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C�lYQL':�7 C;,�r�ca ¢o r�i,^.ko r.0����s�i:rc.o nn tiin c;r.��rc:t �lctfi e1h�n r�u. l/r'���C�tm�J..1 C![."I I.Cilfi�T c;rc� otic;u:�^, c�y <br /> ��„y,�:cn4n Lcr,r�r rcc�l���f'rorn t;orro�f:.r or or Gorrc,x•:r'o bcnafi2 �:`i i�� r.nFl:�r�Rr;t fo,�wt�int:s Go;vorr:.T Ot:°I�Gll fi J L_:l!if';1 c::..",t <br /> " "� ` "'" ' " m;ciwtve oP tnedrred�+p�incipal,ehcond to int+ra�at,end than to princip�l.IP p�rtloi propey���erd o}Iha�ocuiad debt ouu�a tor any ieason,(t v:[0 __ <br /> � � rwt reduce cr expuu a��y�r.tNduiad paymant untii th�I�ecuta4 debt la po�d In tuil. __-- <br /> 2r`-sc�.,s � . . .. � _ <br /> __�,M.,.y�,�. � Z,Ctakra ApoitMt llqw 8orrow�Y,w{IF p�y all t►�c��,�sa��manU,�nd otMr charge��ridbut�bte to th�propsriy whdn due�nd wlll dstend titM <br /> to ih�{xoparrysyetn�t�ny ckJms.which wovW Ir�pur the Ilen ut lhls d�ed of tru�t.lend�+m�y nquin Barrowar to e�Upn�ny ripht�,ctoim�oe ,„-� <br /> �� -"��' d�tsnws whlch bt�rqWU m�y h�vq�pah�t pmie�who tupply I�bor or mK�rl�l�to Improv�or rnUntaln iM�rop�rty. �ti� <br /> _- --°'""`�N"�1 3.Irvtwonc�. Borrower will k�ep tta propnny In�und undu term� accept�bl�to Lendw �t Borrowr�►'� oxpenu enJ far I.�ndar'�b�ndit.All F� <br /> ' ="�'°�=� �•'-1 Inturene�potictcs eh�!I IttC!tl��n ntenArrd rTeort���e c!!!ues tn fevor o}Lerxt��.Lendar v�rlll bs nornM ea lois+�paye�a►n tfui Innwad on�ny auch yr::-: <br /> - . ��'' � inwranc�polloy.Any lnRUr�nc�proce�d�m�y Gs ioplNd,within L�nder'�dUcr�tlon,to�ttha th�reataatlon or npair ot th��f�m�p�d proWrly r-�- <br /> ,�_�„r„����,>t or to tt�e�cund d�bt.6f Unde roquk��morlp�p�leKUnru;�,Barewu�prN�to mdnt�ln auch In�uratic�fur��lonp n l.�nd�r nquk��. �V <br /> ���+W ' 4.RropKty.Borrower wtll ksep the property in pood condition and muk�dl tepeke ronaonehiy netu�ary. .+�,�, <br /> �-����� 6.ExperwM.Borrow�r apreei to p�y�tl Lerxla'�expsn�a�.Irscludinp r�s�on�bl��ttorr►�ys'fN�,119orrowe�bretk��ny couen�ntr In thl�dMd � <br /> �r,-- <br />:� ■:Ryv-..-.- .,:i'` <br /> � o}trutt or In any obl�patlon sicured hy thta deed o1 tru�t.Borro�ver wili pay thas��mountu ta Lend�r o�provlded In Covenmt 8 of thi�dssd ot <br />.s.aP==-�-;--:•-,: . i <br />=:w����;._'� _ VUft. �4 <br /> ,..��..: . .. <br /> � � ��� 6.Rdoe 6oeu�lty 6itaraa4o.Unlaca tiot►owa�firat obtain�londar'o t�rltten conaen2, Bonowor�rill not make or parmit nny chansae to eny pdor <br /> •�-.2�,���t�����S ucurlty Iniere�t�. Borrow�r wfll perform all of Barower'e oblip�tlone undar eny prlor mortpa9e, doed of truat or other seaurity apreemaat, [ ��•- <br />,r;��r+.A�?�►"�'�F-• As•�. <br /> Includinp Borrower'a covename to m�ke payments when du�. " , � <br /> . .,,.��.:�.,,. p.,_.. <br /> � -• ��r_ <br /> ,9.,,, 7.Asa(�wr�t of R«str�nd Prolfu.Borrower essipn�to Lender ths ront�and proflte of the praperty.Unleis Borrower end Lender have egre�d F - <br /> r i �{�;'�,�";, . otherw(se In wrltinp, Borrawer mey collact end rotdn the rents�s long ee Borrower ia net In detmuit. If Borrower detnulte, Lander, Lerxiar'e , " <br /> . x�.•., egent,a e court appointed racetvar may take posfesdon and manepe the property and co�ect the rents.Any rant�Lender coltecta ahall be <br />-'���'��; ./G� �ppUed ffrot ta the co�U of mnnayin� the properry, includfnp court coste and ettwneya' fees,cemmisslono to rontel s9e�nt�, and any otMr __ <br /> ._,;l.;�!.�*%� '� n�ces�ary rsi�2sd�xpsna�.The remaining artwunt ol'nnts will then apply to paymsnts on ttM ceared dabt aa provid�d 1n Cov�n�nt 1. — <br /> _ �'. �.#'` �, _ <br /> �r:_: :�'�`. ` � 9,L�a�ehotdr Co�dortRdums;PI�ruNd Urtlt DwsloprewM�.Borrower eprnes to comply with tM provisfons of any loase ff thia deed of truat ia on ��"': <br /> ;". � ;. .•�`�"•` a teacehold.It thta dsed of trua la on a unit In a condaminlum or a plaaned unit developrnent.Bor�owe►wiil perform el)of Botrowur'n dutleo ,�<< <br /> - under the covenants,by-lews,ar�epuietions of the condominium or planned unit deveiopmWnt, �;-� <br /> _ :: �,x ..+�'. ►.: <br /> � 9,puMaity o!Lx�d�r to P�Aorm fnr Bortoww. If Borrower fails to perform eny of [iorroweP't d�.rtlea under this dertd of uust,Lender m�y 1 <br /> ' perform the dutias or cnuse tham to be pertormed.Lender mey sipn 6orrowar'e nnmo ar pay any emount If nocossary for performence.If any �, <br /> %���:':".; ' � � conttruction on tln�p�operty is discontmuod or not carried on in a reaiunable munnor,Lender may da srh�tavar is necesssry to pratsc4 LenGat's - <br />. • . ',� �.;,l� eacudry interost in the property.Thle mey Inciuda campieting tho consVUCtlon. �"° <br /> -;�.�•.•�.�' ,� d9ssder'e fatture to pertorm will not prociude lender from qxercisUy any of its other rlghte under the imw or this deed oi trust. <br /> ����- <br /> . j ' ' y+ � Any amounte pald by Londer to 3�rotect Lender'e aecuriry interast will be cecurod by thla doad ol trust. Such emounU will 6e due on damand fL�� <br /> ;.�' 'y+ � anri will he++r Intere?t trom th�d52d o}*ha naymn�►t until pald In tull et tha tnterest�pte(n l�Hwr.t nMhe R9r.ured dabt. F � <br /> ' *+1 10. p�fautt�nd Acc�i�ntlon. If Bonowet feils ta make eny payment when due or breaka any covenants under this deed of trust or any ,fr. <br /> ' �� ��"�., oblipatlon secured by thia deed of trust or any prlor mortgnpe or deed of uust, Londor may accelerQte the rnsturity of the securar! debt and i�� <br /> ; E.�;�" domand Immetliate payment and may invoke the pawar of sale end a.�►y other remedioe pamitttd Gy eppllcabte lew. ' <br /> .��:,_ <br /> 17.�st tor►lntic�of��tautt It is herebv raquested that copioa of the notScoa of defauR and sele bo sent to each porson who ia e parry �?;y::, <br /> �•r° � ' �;•< horoto,at the addross of each such person,a�sat torth herein. �;�, <br /> .�l'�� 12. Pow�►of Sai�.If the Lender invokes the power of eate,the Trustae ehail firet record In the office af tha rogister of deeda oi ee�h counry ,�-_ <br /> . ,�;;:;t <br /> e. wherein the trust property or sortse part or pnrcol thereof is situated e notice of defau►t coMeinirx�the Intormatton requlred by law.Ths Truttee l�•-- <br /> �' •' slull elao maU coplea oi the notice of defeult to tM Borrower, to each pereon who Is e party heretu,And 40 other persons aa prescrfbad by - <br /> ` �;�1�: applicabie law. Not less than one manth after the Truatee records tt�e notice of default, or txro montha If the truat property Ia not In eny �-;� <br /> � , ,� incor(wrated city or village end la useti in farming operaUone carried on by the Vuator,the 7ruetee ahall pive pubiic notice of sete to the persons :.�.�; <br /> end in the manner preacribed by appplica6le law. Trustoe,withaut damand on Bnrrower,ehal se�the property et pubiic euction to the higheat �•:_ <br /> �'� bld�ler.If roquired by the Farm Homestead Protection Act,7ruateo shall oHer the prop�rry in two agparete setea ea roQu�rod by spplicable lew. �=-•=� <br />-�.�:�f:_. . �. ; Truaise may postpone Bele of ail or any parcel of lhe property by pubiic ennouncement et the time and place of eny pravloi+�ty scheduted sale. " <br /> - =- ,'�� Lendar ar ke de�iflnee mey purchaae the propertY at sny�ale. �. <br /> t�"• <br />_�,*�_.,, ,�� , Upen racdlpt of paymen!of the price bid,T►uetee 6ha11 deliver to the purchasAr Trustos's deqd conveying the�roperty.The recit(aia conteined In �;° <br /> Truatee'e deed ehnll be prima fucte ev(dienee of the truth of the stetements conteined thereln.Trusteo ehali apply the proceeda of the sete In the <br /> � � ' 4 followfap order. (e) to ell expeneee of the eeie,Including, but not Iimited to, reasonable Trustee's fees, rnasonable ettomey's feea eM ��� <br />- , '�"� roinstntement fees;(bl to all euma secured by thfs deed of trust,end(c1 the belance,If eny,to the pereons lepally entitled to recelve It. ; <br />-- + ". � ` . <br /> .�:.,. . . 13.For�cioaur�.At Londer's option,thie deed of truat may be forectosed in tho manner provida by appNcable lew tor foroclosUre of mortgapea . <br /> on real property. <br />__ �,�r � Y��'��� 14. Inap�cUon.Londer may anter tho proporty to Inspect It If Lender p(ves Borrowor noNce befaehand. Tho notiae must etate the reasoneble <br />_. •. "•';�":�".',;?� causo for Lendor's Inspection. <br /> ,� .-� 16.Cond�»natlon.Borrowa�eas!gna to Lender the�roceeds of eny award or ciaim for damages conneotod with e condomnation or other taldng <br /> , r,,,� of all or arry part ot the proporty.Such procoeda wlll be appliod oa provided in Covenant i.Tks assignment la subJeot to tha torma of any prior <br /> , '++�!� security egreemant. <br /> � <br /> ':� , 18.W�iw►.By exorcising any remedY availa6le to Londor, Lender does not give cp any righte to latar use onY other ramady. By not oxorcisinfl <br /> :;S . . .�. <br /> any�omedy upon Barrowar's default,Lendor does not weivo eny right to later cansider tho ovent e default if tt hnppons again. <br /> 17. Jdnt �nd S�vKN LI�NiNty• Catipn�►r Succ�aou �nd Aedpna Bourtd. All dutiea under Ihla deed of truat ero joint end several. Any <br /> � . Borrower who co-sipna this deed ot trust but does not co•sifln tho underlying dobt Instrumontls) does so only to grant and convey that <br /> •` Borrower'e Interest In tho property to the Truatee under tho torme of this dootl of trust. In additEOn,such a Borrowor agraoo that tha Lender and <br /> . any ather porrower under thla deed of trusi may oxtond,modi7v or maka any other changea In tha terma of thls dood oi trust or tho secured . <br /> •- , , dobt witY�out that Borrower's consent and withouf reloaaing that Borrowor from the terms of thls dood ot truat. <br /> 'fha duUea end beryofite ot thia deed of trust shall bind and benofit the successors end essigns of lender und Bortower. " <br /> . 18.Notk�.Unteea otherwisrf required by law,any notico to Borrowor shall be given by delivorhg it or by mniling(t by cortifiod mall addressod to <br /> . Borrow�r et the properiy eddroas or eny otNer addrasa that Borrower has given to Lorsder. 8orrower wtll give eny notico to Londar by cortified <br /> " mefi to Lender's addresa on pago 1 ot thle deed of wat,or to any other edQress which lendor he�designated.Any other notico to Londor shall <br /> ., . bo sont to Le�tder'e eddross as oteted on page 1 of thfe deed of trust. <br /> ' Any natice shell lte deemed to havd been gfvon to Borsowor or Londor whe�given In the manner etetod ebove. <br /> � 19.TtMUtir of 4he Pro��rty or e Bm�flcjal inhron In th�Bortow�r.If all or any part of th��prapartv or any Inturast In it Is sotd or tronsferred <br /> ' without Lertder's prlor written consent, Lendor mey demand Immediato paymo�t of the secured debt. Lendor may elso demend immedieto <br /> ' payment if tlte 8orrower fa not e naturul percon and a bonoHclal intarost In tha Borrowor Is aald or transferred. However, Londo: may not <br />, damen�peyment In tha ebove nituationa if it ie prahlbited by federai law as of the date of thfa dQed of wst. � <br /> , � . 20.R�conv�yanc�.When tho obiipatlon sucured by thls doed ot trust has 600n pnid end Londer hoe no furthor obligotion to mako ndvoncoa I <br />' •� under the instrumente or egrooments securod by thls deod of Vust, tho Trustoo shalf upnn wrinen roquost by tho Londer,roconvoy tha trust <br /> , • �� pro rty.Tho Londer shall dolivor to tho Bortowo�,or to Bortowar's succossor In Intoroat tha trust daed end tho noto or othor ovldonco of tho <br /> --=------�-=--_ �Unn aa naUstled.Borcnwer sheli nav env recordat[on costa. � <br /> 21. Suce�stor TrustN. Londer, nt I.ondor'o oprtlon, mey removo Trustao ond oppoi�t a euccessor trustoo by firut, meilinp a copy of tho � <br /> ' , • sub�tftutfon of trusten as roqulred by epplicable low,a�d than,bV fillnQ the substitution of trustee lor rocord In thn offico o+tho ropistor of deode ; <br /> � of oach county In whfch the truat property, or some port theroof,Is sltuated.Tho succossor truatee, without convayanco of tho property, shall i <br /> succeed to nil ihe power,dutios,nutho�it/ond tftie of the Trustoo namod In tho dood of tru�st und ol ony succ�ssor trustoo. <br /> •. � <br /> . i <br /> . � <br /> i <br /> - rpege 2 0171 : <br />�' �' � dANi(ER96Y8TEM9,INC.,97.ClOUD.MN 6E�01 It•600•�9)•23�I1 FOAM OCP-MTdNE 8lf0/81 ' <br /> . . - —•- ° i <br />.} <br /> . I <br /> .� � <br /> .. . .. . . ,1/ .. . _ _ ... .. .. . . . _ . . .. .. ... . . ,. - ._. . . <br />