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<br /> :�*...;�i��:=�,_ � s���� � d�.���� ���
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<br /> • . �: :�I.ttic:i;t �.. �" ;)c..!e;;u; i t:rec°��r:c; „Ct:9 tlii:9 Y.:!�I1LC Ci;:'!-'.`1 tSer r���:t�1: . ...
<br /> , ....... - -.... ,
<br /> ......,. •. .,._..., '...:�..�...... . ., -
<br /> ,. ��:',?iril�C�s�'l�,;)"C��Y•'mi'!n`ftit°!!";��:�if+'ll!.Ht.'1_..
<br /> ..- . .--,.... - ��- - -° ° .
<br /> .-_.._.._.,.� !� ��, tir�...�. . . ;.
<br /> -_�� '�"�' . �xolurlvr of 1��1�rart w�W(iwtaetivr wv��scaa autt;uiiia�9�w�1n or::�fiia lcw�f�4,.e..:�::[f:); L��akf.a t��..:ai,c�:«�e.:. __.......,
<br /> -- - -= t'/IRAG�AFN 3tiAlG NS1T Cf��!lTiYU7E A CCMArM7At!'Nr Yb MAKe F�lN7t4�R WU ApWI'IflNll�.ADVAMJC�S IH AHY AMOUN�'AT AHV'71(414�,
<br /> -_-_—•��� =o)TM npayn»nt In tuM try Trwtotf�)of Ni�nx�u�ta�dvMeo�d by 8otwlbol+xy�t ita optbn,to a on MF�IP of TrunwH�l M{xotnrin wivwmn —
<br /> �uqwek�ell�Mn,In d� io�n�pr+�rtNnt1�1.a la�atMr Imwn�t(�)wh{ah rAd�no�wwh�dviww»��plw Inew�et on�il woh s�w�ww.qy�bi�
<br /> -�;�r�was;a���u e�pro+�W�d In tho notN�).lo�n�Nrrr�M(�l.or ulMr Irotrwr�ntU).
<br /> .,..
<br /> - ----�
<br /> __ _ :. _- -
<br /> ------ tAI Tf»F�yn»nt In fuM of�nY��M oiMr pwt.Pns�nr,or tucun.dinot a ooMinp�nt.d�bn and WrbiNqs+ of Tru�corta)ro il�n�Hotry ofi.ny
<br /> nNUn wMbwwr.
<br /> __-�� TAI�Trua4�d wiN b�dw Much Ot.�@1� ,or upon iM payrnMx fn(uM of MI wrrw Naind hK�ay. -
<br /> --
<br /> ---_"'--=,�- TruuaHs)ha�by w�►rw►ta th�t TruHor(�I hoid�tM rknpl�8tl�to tM obow dworib�d p►op�rey,that Treutorlsl Iw�pood and I�wtul wthoii�y to
<br /> '�g''�� � dsb and �no�xr�+a tM rrn�,t�t tIM prop�rty b tesa c:.d d�of si! N��nd�noun'i0r�na�. �xospt �naxrfinnaa�ot norxd, �nl th�t
<br /> � ������. Tnuto►(t) wiN w�rt�nt ad d�t�nd tf►r prop�tty.�!Tru�torU)���ntr, �t dl d�im�nq whwTnos�v�. Trweo���)allo h��by wa(vw�nd _
<br /> - �_ tNlnqui�M+W�ipht�of dow�r,homatNd,di�trlbutlw��Mt�,�nd sx�mpNon In u�d to tM�trow dnorilaed�xo�iy.
<br /> ---R".,c"r�`�;"�� ThlftofM�MIfI�ad1 Of!MT fiK111N 601NM11M MIA 0/�M�YYM�I MfNI{OINr M IONOYW7
<br /> :�---�.slCt�.
<br /> .��wH�i, —
<br /> ti.�:1..�".��., 1. To pry dl Wen�,fud9rn�nt�.ov otl»r�ua+a�mant�rpUrtat tM ptoporty. wd to p�y wh�n du�dl Nte��m�,tuu�,nnn.fM�,o►chw'qw
<br />�;?�f.���°" upo�tM Rrop�rty or under any I�u�,portnit,No�nw.o�prl�Al�p�NNpn�d to B�rNiklary M�ddiUonst ucudry to thi�Trurt[}�rd.Ie�okMfi�p --
<br /> `�^-'�_'�• thora M a on pubNo daruin. ��-_
<br /> _ =�,.�•=-r��
<br /> �:ti'"'���:�
<br /> -:::;�i,.� 2. �o Irtsun Mtd k��in�ur�d Euiidinps��d c�tM►tmprov�nb Includinp flxtu�N�nd rtt�ehtn�nU�oen on ot henah�r pl�c�d an ths prapttty _
<br /> : ;'�;;,•��. ta tho uUHc-atlon of B�n�HW�ry. 3uch I�uunnc�wW b��pprowd by�t�d dopu�it�d witn B�rNrdwy,� �d n dur::�.v�th iaa p:vcbte c�:u:a ra �_
<br /> =.;.4 3;;.�,i, Bon�4idsry. A�y wrrM so rw�IvW by[AneRd�ry a�ay b�uNd to p�y tor r�oorntruotlon oi the deaVOy�d ler�p�ow,rnenco or il not_���.�11�m��.- �:
<br /> ..�,.-- •..� •. b��ppN�d.�t tM optlon of B�nYTid�ry.in paym�nt of�ny Ind�bt�dt»q tnstund or umiatur�d�roursd by tN�Tmft W�d.
<br />-� .�__� 3. To kNp�SI buildinp�, fixtur„.QttwirrNnt�,Ma oth�r impravwrwnio rww on or Mraattar piaa�d on tiN property ocoupiad aixl t��y�oct u�prdr, �- �.-
<br />_�--`�_ - .`�:�;� T�IIIL�IINIQ���nd aoodidon�e10 to nNther aommft ner p�rtnit�ny�ou ui was��er�ny i�wmaui vi ii��wuv vi u�o yivyvdy. �.i.i.vuwM�:�s� -.... --
<br /> ent�r upon th�property Ro Insp�ot th��rne or to pFAoan any�ot�wthoriz�d h�nin or in th�lo�n asr�xnent(e). ___. .---
<br /> ' ' � ''.'�• 4. In tM �wnt Ttustor(�I f�fl�co pay�ny Ii�m.JudprtwnU, sete��nt�,tex�s. nnv,f�s�, or oh�rq�s or mNnt�n �ny Irnunna�on th�
<br /> Pro¢��ty4 buildinp�,flxtur�r.�tt�otm�nt�,or krprov�nt���provid�d h�rNn or in th�loan�pr��nt(�).E3rr»flctwy,rt Ib op8on,rtMy m�kv _�._
<br /> woh p�/mmU or provid�In�unna�, m�tntenarto�,or ropain and�ny�mount�p+ld tMafor�nriN b�aom�p�rt of ti�pdnoip�l ind�bt�dr»a ____
<br /> .• �.� s�cured Mr�by�M km�diat�iy dw�nd payabl��nd b�v i�t�r�si a:iiw Ga�:uS2 r:ta p:ct�`��in!h�na•a::)fr_m th-dese of peynx�M unW p�{d. .--__-__
<br /> ,.,,,, TIN�dwna�nt by B�r»ficlary ot�ny wah�mounU wlll!�no muonv limit ttw rlpht of B�n�flolary to dwlare Ttustoti�)�n d�f,wtt or sx�rdM �___
<br /> „ �ny o!B�raBoisry's othe►dpht��nd nm�di��.
<br /> 6. ief tt��v�nt Wn�t�¢t�ry ia�party eo�ny iitiaadon aif�oany irn prop�riy or i6s ii�n ui ai::T�a::tS:�:.,i.-.�.:.:�1��a}i aaCaes's��.°...�.�:.'!..�!a =-'-_-
<br /> �nfa�n�thls Tru�t D�d a�ny�u(t(n whtch B�n�flcisry b namnl�d�f�ndmt ilnducQrq oond�mn�tlon�nd bsnkrupt�y proo�sdinp�)B�rnfloi�ry �,;__.
<br /> rrNy lnour�xpsmss rnd advana p�ym�nt�tor�bstraot h�s,�ttorn�ys f��s(to ths�xt�nt dlow�d by I�wl,cou�,sxpmc��,�pprdsd tae�,�nd (?�_�
<br /> � otMr chsrpes snd any�rnount�so alvanced wiN beaorr»part oi tM pdnclpM I�drbt�nss��ecured h�reby,bs tnwnsdl�tMy due�nd peyabN�nd
<br /> bnr int�nst�t th�a�twit rab provSQYd in tM not�t�)from tM d�ts of�dvanc�until pdd. ',��R
<br /> �'.W=�
<br /> e. A�y�ward�md�to Trustor4s)or their suoces�on by tM�xsrcis�of smin�nt damei�u�Mnby�sstpned to Bsn�flcirry;e�d B�n�ftdary fs =—
<br /> h�nby wthoriz�d to coll�ct�od�ppiy tff�san�in p�ym�nt of any Indebtedn�u,metun or ur�tw�d,e�eur�d by thl�Trust Owd. =.-a�`
<br /> N,tix��,
<br /> a
<br /> ' 7. In tM �wnt Tru�tor(�)dofMatt�in tM p�ym�nt wMn du� of eny wm��vsund h�nby fp�incfpN,Int�r�n,�dwraansem, or protsotir�
<br /> , �dv�ncesl. or f�ilo to p�dorm or ob��rvs �ny oov�nana �M oondidon�oont�(r»d Mr�in, I� tM notel�I, to�n �re�n»nt(�}, or My otMr . _
<br /> Imwrn�nt�,or�ny procMdin{p i�btoupht by or�p�in�t Tru�tor(s)und�r sny B�tikruptay I�ws,B�n�ffcisry,�t In option,may d�cik�tM�nUn ,,
<br /> „ ind�bt�dn���a�our�d h�reby to b�Irtun�diatMy du��nd pay�bl��nd the wiwl�wiii b���int�vat�t tfN d�twlt r�t���providsd in tIH not�ftl ,
<br /> •nd�n�tici�ry mey Imnwdiat�ly wthodi�Trustae to�xeraiw tl»Pow�r of S�I�pnnt�d h�r�ln in tM msrin�r provid�d in tM N�brwk�T�u�t
<br /> DNds Aat,or,aR tM opfdon of tl►�B�r►�Flciary,rr�y tor�clo��th�Tru�t D�ed I�th�m�nn�r providsd by I�w tor the for�clo�ur�of mort�p�s on ,
<br /> ' n�prop�rty,Includinp tM�ppof�trn�nt o}�Reosiv�r upon ex parts�pplfeaHon,noUo�bNnp her�by��r�ssly waiv�d, without��p�rd to tM
<br /> vatu�ot th�prop�rty ot tM�uMcienUy thereof to di�oharqs tM indsbtednen�wund hsnby ot in thx fo�n�awxnentl�). Oelsy by Ei�rnfloi�ry
<br /> in exercianp!t�tiphtr upon datwit wfil not b�aonstrusd a��wetver tMaof end�ny�ot of B�n�fini�ry w�vinp�ny�Evcifl�d d�fwit wiN not b� �
<br /> ' '� �' conat�u�d u�waiwr of�ny futun d�f�ult. 1}tle�proa��d�under suoh tal�or for�do�u��u�ir�ufficl�nt to pay tlw totd itvJ�bt�dr»����cur�d
<br /> hsreby,Truatarlml do hs:eby aptaa to ba paron�ly bound to pay tho uno�iol betenoo,end Bensficlery wftl be andUad to e dsflclsnoy judgm�nt.
<br /> ' • ,�.T 8. Should B�r»ficiery sl�ot to�xerci��th�Pow�r o}Sal�yrantod h�r�in,B�n�Tialary wiil nodfy Tru�te�who will reoord,publi�h,and dellvar to I
<br /> Trwtor(t)�uoh Notia�of O�f�vit�nd NoUce of Sal�a�th�n teyuind by lew�nd will ln th�menn��provided by law, ��II ths prop�►ty�t tM Um�
<br /> and p1we of sal�fixd in th�Notice of Sd�, oither e�e whot�or ln o�pa�t�lots,peroat�, or itsm� and in woh ordsr ea Truste�will do�m
<br /> � ��ed3ent. Any p�nan m�y bid et tAe ssle I�cludinp Tru�tor(d,Tru�ts�,or Bsnefieiary. I �
<br /> 9. Tru�tor(�)MrWy request�a copy ot eny Nodc�of Defeulc or Notloe ot S�Ie Mteuod�r to be mail�d by oertif�ed mal to Truetor(e)�t tM i
<br /> • eddrm�(es)eet torth hereln.
<br /> 70. blpon dsfeult,f3enefiefary,either i�p�rson or by epant, with or without brinQfnp eny�otlon or ptoo��dinv�nd wfth or without te�rd to the �
<br /> :� . valus ot th�prop�rhj or th�suffiaianoy thereof to disohupe th�lixlebt�dnes�s�cured henby,ir wthori=�d��d�ntitled to enter upon end t�Its �
<br /> • potrs�slon of the propsety In it�own n+m�or in the nams of the Truste�end do eny aat�or��snd�ny�um�It doame n�c�as�ry or da�Er�hi�
<br /> to prot�at or pnrsrve th�vaitt�of the propsrty or aoy Intsrast tnsnin,or I�on�u th�incom�t�arotrom;end with or�ritAoat tdcinp posf�sfion �
<br /> " � of the propaty Is wtht�Pi2Yd to sue fo�or otM�wito oollsot tM nnto,Is�u�s,orops,proHt�,�nd inaom�th��iof,Inciudtnp tho�e pa�t due end ;
<br /> unp�id,�nd�pply the tams upon any Ind�btednes�s�oured hersby or In th�loan�pnem�ntbl. � •
<br /> . .. No tem�dy Mnin oont�rred upon or re��rosd to Trustee or 0en�fiolary is int�nd�d to be�xciuefw of any other remsdy her�in or by law �
<br /> •� provid�l ov y�m�ttt�d,but��nh vrill be eumul�tiv�,wfll be in�dditian to every othe�remedy Qivan hereunder or now or I�ereottar exiad�p et law
<br /> or in equity ot by st�tute,�nd m�y b�ex�rafs�d ooncu�rsntly,lndepenelsndy ot tuoo�attvely. �:';�_
<br /> 11. Trustot(s)aaknowledpes thet the duiies end ohlipotione of 7ruetee wiil be determined eolety by ths expreas proviafo�e of thie Trust Deed or ' �
<br /> • th�N�Qre�ke 7rust 33�ad�Aot ond Tru�tee will no2 be liabtm axaept for th�perlotmsno�of euoh duUes end o�lipetlone ee ere epocifioally ast
<br /> ' ' forth thereln,and no implied oovensnt�ot obli8afions will be impoeed upon Tru�tee;Trustee will not 6e lieble for eny ocUon by it in poad 4c�i4i�
<br /> ... , • eod ree�onebiy bdieved by it to be euthorfzod or wlthin the dborotion ot dghU of powen nontarred upon It by tN�T►utt Ueed m�tnts law.
<br /> `.:�._ • ........._ .. ......._ .....
<br /> :, • _ 12 74a intaprity and roeponcibllity of Ttustor(s)om�atltutee�port of ths aonetderation for th�oblips4ldn�oeoured horsby. Shou1�7'tuttar(d
<br /> . .---_._-_. _ ,rr.......
<br /> _ __..---�---- -� - ---...........--`--- "-
<br /> �- eNl. nenitsi.o►oom7y tn�pioperty oasortow naran. manoui fmvr�rncim cor�m o� wrm�mery.w•�e�sw �i.w apw�nrnq v�nw.an. ��-___
<br /> ,- � e�Ute Indebtedm�s imnddistely due end payable end may proc�ed!n the�ntoroanent of k�dQht�ea onj��i"P'dihull:�"`""(;: r '
<br /> ., f �.a a...r ��•,��• ��, `�i�. �� ,
<br /> 73. A�oiprwn�nt of R�nt�includinp Procsodf af Mineral Lear�s. Tru�toNo1 9mqfby enipns, tnn�t�ry�m v��i���4t�e�r�r�nt�,
<br /> � royaltfa, bcnus�r,and d�l�y monsy�o►other proaeeda th�t mry from Urne to Ume beoom�due e f �y�{��Q� •�t�t�'t3�ss or
<br /> undmt eny ofl,pes,prevel,rock,or other minerel leare of eny kirxi Inuludinfl Q�otherm�l resou�oe�now exi��'1CYi�IR Tter oomo into
<br /> � exl�tene�, oov�rinp tIN prop�ny or eny pert thveot. All �uch eum�oo roosfved by Ben�flcf�ry will dYa'�iQ�_tiO3Ai�Xndet►T�dnn� uoursd
<br /> hereby;or Benefiel�ry, �t its optton, may turn ovar end deliver tu Truntorls)or their euooewsors in inl�fiM,��it�tlM�rik�f cuch aum� without
<br /> prejudics to eny uf B�neficlsry'� ripAt�to tdcs end retNn future�ums,er►d without projudiae t�eny of Iis othet riphta under thl�T►ust Deed. ,
<br /> ' Thl���dgnrt►snt will be oonstrued to bs e provisio�fo�the payment or reduotion of th�debt,oubjeot ta the Ben�fiaiary'�option a�her�inb�fore
<br /> provided, indep��dent o!tAn lien oo the propetty. Upon payment fn tuii of the debt end the renonveyance of thia Tiuet Dead of reoord, thie
<br />._' • eteEanment wili becom�inoparoUve and o}no furtt�er foros snd effsat.
<br />- �
<br />�.- � � .
<br />_ . � �lp N:0004GOS4; Rimary Cwtom�r iD N:OOU�0184; CiF N:38334 L�pd Dao.Datr May 31,ty96
<br /> ., •FCSM 6011 Truet De�d eM At�ipnment ot Reete Pepe 2
<br />� ,. ---
<br />