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<br />."_`�`_'_�%=�=�:���iab Rorr�►wcr shnll �rnr�ij7tiy �9vc i.,cnrter writtc:u rriiica��f k�yy im�c�9iF«If1/Tl, clai�n. �lz�i�:;�ul. 6ne:;c:it ixr �•IIIE'i' A,.ifU�F I�y �l;}• -
<br />-..��'��-5�=•"�� �:uvcfi�oicu?;�I u���ec�i�t�t+�uy nw srs;y��r�uivc,t{���.�uy Invnivi„r;fiu�E'►�i,i•�ty;��ui;���y IT,vaiJr�ur ti�IL�IJ�tC2lr!'I�Itc inllt��H:4:dR 1xw
<br /> fl{' t7�HC11 E''.1�(fU'.��:i'Fi:�`i f'.!:11�;1� �;P�.1^J�l�'';. �� �'..�1���I:7.-:���.'�Ily c�'l f';Ill;:i{6':� �iV�'•�y' ��[iVi.:tliu.r.�.•)0'• ii�':1 ��::4�;'���. .,�•�� fi- ' _ . ,
<br />. ° - --• :iiry reti�a�va!o�•uti�c►•t�Gnii�diatini►of s�uy 1�asaa�auu5 SUh�tutixc ubfccuug t{io i'ra�x�iy is u.rc,;aiy.l;ift iu�'i:�hi�::���ii,�in�i;}' l.�w.. --� '
<br /> � _=='=; nll ncccs�sa:-y ren�cdial�ctia�is in riccos�Sance w[tl�Environment��l i,auv. _
<br /> IAF ur;ed in this paragraph 20, "Naturtltxtc Subbt:,nces" nne those substa���ev defined ay toxlc os 6rf,�rduus substa►krs hy
<br /> _ LnvirAmncntal I.�w a�nd thc following subs!ances: gasoleiM, kem�.�ne, ntt�er flummahle or toxic �eunfeum pro:�ucts, eoxlc
<br /> " pesticidcs And herbiciAe�,volatile wlvents,mutcrial9�ontaining asbestos or 1'orr�uttdehyde, ara!radloncave materlals. As usod in •
<br /> ' thls(x+rogruph 20, "G'nvironmantal f.aw" meaas fedoral iuws a►� laws of the jutls�iiction where tha Prmperty is locatod that .
<br /> __ ----:-, n�late to health,safety ar envimnmenta!protcction. � _--
<br /> NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Aorrowor and I.�nder further covenan[and agrbe as foflows:
<br /> 21. Acceleratlpn;Remedies. Lender shall give rwFlce to Borruwer prior to accelerwtion fdlowiug lbrrower's br�esch
<br /> ot any covenant or ugreement In thls Security Instrument (but not prinr to ecoelerat4on under p�rAgraph L7 unteax '
<br /> -" — appficable law hrovide9 otherwlsa).Tf�e notEce sbatl specffy; (v)the defa�dt; (p)tl�e action requlred to cure the drfault;
<br /> _ -- (c) a�iate, not lc.�s t1�Wn 30 day9 firom the dat�c the nottce Is gtven to Borrower,by which tha defxult must be cured;And � � '
<br /> - - - (d) that failure t�,Qure the default on or br.fore the date s�xifaed tn th�.��nc►Nce mxy rescil4 in aaciexatfion aC the suma ;" ' ;,
<br /> -��--�—==��m s�tia�n�mw tlens Se�uret ..Ins3ru�e�ent and sale a�$.thc Pr�s rt .'d'he natice':shs�9i further bi[orm Borr�ower�f the ri ht to.�•.' '�` :�
<br />_:,- _—__, . ,Y P� Y g
<br /> __-� rcircest�ic x�ANer ur�l��si!iloi, m���t'Ue�ight ta Ibr,ing A couct actit►n t�n.A9.qer.t the��rN+:±�fstence of a default or any other %; � `�'�
<br /> .....:;s:;;� de�rr,�r�f�ar�o�ver.ua�cceterANon and sale:�Td tltee defaulZ�s not curcil on or before the dAt�s�clt[ed in the not[ce, ';.: .
<br /> '�' E.�ndetr,n4 71s optlun, srnuy requlre immediate payrnent in fUll ot a0 s4�•ms secu�red by this Sa:udty Instrumer�t witloont ';� �
<br /> fuMk�r dentttnc�and aaaay in�•oke the power of sale and any oth�r reme�IlG�s permittcd by upplkable Eue�. I.ender shail be
<br /> --_—�__: entftied to coltect nll expenses Incurreci In pursu[ng the remedies provlded in this�aragraph 21,induding;but not Iin�i4ed
<br /> to, reasonuble attorneys'fees and costs ot title evldence.
<br /> .—_i U tbe power uf sale is Invoketl, 'frustee shall record a notice of defaalt �n eac.h eo�nt in whkh Any pxrt of the
<br /> -- =-
<br /> ___ __.____=� �'rE►��ty [s I��ted and sha!!tr.�!!coples af st!ch i��itke In Ehe n�enn�er�r�scriP►ed hy aapplica le IQw to Borr�wer and tU
<br /> -_�' the�ther pet�ons pr�crlbed by�ppllcabtr IRw.A@er the tlme requtred by applic�►b1e Es�w,Trus�ee sh�0 klve publlc nntke
<br /> ____�� oP Rnle ts�the persons And In thc monncr prescrlbcd by appNu�ble Iuw.Trustee� wllhc�ut demand on Norroever, Fh�il xell —
<br /> ,�.,.� ... a =�;�p�;;N�;�y:::F;,.�!��»�_•k������n tl,��l�I�.wt hldder ot th�N,ne and plACC and undcr Ihe trrnLy d�IRns�lctl ln the uollc�ot _ _
<br />.... `.�....._-�.--� � 1 � � d�.. J�.. ���......�-.JM��...I.�e.. 7` �..�..n w�o W��u i�����rY���� .�.. w..l wf�h�
<br /> _ _ ....._.._..�....�.. .... ».... _.. .. ... ........o
<br /> . .--__ iio�o�o�imc v� ����ee Nw.���n m�w m mq ant�c� •�w��ec ua�a�..mt.a.. :�.n... ...y �.... �... � w • w.y p.. —
<br /> 1'raperly E�y puHlk nnnou�KCmcnt bt Ihe Il�nc and �lwce aP�ny prevlously hchetluled eAle. l,crider nr ity dc,�rlgnee mxy
<br />:�����—"�-_:_� purch���thc IM�qxrty�U uoy�wlc.
<br />,_��,����• _ U�m recefpt of �wy�neut uf thu prlcc bad, TruYtee rhu�l dellver to the purchaur Trustee'x dced conveying the _
<br />--_�='� Prnperly. '!'I�c rctiltNly he the'1'ru�tce'A d��t tihuil Iw prlmu facle cvldencc nt thc truth of the titatemente mAde thcreln.
<br />�'N�.�,.:�;�, 7'rustee shull upply the pr�K�tidv oP the nule In the fi►Ilowing urder:(u)to nll costs unci expensea uf exerclst�ig the powz�a:: ��
<br />-_'�:':"��'��C�y sale,and the r,ale�I�K{uding tite payment of ttte Trustec'ti fec�actually incurred,nat to ezceed the�of. �50 ar 1/2°�
<br /> ==-�Y�,t- of the princlpal uniount of the note at the tlme of the declurntlon of default, und reusonablc ettameys'Pces as permitted
<br />�'��'�'l�''�'�� hv Ou4Y Ih�fn ull c��lpc csrnrarl M thlA�ncarltv Inctrinn�nt;nnd (el any excecc to the uenenn or nersone legelly entltled to
<br /> . ,
<br /> -�.��._� -a t.- - ----------._, .
<br />:::,'�_.�. ' It.
<br />'-:;,f,,;�� . , 22. Reconvcynnce. Upon pAyment of nll sums sccured by this Security Instrumcnt, Lendcr shall requcst Trustee to _
<br />�t �''"' reconvey the Propeny und shall surrender this Sectnrity Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> `'` "'"' '- � Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall roconvey the Property widl�ut warranty und without charge to the person or persons IegalLy
<br />:-�?J''��.� `�•'• cntitled to it.Such person or persons shnll pay any recordation cost�.
<br /> �-'�-��:��: , ` 23. Subst[tute Trustee. Lender, �t its option, rnuy from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor uuste�;t�
<br /> _�;,;��+�"•�;�, any Tntstee uppointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recardac�:.1�1it��;:t �'
<br /> ,d�.�'1.
<br />„"��l:r:,•�r�r,�e:��, conveyance of the Property,the successor trustee shal(succ,eed to all the titic, power and aluties conferred uprm T�us:;.e�erein _.
<br /> - �•�?�'; and by npplicablc Isw.
<br /> ==:�*�'�;; w 24. Request for Notices. Borrower requescs that copies of the notices of default arzd sale be sent to HorroweT s address �`
<br /> "'``r` which is thc P�aperty Addecss.
<br /> ��s:�
<br /> �� y,y��`y �';+ Z5. Rlders to this Security Instrument. If one or more riders ure executed by 6o�rower and recrorded together with this
<br /> — Security Instrument,the covenants and agree;mcnta of each �uch rider shall be inco�poraced into and shcJl amend and supplement �;;'
<br /> s.:ii.�.:'5.�. .:? Q,.,_
<br />�•�°°�^s��^�.• the covenants und Agrexments of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were a pan of this Sccuriry Instrument. ��,:
<br /> ,_N.. _
<br /> 'F%��� [Check applicable box(es)� � :
<br /> -��'•�� ';ti:
<br /> � :^`irJ':x�.
<br />��';,'?:,';; ❑Adjustable Rate Rider �Condominium Rider O 1-4 F.�mily Rider
<br /> ' `�''t ❑Graduated Paymcnt Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider 0 Biweekly Payment Rider .
<br /> �= ''t 0 Balloon Rider 0 RAte Improvement Rider C]Sccond Homc Rider
<br />_- `.'�a_a;�: ❑V.A. Rider [�Other(s)[specify] _ _
<br /> r'
<br /> `�'.�'.=.;y' .�
<br /> �:'�'::-a,,.. .� .
<br /> �::���_.:•-=. w '
<br /> :u:•��.�
<br /> r'�i.(�•. .� ;x �.
<br /> ' � �`t ' . BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrccs to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and •
<br /> . .'`''��. Y in any rider(s)executed by Bonower and recorded with it.
<br /> • ��Y'-$�': Witnesses: � �
<br /> . •..�,�,t (Swl)
<br /> � erry . Clingenpeel -H°r`°w" '
<br /> ... '�t�' -- �j !
<br /> �,:�."••�. ",3,�, • ' s�rv��_S� �.�r�.cl-c+m��QJ( (Sc:d) f
<br /> � � ���"' S?ndra L. Clingenpee -e��n�wor
<br /> ' ,�
<br /> . ...'e..:Y�.
<br /> �•;P "� (Crah (Srvill
<br /> - �.... -— ° -Borma•cr -Bum�a•er � _
<br /> ° � - I
<br /> ,t� . i ..
<br /> �_
<br /> S�A'�'�OF iV�B][tASKA, Hall County ss:
<br /> � � The forcgoing instrumcait was acknowledged beforc me this 12th day of lfay , 1995 , t
<br /> ,. . by Jerry L. and Sundra L. Clingenpeel . �
<br /> Witness my hund und noturial seal at �jt Q��� �,�Q��,( 71� in sa�d Count�,thc Jace aforesaid. ,
<br /> "+��'', � ��� � �
<br /> .. . My Commission Expires: �����/ g . �_.� l C�L2G j
<br /> . _ Nnmry Hiblic i
<br />, " ' ������ ' �
<br /> �uuit�+�.e�cx�r '
<br /> '., . _ Af�r CCn11R E1tp.FtD.6r 199D Pcoo a oi a Form 3Q28 9/90
<br /> , �
<br /> �
<br />