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'._ .— <br /> _ — __._._'__..�_— _ _ <br /> _—_-- - _ - —'_°�"__i„__�-�.����._ _ —_ _ —_-—- __ --__ . . <br /> �'�,�� <br /> Faymcnts nwy nn t�nger tx�rec� the ontf��n�M'Ixexler, �P m�yngaRe insure�nre coverage(in tha n�rxxin �vr th�c po�icxi <br /> - - -' ttuu fi.endcr requins)pmvide�i by an insurer spproved by iendar agt�n b�a►me�evAilabk atui is csbWlned. �rower�h�ii pay <br /> �he premiums reyuircJ ta rr�intain mortgAgC Insunnce In ef[ect,�r t�y�rovide e losa resscve,until Ihe cr�uiremettt for rtpR�(Mge . <br /> insurzince encls in uccordar�e with any written agreeinent between&�rrowcv uixi L.erxler or�pplicablo law. <br /> '!, 4. Iropectlon.Lendcr ur i¢s agent nw�y make rea.snnabtc c•ntries upon and inspections of the Propcny. [,cnder shall give <br /> Borra�ver not[ce at the tinx of or prior to an i��spection specifying reasona�le cau:ie for�he inspection. <br /> 1Q. Comierr�Ywtian. Tl�c proceeds of any aw�rd or claim for damnges, di��ct ue cons�quentiul, in connection with �ny <br /> ° —`-- °-`-. condemnatIoz mr othcr taking of nny part of tbe Propeny,or for conveyance;in tieu of condemnation,are he�r,by assigntd and ---- <br /> shal!bc pa!d to Lc»dcr. � <br /> _ in the event of a totr.l taking af ehe Prope�ty,th�e pro,.eeds shall be lpplied to ths sums sccuted by this Security Instcument, <br /> -- whcQter or not then due, with any excess paid to Bo�rowcr. In the event of a parti�l tnSr3ng of the Property in which the fuir <br /> market v�(uc uf the Prope�ty immediately tsefore the taking is cqua!ta or grcatcr than the amuunt of the sums secured by this <br /> Securiry instrument immediatcly before the tc+king,ur�less Borrower and Lender oiherwisc Agree in writing,the sums secured by <br /> _ _ this Securiry Instrument shall be reduced by the arnount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total <br /> amount of the sums secured immediately before the taking, dividerf by (b) the fair market vnlue of thc Property immsdiutely <br /> _..__ ._..__ __ before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a p:utial taking of the Property in which the fair <br /> , __ mark�t value of the Prop�.rty immcd3ntely befo�e the takin�is less thnn the amount of d�e sums secured immediatsly bcfore the ---- <br /> `��� taking,unless Borrower and Lcnder otherwise ngree in writing or unless appli�tble luw otl�envise provides, the proceeds shall — <br /> =::.� <br /> _ ..�i;;y�� bc upplicd to thc sums setured by this Sccuriry Instrument�vhether ai•not the sums are then due. <br /> -- = If the Property is aUandonod by Borrower,or if,nfter notice by Lender tp Bonower that the condenlnor offers to make un <br /> �= award or setd�a cl�irre �'or dumag�, Borr�wcr fnilr.•,to respund to l.�nder �v6�l�ln 30 days after the dpte the nodce is given, <br /> �_:_';"� Lcnder is authorited ta collect:u,J,iNply Q�c p�ucrxu�a,ui;is o�,tion, cithcr ta;..sioration cr rcpair of thc:'roperty a;to th�sums =— <br /> �,;;;.�� secure.d by ihis Sec:uriry[nstrument.«�hether or not then due. � __ <br /> __,`:"�" Unlcss L,ender and Borrower othenvise a�tee in writin�. any application uf proceeds to principaf sh•r]l nat extornl or <br /> _ postponc thc due date af the monthly payments refcrred to in par.�graphs 1 and 2 or change the amount af sueh plyments. <br /> _���__ 11. Borrower Not Relenscd;Forbcarance lfy I.ender Not a Waiver.Extension of the time for puyment or modiCcation <br /> -- _--..� uf amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by I.ender to any successor in interest of Donowe�shall <br /> _=�Y� not operate to rele;ise the liability of ti�e original Borrower or Borrovrer's successors in interest. Lehder 3hall not be required to <br /> _—__=_�:� commence procecdings ag¢inst a�iy successor in interest or refi�se to extend time for payment or ather.r�so modify amortirrtion <br /> —�-.�� of the sums securcd by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Dono«•er or Borrower's <br /> --- - --- - s:�ccessors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waivor of or preclude the <br /> - ---- cxcrcise of nny right or remedy. <br /> ~ """'a" ll. Successors and Asslgns Bound; Jotnt and Severnl I.tnbfUty; Casfgners. Thc covenants and agreements of this <br /> s�;,x�tJt—��1 <br /> _.._.,_.,.�,r,,a Securiry [nstrument shall bind and bcncfit tl�e successors ana ,ssigns of L�:nder and Borro�ver, subject to thc provisions of <br /> par�grapl� 17. Borrawer's covenants and ugreements sliull be joint lind several. Any Borro�ver who co-signs this Sec:urity <br /> -�`r,��� Instrument but does not execiite the Note: (al is co-signing this Security ➢nstrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that __ <br />_��r�"T'�°-°�:� Borrowcr's interest in the Property under thc tcrnis of this Sccuriry (nstrument; (b)is not penonally obligated to pay the sums <br /> .,jv�tii��•_� �_._�. <br /> ,��,,,,�,,,�,� securcJ oy this Sccurity Instrument:and(c) agrces that Lender and any other Borrower may agrcc to cxtend, modify, forbsar or �� <br /> - _-_ make any uccommodations u�ith regard ro the terms nf this Securiry Instrument or the IVote without that Bonower's consent. �:° . <br />--��_`-�� 13. I.oan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a I•r.w�vhich scts maximum loan charges. - <br /> ,.�.� -- <br />""Yµ��m and that luw is finally interpreted so th�t the intcrest or ��ther loan charges collected or to be collc.cted in connection with the �• <br /> •�� loan exmed the permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan churge shall be reduced by thc umount necessary to reduce the charge ���`�`- <br /> ;: Y,. . to the permitted limit; and(b)any sums alraldy cullecteci frum Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be rciunded to .. <br /> Borrowcr. Lcndcr may choosc to makc this rcfund by reducing thc principal owed undcr the Notc or by making u direct ��:��� <br />. '. :r`, � - payntent to Borrowcr. if a rcfund reduccs principal, thc rcduction will bc trratcd us a partiul prcpaymcnt without any <br />: • �;, • prcpayment charge under the Note. •. <br /> '�� ���� . 14. Noticcs. Any noticc to Borcower provid�d for in this Securiry Instrumcnt shall bc givcn by delivcring it or by mailing <br /> . i <br /> '� r<�,:, „� it by tirst class mail unless applirable law requires usc of anothcr nutltod. Tlu notice shall be directai to thc Property Address <br /> �� �� or any nther address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to <br /> Lender's address stated I�crcin or any otlicr aJdress Lcndcr designatcs by noticc to Borrowcr. Any noticc provided for in this <br /> . .'• .� Security instrumcnt shall bc dcemed to havc been givcn to Borrowcr or Lendcr when�!ivcn as provided in this p�ragraph. <br /> � � 15. Governin� La�v; Severnbility. 'I'liis Securiry Instrument shall bc governcd by frderal law and thc I.nv of the <br /> ° �: jurisdiction in which the Property iti located. In the event th�t :�ny provision or clause of this Security lnstrument or the Note <br /> - conflicts with upplicablc law,xuch conflict shall not affcct uthcr provisions oF this Sccurity Instrumcnt or thr, Notc which can bc <br /> � � � �r givcn effect without tl�e cuntlictin�provision. Ta Ihis end the provisions of this Security lnstniment and thc Note are declared <br /> -r to be severable. <br /> 1G. �iorro�ser's Copy. Borrower shall br given one conFormed copy of the Nute and��f this Security Instrument. <br /> , ., • <br /> �•> . Form 3028 9180 <br /> •?t,-- <br />_-___r�.:.,_.____ rnqn4mp -._-. <br /> �-.:'�'..• <br /> �- .,��.. .��—�.-�-•---.-n�._�—___'"'"'".._�..» . _ '__ ' <br /> . „ _...___`___'_"_"._...'_'_" _'�_�. '_ ' ___'-..._.�_..__._..-.'_'_.�_ . <br /> . .. '^ . " '_......." "_'"'..._"'_ _' <br /> . 1;'. (� . . . . <br />� .:4,1� � .,�}., - � . . , . . - . <br /> ' . . '.�.�: ' .. <br /> � - ... .. � .��: „ .. . <br /> . . 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