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<br />' (�1 Foeiwrr�b1l�wrd�r t�iet t�IIf�Fwe.Aoy iorbw,lr�nz:u[�;t l.enclor iz�ex�ra;lblau orx rlu��i as�r�+sf.xi•r iz���uK�.ou '__-�,
<br /> oth�rarl�a aMard�d by sp�Ncabla Inw,�ita�0 nat tw a waiv�r��t or �Sncluck th�exw�clM at�ny�u�1i r{Qht ar r�wr►�ctv.Tf�
<br /> precun+n�rrt allnwraric�at th�p�ym�nl o�t�x��r c�tl�ne nr shup«by L�nd�c:luU not kw�s we�hbr M l.sr�dir'r►l�fM w
<br /> Nca'sIM�M lfN rttaturfty M tho Ir�tiN�MdnN�e wcunc!6y tY+l�I3Md oP TruN.
<br /> (dl �1q�nl�le�infl A,�w MrtMli�o1M�end�wM�l LI�cKif�l CMpfM�w.'Ph�r.aw:ur�i end eg�wnwnM tMrNn r.an-
<br /> t�in�d ahlifl bin6.Mnd!1►��h1a h��ndrr ah�ll inun W.th� r�o�1v�wcawora rnd�m of ��rxlrr Mnd'fvuNot.1111
<br /> c�v�tw�nd�qrMrt�r►b pf Tru�ta�II b��olnt and Nvtr�L 7h�c�p�lana and hradings ol tho Wragraphs ui t�lo(3ad oE
<br /> 'CruN a�!or aortwnlanc�on�r*nd�r�nct b be u�d b inMrpr�t or dNIM tM R�ovt�Ncn�h«'sol.
<br /> (�) II�+�M f�r NMf��.TM p�rN�hM'+bfl+«#wMt tlwt�eopy M�ny naNc�M dNaWt hawrsa4�r�nd.r oopy af a�r»oM�
<br /> 01 ssl�harwnd�r b�m�fl�d to 9ach p�rty to thl�Clwd af.Uuit Rt the erldrsu eof torfh�bmr�1n thr mannK pnecrtb�d b�r
<br /> appl{c�bt�Ir.w.Hxc�pt for�ny othsr nMla�cequind uncNr aNnlicabls I�w to bo piwn 1n�nolltisr rrwn►scr,any notlw pravkNd
<br /> tor in fhls D�ed of Tvun shrll W piv�n by mAsllnp auch�otic�by a�rtlNed m�ll addreusrl fo ftN othrr partla,at tM�ddra��Q
<br /> forth abaw.Any nr�tice provld�d for In thi�O�ed ot Tru�t sh�Il hs Mtecfive upon m�llinp an thai msnr�er dwly�Md T►�rN�.H
<br /> Trustor ia more fhan one psrson,nodce�snt M ths address�t lorth ebove�sh�ll be nodce to atl ruch pwaor��.
<br /> (q tn�eMon.Lend�r rr�y ma0ce ar causa to b�m�dd rasonable entrl�s upan��d In�p�c�on�o�t th�Prop�iy,pro,r�d�d
<br /> M�t Lendar shall qive Truator notic�prlor to eny$ach Insp�cUnn specifyin�reawnsbb c�uw therefu►rslaNb to L�ntMr'a
<br /> fnMnat in d��ProMrty.
<br /> (p) iiKOnw�a�ta.Upon payment ol all wm�secursd by thl�Qe+ed of Tru�t,Lender ehall rsquset Truats�Lu recanwy the e
<br /> Property dnd�h�l!euRend,�r thii D�ed uf T►u�t and nil notes evEdenalnp Indebtedneu secured by th��Deed o17'ruat fo Truaf�.
<br /> Trust�st�ll reconvey the Propeity wlthout wa�rrenty anc�wit?iout charQe ta the peraan or pereon� lepaity enti��d thKNo.
<br /> Truxtor sh�ll pay�II cab of recorde,Uon,if sny.
<br /> (h) Mno�si Prop�;�curlt�AgcMm�nL Aa additlonaf securiry tor the paymant of the Nob. Tro,ietor henby orant�
<br /> Lendev under the Nsbresks Unitorm Commercinl�e e aecurlty Interest in e1171xturee,aquipment,and dher pe�soMl prop�rty
<br /> uisd in cbnneCtion with tha a�l t�ttate or tmprovemente located tAereon,t�nd not otherwl4e decfarsd or daaxad to bs a pan of
<br /> th�reU estate eecurod ben►hy.TQsia{netrument shall he com�trued na��cur(ty Aereement uncler aakJ Cnda and ths Landar ___ .
<br /> i3f18R1�3Y0Ylturv�/ iiwsa�niioinovicaviaaoouivu �i u�:.�.:.T:u����C:�«vv::.1�::Q`«i:9•�^h��^�����}YYdf�llffd�[
<br /> �nd accordsd ths Lsndes pu:suentto thia Deed uf T ue�provided thet len�er's riphb and remsdie�uncler this paropraph�h�l1
<br /> 6a cumulaHve wifh,and in no way e Ilmitetton on,Lender's�lyhta and rem�dlea under any ather aecurityagre6ment sl9ned by
<br /> E�orrowss or Trualu. --
<br /> (ij Li�n�aRd Enaunibrancs�.Truetor Nereby r�arrents and repreaer►ta that there Is no delault�nde►the provlalona of t�ny
<br /> mert9ege,doed of truat,leese or purchaea contract describino all ar Anv nnrt ot th�Ps�peri�,e�olher cohtroc�lrtah;.�mtht ar --
<br /> agpsement conslituUng e Ilen or encumbrartce a�alnst ali or any�aari ot the Properry(collecUvely,"l,lens'�,Bxittinp as o�the
<br /> date o!this t3eed oi Ttust,a�d that eny end all axisting Ltene�ona�in u�modified except ae diacloaed to Lartda In Truator'a
<br /> written diectoaure of Nens and encumbrence� provided for heretn.7rustur shall timely pertorm all ot Truator'e obtlfleNona,
<br /> covanents,reprosentations end warrantles under eny end ail exisiting and futu�e Uena,shall promptly tonrard to l.ender coplee
<br /> of all noUCes ot tlefauit eent In connectlon with any An0 ail exlsUng or luture Llen�,and anatt not wuiiout i.enders prior writben
<br /> consent In any manner mcdify the provialons at or aAow any tuture advances under any existlng orfuture Llena.
<br /> Q) AppMcaYon ol Parm�nb.Unlesa otherwi3e required by law,sums pald ta Lender hereuncier,incl uding without limif�atlon
<br /> payenents of principal and Intereat,inaurance proceade,condemnetlon proceed�and rent�and profib,ahall be epplled by _--
<br /> Lender to the amounta duo and owing from T►ustorend Borrower In such order as lender In its sote diacre8on deeme desirable. ___
<br /> (k) Sw�nblMtr.It any provislon of Mla Da�d of Trust conillcYS with eppticable taw ar Is dectered invalid or otherwiee =-
<br /> unentoresable,such co»Hict or invelidity ahatl not aitect the other provlsona of thia Qeed ot T�ust or!he Note which r.en be -
<br /> gtven eNect withautthe conflictlnp provislen,en�f to thia end the provislons of tl�la Deed of Trustend the�lote ere declared t4 bo °
<br /> severabte. R
<br /> (ry T�tnts.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrowar"sheA include both singular and plural,and when 1ht�Trustor and Borrov,rar � __
<br /> are Me same porson(e),those terms as usal in this Oeed of Truat shatl Ibe InterchangAabto.
<br /> �•:_
<br /> (m) Go�ts�rrlMp Law.Thls De�ed of Trua4 shall be yovernod by the lawa of the St2Ya of Nebraske. �._-
<br /> F.-
<br /> Truator hea executed thia Deed o}Trust es of the dato written above �
<br /> f�! r r- -
<br /> �
<br /> ag ore T►uator ueband __
<br /> r
<br /> � Truator ife ;��
<br /> r4':_,
<br /> I •�
<br /> t. . .
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