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<br /> _—_°=--_:- Hua�and and,,,�if�M ......_.__._.._...�(�u`�M�1�*'�)�ad ,
<br /> -._'�;�=uaee±?�t� `......�..
<br /> --- - Fiva Poiata 8aak. a tiA�ruica :Coxnoratian (F�MU"J,Q�,d/�.").
<br /> —=;v��t�.s�:i:G31 3 999.40
<br /> g:�.:;,,;.::i�L:'����t�L•...."�•••,fn t�,��•••6�1 e�!!n ot S...!. _.,_ ,evld�nafd bp Mr�rt�or's�nnL�
<br /> -----=— � 3une ,1,� 1995 (6ririn"Not+e"}pro+idlq ior�y�nenta ot prindpal�d iae�reit,with thn brli►noe ot th�
<br /> _-T�.,�
<br /> ---�___ - - la8�i�dn�.It�d.�oo�xr p�id,dw�yW py�on June 5. 2003 �,
<br /> `��"'J_ To�ecure Rhe�ayro�ent o!tha Nok,wtth intenst K pra�lekd tberefn,ttee�wprtnemt ot�ll athex�an»�.wlW int�n�t,
<br /> �.��+a�:`��<�':.� adr�d by Utortp�ee tn proteet tAe security of tJ�41�lat��and the p�Korm�noe ot Rhe conn�nts ar►d�eem�ntt ot.
<br />-� '-,,=-`Hu-�i.�lY�►�r the Mortp�or coutaitud inerein, 11�actp�ot does hei+eby mor�pre aad eor�i�a� to 1Riori;s�a tha fnllu��i� ��red �-
<br /> _ �_;��'h��,�'�;�':�+ pmperiy located in H�11 � ..._..Counry, NebrKka:
<br /> `�:�n��'�.�'x.3 i� � .
<br /> ,_.�, S�• �: :. . Latg Twa Hundred Fourtaen (214) and Two tlundred Fiftean (215) hf the
<br />—. -,.�,:�� .,
<br /> ___,.��.�;;��' 4pestlarra Additian to the City of Grsnd Ialand, Nal]. County. Neb�ae Q.
<br /> -::... � , —
<br /> .=�:�:sr�". -
<br /> - - . , :.� ` _
<br /> _ ,:�,, :., � ' . _=
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<br /> _ . ...Y �,s�
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<br /> �y� P ew� a eacements,rigt�tt,priv�legea�nd �';�:
<br /> � _ � , •. To�ether wtth dl buitdtn im rovemeaCs,Iixtuns.streefs,ailoys,possRg Y � �:F
<br /> �ppurten�ncee locatcd thereon or ln anywise pertaining thereto,and the tent�,tuues u►d profita,cev,erslons�ud remaindea ��
<br /> " thereof;Including,but not Rmtted to,herttng�nd cooling equf�pment and cuch person�l pmperty thwt ts attacbed to the ���
<br /> �_
<br /> improvemen4 so a to constitute a tfxturee aU ot ahfch,Ineludine repl�cements�nd addittons thereto.ls hereby dec{�nd =_.,
<br /> - to be a patt ot the red est�k eecund by the lien ot thts Mort�ge�nd dl of the[on�oin�being rnt�rrod to bereln as the
<br /> «pro��Y��, ,,
<br /> �'<<,
<br /> - . Mort{a�or NrtAer convenin4a and n�rees,with Mortg�gee�as lollowi: .
<br /> „ i. Faymenb T�pay the fndauikdnes�ind lhe Interest C�tzieor.a3 Fravided:n t:�ts 2.I�xta:ba assd t:�e Nota. '
<br /> � " Z. 'IYtit. Motrt�a�or ls the owner of the Pcoperty,he the dgbt md authority to mortqaee tlio Property�and I .
<br /> � wurante thtt the lien creattd hernby is�tirst u►d pdoi Ilcn on the Property�except as may othervrlae Ge cet torth herein. !
<br /> ` ° • ❑'I1fe Property fs cubject to a Mortg��e whemtn
<br /> i, b ttae Murtg�ree,�ecor Hnll Cot+nLy,�
<br /> Nebr�ka,whlcl�Mortg�e b a lien prtor tn the Ifen created heteby.
<br /> _ "j. .
<br /> . rA w
<br /> L7 Othet prlor liess or encumbrenccs: —
<br />_w . �
<br />— , !
<br /> 8,Taxe�,Assefsmenta. 'Ib p�y when due tll uxes.specinl assessments�nd ell other chargrs ag�fnst the Pcoperty
<br />— . utd,upon wdtten demtnd by Mortg�gee,to add to the p�yments requimd under the Note secuced heroby.such amount as
<br /> ' ,� m�y be sutQclent to en�ble the Mortg�yee to piy�uch taxes��ssessmenb or other ednrges as tliey became duo.
<br /> „ 4. tiu�srmce. To keep the impmvements n�w o:hereatter loc�ted on the re�esteto d�acdbed hernin Insured �
<br /> — �pimk dam�e by n�'and euch other huuds�s Mortg�ee mAy reyuire,in amounts and with compsnles tcceptable to the
<br /> - Mort{�ee►�nd with �as MYible to trie Mortgagee. In caK of loas uc►der suah pofides the Mort�(s authorized to i
<br /> - tdjust,cvo11ect and comPmmisey tn ite d►scr�tion,dl cldrtn thenunder at fU aole optlon. author[ud to elthor apply the
<br /> ,__ � pro�ceedo to the erstor�tion oi the PropetRy or upon tLe indeAtednew Kcured heieby.0ut p►yment�hereunder sh�ll con• i
<br /> � Unue�until tht sums secured hereby are paid in fWl. . ,. ,. .. , ._ '
<br /> ` 3sk• .''s'tl�' ''"'. e^9n hs 9 u►d 9 hereof to the �
<br /> 6. ❑EssroH For Tuces And in�wcertce. Notwithstandi�y6�@� �� P��grop
<br /> ���9�►iltnents of pdnefpel�nc!Interest� �
<br /> P�Y B� ��; ...;�Q,gt�
<br /> �" contnry,Mortgagor sholl to tt�o Mort e at the t(tm►of� , '
<br /> - _- - ��roftch of the veulv Wces.assessments.heztrd insu`rinec pnhtittt�s,�atnf�d�n�its(If wy)which moy attaln a i
<br /> _ pflortty aver this Mortga�e,all ds reasonnbly estim�ted hom time to time by the Mortgigee.'rn�amounrs so pan snaii oe -
<br /> � held by the Mort��e�e witAout fnterest�ad ayplled to the p�yment ot the itemo U�rnaptcE to whir,h such nmounts were �
<br /> ��� degositec�.Zhe sums pKid to Mortg�gee hereunder�ptedgad as ndditional security tor the indebtednes9 secured by thts �
<br /> _- N�ortpge.Mort;sg�rs!:s'Ll�3y to Mort�agee the osnouet of any deflclr.ncy between tlte actval taaes,�ssessmanb, Insurance ,
<br /> �, � premfutrw and p»uas]�t�nss snd the depoeits hereunder withln 10 days ntter deman8 is madt��on Mortgt+got requesting :
<br /> p�ymeni theceof.
<br /> - _ '. .� s, Etepifr�M�intenan�e�nu'v�. TU�sau�i�E,:�j wyui�ac'a"ev"�O:w�`i'.L�ZL� T.C,�bt!?�?;nr�•l••;r�nv.��„e."•�.°_nor�or
<br /> ;,�,� hereyftex on the Properiy;to gecp!he Propetty te good conditton and repalr,withnut waste,nn¢1 free from mtechantc's or �
<br /> otherUens noL express;�t nu6ordinated to the Ilen hereof;not to m�ke�auffer or permft iny nuL3enco to exist,r..:or to dimin•
<br /> ' lsri or lmptit the vtlur nf tha Property by any nct or omfsston to Ret;and to comply wid�ill xequfmmenta o4 law svith '
<br /> mspect tu the Froperty. `
<br /> . i
<br /> �. .
<br />_ � . �
<br />-. �
<br />