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r`' � _-_T�ar.:�,:...:� <br /> - ----._..._-_ <br /> � i7.�.t . . .. ..._" <br /> .„_... �.a�i _ 4 .r v`�',�.�yy�p'y{��'=i'.i�^f'�4�8f�7};2?ti:If.IE`�SPl�sa'�¢v�_.'.... �..rL�`.,..�AV'LCS.....yqP_-4�1`ISr.�.._ <br /> --.;_:..:.v.:;=; a:u .ka��.,.G:z,..,�}.��a ..... ' - . -' . � — <br /> - - r�: ti.........-.�. ' , . <br /> — -._,..:�:_`�.;�.:..,,L.,.._ _...�... .�._..., ..�... -..a....�.r„- .. .��� __ <br /> _ --- .��..�...�.,...��..�. '.::....... .__ ' '_ � '__ <br /> -- _— �p_'�_. ��"'�_�e� — <br /> ���m�rw��{S���vr+R�('�n Y".Y."_P__'�� YA y 3T3�{ilil —� _-_ — . <br />.- �. I-r�'�^��}��.E��",'L�Y=�.v-.�___,__•.._ - . -...._`_,_',_""'..-_.. <br /> .-_...._-��-�-�-�.�-----�.� � __-- ._._��. .-.-y-..�, .-.... .��. . �..._�,. /..... <br /> .-...,. ..._.. ....� .... <br /> . � ., ,. , .. . .. .. ° �� �,�p�►'�:�.�:� ►�_.�- <br /> � <br /> 17.'x rr�nsfer u[the Pmpr��ty_or a lk:neAclal In4�rest fn Horro�er.If��II ar any psut of'tlie(�ropeny o�any interest in it ' <br /> I.r•s�l�or trans(irred(�r if u br.nct�cial iittcrcit in Horr��wc r I�sold or u:+nef'cn•ed and}3�irrowcr is ni�¢n natt�rul�:riscr�i}with<�ut — <br /> IxrKler's pri�}r written cons�nt, L�cn�ler nu►y. at its oplio», rcquir,: inxmaliate payment in full of ull sttms sccurcd by this <br /> 5ec�irity InStru�m:nt.N�wever,this optinn sliall not be excecised by [.ender if excrc�s�iv prnhihited by falernl luw as of titC date <br /> oi'this Sccurity 6t�lru�uc»i. r <br /> If I,cnder cxercises this option,Lcr�dcr shnll sive Aonower noticc of accelcrntian. '9'iic naticc shall provida a period of no¢ <br /> less than 30 days from thc datc Uic notice is dclivercd or ivailaf within wFtich Borruwcr must pay nll sums sccutrd by this <br /> Sccurity I�tstruir►�nt. 1f Borrowcr fails ta pay thcsc sums pcior to the cxpiration of tl�is pericxl, l.cndcr may invoke any rcmcdies <br /> perniittcd by this Security Ioistrumcnt without furthcr notice m•dcmaix!on Barfowcr. <br /> 18. Borr�wer's Right to Relnstate. If Rorrowcr meets ccnain conditions, Borrnwcr shi►U hmve the right tn have <br />� enfoi�cemeni af this Security Inst�vment discontinacd at:eny timc prior to tho carlicr nf: (a) 5 days (or such other period as <br /> nppticabte la�v may s}x:eify for eeinstatement) bcfare sal::of tlie Property pursu�.tit to �ny (►nwee of sale contnined in this `._. <br /> Scxurity instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enfarcing this Sccurity instn�ment.Tiiose conditions are that�iorrower: (a)pays <br /> Lender all sums which th�n would be duc undcr tl»s Securiry instrument and the Note ns ii iio acccleration had a:curced: (b) <br /> cures any defauh af any other cuvenants or agrecments: (c) pays all expenses ineurred in enforcinb this Securit,y Instruni�nt, <br /> including, but not limited tu,rc�sonablc attorncys' fees;ar.d (d)takes sucli action as I.cndcr may reasanubly require to ussure <br /> that die licoi of titis Sccuri[y lnstrument, Lendcr's rights in the Property nnd Borrowcr's obligation to pay die sums secured by <br /> this Security lnstn�ment si�all continue unchanged. Upon reinstaternent by Borrower, this Securiry Instru�nent and tlie <br /> obligatians secur�hereby sliall remain fulty effectivc as it no accelerntion had otcurred. However, this right to reinsk�co sh�ll = <br /> not apply in thr,c.ue of acceler�tion under paragraph t7. ' <br /> 19. Sale uf Nate; Change of I.oun Servicer. The Notc or a partial intcrest in the Notc(tagcther wid� this Security <br /> Instrumenq mav be sold one or nturc timcs without prior notice to Borcowcr. A snlc may result in u chunge in the cntity(known �— <br /> �che "Lo��Scrvicer")that collects monthly payments due ur�der thc Note anJ this Security Instrument.Thcre also may be o�se <br /> or more changes of tlie L,oan Servicer unrelated ta a sale of the Note.lf ehere is a rhan�e uf tlie Laan Servicer, Borrower will be <br /> given w�ritten notice of the cl�ange in accordance with para�r�ph 14 abovc ar.d applicablr law.The notice will state the name and <br /> address of the new Loan Scrvicer and the:►ddress to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain an�� other <br /> infannution requiretl by applicable lnw. — <br /> 2U. iiazardous �u6stances. Borrower shall noi cause ur permi< <he pre�c��cc. USc, disp:,sal. �toragc, or rclease of;.7y — <br /> Hazardous Substanc_s e� or in the Propeny. Borrowcr sliall not do, nor ullaw anyone else to do, anything affectiag the = <br /> Propc�rty that is in violation of any Environmental Law. Thc preceding two �entenccs shall not apply-to tht prescnce,usc, or <br /> stora�e on the Property of smal! quantities of Haznrdous Substances th:�t are generally reco�nized to be appropriate to nomial <br /> rPSidential uses and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> , �_..._..: <br /> QOITOwer shall promptly give t.�:nder wntten notice OI IIlly invcsciguiiuu, �iaim. �c�uutiu. iu�v�u�i vi v.�i�i u�iiCD �::��j <br /> governmental or regulatory agency or private pany involving the Propeny and any Hnzurdous Substance or Environmental Law <br /> of which Barrower has actuat kn��wledge. If Borrower learns, or is nntified by�iny gavernmental or regulntory authority, thut <br /> any rcmoval or other rcmedintion of any Hazarcious Substance uifecting the Property is necessary.Borro�eer sh�ll promptly take <br /> all remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. <br /> As uscd in this para�raph 20, "Hazardous Substnnces" are thosc substances clefined as toxic or hazardous substano�.s by <br /> Environmenial Law and the fnlluwing substances: gasoline, kerosene, other tlammable or t�xic petrofeum products, toxic _ <br /> pesticides and herbicides,volutile solvents, materials containinb asbestos or formaldchyde.;uid radioacti��e materials. As useci in __ <br /> this paragraph 20, "�nvironmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wherc the Prc�perty is located that _ <br /> relate to hcalth,safcty or cnvironmcntal protection. 4`�'�. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lcndcr funhcr covenant and agrcc ati folluws: �-��.- <br /> Zl. Accelerntton;Remedies.Lender sh�ll gtve nntice to Burrov►�er prfor tu accelerntion 1'ollo�r•ing Boj•rower's breacl� ---__= <br /> of any covennnt or ugreement in this Security lnsh�ument (but not prior to uuceleration under paragraph 17 unicss �-�Y <br /> appllcable la� provides otUenvise). 'I'he notice sh�ll specify: (a)the defrault; (b) the uctton required to cure the default; '�_..- <br /> (c)u dete, not less tl�an 30 dnys from the dute the notice is glven to wh[ch the defAUlt imust be cured;and �--�_� <br /> (d)that failure lo cure the default on or before¢fiie date speci6ed in the notice niay result in acceC�rAtlon of the sums �':,_ <br /> secured by thls SecurlEy Instrument und sale of the Property. The notice shull further inforrro Uorro��•er of the rnght to ��;-_ <br /> reitutate nfter ucceleratia�n and the rigttt to brin� n caurt action to assert the non•existPnce of n default or any other = <br /> defense of Borrower to acceleratton nnd sale. If the default is not cured on or Uefore the date speci�ed in the ttotice. `� <br /> Le►�der, at !ts optton, may requlre imnTediute p�yme�t in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrmnent�vithout �,h`�..:_° <br /> further demand a�id m�y(nvoke the p�nver of sate and any Mhcr remedies permitted by applicabie law. IAnder shnll b� _,�.;.: <br /> entitLe9 to collect rall expenses incurred in pursuin�the remedtes provtded tn this para�rapin 11. indudin�,but not limited :�:<%` <br /> to,rcusonable attori�eys' �ees and costs oF titic evidenc�:. <br /> I[thQ po�ver of sAle is invoked, 'Crustee shall record n nottce of default in exch ca�unty h� whtch any p�rt of the - <br /> Property is located and sl�all mall copie.s of sucl� not[ce in the munner prescribed by �pplf.cuble law to Borro«+er and ta ,��.: <br /> the ot[ier persons pi�scribed by applicuble luw.After the time required by upplicuble In�v,Trustce shuU�ive publfc notice <br /> of sale to the Nersoms and In the mmmer prescrlbed by nppl(cuble I�w. Trastcc,withont demand on 63orrowcr, shi�ll scll <br /> Nie PropeMy at public auction to thc hi�lmst bidder at the time und pl��ce and wider the terms desi�„ntited in the notice of <br /> salc in onc or more parcels mid in any order Trustee determincs. Trustee may postpone sale af all or any parcel of the <br /> Properly R�y publte nnnoun�ement at the time nnd place of nnv previuusly schedaled sale. Lendrr or Its desi�nee mny • <br /> purchuse the Praperty at uny sale. <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> Paqo 6 of 6 <br />— � . _ <br />.__,"__�..--��—aTiaC�.{�-,s--•'�.L"-T�---. .���`_'___� _. . .:-.•- . a _ ... ' _ _'.-".'._._..-__..._-„ ""_'. <br /> �.�.:_..�_ —_�_ » '^C7::"`•�'��9 ?TaI." .1�.l ��� <br /> __ . ..`..' . . • . . .... f t;?. � u..' . .� .� . - .n. �x�r.� . �.�q• '�� +� '�- .. ' .. <br /> J.:� .. .. .� .. - .. .. . ... . �� - . <br />. ..� .r <br />.:.� . -. .�i . '• ' .. _ . _ <br /> � . .. . .. . �� .. . <br /> . - . �1 ()!�f.. . . .. . . . �� � .. .. <br />'� , i <br /> ir -'_ ._-._ _...__-. -__ ._.._....-_'._ -- __ _-_ _-_ _ <br /> .". --_"_'".__._._.__'. —_�__'_ _ —'_ .... -_ ... ... .�����,�_-•�-�--� _'_+- - <br />_:r. ."�. . �—_— . y „ -__-"._'_ _.�-.-�..-..-.__ � .Y�'l.:,l•��� •.Y� _>> -_.__,� � � .. .. . <br />. " `,� � `. .. ' .� � ��tii��l'll��t�}�'.'S'��� .r .. ,1 �.. <br /> . <br />. .:. V .. , �l <br /> . <br /> ..-. <br /> . ..� � <br />_ ...� <br /> r- - .. . ., , .. �. i . .. C� �.l't. .,��.�t�. <br /> �..:�� . ... • <br /> . .. `� . . ��., , ri . <br /> ,�-,. . .,. . . " . .�N:�}.. :�.�.' „ <br /> ! . ., v. ' � .��� - � � �t�r"'\ . �`. ' . . .. <br /> �' .� . ., - .. ' � ,� . .. <br /> :t. � ,. .. .. - " '. ... , - . • .� .. �.. .. __'_•_ <br />