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<br /> .��-= PApTI�f:7hi�DNd of Truat lo m�on ��y z6, oaS ,�monp tM ar�Mar,_,ur.�lio� i �_� �1�
<br /> - - --� �yq,n rrax.ne�,►,� �rtnen�un�►m.MIYi (��K��'
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<br /> - ---- � LDi1'N� S! flAA`(�](�,�'j;"�_4NgY ---
<br /> --��.' whoa n�kl�nc��dd�vis t� �LBCL�79a. nr.nA ..,�„�� u.�� Counry.Pkbnck� ('Tru�tN"I, �nd th�B�nsfldry.
<br /> ---�,� �t�tu a�taxunt e••rT��a c .,�,,.*t sAE3f TiTT�N _�eCOfpOf�2t011 OfQK112�
<br /> -_� �nd axictin4 und�r ths I�wa of_ ,2dffiiRAh�► whos��ddt�ts It 77� �S�I1T}i�L'tTcm aMnpnNr�
<br /> _ ARII►m i�Sii�� N8R12rSKA FNpA2-10(!9 „_ �'LMIRlN�j•
<br /> COt�1YE1fANCEs For valu�r�cNwd,Bnrrower kr�vaeably prmt��nd convayr to TruatM,In uu�t,with powK ot nN,tM n�l prop�rty,of wMch
<br /> ---�y� �a�rn:sc:f: 1:•rtt�ty ael�erl, dr.eclft�d h�aw ��d�tl bulldfngi, flxtiuu, and�Ylittng�nd futuro improwtn�nt�tMnan end �M ripl�ts-ot•w�y.
<br /> --=���� s�umsrm, ��rvn. i��cue�, profiit�, Income, tsnsnwnt�, hsnditamsnt�, privtlap�� and �ny appurt�na�c��tMnunto b�lunpirq (NI caNed tM
<br /> -'- ="���7 PRfIV�RTY'�I►OtfRESlt: ���a R aRrmT.r*rn rr.r2 aTi . tsRa�n1 ra .n� .N�brsaka_1'iR_g11]
<br /> _ *'d—_ �_!TL ,-.
<br /> J`='4..�.t.°"'�.,� LEOAL�EECRIPTION: tsuwu tctsyt 2ia�►
<br /> -=,:r�•
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<br /> • '� • �y locsted In cattnun rAT.anm� Hs�r.T. County,Nebreske.
<br /> � '"''}i' > .� _
<br /> :���f' �, ' TRLIE:Borrower aovenents and warrenYa title to Ihe propetry,excspt for_
<br /> �` , , . .��
<br />,�=��Jl-;:�:: •.,.-i: :
<br /> �r
<br /> . .� bECURFA DflT:This deed of tru:t secure�to Lender ropayment of the aecured de6t end tha pariormanee ot the covennnte and�graetnents �_
<br /> ,,,�;_��„, ,;„� ,� contalned in thin deed o}trun nnd(n eny n:har document Inr.orporated herein.Securod debt,ea used in tfiia deed of vuet,inciudet any emount� �-�
<br /> Bonower owes to Lender under thia deed of uu�t or under eny instrument aecured Dy this deed of trust,and all madiNcatioru,sxt�nibna�nd
<br />` ' -° renewal�thsreot. ��
<br /> � .�.., f IC�::
<br /> _ � , Ths secur�ed debt la evidenced by ILlat dl in�trumerrts and egraementn secured by thl�deed of trua.t end the datea tt�areoi.l:
<br />_:�•..�r� , . � � rnmv rw� ae� -- ��/
<br /> ' ,yt1RY Tv Cr7RTTY Af4TiRFMRNT flATRn MtfY ��.� 7 90�
<br />.a.',,rr,,,-:�� ^ - - f9ia_�
<br /> ' � �_:,��,, �Futw� Advine�s: Tha ahove nmount Is aecurod even though ell or pert of it mn�not yet be edvenced. Futute advancea aro ��;
<br /> contemplated end will be secured to the eeme extent es if made on the dete thla deed of trust is executed.
<br /> - r"'-
<br /> •_�•
<br /> ❑ Aevolving Ilne ot credit agreement datad ,with Initiel ennual interest rate of 96.
<br /> - All amounte owed under this �greement are securad even though ell amounts mey not yet be edvencod. Future edvances under �`�`.�
<br /> , .� the sprnement ere contemplated end wfll be secured to the eame extent as if made on the date thia deed ot truet Is executed. �
<br />_ . 'r�. Yhe above oblipetlon le due end payabte on M�,Y 2 n. �n o� if not pald oerlier.
<br /> � . .�� The total unpaid baience secured by thia daod of trust et eny one time ehell not excoed e maximum principel emount of I
<br /> � _ ����� �•m No/+nn _Dollers 18 10.,no c1.0 o I,plua Intereat,
<br /> � . � pius any esmounte dtsbursed under the terme of this deed of truat to protect the securlty of thla doed ot truat or to porform any of the
<br /> • cove�ente contelned in this deed of trust,�vith intorost on cuch disbursamente.
<br /> ,�.:,�. :r
<br /> . n VarI�W�Rat+:Tho Interest rete on the obitgetlon eocueed by thls deed of truat may vary occordinp to the torms of that obllgetion. !
<br /> , �-4���� � C] A capy of the loan eproement contalnMp tha tarme undor whfch the fnteroat rato may vary is attechnd to this dead ot trust and :
<br /> � :� made e part hereof.
<br /> RIDERS: ❑ Commerclet �+ ARRI[�NMF.NT nF s�uNms ❑ _.. �
<br /> ' � DE8tQNAT10�11 OF HOMESTEAD f
<br /> '';i.,.,' .
<br /> . ' . Pursuent to the Farm Homeataad Pirotection Aot,dadgnetion of homostoad ❑ Is attechad to this doed of truat end mede e part hareof �
<br /> • ❑ has Deen disclaimed;t�e disclaimer le atteehod to thla dood of truat and made e pert hereo}.
<br /> 6IONATURE3:By d�ninp t»low,Bwrow�r�yn�to 4h�t�rtn�and c�v�nent�contain�d tn thb dd�d of hu�t, tnnluding thos�on pap�Y,end in ;
<br /> dncdb�d�bow �f byBonowu. ' .
<br />:.. � • � ,1!�a_,� �/i�,Y.c.,rl� .�� � .,�'l n.o D,�t'�2./ _ �
<br /> --" -- .- - RICHI►RI) A CiR11BBE Y,vY� n c�tcaBnis � -
<br /> ;
<br /> ACKNOWLED�lHENT:STATE OF NEBRASKA, aRArm rsi.Anm, Har.. County ss: •
<br /> � The toregoing fnatrumant wes ecknowledgod bsfora me on thls 2GTH _day of MAV� i q 45 __ �
<br /> .. .•. by AnABR LUT] i.OTA A dNHRnn unenrlli] LNB 97iRR . '
<br /> -. Ri��elell '
<br />-- � °• ° � Corporn�a Ot INeme ot CorporeUOn or P�qnershipl •
<br /> � . . VarinNiNV �
<br /> , . AtknowlYJflm�n e b�I11,p1�,_ _ _on bohalf of tho corporetion or panno►ship. �
<br /> . NSy commicclon sxplree; 11/29/96 � �}��,��,,[/ •
<br /> " .. , . (5i� .v(,'NRTR i. KA�4NSR �`^�"��" '� �C�� __INoterv�blicl .
<br /> This In�VUmont wee prepared by cimrs r. �xru _ _
<br /> .t Ipege 1 o/?I NE�RA3'�A
<br />. - � �1960Z�IKER96V8TEM5.INC..ST.CLOUb„MN65.;�F:��.�97'7�411FORh10CPJNTO-NEOHO/91 APPL# 00008130 � -
<br /> ) �
<br /> CCD# 0000000000 ;
<br />