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<br /> ` --_��-�„"�� APPY,� �01-505p�003
<br /> ___�—� ' ��_, ����3 Mtit� o0000000na
<br /> �--:r:��:���a
<br /> _- - --_-� • - -
<br /> i 1�4 �AMIL� ��D�R
<br /> --�� Assign�ncnt of Rent�
<br />-- -------'°� T�Y[S n-4 FANiII.Y RIDBR is mada Ihls 5TH day of Jt1r7B � 1995 ,and i�
<br />����� incarporated inw and shaU bo de��ed w amand and suppkment thc Mongago,De�d of Truat or Security lJad(the
<br />-=-�^''����� "Secu�ity Ins�EnY')of tho s�urw daio givcn by tht uns:ctsig�sed(tht"�3aro�cx")tn�xure Bom�wu's Nc�te to ----.
<br />�.,.��.rs„ueYix'i.�g9
<br /> __—__— �R.�
<br /> j��;�`�",I�y (the"Lender")
<br /> ����r�,t�i..l_L �
<br /> -'t'�; "� - of ths same date und covering tho Proputy described in the Security Insmu�ient and located nt
<br /> � �
<br /> �:'��:5�:
<br /> �;:'••;:�;'-�;�: ` 2516 STA(3FCOACH _
<br />��;�,,r�,,,y.��•' �RAND I3LAND. NB8R.A9KA 68901
<br /> ,,. :' �,5. [Froperty Addrew] �
<br /> ,'' �''�F ,� 1-4 FAMILY COVENANT3. Ir�addidon ta tha cavenants and agc�ements made ln the Security Instrument,
<br /> f�� —
<br /> � Bonower and I.ender further covcnant and ag�rree as follows: -'"
<br /> •• A.A�DDI7'ION�fI.I'ROL�ER'�'Y SUBJECT TO THE SECURCTY IIVSTRU111ENT. In addidon to the —
<br /> •�' Pmperty described in the Security Instrument,the following items ara a0�ed Go the�rapeity descripdon,ea�s�s11
<br /> :::� olso consdwte the Property covere�i by the Seciuity InstnunenG build.ing rnateilals. applleuces and goods of eve�y
<br /> ' ". nawre whatvaevcr naw or hereafter tQCated in,on.or used,or intended w bc used in connecdon with the Pmperty,
<br /> • • including,but not limite@ to,tho.se far tho puiposes of supplying or ctistributing heapng,cooliag,elec�Icity,gas,
<br /> _ :i.' water.air end ligdt, �ce prevennon and extin8��8 aPPa�aws.sec�uiry and auxa�cv,�ii�i iq,�nt�n.��,:,��g, _
<br /> � bath tubs.�vatcr heaters,water closets.sinks,ranse.g,stoves,refrigerat,ors. dlshw�hcrs.dislwsals.washeas,dryers. -- -
<br /> �� •� awnings.stonn wiadows.smrm doors.screens,blinds,shades,curtains and cur�vn rods,attachrd mirmrs,cabinots, --_
<br /> . � panellirzg and attached fla,r coverings naw or hereafter attacheA to the Properey, all of which, including =_
<br /> . rcpLxements and addidons thereto.shall be deemed to be and c�main a part of the Property cavered by the Security 4;;-
<br /> . Instrument All of the foregoing together with the Prope�ty described in the�ccurity Instrument(or the leasehold s�;
<br /> . ; ° estat� if the Security Insuument is on a leaschold) are refe�ed W in this 1�4 Fantiy Rider end the Security ��'-�
<br /> . .• Insw�cnt as thc"ProPeri7►: �'�:,.
<br /> • • B.USE OF PROPERTY;COMPLIANCE WITH L�1W. Ban•ower st�all not seelc, agrce to or make a ���`=
<br /> - change in dic use of the Propeity or its zoning classificadon,unless Lender has agreed in writing tn the chtmge. s>�;
<br /> Bozrower shall comply wilh all laws. ordinances, regulaiions and requirements of any govemmental body _ ,
<br /> �: aAPGcable to the PYOperty. 'r�.`:•
<br /> < C.SUIiORDINATE LIENS. Except as permitted by fcderal l�w,Bomower shall not allow any lien inferior �''�'r.
<br /> . ' ••; �u the Sccurity Instrument to be pezfected ageinst the Property withaut Lender's prior wriuen permission. .
<br /> �. D.�N'�LOSS INSURANCE. Boaower shall maintain insurance against rent loss in addidon to the other
<br /> ��;• harsuds for which inswtance is required by Uniform Covenant 5.
<br /> • E."BORlIOWER'S RIGH'd'TO REINSTATE"DELETED. Uniforrn Covenant 18 is Qeleted. �.•�
<br /> +� F.QORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lendcr and Aorrowez othenvise agrec in writing, Ihe Grst �' �•
<br /> . ., sentence in Uniform Covenant 6 conceming Borcower's occupancy of ihe Property is deleted. All remaining (
<br /> , covennnts and eg�eements se[forch in Uniform Covenant 6 shell remain in effecG
<br /> , . ','.,.,
<br /> ' IAULTI9TATE 1•d FAIWILY AIDEH-F�nats M�e/Freddle fA�o Uniform In�trument Form 9770 9193 , _•
<br />- Pepe t ai 2 I
<br /> �� � ��b7(D30I) VMP MORTOA�E FORMB-(317)28�•8100•(800�621•77B 1 Initlala:. . ._ �
<br /> i
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