> the Soutbeast Quarter (s� SE�) s�f. S�ection 35, Tar�nship. 9
<br /> North, Range 12 Weat of the Gth P.M. , Hnll �aun1G�,
<br /> --_-- !v'ebriY�liCa, i3�liu Li:ma:� i,cii.y :u��'o �✓aia'�'.l�i:�. Zj� •a•,•,••r•ab^ti vn�
<br /> 4i uvuv�� +.
<br /> followst
<br /> .__ .� IIEGTNNING at the Southw�st corner of said S� SE�; thence
<br /> , S� q�• �.re ti.� m..�a. 1 a .sd eL crL
<br /> - TIlIIIIlII�J l� aV� 1:/' 3.�i"tt vit t4ic �7cas. .L�.�Iv L`i�. uaai�. v-�, um�
<br /> t for a distance of 1327.�8 feet to the Northwest corner
<br /> rw ` thereof; thence S 89° 5�S' 46„B for 717.00 f�eets thenae
<br /> �°��� S 00� 15� 1�"E �or 13x5.99 fee� �o a point on �ie South
<br /> -� - - line of said S� E�; th.e�ce �unreing on an essumed bearinq
<br /> =°`"""� of N 909 00� OOMW on ��h� South line o� saad S� 5E� for
<br /> --�"�� ?17.00 feet to the POTNT nF BEGTNNING, said tract
<br /> -�Y=�--� aontaining ?.1.835 acres more or lesa, the Southerly 33.00
<br /> `7� €eet thereof being Ka11 Caunty road riqh�-of-way.
<br /> �:����
<br /> �.;,,x,�:;.�.;�.
<br />_°'=��a The Affiant Further states ther� has previously Aeen �iled am =
<br /> ---�a-�
<br /> y�y;�� Oi1 and Gas Lease dated July 10, 1951 filed July 17, 1952 in the
<br />-=�°t'�� � Re�ister of Deeds office in �ook Q, Paqe 115 and provides that if �
<br /> ?-y��� no well is commer�ced on said lo� on or before the 1st day of
<br />,,`i{i;.__—,.�
<br /> August, 1952, that the �a�d Lease shall terminate as to beth
<br />".��''� arties. Your Affiant tiherefAre stat�s tha� he has been in
<br /> :c�;k::, .� p
<br />=��:�:>;,�.� exclusive control and possessiAn of the above-described prop�rty
<br />��;�:�,;;.�,;�, since QetoYier 4, 1993 and �hat no well has been commenced on the
<br /> _.�=��"�� � premises and trierefore gives notic� that the oil and Gas Lease has
<br /> .-;.�,.f,.;. ,.
<br /> -._ lieen and heretay is terminated. •
<br /> �-'��`==- AFFIPil�IT I'URTHER SAYETH NOT.
<br /> ;•;w;�:
<br /> ...��.�
<br /> `t"t��°�~� W. J�F S � .
<br />.-h..i;'4'W.:;��
<br /> ����`� ',�,•'���, St1BSCRIBED and sworn to before me o is J��'`-day of I�ay,
<br /> ` 1995.
<br /> % /�i��i�
<br /> - - �.�
<br /> . . � Cammission Seal: �jc��—
<br /> ' ' �-+'� o a li1��
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