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<br /> �';�,
<br /> y�e, Brya�e_ Hexald and Tami_S Herata, nusoand auu w.�.LC _.. .__._._ ._. . . .
<br /> �
<br /> -.,� �('Tivatcxs')
<br /> ,�,�,�s underthetoflowingU�edotTrusttohomnteradintoamongTrustors,_.R , _ Kent Radke.,, ati:�rn�_�t_��W _
<br /> =�-���� (°Trustee'),arsd Transarrx�rk,a Ftrarcl�l�en��es(Inc.),("Beneficlary'�cavedng the propeny descdbeci belowborobY acJcnoMrl�dW�►atk
<br /> -�.,.� r �s u���araYa�thst:(�)th�Jard of Trust ia�:,��GUt��b��T►u�torls A tn�st claed and not a morLr�age;�r�(�)thw pm�vxr nf aar proukMd
<br /> —=---.�'"°'�'' forintheDnedofTn�stprc+vide�substar�tlallydifEerentrigh�sendobtigatlonstulheTrustorthanamortgagAlntfieevmtofdafauMorbre�ch
<br /> =�.a ut obUga4ion. '
<br /> =�j�a����, Trustor(s)Qdcnowledgesthnt thls Aeknowleci�ment was made priorto the executlan uf the ileed ot Trust.
<br />-Y'�°���.�� 1995.. .._
<br /> =�.�ri:��'.:.x.. �_. Executed�nd Delivered this 1 s t day ot J une. _ , ,
<br /> .
<br /> _L''%=����y�',j rrun � e�'
<br />;�,;Y�,,,F� �f Trusror Tami�u era � .
<br />.r���
<br /> K._'�FTA'M..��}IlG7JY1�.
<br />`'�``'�'N`��Y � DEED OF TRUST
<br /> .�..e:��
<br />- -%,�.._..�_._.-� ,7un� ... _. . ._.. 1995 .�
<br /> �=� ' TH(S DEEO OF 7RUST,is made as of lhis 1$ti day ol
<br />`"""�•��•';+;<� �B,,,a„� Bryan Herald and Tami S Herald, hue.band and wife (�Tn,at«�, �au
<br /> -.� '������'��" maiNnp eddres3ls 504 West Ave Grand Island, NE 68803 � _.--
<br />.L'��,�-`;.;��;�- ---•
<br /> , ;�,��c?S. R. KQnt Radke r �ttorney at law �•"Tna►w+°?�whoa. rtuiwn�rddr�s
<br /> `�`=```°�:��� '� �g �40 N 8th Street Suite 250 Lincoln, NE 68508 __ .__ _ . _ . ._. , and
<br />- - = •Lr=s�.-:a_-
<br /> �-:��C.Y . Trensamer{ca Flnandal Servicos qno.)('Beneficsary)wliosa muiling address Is P•O• Box 5546 L i.ncoln� NE 68505_
<br />'-:Y;.°,;.i;!,:;.�• _ _ .. . _
<br /> ;. .,,► -
<br /> - , ,•.;1 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,Trustw Irwvocably transtere,eonveys end asslgns to Trustes,IN TR�3ST,WITH PoWER uF GALE,krtha bawiit
<br /> ... .-s;.:�:',;; and secudry ot Beneticley, unber and subJect to the terms end condlUons of tAls Deed of Trust, Ihe real proporly located in tha Olry of _
<br /> • 'w�`�'� 1 Grand Ieland Hall °
<br /> . �_, .Counry of .8tate of NebrasNe.and�a�ry aescdood m ra�owa tha'Ptoparry'):
<br /> - ��' -� -..
<br /> � �{ Lot 22, West Heights Second Addition, City oL- Grand Island, Hall Countg� [_
<br /> � Nebranka. �:
<br /> ' �,
<br /> , . .�, �
<br /> .� .
<br /> TOaETHER WITH,oli Nxtures,ron�s,eusements,appurtenancos.hereditaments,Intarests In adJoining roads,streets and elleyc,improvements and
<br /> bufidings o}any klnd citueted thereon and all portonat properly tha!mny bo or heroafter becomo an intogml pFVt of such buitdings&nd Improvemento,ell crops
<br /> �• relsed thereon,and NI water dghts.
<br /> , The Property md the enUre estate end interest conveyed to the Trustno aro roferrod to coltectWey t►9 the'Truat Esmte'.
<br />• ,. � FOH THE PURP05E OF 3ECUAINQ:
<br /> a.Payment of{ndebtednes�tn the tot31 pdndpal amount of 5 322 53. 59 ,with intor�at tlwroon,as (
<br /> evklenced by that ceitain prombsory note of evon dete(Me•Note�with a maturiry date ot 6l06/10 ,ex�►cuted by 7'rusta, �
<br /> which hns besn delNored and 13 payable ta tho order of BonoBdary,ond whlch Dy thls reterenca Is hereby made a part horooi,und t�ny a�d all modiflca• I
<br /> � tlons,oxtonstons and renewals mereof;and
<br /> � b.Pnyment o}oll sums ad��anced by 8onoliGary to prctoct ihe Trust Estate,wi41 Interest U�ercx�n at trie mte ot S iXt C'@[i F i Lty f
<br />�' � ' .�� . ].6.50 �
<br /> ----•-_— --- ner ennum:ond i
<br /> _ _- -- - �
<br /> c.Pwformanco oT Trustor's r.ovonents nnd a�roemen�. '
<br /> ' This Daod of Trus�tho Noto,nnd nny olhor Instrument alvan to evlAence or NMer socure Iho payme��t and pertormancs of any otVigatlon socured hataby
<br /> ., .. are relerred to collecUVety os Ne'Loan Instrvmont�'. �
<br /> • �� 1.[�AYMENT OF INDEBTED►JE39.Trustor shall pay when duo Ihe principal af,and tho Intorast on,tho indebtodnoss evldencx�d Ay the Note,charpes, �
<br />' tees nnd NI ather sums es�rovided In tho Loan InsUUmonb. �
<br /> � 2.TAr�3 AhD A^„^.,E..S'.'E:dTS.Tru:tar�hsll pay e!1 t?xe3 end speha�nuQSSmonts of overy kind,now or horeafter levlod nnn,nst tho Tru3t EstDte
<br /> or nny pcut thereot. Trustor shall diroctly pay cuch Gvcos,without noGco or demsnd as each Instollmsnt comos duo ond shell provl�e the Bonef�aary with
<br /> �,, •�> ovldance u}the payment of the camo. ;
<br /> �.• 3.INSURANCE ANO l��PAIHS.TNStor chall ma(ntaln hro und a!Rondud coverage Insuronoe Insuring Ihe Improvoments and buildings constiNtlng part
<br /> �� • of the Trust Ectato for�n arrrount na loss ihnn tho umount ol No Lnpald principal b�fonco ot Iho Noto(oo•Insurnnce not exceodlng 80'Ya parmittod. Such
<br /> " Insuronco pol!c�r shall contaln n etc�nd�rd mortgage Gaus�In Invor of Beneficiary nnd shall not be canceltable,torminable or modillabte wfihout ton(�Cy aays �
<br /> � prla wiitten nodce to Benetictary. TrusWr shall prompUy rop�lr,mafntnin and ropince Ihe Trust E�tato or any part lhorerif so thal Axcept tor o:dinsry woar
<br /> ' and to�r,the Trust Estato chnll not dmodomtd. In no ovont shall�e 7rustor commit wuste on or to 1he Tn�st Estato. '
<br /> (Pngo 1 of F.) ��
<br /> Form:s5•2oi(U•D3) (Continued on rwsn�etde.) i
<br /> '�� .. .' �f
<br /> •( "��''~�"'.. `!,Y OIiiGINAL .
<br />