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<br />__:.. _�F��7 n !� 7 M f� W�f L� �,.�� �.w....w��...� __ ._
<br /> - ttte Tra�to�,� Hal Maaa�are d.,�_.xl1�lI.�LIA� w-�1f1I1
<br /> ----__�_:�y 77.2 H Eddy St Gra�id Ie�landlheraln"Trus�ae;�w�i�o�or merr)�
<br /> --= whoeo cn�lilnA�ddracs 1�
<br /> - - the Tru�feA, ._ Five P4int� ��k. a Ke6r��.ICAQT��.4L'1--- —”
<br /> __....��..�
<br /> ------ -_-_� whoN rru�filrtp�ddna u P•U. Bc�x 1�07 Graad Y�land� ii� 6b882 - (h�nin'TruNN"?��+�d -_ _
<br /> �_�,;,� �'1va Point.a d�nk �
<br /> -� the Be+Hlicl�ry� -----
<br /> �;i� 201� H. Broadwull (3r�nd lalend. NE. �Fid02-1587 ��«����,�p��7.
<br /> _a;:�'y�� whoM m�N�n��ddr��� ._..._-------�----�---- --�----
<br /> � {��, Haggiore
<br /> -`'""�'°�'� FQ�VALUA�l.E COld�lQEF9!►TIOhl,tnoludln�l,�nder'���1�nslon ol cradlt Id�ntlii�d hArNn tb -------�--�---- __
<br /> .�LO���~ R JUpI MAGGIOHE (h�nln "tlorrow�r',wf�the on�oe ma�)�M1d th►�tn��h�rNn cnaNd, —
<br />:��g;�:yj lh�reoolpt�ol whkh!w ha�by Raknowlsd9ad,Tru�lor hir�by IrrMra,�lbiy pr�nG,tnnahn,aonvoy��nQ uNOm to Yrwlw,IN
<br /> -='P''`'"�� TRU9T,WiTN POWER OF BALF.,inr ths b�neflt�nd Ncuriry oT Lmdu.und�r�nd�ubj�ct to tho a►mo�nd crsndldon�INr�ina'�r oN
<br />__s.;G1���??'_ �' 1 p�'��
<br /> -_--.-°- � CG���A�tITION� I1�L�0��Lt1R���qHE �11 AND Tk�O �2). IN OL.QGK C'OURTf:BH 4191, CI7Y
<br /> - ��:;•�;;�,=y UF GRAND I�4AND� HALL CQUN1'Y, NF.ORASHA.
<br /> _.,,.-.
<br /> -=-,�;�.:..:� �---
<br />--- :"�.+�'}!,��s;` -:
<br /> ��.�r.p��yf .' �
<br /> '`=��"�Yj t� -�' Te�s:t�tet rrtM�!i bu:IdM��:fm!+rAVemsnte.tixtures,etreels,ellays�pasw�eweye,e�hements,�lyht�,prlvll�and�ppuA�-
<br /> -__._.y��,�y,y� „�.i���a,ry w.,��w�w�wu1M IrI��IBIM II�Y��O ��d!h�r�nta.luuss Hlld p�Oflt1.f6YABfOQS end remafndero ther�i�pi'Id ` -
<br /> a.,--.,���::;;ih 1. ..�. s^�–+r...._.....�...�.�'�....._ . .
<br /> ` •n ; : .r • euch pa►4onal property thei 1��tt�ched to the Improvement�so a�to consUtute a tixture,Including,but noi IlmHed to,heatinp�nti _
<br /> ;,,. ,a , coolinp equlpmen�and taQether with the homeatead or maritel intere$te,ii any,whlch intoresta ere hereby reteeaed and walvod;all ____
<br /> .. of whlch,Inctudlny repl�cemente and eddttione thareto,la hereby declared to ba a pnrt o1 the resl eatate saaured by the Ilen ot thli
<br /> ' • �• } Deod of Truat and all of the torepoinp beiny roferred to hsrein as thtv"Property". _
<br /> .;,,..- �'�.�r
<br /> � Thi�Deed of Truat shall aecure(e)the payment of the prin�ipal aum and Interest evldencsd by a promfsaory note or credlt
<br /> I�` June let 1995 June let 1999 , =
<br /> .�'' apreement dated ,havinp a maturity date of
<br />. __.._.- . .: �c n^�n an� R=-
<br /> ' •'�r'��;��.,. � in the urlginal pNncf�oal emount of s '`',°`'•." ,ana any ana aii modiiicaui,n�,o;.��ni:.ne s�d r�..��l: �_
<br /> �t''"'���- � thereof or thereto and any and ell futuro advances and readvances to Borrower(or any of them Ii mora tha�one)herounder -
<br /> ���`;;:i^�': Qr�-.
<br /> �• �• purouent to one or more promtasory notes�r credit egreements(herein called"Note"►;(b)the payment of other euma edvanc �v�
<br /> � Lender to protectMe securiry of the Note;(e)the peAormance of alt covenants and agreements of Truator set forth hereln;and(d)ell _
<br /> preaent end future indnbtedneas end obligad�na of Borrower(or any of them it more than one)to Lender whether direcL Indirsct ...
<br /> abaolute or cont[npent artd whether arlsing by note,guaranty,overdraft or othemise.The Note,thla DeeO o}Truat end any snd all :�,
<br /> � � � other doauentethat se�;ure t1e Note or otherwlae executed ln connection therew(ffi,Including witP�out itmitahon guaranteea,eecurity .-n
<br /> •• egre�menta and aasiqnmente of leases and rents,ehail be�efe►�ed to herein ae the"Loan Documents". �
<br /> Trustor�covenants and agrees wlth Lender sa toilows: �
<br /> ' �, paYnNnt ollodobMdnMS.AII Indebtsdness secured hereby shall bo qald when due. �
<br /> �, 2.TilN.Truator la the owner of the Prope►ty,has the right end euthority to convey the Property,enxf war�ente thet the Ifen
<br /> • created heraby is a firot and prior Ilon on the Property,except for lians and encumbrences set torth by Truator in writing and
<br /> delivered to Lender t�e�oro exocuUon of thla Deed oi Trust,and the execution and delivery of this Desd of Trust does not violate any
<br /> contract or other obtlDatlon to whlch Trustor is subJect
<br /> . c;�-;::�;' 1, 3. TixM,At�sadna►b.To pay betore delinquency sll taxes,epeciai essesaments end ali other charges against the Properry
<br /> notv or hareafler levlad.
<br /> .. •��;.;. 4. In�urane�.7o keep the Property insured agalnst demage by tire,hazards included within tfio term"oxtendad cavaeape",end �
<br /> such other heza�d�a�Lender may requlre,In emounts end with companies scceptable to Lender,naminp Lender as an add►tlonal
<br /> , �" named inaured,witb lose payable to the Lender.In case ot loss under auch pollcies.the Lender ia authorized to adJusL collect end
<br /> ' compromlae,all clalma thereunder end shall have¢he optlon of epplyf ng all or part of the Inaurance proceeds(1)to any indebtednesa
<br /> � .. ��� seoured hereby and in auch order ae Lender may dotsrmino,(fl)to tha Truator to be used tor the repairor restoratlon of the Property
<br /> . {�J or(Iif)tor any othor purpose or obJect setlatactory to Lender with�ut aHecting the Iien of thie Deed ot Trust far the tull amount secured
<br /> hereby betore such payment ever took plece.Any epplicatlon oi proceeda to Indobtedness shall not oxtend or poatpone the due l
<br /> �� ��.� dat�of eny payments under the Note,or cure eny default therounder or hereunder. I
<br /> %i���� . 6. Eecrow.Upon written demund by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender,In such manner as Lender may designate,eutticfent
<br /> ,,. .. � .
<br /> sums to enabte Lender to pay as they become dua one or mare of the following:(I)ell taxea,assessments and othor charges agalnst
<br /> '�;�'���� the Properly.(II) the premlums on the praperty Insurance requlred hereunder,and(III)the premlums on any mortgage Insurence
<br /> . •" ' requlred by Lender.
<br /> 8. Maint�nwnc�,R�palrs and Compllsnc�arNh Law�.Trustor shall keep the Property Irt good contlltlon and repalr,shall
<br /> ,.; �;i, promptly repalr. or �eplace any Improvement v�hlch may be damaged or destroyed; ehall not commit ar permit any waste or i
<br /> �% TM detertoration of tho Property;shail not ramove,demoliah or substentiaily alter any of the Improvements on the Property;shall not
<br /> � commit,auffer or permit any act to bo done In�r upon the Property In violaUon of eny lew,ordinance,or regulatlon;and ehall pay and
<br /> promptly dlacharpe et Trustor's cost end expense all Ilens,encumbrances�nd charges levled.Imposed ar assessed agBinst the �
<br /> PropeHy or any part thereof. j
<br /> 7. Emin�nt Donwfn.Lender la hereby esslgned nll componsallon,awards,damagea end other paymenta or rellef(horelnefte�' ,
<br /> •� "ProcetMa")In connecUon wlth condemnatlon or otnor teking of the Property or pa►t thereof,or for convoyance In Ileu of condemna- ;
<br /> Uon.Lender shall be entltled at Its optlon to commence,appear fn end prosecute in Ita own name eny actlon o�proceedinge,and
<br /> shall also be entltled to make any compromise�r sattlement in connection with auch takinp or damage.In the event any portton ot ,
<br /> tho Property le sv taken or damaged,Lender ehall have the option,In Its eole end absolute dlecretlon,to epply all such Proceede,
<br /> after deduatinp theret�om ell costs and oxpenses fncu�red by it In connoction with suoh Proceeds,u�an eny Indobtednesa aecurod '
<br /> - -----__--_ ti�d..,o.,,i i�n.��.n nrd•r aa Lnnder mnv determfne.or to epnlv all nuCh Proceeda,efter such deducUons.to the restorntlon of the �
<br /> ��,_.._...___.- _ . .
<br /> ' Property upon such conditiona as Lender may determine.Any eppllcation ot Proceeda to Indebtedneas aha�t not excana or pos�ona
<br /> , the due date of eny payments under the Noto,or cure eny default thareunde�or hereunder.ARy unapplted tunda shail be pald to
<br /> TruBtor.
<br /> � 6. P�rformYncs by L�nd�r.Upan the ocaurrence of en Event of Default hereunder,or It eny ect Is taken o�legal procesdfng
<br /> . commenced whlch materlally aftecte Londer's Interest in the Properly,Lender may In Ito own dlacretlon,but without obligatlon to do
<br /> " so,�@nd without notice to or demand upon Tn�stor and without releaeing Trustor from any obilpatton,do eny act whlcb Truator has
<br /> apteitt but fella to do and mny also do any other ttct It deems n�cesaary to proteot the eeaurity hercjof.Truator ehnll,Immedlately
<br /> upon demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender ell cosW end expenses Incurred and sums oxpended by Lender In connectlon wlth
<br /> the exerclae by l.onder o}t�e torogoing right4,tagether with Intereet the�eon et the detault rate provfdod in the Nota,whfch shell be
<br /> added to tho Irtdebtednesa secured heroby. Lender shall not incur any Ifablliry bocttuse of onything ft may do or omit to do
<br /> - hereunder.
<br /> ., ;��', .,
<br /> , � „ �
<br /> � --� ---.. ..... . _ . . ._..... .. - - . -. r . ,.
<br />