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<br /> _.,s:u;:.....u..�y_.,. ____,�v:,1t�i'�"�:" .. �^"4'._a�c it.a..LwiNU.iw.a� _"a _". 7°�e'm�ELU-..._. .�.�.....�...� .r,y—�.a�u.:acac...�. —_—_—
<br />.��---_.-------:�--_=4170YW�ti. .. ��ww�n�.����.�+r ..
<br /> .l � � . . , .. l��'.-:
<br />.._...�..�.���..._.�_.r—_.� -_—_.
<br /> i I
<br /> . �a-� �t��'u3'�
<br /> suf�iciant deeds, bi11s of sa�.e� ea�lorsaments�, arrignd�enta�,
<br /> _�_�,, or at��r ins�krum�nts for thc convayance �z trans�er of the
<br /> same, with such �ovenan�s af warrmnty or otkterwi�a aa� my �
<br /> attorn�p �hall see �it, and tc, e�i�e gc�od a�d et.feakuAl
<br /> - - rec�ipts for all or an7{ part 4f th� purGhase pr�.ce ar axher
<br /> - " - - " consideratian. ,
<br /> _. To de�osit moneysl wi�thdraw, invest� and oth�rwis� dea�l with
<br /> ta�xaible �ro,aaert�-
<br /> Ta deposit maneys wMich may come to h3s hand as sc�ch at�arney
<br /> with anv bank or banker i.n my nam�, and t� w�t.hdraw anx� of
<br /> su�h money or any �th�r mone�r tc� wh�.ch I am entitled which
<br /> -____„_._..,�.,,, �ow is or shall be so deposited, and ei.ther empl.oy suc�i m�a�ey
<br /> �.._ _�._� 7 a.s.1..L t:a i.. Pi�o nlvmHnc c-�'�r at7iv [iPi�a. .^.� -
<br />--- =�_""-__' caa aacs .�a�csa,a. ....••.. ��.. �.' _"- � � � ' '
<br /> imteres�, payable by me, or t�xes, ass�ssmeaCs, i�nsurance,
<br /> � and expen�es due ar�d payable or to become duE aad payable an
<br /> accaunt of rr�,� real and personal estate, or in c�r ak�owt az�y of
<br /> ° the purpos�.� h�rein men�ion�d, or o�hexwise for my nxs� anc3
<br /> -�-�.��'i �Cia�iii.� vi tv ��aJc3� .:+�C22 Tii�aac"y' iia iiiy itiuic8 iia ariy �i.�+�:iia�y
<br /> —_- --- shares, l�onds, secur3ties or other property, r�:a1 or
<br /> --_�� personal, as he ma�r think praper, an@ �� receive and c�ive
<br /> V--Y=�.� receipts for any income or dividend arf.sing fxom such
<br /> _=--��.���� investments, and to vary or dispose of all and any sucn
<br /> ""r`�'�`� � � investinents or other investments for my use and ben.efit as he
<br /> '���.�"���- may think fit.
<br /> 4'
<br /> �..��.;..' `��.f:
<br /> —��
<br />,°:�t�. .>.�,� , ,, �7. To deal with the Internal Revenue Se�vice.
<br />_„�,,,,,,,.;;, ,
<br />°�"".°�`��` have autharit to re resent my in'terest in
<br /> ;������;�� My attorney shall Y P
<br /> ��:-�����; any dealing with the Intiernal Revenue Service and to have
<br />_•-�..i?;� authority to receive confidentia]. infermation, to deliver
<br /> 4�F�z•' -��.- confidential information to the Internal Revenue Service, and
<br />��=�_p�'��r��ts� � to enter into any compromise or settlem�nt dgreement wi.th the -
<br />=-'-��-=�r= Internal Revenue S�rvice as may affect any tax liabili�y,
<br /> ��=""''=-�' � interest or penalty owing to the Internal Revenue Service by
<br /> �� .- _,,�_�
<br /> -=r��-��4-',�,�=�� th� principal. _.
<br /> :�,�.
<br /> ,. `,., , K. Se].f-dealir,.g. _
<br />_ -, :��;� My �ttorney may deal with my said attorney and no transaction �_
<br /> sh�l.l he void because of said self-dealing nor because my
<br /> _ � ;; said attorney was a part os,mer of property with me or had _-
<br />� ° '- interests similar to mine or had any interest in said -
<br /> �� " trausactioYZ.
<br /> , � L. To vote at stockhoZders' meetinas, execute roxies, and
<br /> ��• otherwise substitute for owner.
<br /> � � To vot� at the meetings of stockholders or othex meetings of
<br /> , any corporation or company, or otherwise ta act as my
<br /> � �
<br /> I
<br /> ' �
<br /> �
<br /> „ �
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> ---- "- - �
<br /> --- - -
<br /> ___� - .-- • - _.._ �-- _ ._._ . _.. . .
<br /> . .. _ ..---.... ... .�� _ �_ .
<br /> '• „ , .. .
<br /> , ,,,
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<br /> ,
<br /> . , �
<br />