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<br />-------�- � � No�WEST BANK NEBRA3KA,I�"�� l�F, T��.1ST __
<br /> P OX 3408
<br /> OMAHA,N� 6&fl�3 � _
<br /> - A�'iN: PHYUS�D�NSEN
<br /> �,.<,.
<br /> . 'd'h1flS DEED f��TRUST("SECU�i�y Cnsz«ement").is made on :�Yas 12„ a gg� .i'�.s 4;�:st�:9� �
<br /> ..--;;';�;
<br /> ..-,R:,'��"�� � Serrv •3�. C.I1t,gEapca2 a�� �IIRG.YE► Is� C1-!n�P*�n��1, �7zesb�nd amd t�i£e ' -__
<br /> _�'�d[�;l�lfi�i;f . , .. ---
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<br />���'"`"'•�``j ("�iozr�sv�r�'}. TUc 2nucee is No�rwe�t :4lank Nelmxzskaa Nativna'?.��ss�c�wal�c,N , - _
<br /> :'r�-!' � .
<br />- =..•m<:. �i� I , --
<br /> _�.T_�a�� _--
<br /> ----- __ ("Tcustee").Thebcneticiary is Norwest Bari�c Nebra�ka, National Aoaociation
<br /> --"-=1�d1��17 • �
<br />-----_;:�"�� which Is orgonizecl and existing undcr thc laws of United States of AmeYica ,and whose
<br /> _.�;-,;:="_�� addressis 3404 Weot 13th 3t.. Grand Island, NF. 688U � ��
<br /> .-�f��i�
<br /> � � L.ender ),Borrower owes Lendcr thc principal suni of
<br /> -_: ;_��.�
<br /> =.'`����t Dallurs(U.S. $ LA�644.28 )•
<br /> :-s:�»s�,''�.;�"t�
<br /> �t� h Tl an H r F ur �d��f�14 is-�ecudt Instrumcnt("Notc"). which rovides for
<br /> p '�T�i� c�c�i��s cb4h`ciicc�b�i�orr$���g�to�tc°d�fiYed t�c s e Y P
<br /> _'��� monthlv paymcnte, �vith thc full debt,if nnt paid eurlier,du�und payable on May 20. 200a •
<br /> This Security Instrumcnt secures to Lencler:(u)the repayment of thr,debt evidenced by the Note.wld�interest,and a!l renewals,
<br /> "=�—'��� extenstons aed madifications of the Note: (b) the payment of all other sums, with interest, advanced under �paragraph 7 to
<br /> ="='���"��'� rotect the security of this 5ecurity lnstrument; and (c) the performance of Bonower's covenants and agreements. For this -
<br />_._ ,._�.c`:r._-.:�-� P -
<br /> _4��{,,�•. purpase, Aarrower irrevocabiy grnnts and conveys to Trustae, in trust, with power of sale, the foltawing described property
<br />�-5�=�'�!"�,��`�' '. tocated in Hall County.Nebraska:
<br /> -_:�,-...n':�� . -
<br /> -------�--�•_�
<br /> :;-�.�r:;�lti;sc�" =°--
<br />_.„�_l:T_.:r...�„_� Lot 20. Le Hei�hta Fourth Subdivision, City of Grand Island, ry,^�
<br /> :z�,�,.� Hall County� Nebraska. �
<br /> +�;�� ��:
<br /> -;!�T i��al�r
<br />.?°^�!.�.".i'i. ��--
<br /> es�:�.
<br /> ' - ti-`. -_1�.
<br /> •� 4..' '*
<br /> �-r�-.x+�r,� .-s►-� '
<br /> ` �='-�:` �'f which has the address of 4:�28 Norseman Avenue, Grand Island (scrccc,c�cy�, ,
<br /> - ,.',.-.
<br /> i
<br /> %.��` ,T. � Nebraska ("Property Address"): ; ':.
<br /> � �s� �� 68803 Iz�P coa�i
<br /> :r
<br /> , �.`'"�' 'COGrTH�R W(TH all thc improvements now or he��uft�r crcteted on theproperty,and aU cusements, appurt�nunces,and '
<br /> � � ��► • Cixtures now on c�reatter a part oF the property. All replucements and additions shull ulsu bc cuv��d by this Security
<br /> " lnstrument.All of tlte forcguing is rcferrcd to in this Securiry Instrument as th�'I>roperty."
<br /> , ' �� BORROWEB4COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully sciscd of'th�s estute hereby convcycd and hus thc ribht tu grunt und
<br /> '� :.� convey the Propeny and thut the Property is unencumbered, exce�t fur encumbranees of record. Burrower warrants und wiil
<br /> dcfcnd generally thc ntic to the Property against all claims and demands,subjeci to any cncumbrances of rcwrd. ,
<br />- ' �', . Tf[IS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for natiunal use and non-uniform covenants with limitecl
<br /> -, , „ variations by jurisdection to constitutc a uniform sccurity instrumcnt covcring rcal propcny.
<br /> „ Y 1., UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bonower and Lcnder cuvenant and agrcc ns fallows:
<br /> 1. Payment of 1'rincipal und L►terestt �'cpayment i;nd Late Char�,;cv. Bonower shall promptiy pay when duc thc
<br /> �''�." nrinrinnl„f,�.,�1�nrem.r nn che deht evidenced bv thc Notc w�d any prepayment anJ lutc churgcs duc undcr thc Notc.
<br /> -,____—_______-. . �...."�'�.� _'___'. " '. -
<br /> � 2. Tunds for 'fuxe.s nnd I�usmntace. Subject to applicublc law ar to u writtcn wuivcr by [.cnder, I3orrowcr shnll pay W -
<br /> Lcnder on d�e day monthly payments are due undcr the Note,until thc Nutc is paid in full,a swn("Funds") for: (a)ycarly taxcs
<br />� • and assessments which may attain priority over this Security Instrument�+s n lien on the Pmperty;(b)yearly Ieusehold payments
<br />: or ground rents on tl�e Property, if itny;(c)�e�rly hawrd or property insurance premiums; (d)ycarly flood insurunce premiums.
<br /> if any;(e) ycarly mort�age insurance prcnuums. �f any; and (� uny sums payable by Borrower to Lender, in accordance with
<br /> ' the pravtsions of para�raph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insur,ince premiums,These items arc ralled "Escrow Items."
<br /> Lender may, at any time, collect and hotd Funds in �m iimount n��t ro exceed the maximum amount a lcnder fi�r << federally �
<br /> �� • telatecl mort�age loxn inay requirc for Borrower's escro�v account under the (ecicrul Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act ��f �
<br /> 1974 as amcnded ti•om time t�time. 12 U.S.C. Scction 2GOl et.ccy. ("KESk'A"),unlcss unother law that applics to the Funds �
<br /> " "' s�sts a lesser amount. If so. L.ender may. at:iny time, collect and hold Funds in xn �unount not t�� cxcccd the Icsscr amo�uu. �
<br /> Lender muy estimatc thc umount of'Funds due un the basis of curren[dutu ancf rcasonuble estim<ucs of'cxpenditures of' fuwre �
<br /> Escrow Items or vtherwise in accordance with applicuble law. ;
<br /> , 4
<br /> NBBRA6KA•5inglo Family-Fnnnlo MnolFroddio Mno UNIFORM iNSTRUMENT Fo►m 3028 9/90 �
<br /> ,, �NI 12T97 MTG VMPMOa16AGE fORMS 13131Y93 0100 �eooi��> >�a� PpOQ���4 Amondod 6/91 i
<br />- m . �
<br /> _ i
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