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'�s <br /> -_ __--- - - - -.._. ..---- �----- -- ._,___ �..._`- _ " .�-.�_,..-- �..__.._. _�..,,..-,-,. <br /> . - . . . -a� --� •. . r--'�r.' .rr-�-^i�r-�rr�n cr,-+,n�....a.,.-_ <br /> .,. � � <br /> .. . , . . . . _. � . . . � ;•: <br /> .. .. �_ . ... � <br /> d" . .: ,. . . . . .. -. <br /> ����� :l.�Yi��*�e:3 <br /> '�+p(bl?'I'NGlt W!'CR all Ihe impraveme�yts naw oz herea�ter crected on the propeny.and all a,scmcnts, appurteiwn+cey, and <br /> �xtures nnw or hereaRer n part uf �lie property. A11 rePlacements and .uidicioi�s slhall also th, covered by thia 5ecurity <br /> instr�ment. All af tho forcA�ing is referrcd to ti�this Security Instrun�ent as�he"Praperty." � <br /> L'�"J.^.��!'!L'I2 COVF�NAIdTS tU��t Horrs�wer i�Im�fully setsed of tlie cstatf Iterehy c�mveycd nnd l�as dic ri�;ht to grant and , <br /> �onvay ths Property and that the Property is ur��rcumbered. exccpt for encumbrnnce.y of record. Bojrawer warrants arvJ will <br /> defend generally the title ta tne Property against ell claims:►nd demands. subject to any encumbcances of recorJ. <br /> THIS SfiCURITY INST!RUM�N'�'cumbines uniform covenants for nateona.l use nnd non-uni£orm cavenants witli limitcxt <br /> variatians by Jurisdiction to constltute u unlfonn security instrutncnt covering rcal property. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANT5.Bnrrower and Le:nder covenant and ugrce as follows: <br /> 4. Pnyment of Prtnclgal and Yt�tcresh �r'c(►Ayment And Late Charges. Boaowcr shaJ! pramptly pay v�hen due the <br /> principal of m�d intcrest n��the dcbt evidcnced by tlie Note and uny prcpaymrnt nnd latc char�es due under the Notc. <br /> 2. Funds for Taxes and liuurunce.Subject to upplicuble law or to n �vritten waivcr by i.endcr, Borro�vcr shall pay to <br /> i.cnder on thc day monthly paym�nts are due undcr the Note. untii the Note is paid in full,a sucn("Funds") for: {�)yearly taxes <br /> a�n�assessmcnts which may attain priorety over tliis Secu►•ity Instrument as a lien on the Praperty;(b)yc.uly leaschald payments • <br /> or gmund rents on the Propetty.if any; (c)yearly hautrd or property insurance premiums:(d)yeurly flaod insurance premiums, <br /> if any; (e)yearly mortgage in�surance premiums, if any; and (fl any sums payable by Borrower to Lender, in uccordance wlth <br /> the p��ovislons of paragraph S,in lieu of the payment of murihage i�isut'a�tce prert�iums. Thcse itcros arc catled''Escrotir?tems." <br /> L�ender may. at any time. callect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the rnaximum amount a lendee for n federr�lly <br /> related monga�e loan may require for Borrower's escrow uccount und�r the fedeml Real Estate Setticment Procedurc.x Act of <br /> 1974 as amended frarce tiene to time, 1"l U.S.C. Section 2601 er seq.("RESFA"),unless another In�� tha; agplies to the N�.�nc�s � _ <br /> sets a lesser amount. IE so, Lender mAy,ut any time. collect and hold Funds in nn a�nount not to exceed the le�ser amount. <br /> Lender may estimate the amount of Funds duc on thc basis of cureent datu and rr�.sonable estimates of expendilures af futurc• <br /> Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable fa�v. <br /> Thc Funds shall bc; hcid in an institution whose depusits are insured by n federul agency, instrumentnlity, or entity <br /> (inc[uuiiiy[.cnd�-,if i.�:n�er 1s such aei insti�utio;�}ar in any Pcdcral tiomc lroan 9a.�k. L.endcr shall appl, the!=unds t�•piy ►he _ <br /> Escrow ltems.Lender may not charge Rorrower for holding and applying the Funds,annuully analyzing the escrow uccount.or <br /> vcrifying the Escrow Items, unless Lendcr pays Borrower interest on thc Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such <br /> a charfic. Howcver, IxnuCr tuay�ct�uiir BOi Puii�ct'i'v pay a arc-ti„tc cii�i'yC fC:«.r irtie�.^.�£:1S i:.��SI� i97!TQF^ii123°a G!!'�Irr , <br /> ascd by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides othcrwise. Unless an a�;rccment is mude or <br /> applicable law requires interest to bc paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrotver any intcrest or earnirtgs on the Funds. <br /> Borrower and l.eadcr may ugree in writing. however. that intcrest shall be pnid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower. <br /> without charge, an Annuul accounting af the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and ttYC purpose for�vhich each <br /> debit to the Funds wes made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for nll sums securecl by this Security Instrument. <br /> If the Ftmds held by I.ender exceed th�amounts permitted ta be held by applicable law,.L.ender shall account to Horrower __ <br /> for the excess Funds in nccordance wit6 the requirements of lpplicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any = <br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,l.ender may so notify Borrower in writing,und,in such case Borrower _.. <br /> shall pay to I.ender the amount necessary t�muke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deCciency in no more than _ <br /> t�velve monthly payments,at l.cnder's sole discretion. __ <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shull promptly refund to Borrower any — <br /> Funds held by Lender.If, under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Properry. Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale �; <br /> of the Pcoperty, shall �pply any Funds hcld by Lcnder at the time of acquisition or sale us a credit against the sums sccutcd by _. <br /> this Security Instrument. ' �._ <br /> 3.Appltcatlou of Ps►yments.Unlcss applicable law provides othe�rr�vise, ull payments received by Lender under par:�graphs � <br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: first, to any prepayment churges due under the Note;second, to xmounts payable under puragraph 2; f` <br /> 'third, to intemst duc; fourth, to priiicipal due;and last,to any lnte cl�argas duc undcr thc Note. �'_: <br /> 4.Chatges; Liens. Bonower shull pay all taxes,assessments, charges. fin�es and impositions attributablc to the Propeny <br /> which may attain priority uver this Security [nstrument, and leaschold payments or ground rents, if any Borrower sh�ll pay <br /> thcse obligations in the manner provided in parngrapl�2,or if not paid in that manner,Borcower shall pay thcm on time directly <br /> to the person owed paymcnt. Borro�vcr shall promptly furnish tv i.ender all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> If Borro�ver mukes thcse paymcnts dircaly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to L.endcr rcceipts cvidencing tlte payments. <br /> Borrowcr shall promptly discharge any licn which has priority ovcr this Security[nstrumcnt unless Borrowcr: (a)agrecs in <br /> writing to the paymcnt af'thc obli�ation securcd by thc licn in a manncr xcceptablc to Lendcr;(b)contests in goud faith thc licn <br /> by, or defends ugainst enforccmcnt of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion o�perate to prevcnt thc <br /> enforcement uf the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfnctory to Lender suborclinating thc lien to <br /> this Security Instrument. If Lender deterniines thut any pan of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain priurity over <br /> this 5ecurity Instrume:nt, Lender may bive Borm�ver u notice identifyinb the licn.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take onc or <br /> morc of tlie uctions set for�h above�vithin l0 days of the giving of notice. <br /> Form 3028 9/80 �, <br /> Paqo Y ol p <br /> I <br /> _. ____ — ._ � <br /> .:,::�r'...,..e:T�r;;:���".�-.r.z--�r-,�--r-.--�.,�_--_—t,--_,�--.�--.� ',1'�.�,-' - __ ._.�._ '_'' _-_- .. <br />---.- --- .., t . .. . ' u � . •i � a - .. �� • . .^�o .. <br />� . � , .. ' .. - ' �� .. � <br />. . ._ . .. . . _ .....a•. . .. „ , <br /> ' . .� � .. ., .. � . .l.b'.4^;�:':a.. '�- .. - <br /> �...... , . , .� .. , .. .. <br /> � . �-.. - . . . .. <br />: , . � �. . .. . <br /> �i�. <br /> .H � . <br /> .. . ... 'L'��_.'.• ,� .. <br />- . ..� �. �. . .. ., � � x � <br /> 'i.. •:,, t� „�, ., <br /> f ' . .. „ . . v�:, .' . <br /> — _ .,. •'��.- <br /> .. i .. • . A�l � . 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