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<br /> r7,�r,-�r�,'°�xiv Y�YtS`N71�Q!Qx�N!!�.�'-!�+'z�w+xe+reRr..::.�a.L-irw.t.da....�.s�w.,«.+.n.r .ra�.._.._
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<br /> -_-_�-a j�9.�'- 1.004(�U
<br /> -==w.,,, --
<br /> _-=l� �3.�-=3�.��D�: � -
<br /> _.,,� Nebra►eka� nore+ partic{ilarly de�soribed aa foll�KSO BesinninR at
<br /> - tbe southxe�t aar•ner of �aid Northxest Qaarter Q NN1/41; ttienc�
<br /> -���sx� •� no�therly along ttie west line oP said N�erthNeat Quarter (Nii1/4►. __
<br /> �� 1��U�'�� - n d�lrsta�eae af Taro Hundred Thir4y-Three ��ad Six flundredths -__
<br /> x�• �; .�
<br />-__�7��;��' � �233.Ab) ff��t �v a Ppinx an the �out�s�xly �amk of tho South Loup �.
<br />-'�';'%�`"�` k .�� �tiv�eT; �'aence deflecting right 112 cda����es 37' 06" and running
<br />-:,�t:�:,�7f
<br /> -���tni�?�� ,� �outlnoaa¢erly along eaid 6ank. a dista�a�e of Three Hundred
<br /> -���`'�'� Fifteon (�15.0) fee�; thonce deflecting left Q9 degcees 27'S9"
<br /> �._, .
<br />:=-zr`'.�.. ---
<br /> �"`'� and running �outheasterlyr along said bank� a distance of Four -
<br /> _�� Hundred TWenty-Seven r�nd Biphty-Sfx Hundredths (�►27.86) feat; _
<br /> �'� ¢r,enca defiactin� loft 07 deg�eee 25'1�" a�d �running ____.
<br /> _,.;��:�i�, . ' --
<br /> u�,.���. suutheaaLerly alon� said lasnk. a distancd oY Ono Hunclred ��,u�
<br /> - ��- Fitty-Five end Thirty-Pour Hundredths (155. 34� feet to the �outh ,
<br />`:.;s_�_LL�`�:,`�:' If.�o og 6afd Hortl�yeet Q�e�r��� (NW1/4p ; tl�enaa weaterly alon� tt�e ��� :
<br /> ��:����`�� �'�� ■outh 1 ina ai •�id horthMe�lt quarter (NM1/4� � a di�t�noe oi `=`�
<br /> � ' � Biaht Hundred 8fxty-TMO and 8�x Hundcedth� (862.6) taot to th� 9L�t�;.
<br /> �- '��� plaoa of bsginnSn�o •aid traot contsinine 1 .790 acres. �ors or `==`
<br /> - l�s�. to�ethec Mith ar�y scarerion aco�nd ttaeretoi �-y�
<br /> � � Tract No. 6: A tract oi isnd co�prisina �aact of �he �':�:I
<br /> � . ,� Southe�st Quarter of the SouthMeat Quarter (8B1/4 Si11/4); a part �€,�
<br /> � � cf th� ����t�+�e=r n��wrtAr of the 3outhoast Quarter (SN9/4 SE1/4) . �°.
<br /> A '"•� `p.. and part oP Lot Nine (9) in the Sautheadt Quarter of the _�
<br /> ; ' `1'�� Southeast Quarter (SE1/4 SE1/4P� ell in Section Twenty-Seven �-•-
<br /> � '�!: (27� ; �],Q part of Lots One (1 )� Two (2)� Three (3) � Four (4) . �r
<br /> . 4 �`..
<br />_,__,.5,_. �._, r. Five (5). Six (6) . Seven (7 ). Bight (8) and N�ne (9) � all in tha �a
<br /> �y North Half (N1/2) of Section �hirty-Four (341. all of the above � �_
<br /> ��� �* '{� situat�d in ToMnsl�ip Th3rteen (13) North, Range TMelve� (12) . West �
<br /> � of the 6th P.M. in HoWard County� Nebraska. and dore particularly ��:�,,
<br /> ' � " �""� described as folxoMS: Beginnin� at the soutbeast cosncr of the �m�_
<br />�'��'�`� . ��w�,"..�; NOTtgleAet Quarter (NB1/4) oi suid Seotion Thirty-Four (34);
<br /> : .� thence Westerly along the soutb lir�e of the North Half (N1/2) of
<br />.. ,.•,. . ,.����� said 3ection Thirty-Fou� (34) , a distance of Fo�r Thousand One
<br /> �•°""' � '� Hundred TWelve and TNenty-Three Hundredtbs (4,112.23) feets
<br /> ry�;�'�;;�,,,�„'�,; thence deflecting right 96 degrees 39' 19" a�d running ;�,
<br /> :..:f;�. :, :.,�.:, northeasxerly. a distance �f One Thousand Six Hundred Fifty and .:��;,;
<br /> ��� Thirty-Bight Hundredths (1.65�.38) feet; thence deflecting right
<br /> 48 ds�reee 35'k110 and running northeasterly. a dietanee of Eight
<br /> � Rundred Tx�anty-Five and Thirty-�i�ht Hundredt�s (825.38) feet;
<br /> thence deflecting left 3? degrees 26'55" and running
<br />-`�'-' �� � nArtheaaterly a distarece of Eight Hundred Seventy--One and .
<br />', - :��•. �""-_;. Pifty-Nine Hundredths (871. 59 ) feet; thence def lecting left 65
<br /> :+� =�•: ��`n�' degrees 30'38" and running northwesterly, a distance of TMo
<br /> � Hundred Nine and Ninety-Bight Hundredth� (209 .98) feet; thence .
<br /> � �� deflecting right 35 degrees 18'03" and running northWesterly. a '"'���
<br />.. :::., ..� �
<br /> �'``''" " d�istance of Three Hundred Saventy-Bfght and N ino�y-Seven �"�,
<br /> A Hundredlths (378.97) :eet; thence defiectinB right 21 degreee
<br /> �� 22'01" and running northeasterly, a distance of Two Hundred
<br /> „ :� Fifty-One and Fifty-One Hundredths (251 . 51 D feet; thence
<br /> �, d�flectin� right 13 de�reee 15'35" and running northoasterly� a ' ,
<br /> . ➢• Z .
<br /> .� , �
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