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<br /> 'CY3C;L�THER WCTH cill the intprovcments now nr hxreafter rrtcted on the propcny,und all easenKnts,��arrd
<br /> fixtures now or hereteRcr n �art of thc prapcny. All �epincements and addlti�ns shuH �dso fic covcrect Iby ihiR Scrurity
<br /> Ins�rument.All oF thc faregoing is rcferrcd to in this Sectsrlty instrurrbent as the"1'mpcny."
<br /> A�RROWF.It COVENANr3 tliat Borrower is lawR�lly scisec!of'thc estota hertby ��►nveyecl and hac ihc right togram nnd
<br /> ----�, cuuvey tl�e Riu��iy uiid tixa lllt7 Pt0(�iiy 19 ►fil��l(:i3i�llh�tctl. �iiUC�l fUf l'i1CUiil�iuilCt;9 Uf i'CCJi�i. P�J;ww��wa�ra��t5 b;Hl will r -
<br /> , defend generally the title ta the Property afiainst all clalms ai�d dere�atxls,subject to any encumbrunces oP record.
<br /> ' THIS SECUR1Tll INSTRUMENT combincs u��lform covcnants for nu!ionul usc und non-miifurm covcnants wlth Iimiterl
<br /> _��I variutions by jurisdictic�it ta canstitute A uniform security inscrument coverins real propeny.
<br /> — UN1�QItfd irOV�NAN1CS.Borrowcr aud 1.^nd�r cavenant and a�rcr.us fallows:
<br /> 1. Payn��no ot Fr6icip�l end interest; Pre�ayment and LAte Clwr�es. Aorrower shall pramptly pay whcn duc the =
<br /> - °— _°= prineipal of aiid inU�rest on 1h�.debt evidenced Gy the Nate and uny prepayment and lute cliarg�due under the Note. -- -
<br /> _ �.Funds for•Tuxes ant1�I��surnnte. Subject to nppNcuble law or to a written waiver by L.ender,Bareower sh�ll;nay to
<br /> Lcndcr on the day+norethly payments aro du:.uader tlse Nate, until dte Note is paid in full,a sum("Pur;�s")for: (a)yeat:t�t�vices
<br /> "°" and s�sscsss�3:nte�which may attain priaxitl�ovcr this Security Instrumcnt as a lien on thc Property:(b)yenrly le,ASehotd pajmens
<br /> --- or ground rents on the Property,if any;(c)yuuly ha��rd or property lnsurnuce promiums;(d)yearly flood insu�ance prcmiums,
<br /> — if any; (e) yesiriy mortgage insarancc prcmiums. if any; and (�any sums pstyab)e by Borrowcr to Lcnder. in accordancc with
<br /> —==-- the pravisions of para�raph 8, in lieu of the p�yment of rnortgage insurance premiunu. Thes�items are caliccl"Escrow Iterns."
<br />_-`�-_ _-- L.ender may, at any tirne, collect and hold Funds In an amount not to exceed tfie m�cimum amount a Icnder for a federully �
<br /> v�� related mortgage loan may require far Borrower's escrow account under the federal Reul Estate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> ---_ =,:T;:� 197a as amended fram timc to timc, l2 U.S.C. Scction 2601 et seq. ("KESPA"), unless another law tlint applies to thc Funds �
<br /> __-_ _=__-- sets a lesser emouret. If so, t,encler may, at Any time,cnllect and hold Furtds ia �ui amount not to exceed tt►e Iesser amount. • �°
<br />':����,;�� Lender may cstimate the�nount of Funds duc on the basis of current datn and reasonable cstimates of expenditures af futurc �'.
<br />_--�-°�"^? 8scrow Items or otherwise in accordancC with applicable law. '
<br /> ,.�.���:;: The funds shall be hcld in an institution whose dep4sits are insured by a federal a;ency, instrumentaliry, or entity
<br /> ---�:��,,���;� (i►iduding Lendcr, if Lender is such an inscimtion)or in any rederAl riome Loan Hank. L.ender shall apply the runds ro pay the `
<br /> -�==:�:z,.Q�e�: Escrow Items. Lendcr may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing thc escrow account, or
<br /> �•�:�t �" verifying ttic Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borcower interest on the Funds und applicable law permits C.enderto make such
<br />'��'�'R� ' a charge. However, Lender may require Bonawer to pay a ono-time charge for an indcpendent real estate tax reporteng service
<br /> :�s�ii.;:��
<br /> ,`:�r;F,;;.;,`;,? , used by Lender in connection with this toan, unless applicabie law provides othenvise. Unless an agreement is made ur
<br />�a"�'��"�'"'����.��`'' applicable law rcquires interest to be paid, Lender shall not bc�quired to pay Borrower uny interest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> ,r;bl r.t'-':_�.;,:�t�::
<br /> t�p,.-�;;��:,.;;�;r , Borro�ver and Lcnder may agree in writing, however,that interest shall be paid on thc Funds. C.endcr shall give to Bonower,
<br />- :'�: �� 'j�� without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpuse for which estch -
<br /> h•• , debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as edditiUnal security for all sums securecl by this Security instrmnent.
<br /> :-�.�� „ .
<br />:_•.�%�?Sr`�"�'•.. :. If the Funds held by[..ender excecd the amounts permitted to be held by applicable luw, l.ender shall account ta Borrower
<br /> =�'-�"`�y���-`-�:•+r:'�'� for the exeess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any �
<br />_� _�=:r=:
<br />"..:,��c -
<br /> n,_,�,+1';�;;,,., time is not sufficicnt to pay Aie Escrow Items when due,i.ender►nay so notify Borrower in�vriting,and,in such c��se Rorrower __
<br />-='°•�R�.-,:R;.� shall pay to Lender the umount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than =
<br />';�;•=`'�°"'�iz',�,,��. twelve monthly payments,at L.cnder's sole discretion. �-
<br /> "'°�`�`,:.'.��,'�� tlpon paymcnt in full of all sunts si:cured by this Sccurity Instrument. Lcndcr shall promptly rcfund to Borrower any -
<br /> '�:'"�'""s';Q'�"� Funds held b y Lender. If,under para gra ph 21, Lcnder shall ac quire or sell the Pro pert y, Lender,prior to the ac quisition or s al e •r
<br />;�-�a,'�•'rr`,:,,�y. �-_=-
<br /> _ �,,:�.;,P�,,�.� of the Property, shall apply any Funds held by L.ender nt the time of acquisicion or sale ati u credit againsi the sums secured by
<br />- �4,.,.r..s.. �.�.-,�
<br />_;;��;�.��. this Security Instrument. v _
<br />` !:.
<br /> s=.�r��� 3.Applicudon of Payments. Unless applicable law provides othenvise,all payments receivecl by Lender under para�raphs �• -
<br />'�i!':�;:�'t' F._:�.-
<br />_ ,....•k� ., 1 and 2 shall bc applied:first, to any prcpayment charges due undcr the Note; sccond, to amounts pa�•able under p3ragraph 2; .
<br /> ''��'�^' ` third, to interest due;faurth,to rinci al due;and last,to any late char ea due under the Note.
<br /> ; P P S C`'•_�'
<br /> ` " 4.Churges;Ltens.Borrowcr shall pay all taxes,asscssmcnts,charges, fines and impositions uttributablc to the Propcny �=
<br />.� !� •�M1 ' Y � P Y Y pY F Y PY .�;:�
<br /> �.� _'s��:::,. which ma lttain riorit ovcr this Sccurit Instrument, and le:�sehold a ments or round rents, if an . Horrower shuU a --
<br />';�;�.;, ��Y"�, �, these obligations in the munner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in.that manncr,Borcower shall pay them on tirne directly '�-
<br /> - "�, ;� to thc crson owcd a rncnt.Bonowcr shall rorn d furnish to L.endcr all notices of amounts to bc aid undcr this ara ra h. `��
<br /> . , ,; p P'Y P P Y P P � P -t.�
<br /> ,:; �,.` ''! �,•.ti If Borrower makes these paymcnts directly. Borrower shal l promptly furnish[o i.cnder receipts evid�ncing thc payments. •�'s.
<br /> �'•`��'``:' Borrower shali promptly discharge any licn whicn has priority over this Security Instrument unlcss Borrower:(a)agrces in
<br /> �,"�"-' �';� writing m the payment of the obligation sccured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; (b)contests in good fai/h thc licn •
<br /> ..._.t.., by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, Icgal procwdings whict► in the Lc:nder's opinion operate to prevent the
<br />: .;�,.;;� enforccment of the lien;or (c) scc:ures from the holdcr of thc licn an agreemcnt satisfactory to l.cnder subnrdinating the licn to �
<br /> ;'�,�. tt�is Security Instrununt. If Lendcr determines that�tny part of the Property is subjcct to a lien which may attain prioritv over
<br /> � ` �'�'•"�� this Security instrumcnt,[,ender may givc Horrower a noticc identifyin�the licn. Borrowcr sfiall satisfy the licn or take onc or '
<br /> �:��":'!�� ,�...i
<br />= morc of the actions sct fanh abnvc within 10 day�of thc giving of noticc.
<br />_ .�F. L��)l •i�.
<br /> • • Form 3028 9190
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