,,,,,•. .--
<br /> '_ _ _ _� _ , .
<br /> � _. .
<br /> �����- �.�����
<br /> pri�uipal. An� a��f�licatiun uf tire proc:;::tls w 1h,^. [;,aicipel :�iial! n��t <:rfcn�7 ur ���r.i�su�'•�AnyAexCCtis pruc:ECdti`ur�C;ial ti*;::
<br /> pay��x�ri�+,wEnci3:.zc e�fcrrcd ta in 1'arn�-�a;sh 2, nr chnngc dic ilI1lODUI 01 tillC�l �1�y111CRI5.
<br /> o�tiuiun�r�y�e�'i��r�na Qcofleci f�es�and cl�erges uth ri cd by ti e Secr�et�nry. �o the entity Icguliy cnllti:;l th�r.tn.
<br /> 9. UnHt►ady tor Accekratbn�[Ii�cbt• ,
<br /> (a)1Yie{�ult. l.ender may,exce�st aS limited by rega�edang issued by tha Secrcwry in thc c�se uf payirxnt defautts,
<br /> r+equira imnxdiutc paymeni ia full af nll sum,sccured by�his Scc�►rity Instnunent if:
<br /> (i)l�orrower deFaulGy by Pc►iDing io pay in fuii any mui�tiily ���iy�i�.:��t r.;�uir�l by eltis Security fnstn!ir.ent E�rinr
<br /> to or on tl�e.due dztc of the ncx�nwnthly payment,or
<br /> (ii)Horrawer defur�l�w by�iniling,for n peciod of thiny days,to perform nny other obligations containcd in this
<br /> Sxuriry Instrumcnt.
<br /> (b)SAk Wtthout Cn�slit Approval.I.endcr shail,if permitted by npplicable Inw nnd with�he prior npproval af thP
<br /> Secretary,require immedinte payn�ent in full of ul!the sun�.s secured by ihi�Sccurity Insuument if:
<br /> (i)All or part cf the Propecty. or u fx:nefcial interest in a trust ownin�all or part af the Propeny, is sold or
<br /> otlierwise transCemed(othtr thsin by devisc or descent)by ti�e Borrow�r.imd
<br /> (ii)Tho i�o�►erty is not'�c�u icd,t}y the purc6aser or grantee as his or her principal residence,or the purchaser
<br /> or gruZtee y�lo}�y4sq��pc,f�p��I�C,`�o�eny buc t�is or her credit hati not been approved in ncsar�iance
<br /> with th r'�quircmenf�of.�(fe���5�'�arY:
<br /> (¢)No WAiver. If circumstnnces occur dud would permit I�ender to require immufiate payment in full.but C..endec
<br /> does not rcquire such paymcnt5.Lender docs noi waivc it5 righ4��vith resp�.�cc to subs�;quent cvcnGs.
<br /> (d)Regulatians of�iUD Secretnry. In many circumstances regulations issued by Ihe Secreuuy wiQ limit I.ender's
<br /> righ[s, in the case nf payment defaulGs, to requirc immediute paymcnt in full und foreclose iP not paid. This
<br /> Sccurity Instrumcnt does not nuthorize accclerauon or foreclo:;ure�f not permitted i�y rcgutalio�is of the 3ceretsry•
<br /> (c)Mortgage Not Insured. Bo�rawM'aSrecs that should this Security inswment and thc note sceured tlre�rby rtot
<br /> b�ciig�blc for insurancc und�r thc Natior�al Housing Act within 8 months fron�Q�c
<br /> ,_.,,,,_,.N,,.� �e.,a,,.„,,,� �.�r� �n++�n nnd n��withstandinu anyU�ine in Pnr�[:tPh 9.require immediate payu�cut in
<br /> UYtM�������.u�.��u..• .���-••• �...
<br /> full af all sums secured by this Security Insuume�t. A �vritten statement of any authorizecl agent of the 5ecretary
<br /> dated subscquent to 8 months feom the datc hcrcof,declining to insure this Security
<br /> Inswment and the note secared thereby,shall be dee►ned conclusive proof of such ineligibility. Notcvithstanding
<br /> the forrgoino, this �ptiom m�y n�t bc exerciscd by [.endcr when the unavailabiliry of i�surunce is solely duc to
<br /> Lcndcr's fuilurc to rcmit a mortgagc insurancc premium to thc Sccrctary.
<br /> 10. Reinstatement. Borrowcr hati a right to be reinstated if Lcnder has required immediate pnyment in full bccuusc of
<br /> Ronower's failure to pay an amount due under thc Note or this Securiry Tn 4trument�^This right npplics�vem�f m��r�,u r�d to
<br /> proceedings are institutcd. Tu reinstate the Secur�ty I�swmenc,8um,wc,,u�li t::r�..�. ��:.lus:s�ssm a.. :�..--...
<br /> bring Bonower's uccount cuaent incluc9ing,to the extent they arc obligations af Bonower under this Sccurity Instrument,
<br /> fureclosure cosGS :►nd reusonnble nnd customary uttomeys' f�es and expenses properly atisociated with the fureclosure
<br /> procceding. Upon rcinstatement by �orro�ver, this Security Inswment and the obliguuons that it secures shall remain in
<br /> effect as if Lender had not requircd immediaic pnyment in full. However.Lendcr is not required to permit rcinytatement if:
<br /> (i) Lender has accepted reinstutement afler the commencement of foreclosure proceedings within two ye:u� immediately __
<br /> preceding the commencement of a currcnt foreclosore proceeding, (ii) reinstatement will pn.rlude foreclosure on different
<br /> �rounds in the future,ar(iii)reinsmtement will adversely uffcct thc priority of the lien creuted by this Security inswment.
<br /> 11. Rorrower 1Voi Released; Forbearnnce by Lender Not A Wniver. Extension uf thc timc nf payment or
<br /> modificadon of.unartization of the sums secured by thix Security Ins[rwnent granted by[.ender to uny successor in interest
<br /> of Borrower shail not operate to rclease ihc liabiliry of Ihc original Borruwcr or eorrowcr's successor m interest. I.ender
<br /> shall not be required to commence procec;dings against any successor in intere�t or r�fuse to extcnd time for payment or
<br /> othenvise modify amorti�tion af the tiums secureJ by this Security Inst�ument by rcason uf.+ny demand made by the
<br /> origin;�l Borso+ver or Borrower s succcssors in interest. Any forbe:srance by Lender in cxercising any right or rcmedy shall
<br /> not be a waivcr of or preclude the exercisc af auy right or rcmedy.
<br /> 12. Suues3ors end Assigns Bound; JoSnt aud Several Ltnbility;Co-Slgners. Thc covcnunts and agreemen�ti of this _
<br />= Security Inswment shall bind and benefi[ the successors and ussigns af Lcnder and Horrower,subject to the provisions of
<br />- Parngraph 9(b). Borro���ec ti covenun4ti and agrr;ements shnll be joint and several. Any l3orrower who co•tiignti this Security
<br />' inswment but does not execute chc Notc: (a1 is co-signing this Sccurity lntitrwncnt only to mortgugc,grant and convey Ulat
<br /> Borrowcr's intcrest in the Property undcr the tenns of this Security instrumcnr,(b)is not personally abligatcd to pay the sums
<br />= sccurcd by[hi�Securiry Insm�mcnt:ancd(c)agrccs chat[.endcr and any other Borcawcr may ugrec to cxtcnd,modify,forbcur
<br />_ or muke any acc�mmodltions with re�ard to thc tcrm of this Security Inswment nr thc IQote without that Borrower's _
<br /> - comcnt.
<br /> = 13. Noticcs. Any naticc t� Borru�vcr��ovided for in this Sccurity Instrument tihull bc givcn by delivcring it or by
<br />= mailin� it by tirst class mail uuless applicablc law rcyuires u,e of unothcr mcthoci. 'the noticc �haill be directed to the
<br /> - pror,erty Address or any other addres,B�rrower designates by notice t��L.ender. Any notice to Lr.ndcr shall bc givin by fir+t .
<br /> dass mml to Lcndcr's uddress st;ttcd hercin or any uddresti Lcndcr dcsignutcs by notice to Bc�rrowec Any noucc pmvidcd
<br />- for in this Sccurity Inswmcnt shall be dcemed w have bcen givcn to Bonowcr or L.cnder�vhcn gi�•cn as providcd in this
<br />= par�graph. _
<br />- 14. Governing L.►�v; Sevcrnbflity. This Sccurity In�trument shull bc govcrncd by Fedccal law.ind thc law of thc
<br /> = jurisdiction in whieh the Prnpeny is located. In the event that uny provision or clnuse of this Securiry Instrument vr the Note W
<br />-- conlltc�y with applicablc luw,wch cunfiict +listl not affcct othcr provisions of thi�Sccurity Instrumcnt or thc Notc which ran
<br />= be given effect without the contlicting provision. Tu this end the provisions of thi�Securiry Instrument and the Note ure
<br /> = dcclared to bc scvcrablc. ,
<br /> - 1S. �orrower's Copy. Borro�ver tihall be given one canfonned copy of this Securiry Inswment.
<br />�� 16. Asstp,nment of Rent�. Borrawer unconditionally assigns nnd transfcrs to I..ender.tll the rents and revenuc�of the
<br />� Froperty. Burrowcr nuthorizes L�:ndcr or Lcnder's agenGti to collcct thc rcnt+and revcnucs and hercby dir�cts each tcnant of
<br /> = thc Prupcny�o pay thc rcnt, to Lcndcr ur Lcndcr's agi:nts. Ho�vcvcr,prior ro �.endcr'+noticc ti► Borrowcr oC I3orrowcr'+
<br />`j brcacl�of uny covenant or:igreemenl in the Securiry Instrumrnt,Borcowcr shall collcct anJ receive all rcnts and revenucs uf
<br /> .- .._.�_�.__._...�....�:...�i,..�,...,as;r.,E�� �nd�•r:�n�i Rorro�vcr. This u.�siamnent of nnts cun.tiwtes an ubaolut.: �.�signment
<br />:-� inc r�vy..n�w.o............. ..... ""-•'- -•-- - .
<br /> � und not an a�signment far udditional sccurat}•only.
<br /> If Lcndcr gives noticc nl'breach to Eiorro�vcr: (a) all rents rcecivcd by Bvirowcr�hall bc hcld by Borrowcr a�trustce
<br /> fur bencfit of[.cndc� only.co hti; npplicd io thc �umy �ccurcd by thc Sccmity Intitrumcnt: lbl Lcndcr +hall hc cntiticd tu
<br /> collu:t and r�ccivc:dl uf thc rcn��of tht Propcny: and (c)cach tcna:u uf thc I�ropcn}��h.�ll pay ;dl rcnts duc and�mpaid w
<br /> C.end�r or l.cncicr�agcnt im Lsndcr's�vriUcn dcmand to thc tcnant.
<br /> l�orrci«•cr has not executeJ any priot i��signtiitent ul'the ren�� and has not and�vill not perlin7n uny act that ���e�uld
<br /> prcv�:nt l.cndcr 1'rv�m cxcrci,ing its rights undcr this p,uugr.�ph IG.
<br /> � i.cnder�hul! nut bc r.ytnred w �nl�r upun. takc contro! uC ur maintain thc F'��uprrty hcfurc�rr attcr gi�•in� nuticc ui
<br /> Nrcach w Horru���cr. Hu�vcv�r. L�nder��r a�udici:dly uppointcd reccivcr may �u ,u :d any timc ttt�r� i� a brcach. Any
<br />^� applicutiun uf rcnts+lillll nut cun:ur�vai�•c N�y d�tiuuU or invulicliitc any othcr right or rcnuJy ul'Lcndrr. Thiti a,�ignmcnt uf
<br /> rents�if'�hc P�•upcny�I�all tcnninutc whcn thc debt�.ccurcd b>�thc Sccurity Imtriuncnt i�paid in lull.
<br /> r�,����•?���J p,ier��
<br />