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<br /> .JCIINT'rEt�ANGY W�AF��tA�17b' GE�Q `
<br /> RAINFQRTM L!luSITED FAMI6Y P�4RTN�RSHip,s Nsbr�nk�P�rtnerehip,QRAN4QR,whoth�r on�
<br /> or mare, in Gan�id�rNtlon nf Fifty Thouaand Thrw Hundred 5ixty T�nr� ��d 60/100 6�I��t�t
<br /> 1060,3ti2.60), recetpt uf which If I�ersby acknawl�d��d, canv�yr to RANDAL C. EIAIN�OWTH �nd
<br /> BONNY J. RAINFOHTN, hvi6and �nd wite, GF�►NTE�S, a�Jolnt Tenent�with rights of survivonhl�,
<br /> end not a� Tenante In Cemmon, the following described red eat�te (e�dsfirssd !n Neb. Rev. St�t.
<br /> Section ?8-aQ7)tn Hell County, �Jebreske:
<br /> A trect of land located in the Southeast Quarter ISEY.)of Sectfon 2fi,
<br /> Taw�a�ip 9 North, Re�ge 11 Wast of the 6th P.M., Hell County,
<br /> Nebroske. being deacribed ns tollowa: Cmmmancing at?the Northeest
<br /> C�rrter of ths Southeast Querter ISEY•1 of seld Sectton 26; thaRae S
<br /> Qp�Qp�(y�•!!!f(�!ee�smsd bearinQl elong 4he Eaat Itne ot said Southeast
<br /> ��iu�`�uT ivwi�i �.�r�M Im� �� N±� 4►��� �Iw ni A��nninno� 4hann� �
<br /> cnntinuing S 00° 00' 00'W elong seld East Iine 176.Q0 teet;thence
<br /> �l 80' QQ"00'W perpendl�ular to sald Eeat Ue�e 245.00 feet;2henco
<br /> N 00' 00'00"perellel vrith sald Eest line 176.00 foet; ti�ence S 90Q
<br /> 00' 00" E qerpendicular to seld� Eest Iine 245.00 f�ot to!he Place of
<br /> � Beginning contatning 0.98 acres oi whtch 0.13 ecres contalreed within
<br /> the East 33.00 feet 4hereof is presently being occupled by a public
<br /> rued,elso known es Lot Orse 11),Rainforth Subdivision, atract of land
<br /> located In the Southeast auerter tst�al ot �action �o, iownsnip 8
<br /> North, Range 11 West of the 6th P.M., Hell County, Nahreske;
<br /> r,�g,�tip3ipn of e�sement of inaress end earesa: A trect of lend located
<br /> in tha Southeast Querter (SEY�) of Section 25, Township 8 Narth,
<br /> Range 11 West of the 6th P.M.,Mell County.Nebra�ka befng desc�ibed
<br /> es followa: Commencing at the Nanheast Corner of the Southeast
<br /> Quertar(SEY.)of seid Section 26;thence S QO°00'00"W lessumed .
<br /> bearing)elong the Eest Ilne of sald Southeast Querte�(SEY•) 690.00
<br /> feet N 90°00'00'W perpendiculer to sald East Ifrte 33.Q0 fee4 to the
<br /> 7rue Plsce of Beglnninp; thence continuing N 90° 00• QO" W
<br /> perp�a�dlcular to se!d Eest line 212.00 feet; thence S 00°00' 00"W
<br /> perallel with said East line 30.00 fee4; thence S 90° 00' 00" E
<br /> psrpendiculer to seld East Iine 2y2.00 feet td tho County right-nf-way -
<br /> Iine;thence N 00°00'00'E along seid county right-of-way line 30.00
<br /> feot to the Placo of Beginning conteining 0.'IS 8Cf49.
<br /> Grentor covenants (Jobntly end severally,if more then anoj with the Grantees that Grantor:
<br /> (1) (s lawfully sefsed nf such repl estate end that it is free from encumbrances sub}act to
<br /> easemante, resarvett�ns, cove�ents and restrtctinns of record; �
<br /> d2) has legal power end lawful auYhority to convey the seme; -
<br />. (3} waresnts end will defend the title to the real e�tate epefnst the lowful clsims of all peesons. •
<br /> EXECU��1�: �A�rcLl Z .1995.
<br /> /0�.
<br />= Q ay: G ' p��
<br /> � Cherles W. Reinfort , (ieneral Partner
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