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<br /> ---- PRY�'►en.n m�ty no longer tsa requfcrd�w tha op�k+n of��cnder,if moctg�ge insurwux cavaaga{in t�b anaxunt and far thc}�cr►ad
<br /> °� �hat I�ender roquirca)pcovlded by�r►inxuru apNr�ova!by l.cnder ag�in bocr�u avail�bb�uu!ia ohu�ir�ad.@ormwa shrJl I�Y� „
<br /> --_- prtmluatu roquirod to meint�fn nartgt�ga ina`u�ncc in eifect� or W provkb �Ius.Y�a, untfl tho ra�ut�!Ccx mcrta�a
<br /> insunnce aKl.i in accardM+c'a w�th�ny Mnitkn�rament betwoen &Mmwa iued l.c��der or�pplicabk 4w.
<br /> _ ---__—"'""'�"'---, �.d�..������, U�ra•T n• f�9 P�en! ir+3y mpke re�!�ie entrio� upax et►d inspections of lhe p��Y.lzs�der stwp give _
<br /> � Bexmwer not�cc�t che dme oi cx pdor a u�in�peedon s�ecityfng rc+�bl�csux ror�ttie in�poccian.
<br /> _:_-,�;;; 10.Conde�s�tk�n. 'Iftia proceoda of my RwuQ ar cf�im fac darn�gcs,d'uat ar coneoquenti�l. in cimna�n wlt4 �ny
<br /> � eondsmnttkan or oUKr ukiuig af tny part of ilx��PropcctY�a Ifor convey�in lisu of condemnaticx��#ro tsenby asaignod and
<br /> _--:—_- shall ba paid to LtMlct.
<br /> —`°;.�"Y'"��-" In the ovcnt of a tatal takIn of tho �e�x�oce.eda stull be appl�od tn the sums socurod by Fhts Sa:tttiry Insot►uY►t�t,
<br /> -- -------- B ��Y• p�y in which dKS f�ir trwktt
<br /> _------ -- = Nhcther cr e�r.t�hca du�.w�th a�y ex��a�ss�fd to gorrowu.In the event of�pn�tW t�kjng oE tM , ._A__
<br /> _ ' -_—- value��Qie Ft�a1y immodlatcly hebc,na�hr,c�kirtg�s eqea!u�a gceaur than the uncxx�t af tM�sums sxured by shi�Sacurity
<br /> - N-�,..�.�..'� Instrwnent immodiately bcfore dte uilc�cxa.vnG:ag Borrawex acrd L,encier otlxrwiso ag�vo in w,ri2iag�the aums aec�ued by thi�
<br /> -��`:�'�-^t�� Security Insmw�t atu�ll ba reduccd by�ha amacaS oP the procexxis mul6plieci by the gollowing frsction:(a)the tot�l unount of
<br /> ----_'.r�►a:a.4e+l
<br /> "�-�;_,°_�_�_c_'_� tho sums aecured Irnmalsstely bcfarc the t�icing,divided by(b)tho Eair mrulcst vnlue of the I'roperty immodiatr]y befaoe the
<br /> -��=---- ta�ing,pny b�az�ce shail be puid tp Borrawer.In tho event of a�aztW tai�ing of the Prnpetty In which the fair maric�t vaiuc�f ttw
<br /> ��'��z`--��- Prope:ty immodiabely bcfora the taicing �S tess than tho amonnt of d�o sums sccured�x�iately befa+e thG talcing, unless
<br /> ._=��,;uii�;,��. �3otmwer and Lend�x oti�uwise ag�ze d�i w�[tL-�g a�uriYss:.p�slk:,bL�1.:.1 otl:•.�►vi��psnvldrg.��psocc�.�s�sha11 he anplled t�the _
<br /> - � �- sums secured by d►i�Security Inswment whcthu or not t�o sums ere�hen due.
<br /> � n�'• r..-� • If d�a geaprriy i.9 abandattcd by Boiro��er.Qr if,aftsr noti�e by Leader W Horrowu ihat the condemna offers to mak�e at►
<br />`_ ..=�:1-a4.. [—--
<br /> ;�,.., a�rad or ss:ik e cle±m for claat�ges.Ba�mwer f&i1s to resNuad ta Latd��riehln 30 Qays eft�s GM @?is tha noticc�is given,Lsndri ;-
<br /> �f „ is avthorirced to cotkct ant�apply the proceuls,at its oFliocs,eithu W resWCation or rtpair of tho Property or W tho sums sccund _
<br />`::T+::,�'�,� by U�is Security Instniment,whcther or not then d�e. _
<br /> . .'«� -� Uakss Lender and Borrower otherwisa agrce in wrlpng.nnY ap�sflication of pmccecis to principal st�all not oRtend or post�one -
<br /> T:�'�;� � °�- ^ uid uuo u'&ic ui'u`ic�TiOi�Z`fij%�3y i,;4^ai"o iCfGx"a"w i0:32 F�S9e-"'sr�°! ettd 2 e*c�s�ng�thc wnotmt of such paYmcnts. _----
<br />,, . � 'T' 11.Borrower Not RekASed;Forbear�uce By Lender Not a Wniver. Extension of the tune for paymuu or modif'�eatioa =
<br /> ' � •��-�� of amoctUation af the sums secured by this Seaulty Iasnumant grantec!by Lender to any succsssor in interest of Borrowu sl�all _
<br /> � � s�ot opera�to releas�the lial�iliry of the odginal Borrower ar 1Borrower's successors in i�te�'esG Lender shall not be requlred to
<br />. . : , GOII►IRCIICC ptu�i.tiu"u��d Fi�`&3Ii�t Bif}o�i�Sit SSiQt�t OC SP.flL=i4 f.renn titqr_.fnr naVment nr OthCIWLSD mOf1�fV 9IY10[tIT�IO(1 O� �"`'
<br /> � �: the sums secured by this Securlty Instnunent by reason of eny demand made by the original Boirower or Bocrower's succe.ssoxs s-
<br /> ,.. ���
<br /> in interest Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall noi be a waiver of or preclude the exercLse of any �"'
<br /> r;�,:.... . right or remedy.
<br />`,`���`` ` 1Z.SuccGCSOrs ond A►sstgas Etaua.c�;Joint And 8everal Lfia6llity; Co�signers.'I1�e covenar►ts and agnxn�ents of this ,�:
<br /> ��:r�,;•'�;;' . .; ��
<br /> �`;�;,
<br /> , �, Sesurity Insuumu�t shall bind end benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subjoct to the provisions of •;;,�,
<br /> _ ;� � ,� puagraph 17. Borrower's covcnants uad agreen►ents shall be jaint and seve�ral. kny Sorrowea who casigns this Securiry -�
<br /> ,::'.;� Insttu.ment but does not e�cccute the Note: (u) is co-signiag tfils Securiry Insttument aNy w mongege,grant end convey tl�t ":_A_.
<br /> . „-.� ,,��„� Boaower's intcrest in the Property under the terms of this Security Ins�ument; (b) is not personally obligatod to pay the sums -
<br /> � ° + sccured by this Security Insirument;and(c)agrees that Lcnder and any othes Borrower may agcce co extend,modify,forbear or -�°,;;
<br /> mtdce any accommoduiions with regard to the terms of tfiis Se�uriry Instrument or the Note without that Bomower's consent
<br />�-�� ••� • • �i 13.Loan C6arges. If the loan secured by this Securiry Instiument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, ,
<br /> �, ,�. ,� ;,�,.;u4� and thnt�uw is Cinally interpreud so that the interest or other loan charges collected or m be collected in connecdon with the lnan � ,
<br /> .�„ �.•>,�,,,y�,� exceed the permitted limirs,then:(a)any such loan charge shall ba reduced by the amount necessary to rec[uce the chargo w the "
<br /> s.a,,�;, ..
<br />.=t:.;':•,,,, ,. penmitYed lunit;and(b)any sums alrarcly colle.cted from Borrowea which eaceeded pe�nitted iimits will be xefunded to Botrower. ',`(...::\`
<br /> ''.``'s'` ' �, Lcsnder may choose to m�ilce this refund by reducing the ptincipal oHed ander the Note or by making a dirtsei payment to •� ��
<br /> L �.:r,�;�,�
<br /> � �•.' ;t Bomnwer. If a refund reduces principal, the reducaon will be ueated as a partial prepayment�vithoui nny prepayment charge
<br /> ' ; • �.� under tlie Note.
<br /> . 14.Notices. An,y nodce W Borrower provided for in this Security Instrumvnt shall be given by dellvering it or by mailing tt
<br /> by Cust class mail nnless applicnblc law re,quires use of anot�ier methnd.The notice shuU be direct�d to the Property Address or
<br /> -�' " � any other address Borrowcr designates by norice to Lendcr.My notice to Lcnder shall be given by first cless mAil to Lender's
<br /> � addmss stated herein or any other address Lender desig�ates by notice to Bom�wer. Any noflce provided for in this Security -
<br /> �<''•,r;
<br /> Inswincnt shall bc deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender whcn given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> ;.t . 15.Governing Law;SevcrAbilfty. 'riiis Seciuiry Insnrurnent shall bc governed by federal law and the law of tha
<br /> ;';;i;.� ,k
<br /> _�.,;,,;,. _ jurisdicdon in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Nota
<br /> z�>����• .� con�Jicts with applicablo law,such�conflict shfill not affece otherprovisions of this Security Instniment or the Note which can bc
<br /> `? ::. �iven effeot wilhout the wnflicdng provision.To this end the pmvisions of this Securiry Instr�ment and ihe Nate are declared to �
<br /> 1',:?� Ue scverable. I
<br /> . . .a;�
<br /> - �� , ' Form 3D28 9/GO
<br /> .:�,�'.�� .K �nitla�r.
<br /> ' • �•8R(NE)ce2�2� PaQe�o�B --- --
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