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<br /> ��� and upan enid auav�► �a� th�, left, en ara di�tnnae af Ans Auac��ed
<br /> One enct aaventy lour �iunc�a�d�hs �101.74� fest (long chord diata�c:m
<br /> m 1U1.5T - Zong chord baarc�.tng y Ls 7Z° 47� ��I'° tl to the pOf.Ab of
<br /> beginninq
<br /> 2TI.
<br /> p�li'lIO�
<br /> � Cxo�pt a� h�r�i.n�ft�r not�d, ths dalinition� ��t lorth in t��bra�ka
<br /> — R�vi��d S�atut� s�otion 7b-BZ7 �hall gov�rn thi� D�clssat3oa nad th� By-Law�
<br /> ---- ---� o*_ H'rnl,ng��.�t* vilia�� eom�oWn�r� As�ooiation. xno., a N�hra�ka tvanprofit
<br /> - Corpor�tion.
<br />�!�+��� (a) °unitN shall mean the enoloeed epaae of ta� two ree3dential living
<br /> unit■ �hoNn nn Exhibit "1�^ nttached heroto and in�iorparatad harein by thie `
<br /> �-`�'"°°'''°'-� �oier�nae whiah id�nti�ieo tihe unite there�n by numberJ �21 ai.regeo� in roomr _
<br /> --- aad attioep nir-conditiocxinq compsssoore nr uait�t p�rmansnt ga�, ahasaoal-
<br /> �=�'�'A burninq os o��ctria barlaacue grills= eoreening, winciot� gla�e, oxterios and
<br />�:;,..Ql'� _
<br />,r:.��,;�c inxerior doors, Ot1L etiall aat in:.1Ld� etructura� w�?ls; SOOfA; fa.nn�A e�ad
<br />-��s��.. ceilinge, except for the untt-side sur�aoae tihereof, whioh eha1L be incxuded
<br /> •�;�,��� in L•!ae detinition "unitN.
<br /> .:,,:
<br /> .�,C;�� . (b) "COndominium" ahall mean the entire aondaminium project inaLudinq
<br /> -•.� '�:�� •� all buildinge, lend, nnd other impsovemonts upon the land ae eet foxth in thie
<br /> - �'�`��''' �ecleration ae e� part of the aowdominium raqime.
<br /> .__4��:M,,::,
<br /> _-��_.,,,
<br />:,,�.-��^ � (c� �cammoa BlementeM ehall moan all portion� of a aondominium other _
<br /> __=-���� �hdn the units.
<br />--;,�,.=`�•r,,�• °.
<br />'"'"��'"-*�'�` (d) "Limited Common Elements• meane�
<br />-�'���jn���:� 1 if an chate, f lue duct w£re aonduit bearin wall, bsarin
<br />��:.�..p .,,�.,�,.�, ( � Y � . . . 9 g
<br />�::'�'.'``�''•`� column, or any other fiMture liee partinlly withi.n enJ pnrtially outeide the ��
<br /> ���.._...
<br /> �`` �"'-��� deeignated boundaries of a unit, any portion L-hereof serving only that unit ia
<br /> _;:T.1Jl_tAt:'�� fiY_
<br /> -•° `=<<<'_��7 e 7 imited common element aLlocated eolaly to that unit, and eny portioa
<br />-'!.:;:I:..__rl.ui�i -_
<br /> n'�.��-�• therodf eerving mose than one unit or nny portion of the cou�on elemente ie a
<br />-�-���'�'�= part of the aommon elementie. _
<br /> "±�,'t`..
<br /> .. �i (2) Any shuttere, awninge, window boxee, dooreteps, etoopg,
<br /> _ . ' •'� porchee, ba�coniee, pntios, and dll exterioz doore and windowe or other �r
<br /> "'`��;�',�r� fixturee deeigned ta serve n einqle unit, but locatsd outsido the unit�o ;:
<br />�r;`.N:"Y•:e%-"�" boundariee, are limited comman elemants allocated exclueively to that unit. �=_
<br />-����~w;;:v��' {a) "Ownor" ehall mean unit owner ao dofined in the Condominium Act.
<br /> ..� I'
<br />`i..�r: �....,,, � ��:.
<br /> _.�,�,,,, :.s
<br /> � • -: .'� (f) °Aesoaiation" ehall mean the Horninqoide vilin�e Homeowner.e
<br /> �• A000ciation, inc., n non-profiE Nabraeka Corporntion. �.
<br />:::�,•�:. ��� :�,
<br /> ��
<br />-. .+'! ..�.
<br /> :.. •�:
<br /> _ _��w�' 2
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