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<br /> ��- 1. Thit eonrey�nt� It �M upo+► �nd wb�at tu tlw /urtfwr trwt tfkt the ��Id Truntar �1+s11 �w1n in
<br /> °-�-°=-=�-== qutet �nd peace�al� possttxton of the�bav�t qr�ntad�nd dticMb�d pr'�ise� snd t�ke the prallts 8hsreot to
<br /> - - _-�
<br /> hU own use untfl the d�f�ult be w�d� 1n�AY pe�ent of •e tnstal't�nt du�e w+wid iw:Q o� :�� Y�:s�:�:c�--::.:: � _
<br /> — of iny of tM coven�nta or condlttion� cont�tned tt+ereln or 1n tht� O�ed af Truot: and, alto to sKUre th�
<br /> ---ti�� • rel�bur�rnenL of the BerMf�ti�ry or sny atha� holdar of nid nots, the Trust:e or �ny�ubstitutt tru�t�s.nf
<br /> __.__ - eny and �11 Goet��nd exp�nses lncurnd, tncluding Ptii0M�1R Ottp�'fMy's t+�s, on�ccouni of �ny 11tlpaYlon •
<br /> -°-���j�,� Ml+tch a�y �Mu wlth ntpcct to tMs Tru�t ar wri� respcct to the In�kDted�ss evtdtnc�d by :aid trot�. th�
<br />-_-�_�•.-_�air�,� protectlon �nd Minten�nee af the property h��Nn�bove de�crlbed nr 1n obtatnlnp possestion of s�id props�ty
<br /> - - �
<br /> —s!��??�x! alter any��1� �rAtCA wy b�yde�s Aentn�ft�r provtded.
<br /> �.�...�.;..o.�
<br /> °>--�s_*,�a,�9 2, Upon th� fu�l p+yioent of the fnrk�tedness evidknced by s�ld noU �nd tM intertst therea�. the
<br /> --Y p�y�cnt of •11 ath�r �uia h�rtln Drovided for, the vtpayrnt of a11 wo�1Ka�dv�nctd or�ucpanded pur�Wnt to
<br /> '•"`"� aald not� or tMS 1n�truMrnt, �nd upon the pryment af all otMr prop�r so�4s. eharq�s. cawilsslons. and
<br /> "-- --�a exptnse�, thI �bove deserlbed propert�r sh�ll b� ��1�ased and reeonw,y�d to �nd�t the eost ot ths ?rwtor.
<br /> _,-�.�:�°.��i -
<br /> �_:..s,���:�
<br /> -=J 1 "�'-•��'y 8. Upon def�ult tn my oT the conven�nta or condlt tons of tAb instru�ent o� of the note or lan
<br /> _�'�� �
<br /> epre�nt �eC_red Mseby, tM l�er�!ftslary or Ate a:sfgna �y MILMYL flOL1Sf�1W MS1hDYt ry�rd to tk�e•
<br /> ••--���•-� a_...».,. .�:�_.i����,. �h. �.�.bt.rsn.■� secur�d. elther Dermn�llv or bfr atEOrnev or aaent rfthou! bN�fnD
<br /> .�.,•,:;:t��t �....,__-• _
<br /> �'�'2...��p���:? �qy �ction or praceediny, or by� nc�iver to Ec �ppofnted by th�court. entet upon �nd 2ikt poistuion p7
<br /> a1d propertr or �ny part th�r�af. �nd do any acta whlch Beneffctary dews prop�r to protec! the security
<br />-. '" •-*�t ` hereat, and etth�r �itF� or wfthout t�kinp posaattun of aald property, collect and recsiwe the rents�
<br /> - ' � rop_ttfe�, fe±��e, a� pmitta thwnwsf� tneludfng nat� aecrued�rn! u�1d. and aPAay ttn sYOe. lels eosts of
<br /> � operatlon �nd eoll�ction. upon the tndebtadn��a �scured by thls Dred of Trust, anfd rents, reyaltles, 1�sue�.
<br /> .,c�. • �nd prof/t�, ENn9 t�srsby �esi{�d to th� �rr_�te!ary aa furtMr a�eurity for tf+� p�y�tet of suah —
<br /> � �`.� ind�bt�dness. Exercis� of riphi� under thli panpraah�hsll r,ot cure or Maiw any d�f�u7t or roottc�of
<br /> - asC:rii: �::�.�c�: :.�.:Ztd:.:.-;::.! �;�rs:°n_L^ �e!'h eotiei twt ahall 6.e�.ulatlr�to aw rfpht �nd
<br /> „ ,;� nwdy to drel�re � d�i�ult �nd to wua� notice of dei�ult to be recordRd as hentnatt�r provldW. +nd
<br /> .� cuwl�ttw to �ny other ripbt u�d/or �axdy Nerwnder. or prortied by l�r, and�y he �M:retYCd coxurrently
<br /> or tndependently. Expteus incurr�d Dy 8eneficiary hereunder 1neludtng n�sonable �ttorney'� fas sh�il be
<br /> , . � secund hsnby.
<br /> . , , �. TI» T�wtor covemni� and apreea th�t 9f he �hall t�tl to p�r ufd ind�btedneas. er �ny p��t
<br /> , thereof, �n dw. or shell feil to perfor�n any coventnt or�pree�ent o! tAfa Instrunent or of the praots�ory ��,
<br />� � • note tetured M»�y, tAe Entire tndebtednese hnreby aecured sh�ll tw�ediately becane due, p�yaDlt, �nd !�";-.
<br /> collectible �t tlf� optlon of the &rteftclary or assiqnt, repardlest of�tturity, �nd the 8eMflcl�ry o� !�- ""
<br /> ' � as�tpn� wiy�nter upo� nid property and colleCt the rents tnd protlb thenol. Upon such defeuit tn pay�+4 ��,___
<br /> , or ps�forf�nc�. �nd befort or �itar sueh entry, the lrustee, aeLlnp in the eYecutfon ot thie Tru�t after the e:.�n-
<br /> . . . ratte� of d�t�ult hsa bNn ncorded. sh�ll�11 • eopy ot the def�ult to ach ptraon M4�o 1s• puty to thtt �'�;�'
<br /> tn�t�u�mt. �t thR �ddrtss s�t out fn thla tnstru�ent, •s well aa to�ny peraon rho t►it requas¢�d any tx�tte� �W'_'
<br /> _� o� dsfault �nd notfu o! al�by �ecordtnp said requeet for notfc�rtth tAe ►+epiotar of deeds tn ih��ounty ••,�..
<br /> • �; tn rhteh tMs tnstnwient fi nco�dtd. �nd after the l�pse oi ttee whtch ts requfred by bM afYCr yl iiny the r'
<br /> ' notite, the� T�wtee s1u11 h�ve tln porer to sell e�id property. �ed tt sMii be the Trustee's duty to aell ,
<br /> r atd property (and 1� sue of �ny default oi any pureMaer, to nesell) at public tuction, to the htphest
<br /> � �� bfdder, flnt yiving five recks' notfce of the tfMe. ter�s, md pl�ee of such ple, by�dvertlsement n9t l�ss
<br /> thm once durinp e1Ch ot atd ffve uaeks In• newspiper pubifahed or dtstrfbuted tn the eounty or polltie�l
<br /> •ubdfvieion tn whteh iatd property 1• situat�d, md .+rttten notice of sale tAalt be a�iled to e�ch pera9n �ho
<br /> � t� a p�rty to lhls lrotrmeni at the �ddre�a set forth heretn, (and tha Benetteiuy or�ny persm on 4eh�11
<br /> �� � of tAe BerKftci�ry msy btd ind purehece st eueh eate). Such saie M111 be held�t a eult�ble place to ba
<br /> � s�lected by the&n�itei�ry rithin uid coun4y or polttteai •ubdivlstpn. Th� Trustee 1a h�reby authorltW to „
<br /> " . executb and detiv�r to tM purchaaer �t sueh ule� euff tctent conveyance of t�1d property, wt+ich comey�nce
<br /> sh�li cont�in Its�t�ls s� to tt�Aappentnp ot default upon whtch the executton of the pwer ot �rl�hlryla
<br /> pranted dsp�nds; sM the�aid Tru�tor hereby eonstitutes�nd �ppolnts tM Trustee�s his �qmt and attorMy
<br /> 1n fact to wake oueh ncltela and to exeeute sald convey+nce�nd hereby covenante �nd�greri th�t the
<br /> " ncft�lt so �tde sh�il be Dindinp md conclueive upan the Trustor, md s�1d eonveyence 31+a11 b: effeetuyl to
<br /> bar �11 equlty or r/pht of redemptton, haneatead, do+rer, rtght oi sppr�lsenent, a�id all oilxr rlghts �nd
<br /> _2_ I
<br /> : _: l
<br /> - --
<br /> -- _-_ �.__..._ . _. ._------ � ---...-- •------- _..__.... .-- . _._ ... .
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> , . ! .
<br /> �1_ _ _
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